Category Archives: Right Wing Media

What Progressives Fail to Understand: This Is War

If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.

-Sun Tzu

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.

-Ezra Pound

While America continues along the evolution into an authoritarian, fascist state that stands for nothing more than eternal war, upwards redistribution of wealth and the eradication of the social safety net it is imperative that progressives understand one thing – this is and always has been a war. The opposition, being the thug Republican right-wing machine that has seized the levers of control of the state has realized this from the outset and their victories have been legion. Despite the premature victory celebrations and naïve triumphal spirit after the 2008 election of Barack Obama amongst the sad detritus that passes for the “left” in this new American century it should be obvious to all but the most myopic and steeped in denial that nothing has really changed. The Democrats, a failed and compromised political party that long ago left behind any semblance of decency, concern for the working class, liberalism and morality have after only a brief period of holding huge governing majorities capable of enacting real change crumbled, without so much as a whimper. Obama came into office, riding a wave of energized voters, a crackerjack efficient political machine and a mandate, yes a mandate to set things right after eight years of rule by the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil. It is all gone now, timorousness (and amateurish bungling) on the part of the new president, cowardice among the Democrats in Congress and a series of mind-boggling capitulations, retreats and triangulations somehow allowed a fascist political party in the Republicans, seemingly discredited only two years earlier and on the ropes to regain the initiative and control of the government Not only did the Republicans seize control of Congress but it did so with a with a newly energized wave of monstrous animosity, racism and riding upon a pale white horse named blood revenge that the new wave was determined to leave their enemies with nothing but their eyes to cry with.

That the fascist Republicans were able to so easily set the agenda during the first two years of the Obama administration leading up to the “shellacking” suffered by the Pope of Hope in November 2010 should surprise nobody. The chronically weak and pathetic leadership of the Senate by Harry Reid , the former boxer turned politician was instrumental in the failures to attain even minimal change and one has to wonder exactly what forces truly drive the agenda of the one time Nevada Gaming Commissioner. Obamacare, is an abject joke, a backdoor giveaway to the blood-sucking insurance industry parasites who now have the power of the state backing them to strong-arm Americans into buying their overpriced, crappy product but it is what valuable time, energy and political capital was wasted on. With the Senate already being a collection of largely corrupt, venal, pompous and entitled tools of banks, corporations, the military and in at least one highly visible case Israel it was simple to ensure that no meaningful health care reform would ever be created, given that the top Senator in charge of the legislation was one Max Baucus who was in the hip pocket of the health care industry it was all a charade. The selling out of America has become a bipartisan effort and campaign cash or in layman’s terms bribery is the coin of the realm. With the thorough hijacking of the political system by big money, a stacked judiciary and a Supreme Court that has even less respect for the U.S. Constitution than George W. Bush with their landmark Citizen’s United decision to further enable the buying of government by plutocrats and corporations, backed by a media machine that peddles lies, sensationalism and legitimizes dangerous highly paid demagogues as though their ‘opinions’ actually are serious we simply must admit that the game has already been lost. The extreme right-wing, being big money, energy and finance cartels, avaricious corporations and their millions of shock troops brainwashed by a bizarre doppelganger dogma of Christianity along with the twenty percent or so in the society who are authoritarian personality types have near total control now and are soon coming for the rest of it.

That the left and progressives have failed and failed miserably is not shameful, especially when understanding the decades long, enormously costly and coordinated with military style precision efforts to thoroughly destroy all meaningful change that has occurred in America since the early 20th Century. To comprehend the concerted effort to undermine New Deal programs and liberal ideals one must first realize that the spawn of the Robber Barons never went away gracefully into the good night after hard-fought and often costly in terms of life and liberty wins by organized labor. Despite the decades long onslaught of predatory capitalist propaganda the unions that helped to build this country into an economic powerhouse with a middle class that was the envy of the civilized world, a progressive education system, a mighty infrastructure and public institutions that actually acted in the interests of the American people and the betterment of the society as a whole. When you see the smoldering wreckage that we have been reduced to in 2011, thanks to he hijacking of the system by fascists, the decimation of organized labor, the assault on public education, rampant historical revisionism and the erosion of our public institutions by right-wing termites eating away from within it is hard to suppress the urge to vomit.

The war that so many denied even existed has been lost and the primary reason why it has been lost is that liberals and progressives have failed to realize that it was always a war in the first place. Not only a class war but also a war against American freedoms, values and basic human dignity. It took decades to destroy the country and it would be magical thinking to believe that it isn’t going to take decades to beat back the fascists and take the country back, many of us will not see the completion of this in our lifetimes but it is time to organize and to begin the formation of a resistance. The political system is no longer functional, we live in a failed state that has succumbed to the cancer of fascism, writing letters to Congress, wasting time on boycotts, engaging in internet campaigns with the self-centered, ipad wielding twerps that congregate at grand galas of collective masturbation like Netroots Nation and carrying signs in the streets does not work. It is time to fight back, as the writer and social activist Chris Hedges says: “We will be saved only with the birth of a new militant radicalism, one that defies all formal power structures including the Democratic party.”

It is time to find a stomach for a donnybrook, the time for debate and hope for change at the ballot box has passed, the corruption is too deeply entrenched and there is too damned much at stake for anything less. As I previously stated, the right-wing and the fascist fifth columnists have ALWAYS treated the battle for America as a WAR, as arch-conservative political activist Ralph Reed once remarked: “I want to be invisible. I do guerilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don’t know it’s over until you’re in a body bag. You don’t know until election night.” 

“Give me just two or three men in a village and I will take the village.”

-Mao Tse-tung

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism.

-Henry A. Wallace

Part II: A Rigged Game

Make no mistake about it that the attack on progressive and traditional liberal ideals in this country has been a long running, ideologically fueled, dog eat dog jihad dating back to at least the era of the despised “class traitor” Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal policies. The pigs who run this filthy sty, many of them descended from elitist stock have opposed every bit of social and labor progress that was won at such a cost by our forebears. There were once Americans who organized and did so at great risk of injury, imprisonment and their very lives who fought to implement a system that eventually resulted in a strong middle class, largely the result of the clout of the labor unions, unions that are now in the final stages of eradication. That such progress was allowed to be rolled back to the darkest days of worker exploitation and the excess of rapacious greed that thrives in an unequal society is our enduring tragedy, that it was done without a fight is our enduring shame. Now in 2011 the final stages of the great dismantling are to borrow a treasured propaganda nugget of a corrupt media – picking up steam. The ongoing battle over raising the debt ceiling is garbage as is the sudden panic over the national credit card and the deficit, none of the swinish squealers who bleat in phony sanctimony about “the future of our children” gave a rat’s ass when the Bush administration had the national credit card and was maxing it out like a stoned teenager on ruinous wars, tax cuts for the rich and giveaways to the financial fraudsters whose worthless mortgage backed securities and derivative instruments blew a hole in the economy. The real goal of the “new normal” and the crushing austerity that will be enforced is to eliminate what remains of Roosevelt’s New Deal and Johnson’s Great Society programs. They are coming for Social Security and Medicare and as the brilliant social critic George Carlin pegged it dead bang in one of his most scathing rants The American Dream:

And, now, they’re coming for your Social Security. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all, sooner or later, because they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.”

The intention of the fascist looter class has always been to impose a new feudalism on those who are not in “the big club”.  The great wars of the 20th Century provided the oligarchy with the cover needed to dismantle dissent and movements for economic justice in this country. With the Woodrow Wilson administration determined to feed Americans into the charnel house that was Europe during World War I, a conflict that the United States had no business being involved in and that made industrialists and Wall Street speculators obscenely rich there was the Espionage Act of 1917 (currently in the process of being revamped in order to use against Wikileaks’ Julian Assange) and the Sedition Act of 1918. Promulgated by the state to stomp on criticism of the blessed war the power of the state was marshaled into also putting down the hated by the establishment American  Socialists, notable Eugene Debs who was imprisoned for his blasphemy of the capitalist war machine. The laws were used to justify the rounding up, persecution and deportation of radical leftists, notably during the Palmer Raids by an already thoroughly rotten to the core Justice Department.  The economic collapse triggered by criminal plunderers on Wall Street leading to the Great Depression eventually led to the social reforms of Roosevelt and their institutionalization. World War II, “the good war” fought by “the greatest generation” was sold as a great conflict of good versus evil for the fate of the future of human civilization itself but the war was essentially a clash of empires with the greatest spoils being won by the United States of America. Few bother to consider the hypocrisy of destroying the devil that was Hitler through an alliance with a man who was possibly an even greater tyrant, mass-murderer and evil incarnate that was Josef Stalin.

When the war was over and much to the delight of the looter class, Roosevelt finally dead, it was a seamless transition to carve up the spoils and then turn on Stalin, he was on longer useful as an ally but would provide a malevolent figurehead for the enduring menace that was Communism, a true enemy of fascism and would be used as blanket justification for the wars, witch hunts, bloated defense budgets and societal transformation until the day when the U.S.S.R. imploded. The 1950s saw the decimation of the remnants of the real left with the inspiration for today’s debauched harassment of MuslimsMcCarthyism. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (likely a personal hero of current fascist Governor Scott Walker) holding hearings, law abiding Americans being harassed into taking loyalty oaths, the carnival of perversion that was the red-baiting House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) serving as a vehicle for a vicious, conniving shit named Richard M. Nixon to slime his way into power by publicly kicking in the spleen of a needed blood sacrifice named Alger Hiss. Nixon’s trademark shamelessness and anti-Commie demagogy greatly contributed to the rise of a virulent, flag-swaddled fascism that was exemplified in the John Birch Society and the new wealth of the western sunbelt. This toxic movement would vomit up Ronald Wilson Reagan, the avatar of a savagely anti-American fifth column who to this day is canonized as a saint, the Lenin figurehead for the great revolution of which we now find ourselves as victims of as it nears the endgame.

The tumultuous 1960s with the heinous atrocity of the Vietnam War following the brutal and still unsolved assassination of President John F. Kennedy would prove to be a boon to the fascists, especially those that are now concentrated in the Republican party. The Civil Rights Movement would ensure that unrepentant racists, especially southerners would shun the Democratic party for generations, the chicken-fried version of bastardized Christianity would act as an accelerator and preserve the region for the GOP for going on four decades now. The antiwar movement was a bonus and during the political resurrection of Richard Nixon that culminated in his 1968 election until his fall a young ideological media wizard named Roger Ailes would ensure that the social upheaval that marked the era would be given a black face or adorned with hippie beads and peace signs. The 1960s were going to be the last time that the establishment would ever be confronted with a serious threat to the status quo and the lessons of that era were well learned by the fascist right. The revolt against the war and the demand for economic and social justice just may have succeeded were it ever to be allowed to have serious leadership. The movement was efficiently and mercilessly decapitated in little more than two months in 1968 when both Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were both conveniently taken out, victims of the same sort of “lone nut” that always is able to circumvent security, escape surveillance and show up at the exact optimal moment of opportunity when a threat to the status quo has to be eliminated.

The Vietnam War, social unrest associated with it and later the Watergate scandal that brought down Nixon, the at the time high priest of politics as war set the stages for the crusade against social justice that would follow. The fascist right-wing and American big business fully understood the importance of controlling the media, Ailes taught Nixon of the potent tool of television, a medium that had yet to explode into its full potential as a method of social indoctrination and brainwashing as it did with the advent of cable and satellite technology. The 24/7, hundreds of channels television revolution would nicely coincide with the coronation of Ronald Reagan as America’s founding father, hell, how could anyone ever imagine anyone else being president? The Powell Memorandum, which laid out the blueprint for the media takeover and establishment of propaganda organs and “policy” organizations, known as think tanks was already being implemented. The post-Vietnam era saw the creation of a legitimized network of institutions devoted solely to ensuring that corporate power and those who would be tools of the oligarchy would be served. Nixon was a master at exploiting the resentments of others, of pushing the right buttons, of lies and scurrilous attacks that pitted American vs. American that would come to define the future of American politics. I highly recommend the great book Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Rick Perlstein to those who may be interested in a fascinating chronicle of the Nixon years that birthed the present.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the most prominent of the right-wing think tanks was funded by money from Robber Baron descendent Richard Mellon Scaife and the John Birch Society influenced Coors family. The Manhattan Institute was founded by longtime Wall Street/CIA/OSS figure William Casey. The Cato Institute was founded by the Koch Brothers (their great family fortune came from building oil refineries for Stalin) whose longtime influence is only now finally coming to light. Cato was a part of a fascist right-wing project to clean up libertarianism, transforming it in the public eye from a loose collection of true anarchists, antiwar and anti-state, pot smoking, free spirits who had to be brought to heel to promote the true party agenda which would mirror Koch and the other plutocrats’ financial interests.  These 1970s organizations joined the already established American Enterprise Institute, a prolific pro-war, looter capitalist advocacy snakepit along with all of it’s Neocon spinoffs, The Hoover Institute , The John M. Olin Foundation and a myriad of others, tentacles of the fascist right-wing octopus. Rather than get bogged down in this particular area I would refer readers to the fine David Brock book entitled The Republican Noise Machine: Right Wing Media and How itCorrupts Democracy. Brock heads up one of the lone the progressive counterparts in the hated Media Matters for America, a watchdog group so loathed by the right-wing that it has been demonized incessantly on the Rupert Murdoch terrorist FOX network. Brock by the way is no stranger to right-wing lowball dirty tactics and strategy, he was a former operative who developed a conscience and joined the battle against fascism. Brock is also gay and was ostracized by the virulent elements of the GOP who years later likely rue the day that they persecuted the wrong man.

The most dangerous as well as the most secretive of the think tanks is the Council For National Policy. The CNP, is where the shadow government types or to those who on the left who may be typically squeamish of such a term – the intelligence agency rogues, the ends justify the means types who waged the dirty wars against the commie devils in Southeast Asia and Central and South America joined forces with John Birch Society veterans, big Texas oil money, right-wing media moguls and Christian theocrats. Real hard-liners such as General John Singlaub and Lt. Colonel Oliver North joined other ‘luminaries’ such as Nelson Bunker Hunt, the right wing beer magnate Coors Family, Paul Weyrich, Edwin Meese, Jesse Helms, Phyllis Schafly, revered by teabagger swine Glenn Beck’s idol Cleon Skoussen and a roster of members continually updated to include influential right-wingers of the day, and movement types as John Ashcroft, Grover Norquist, DeVos Family members including mercenary kingpin Erik Prince, Birther propagandist Joseph Farah, Rick Santorum and even possibly even former DHS head Michael Chertoff  the man who has been instrumental in putting naked body scanners into the hands of authoritarian, sexual molester TSA goons in our national airports who was a prominent speaker at a CNP gathering in 2006 along with North, John Bolton and Robert Bork. Unfortunately, the current member list is guarded like the crown jewels themselves and the organization shuns questioners. 

The fascist Republican takeover of America could not have been successful without a militant, dedicated army of activists and shock troops. Before there the phony grass roots corporate media darling Tea Party existed there was the mobilization of the true believers that are the Religious Right – America’s own Taliban. CNP was founded by the Reverend Timothy LaHaye, the creator of the Rapture death cult bible that is the multi-million dollar franchise of the Left Behind series and eerily seems to be adaptable to promote a crusader’s view of the Middle East and the need to promote the policies of Israel and the American empire’s control of the key oil producing regions. Joining LaHaye is a who’s who of Christian zealots, the late Rousas J. Rushdoony, widely acknowledged as the father of Christian Dominionism, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer and D. James Kennedy. The CNP and the think tank networks are little understood by most progressives and liberals who still believe that change can be effected at the ballot box, they know nothing of the organizational structure that they are up against in a war for America. The CNP by the way vetted and gave their blessing to Sarah Palin as John McCain’s 2008 Republican party presidential  running mate. The Council For National Policy seems to be far more than a think tank, it smacks of being the serpent’s head of a serious fifth column fascist element, the presence of Singlaub and North, both no strangers to black ops would seem to give that idea some credence, much deeper investigation of this organization needs to be undertaken, I would refer readers to this recent piece by Robert Parry: The GOP’s CIA Playbook: Destabilize Country toSweep Back Into Power.

Rather than further spend time on the fascist right-wing infrastructure I am not going to bother with the thoroughly controlled and corrupt corporate media, this in and of itself presents the largest obstacle to any sort of derailing of the fascist juggernaut. Following the model established by Father Charles Coughlin the fascist right hit it big with Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, his hectoring demagoguery was broadcast to tens of millions at the crucial time when the early stages of Reagan’s dismantling of the system had to be sold. There was nothing like the pigman’s rubbing salt into the raw wounds of those whose farms had been busted out, whose lives who had been destroyed and who were easily duped into finding scapegoats in order to protect those who were responsible. Limbaugh bred an industry of strident electronic hatemongers who fulfilled the warning of the reviled liberal former WW II era Vice President Henry A.Wallace:
The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy. They use isolationism as a slogan to conceal their own selfish imperialism. They cultivate hate and distrust of both Britain and Russia. They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.

With the aforementioned Powell Memorandum stressing the importance of the control of the media to control the future of America this mission has been accomplished, give a big assist to neoliberal Bill Clinton and his Telecommunications Act of 1996 for the dismantling and consolidation spree that has allowed for the majority of Americans to be woefully under informed and mesmerized by lurid local stories foisted as great national crises while the country is gutted by the fascists. There may yet be some hope that the Rupert Murdoch media empire will take a big hit with the still breaking British hacking scandal, a rancid illustration of the collusion of government figures with kingmakers like Murdoch but despite tactics that undoubtedly pale next to what FOX and other components of the right-wing Republican machine are doing in America. With new revelations on the attempted exploitation of 9/11 victims phone calls this could be a spear jammed into the belly of the beast but it is not likely to get much play in our media. There will always be another dead child, sex scandal or ginned up terrorist plot to deliver the electronic opiate to the masses of asses, and perhaps NFL season will soon open after the union has been busted – move along, there’s nothing to see here.

The fascist right-wing and the corporate state have already won, our political system has been reduced to nothing more than political theatre and an ongoing duel between two criminal entities in the full blown fascist Republicans and the fascist lite Democrats to control the spoils system and obtain the regal privilege of being the ones that get to yoke the slaves and deliver them to the man.Were the RICO laws to ever be seriously enforced then the two money parties and their Wall Street and corporate owners would be targeted, then that would be in a society that respects the rule of law, unfortunately we don’t live in one.

There is no hope to dismantle this machine, it’s even money that it will self-destruct though but not until every last bit of blood is extracted from the average American, every bone has been ground to provide sustenance to the machine and then there is the high-tech, militarized police state that has been constructed since September 11, 2001 to deal with matters once it happens. At this point it is no longer anything but a silly fantasy to expect that the system can be changed through the calculatedly eroded process that was once called democracy, too much damage has been done for too long a period. America is in a very dark place today, it is not often that I am in agreement on anything at all with the Neocons but I must say that their intellectual father Leo Strauss was onto something when he blamed liberal Weimar Germany and the feckless opposition to the Nazis for the horrors that would follow, he was right. Philosopher Karl Popper hit the target as well:

“If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” 

The time has come for progressives to realize that this is war, always has been war and their naivete to realize this has led us to this point.

Let the resistance begin. 

I don’t want to get any messages saying, “I am holding my position.” We are not holding a Goddamned thing. Let the enemy do that. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy’s balls. We are going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy. We are going to go through him like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!

-General George S. Patton

Part III: Fighting Back

I have long drawn much scorn from those who should have been allies during my affiliation with the ‘left’, those who insist on never lowering themselves to the levels of those that seek to destroy them, they would still be arguing that even as they were on the cattle cars being trucked to the gas showers. I have long advocated for a counterattack against the fascists on their own terms, they understand nothing other than raw aggression, eye for an eye, frontier style ‘justice’. You cannot reason with them, especially those who are the zealots that comprise the shock troops, the brownshirts, the rabble and the street thugs. They need to be dealt with in the harshest of manner and if the time comes they need to be met with an appropriate level of violence that they themselves are fully prepared to use. There is really no other way, as an old Marxist acquaintance of mine liked to say, “you don’t debate fascists, you destroy them”, the fascist right, outside of their pederast style obsession with cannibalistic capitalism feared the unions because they understood this and confronted power with power. Were the real left still around today instead of the namby pamby collection of weaklings, sissies. utopian talkers and bleeding heart types that comprise the ‘left’ we would not have been overrun and crushed by sociopaths and their goons. As I previously referenced Neocon Leo Strauss he did understand one thing, that you cannot negotiate with those who would just as soon use your skull for a salad bowl. I encountered this failure to come to terms with this most basic of facts in terms of our current situation far too often with those of otherwise good intent who refused to view contemporary America in historical terms, particularly in comparison with Nazi Germany. I am fully aware of Godwin’s Law damning Nazi analogies and to me it’s just more of the same lame liberal bullshit. Not only are the Nazi’s the predecessors of today’s American fascists, specifically those who fly the Republican party’s bloody red flag perfect examples for the obvious reasons but everyone knows who the Nazis were and other comparisons would be wasted on ignoramuses such as those who are commonplace in Der Homeland circa 2011. Sadly too many of them are also entirely ignorant of the level of complicity that capitalist American interests including prominent industrialists and Wall Street bankers had in the building of Hitler’s death machine, that is going to have to wait for another time though. 

While I detest Neoconservatism and it’s merger of worship of the warfare state, it’s manipulation of religion, fear and nationalism in order to justify conquest and oppression both abroad and at home I find a good deal of merit in Strauss’s argument that it was liberalism that failed to halt the Nazi horror by not confronting it on it’s own remorseless rules of engagement while the movement was still nascent. Were the populist anger that was masterfully harnessed by Hitler and his minions been redirected back against his death cult with white hot vengeance how much suffering could have been averted? Human nature is not virtuous and good and beneath a very thin veneer lurks a pitch black innate need for destruction, an instinct in which survival trumps all else and the inconvenient truths of human history have proven time and again that our better angels will ultimately be overcome by our internal demons. History is also not linear, history repeats itself but never in exactly the same way and there will likely never be any sort of a murderous state that will be as ostentatious in it’s cruelty and cult mentality like the Nazis ever again. But the similarities are there between Weimar Germany and the America of the new century, the economic futility, the failed political system, the eroded civil liberties, the codification of torture, the disembowelment of the Constitution, the pollution of the judiciary, the militarizing of the national mind, the need for an enemy and most importantly of all, a right-wing movement already in a high state of readiness that is only awaiting their very own Führer.

But I Digress…..

With my differences with many progressives and liberals already well documented it was with much surprise that when on one of the radio shows that I listen to on a fairly regular basis, a regular caller got it. During the Bob Kincaid Show on the HORN, which stands for the Head On Radio Network (brilliant radio, listen and if you like it please kick a few bucks into the kitty for these people who are fighting the good fight, they need to pay the bills) on June 14th at around the 1 hr 19 min mark David in Maine, a cutting edge thinker hit the mark. David, understanding the futility of the current system, the stacking of the deck and the need for both urgency and assertiveness among progressives blew away guest host John Fox with his proposal for what he called a “universal progressive discipline camp”.  This was sheer brilliance, what David proposed was straight out of the Republican playbook, a hiring of the finest strategic minds from around the globe, military types to instill an iron hard brand of discipline into those who would attend. David was inspired by the Louis Theroux BBC documentary entitled Miami Mega Jail and the concept of GABOS an acronym for Game Ain’t Based on Sympathy. GABOS is the law of the jungle, as the subheading of the Guardian article that I linked to puts it so aptly – Want the bottom bunk? All you have to do is beat another inmate half to death. I was stunned, this concept in all of it’s primitive, remorseless honesty illustrates exactly the strategy of the fascist Republican right-wing. It is so simple, so astonishingly eloquent in it’s bumper sticker type of message that it could have been conceived by Frank Luntz (or Goebbels for that matter) himself. In the land of fuck you I got mine that is America the rich will reign and the rest of the peasants will in the streets engaging in knife fights for the daily ration of bootstraps that they are provided by their rulers. To the losers go the blade and to the ‘winner’ go to the for-profit prison system. 

The one key aspect of Miami Mega Jail that David referred to was a boot camp for inmates in which hard ass military professionals are brought in to give the prisoners one last chance. David talked about how a program such as this was necessary to confront the right, it would provide “toughness” and “discipline”, the sort of character traits that are absolutely critical to winning a war of attrition, building “an Army” so to speak. Mr. Fox was like most progressives more than a bit taken aback by the idea. Whether people want to admit it or not the Republicans have total control of the country now, they have utilized this very strategy, through their activist base organizations, their churches and their tea party bunds, their militias and their prayer groups they have already built an army and again, this has always been a war to them. David referenced spending some time at West Point during his call, it would take a veteran to appreciate this sort of thinking, as one who spent some time in the military myself I get it. In order to overcome a much more determined enemy, one that utilizes up to date strategy, is relentless and absolutely hates America as it is it is imperative to do likewise in order to combat it. He equated it with war college, but taking it to the next level…. this is a concept that I have long found alien to the ‘left’ with their small protests, emails, phone calls and letter writing, none of which is effective against an entrenched enemy who understands what it takes to win. There was a silence and then some fear, and it was palpable from fill-in host Fox who worried more about what Limbaugh and Beck would do were they to hear the show rather than how their ilk should be hunted down like rats. Were this a country with nads there would be a Scarface style hit team enroute to Limbaugh’s tony Palm Beach compound to scale the walls once the shit really hit the fan, they could saw off his ugly fat fucking head and mount it on a pike like something out of Lord of the Flies.

Let’s face it, the ‘left’ as it exists now are pussies, when they chased labor out of the new ‘left’ they discarded their backbones. Old labor, especially returning World War II veterans who belonged to unions would make very short work of the fascists who despite their numbers, their animosity and their braggadocio are as yellow as their silly-assed Gadsden flags and most of all they are stupid and blinded by their meanness. They are pack animals who have no taste for a fair fight and their leaders know this which is why they use their media to put a certain noble sheen on proto-fascist loudmouths like the vastly overhyped Tea Party, the remains of what was once a libertarian based antiwar movement. The ‘left’, once again proving that the one thing that they truly understand is failure never bothered to attempt to tap into the righteous anger in this country over the offshoring of millions of American jobs, the bailouts of financial terrorists on Wall Street who destroyed the economy and thanks to Obama, have been allowed to go back to their looting with impunity.  There was a serious attempt for an alliance between progressives and principled libertarians such as those who backed Ron Paul but have been chased out of their own movement by savvy Republican operatives. Alas, it never happened as if it ever could happen. One other thing that I fell out of favor with my progressive friends for was my advocacy for just that sort of broad-based coalition, we can argue about the differences later but the first and foremost priority needed to be restoring the rule of law and destroying fascism in America. 

As the great radical Saul Alinsky once put it, To fuck your enemies you’ve first have got seduce your allies. Former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, in his book Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement laments the demise of opposition to the wars during the Bush years, wars that continue to this day absent any form of resistance, the ‘left’, other than principled and consistent critics who have largely been relegated to the fringes of discourse are predictably missing in action. This from Ritter:

Bear in mind that in conflict you are in almost all occasions confronting an opponent who is determined to win as you should be. This opponent is looking for any sign of weakness on your part, and will be certain to exploit this weakness with as much decisiveness and ferocity that can be brought to bear. If you are not prepared to confront such an opponent, then don’t enter the field of battle. Conflict is not for the faint of heart. In conflict you must be prepared to knock your opponent down, and then, instead of offering a helping hand, hold your opponent down with the heel of your foot while you plunge a bayonet into his or her heart. You can be assured that your opponent would do the same to you.


The American progressive movement has not always been this devoid of leadership and structure. One only need to study the life and achievements of Saul Alinsky, a Chicago-based former criminologist who revolutionized the grassroots movements of the 1950s and 1960s into genuine political movements possessing real political power.


Simply put, if the antiwar/peace and justice movement can attract more people to its cause than their opponents can to theirs, then the antiwar/peace and justice movement will emerge victorious. Therefore, a governing principle when waging peace is to creadt an ideological foundation that is capable of appealing to the broadest possible segment of a given democratic society.


If his advice is taken then what will emerge will be a diverse coalition of interests who now finally understand that the system as it exists is run by global criminals who have no loyalty to America and actively have attacked everything that was great about her while usurping our democracy and undermining our freedoms and economic prowess. Wall Street looters and industrialists have always hated America because there was a system of governance here that afforded rights to all people and not only those with money. It has been a long time coming and the time to act is yesterday.

Sage advice from a man who is a military strategist, the type that David’s “universal progressive discipline camp” suggestion would likely welcome with open arms, note that Ritter advocates the OODA Loop Theory, something that progressives and liberals can chew on while they ponder how they could possibly have ever allowed Saul Alinsky to be stolen from them by the teabagger brownshirts? Pearls before swine I guess… 

As for the progressive-libertarian joint effort, it isn’t as far out as it sounds, Ron Paul and Ralph Nader get it as did 1960s radical activist Carl Oglesby but Paul is a “nutcase” despite his anti-interventionist, antiwar, pro-civil liberties, anti-Federal Reserve stance and he wants to abolish the Gestapo TSA as well. Nader is poison to the Democrats and progressives/liberals who still believe in the functioning system despite watching Bush family operatives steal the 2000 election in Florida and then have not do a goddamned thing other than jerk off and point fingers at Nader when the Supreme Court put George W. Bush into the White House. Oglesby is a “conspiracy theorist” the dreaded pejorative that is used by all establishment lackeys and those enshrouded in comfortable cocoons of denial when they dare to ask serious questions. For even suggesting such a thing, even temporarily I was shunned as a leper, mocked and derided as much for that as for my inability to suck it up, turn the other cheek and be a pacifist. I must admit that I always had a bit of sympathy for the Jack Nicholson character, Colonel Nathan Jessep in the movie A Few Good Men, his methods were unsound and his arrogance was his undoing but he had it right when he barked that:

You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline.

The liberals and progressives are impotent and on the verge of extinction, of being hunted and persecuted in their own country simply because they never understood that there had to be someone on that wall to beat back the hordes.  Better get a clue folks, they are closing in now.


Why The Tea Party Loves Big Brother

I’m afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.

-Jim Garrison

The falsely advertised anti-big government Republican Tea Party never utters a peep about the growth of the out of control police state that has been erected largely under the radar since 9/11. For a pack of GOP talking point spewing automatons seemingly concerned about massive growth of government, the ongoing pissing away of tax dollars on bloated bureaucracy, job creation and the huge deficits are totally down with the massive expansion of the Homeland Security Industrial Complex. This is just another one of the examples of the mass fakery of the Republican co-opting of the libertarian Tea Party movement. The biggest secret of all that the fascist leadership of the GOP doesn’t want to slip is that the original libertarian Tea Party (along with 9/11 Truth) were out in the streets protesting exactly that which the useful idiots of the Dick Armey of Darkness now fully embrace. As the storyline goes, the faux revolutionaries were incited to action by the staged tantrum of CNBC’s greasy derivatives pimp Rick Santelli, my local Tea Party bund chapter held a huge birthday celebration for the one year anniversary of the activation of the fifth-columnist sleeper cells that was Santelli’s orchestrated call to arms.  When it comes to being mortified at the  the rise of the police state, the unaccountable powers of government run amok and the incursions on civil liberties. The co-opted Tea Party of Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the rest of their ilk won’t utter one peep about America’s Stasi secret police. Instead, they will distract the Becked-up, FOX lobotomized zombies and their 9/12 bunds with more of the same smoke and mirrors about that horrible Negro in the White House, the coming black enslavement of whites, black revenge on the rightful white inhabitants of Der Heimat and the shrine to Islamofascism that is the mosque at the American Mecca that is Ground Zero and the despised secular socialist machine that will be used by the illegal aliens to put them all into prison camps.

Such is the state of our pitiful Idiocracy in the second decade of the new American century. While the country continues to be bankrupted by illegal wars sold by the lies of the charlatans in the ruling class, strip-mined by Wall Street gamblers and corporations that won’t be satisfied until millions more jobs are offshored to third world sewers where children work for pennies a day in sweatshops and the infrastructure is all sold off to foreign investors who will then tax Americans for driving on roads that they have already paid for, the buffoons that are the Republican jihadists joust at windmills while those who manipulate their feeble minds piss their selves from laughter on the way to the bank. The Founding Fathers feared the detrimental effect that a mass of poorly educated, indolent slobs would have on American democracy and are likely spinning in their graves today, especially galling is when said imbeciles adopt their language to in a historical context take to the streets and raise hell to ensure that the British Monarchy remains in power.

The truly big story of the week despite the bought and paid for corporate media’s insistence that the great Mel Gibson-Brittney Spears alliance is of critical importance or of Tiger Wood’s slow and painful climb down from the cross on Golgotha to regain his rightful place as America’s Christ is Dana Priest and William M. Arkin’s Top Secret America series in the Washington Post. This is a story that were the teabaggers to practice what they preach instead of merely regurgitating Frank Luntz/Newt Gingrich slow-cooked gruel that should justifiably have them descending on Washington en masse to protest REAL tyranny. But of course the Tea Party doesn’t have any firm footing in reality outside the mess of illogic, madness and pumpkin seeds that fill up the space inside of Sarah Palin’s noggin. Lenin (Vladimir, not John to your teabagger morons) labeled tools like yourselves as “useful idiots” and it is proven on a daily basis. Whether shrieking like demented banshees about the government keeping their dirty hands off of their Medicare or serving as human carrier pigeons for the racist propaganda of degenerate scum like Andrew Breitbart, a diseased swine embitterd by his years of apprenticeship more than likely spent sucking farts out of Matt Drudge’s seat cushion. You really have to give the scumbaggers one thing though, they are predictable which is what makes them so valuable to the Republican fascists and to a larger degree to the oligarchy that rules this shithole. For a group so supposedly opposed to tyranny, socialism and a Soviet style state led by the black Antichrist they sure as hell don’t seem to be bothered by the most menacing, out of control and costly system of surveillance in human history. Think Again!

There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.

-Vladimir Lenin

The new American police state never bothered Republicans under Bush and it doesn’t bother them under Obama, which it should. It’s another tell about just how fraudulent that the entire Republican Tea Party truly is, were they to despise and fear Obama as much as they do why in the fuck would they want the man to be allowed to preside over the most awesome surveillance colossus on the planet? Hell, you would think that they would be marching on Washington with their precious penis extensions (guns) to bring an immediate halt to a system that could be theoretically used by a dictator to haul their mangy, uneducated, unwashed asses to reeduction camps at any minute. But not in reality, the scumbaggers may have their litany of fallacious grievances that are funneled into their lizard brains by the electronic crack pushers like Glenn Beck n FOX but they don’t sweat the big stuff. Every reactionary party needs minions, stooges, thugs, spear carriers and shock troops. Like the Weimar era Germans who flocked to the Nazi Party the dregs of the country that are now the S.A. for the Republican party via the Tea Party are quite simply authority worshippers. There are  books that examine such a fanatical type of mentality, for example, Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer , Bob Altemeyer’s The Authoritarians, and John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience,  ross-reference those with any decent historical volume of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia and it fits them to a Tea.. There is always a certain percentage of a population that are wired to worship authority, especially the sort of sociopathic type that uses demagoguery, slander, race-baiting and thinly veiled promises of blood revenge against those which the movement has been conditioned to hate and blame for the failures of both the system and their own pathetic, botched lives.

The allure of revenge is deeply embedded in the psyche of the authority worshipper and in actuality Obama is doing them a huge favor by failing to dismantle the police state, As the Washington Post series illustrates, the culture of surveillance is becoming even more deeply ingrained in America, the third installment which is entitled The Secrets Next Door describes the neighborhoods that surround the surveillance centers as affluent and with schools that:

The schools, indeed, are among the best, and some are adopting a curriculum this fall that will teach students as young as 10 what kind of lifestyle it takes to get a security clearance and what kind of behavior would disqualify them.

This is perhaps the most horrifying sentence in the story, the children are being prepped to become the next generation of the American fascist police state, more appropriately the managers and bureaucrats who will run the system. The low-rent, economically ruined types who populate the Republican Tea Party will be the enforcers. The typical American sheep, now completely conditioned to hate, fear and distrust will become the spies, snitches, sneaks and stool pigeons who will direct the watchers and the thugs to those with unseemly and dangerous ideas. The oligarchy will be preserved, Wall Street will reign supreme, the wars will go on and only those who dare to question why will be targeted with precision and ruthless efficiency by the savage armies of droogs that are the Republican Tea Party. The indoctrination of the young into the fascist society of post-9/11 America is now entering its second decade and future generations will have known nothing other than what is now the permanent surveillance state, Orwell was a prophet.

This whole scenario has worked to perfection, once it was done under the cover of religion with the Christian extremists, Raptureheads and theocrats being the primary enforcers for fascist Republican social engineering plans. This worked out perfectly well for awhile until the fall from grace of homophobe Pastor Ted Haggard for smoking rock and chugging cock in a seedy Denver hotel room, the exposure of de-facto leader of the Religious Right, President George W. Bush exposed as the incompetent dunce that he always was courtesy of Hurricane Katrina, the death of Jerry Falwell and the massive Tom DeLay led overreach during the Terri Schiavo circus. The Religious Right had too many built in limitations to become a vehicle for Karl Rove’s permanent majority. The easily duped dittohead dolts in the Tea Party however do not have such limitations, they are able to wrap themselves in the flag with the full blessing of the propagandistic, jingoism spewing corporate media. There have been several recent bumps in the road, such as the recent focus on the intense racism within the movement (a virus that was carried in by Republicans) but the spinners, public relations flacks and Congressional Republicans are already working desperately to circle the wagons. The racism, were it identified and focused upon would be the one thing that could blow the whole game wide open and send the fascist Republicans back to square one in finding a turnkey movement. Not to worry though, when Bibi Netanyahu’s bootlicker Joe Biden comes out and denounces charges that the scumbaggers are a racist movement and the demented harpy Michelle Bachmann sets up an actual Tea Party Caucus within Congress to legitimize protect the American brownshirts it’s official that the political system has been fully infected and minus any sort of a mass counter-movement on the left (fat chance, they are too obsessed with waging the culture war crusade to institutionalize gay marriage than be bothered with preventing fascism) the rabble will continue to be conscripted into service for the new Republican Reich.

As I stated in my recent piece – Tea Party Racist? You Betcha! – the Republicans have long used race-baiting as a path to political power. Historically, nothing works better, the Arizona test programs for the discrimination against illegal immigrants being used in order to justify laws that potentially green light the overly zealous type of personality that is often found in police forces to shakedown naturally born American citizens for the color of their skin are already proving to be a phenomenal success. Soon, if not stricken from the books and stigmatized as the tools for tyranny that they are they will spread, become more inclusive and expand to include more than alleged Mexican illegals. The Constitution was eviscerated during the Bush years and Humpty Dumpty has not been put back together by the increasingly inept Obama administration. Habeas Corpus is gone, Posse Comitatus is gone, NORTHCOM is already operating in the U.S., the airports are filled with naked body scanners manned by drooling TSA goons and as the Top Secret America series shows, the surveillance system is growing exponentially. How long is it going to take for the fascist Republicans, once back in power with all of these tools at their disposal decide to do what past totalitarian regimes always did and start to eliminate the opposition? As with the Third Reich the early targets weren’t so much the Juden (Tea Party translation: blacks, gays, Hispanics, liberals, Muslims) as they were all who were seen as potential threats to the final solution. Now wouldn’t that make Michelle Bachmann’s pussy get wet?

The Epitome of Sheer Irony

The Tea Party sign in Iowa that drew much attention to the sinister nature of the miscreants who comprise the majority of the movement comparing Obama to Lenin and Hitler was ironically somewhat accurate. While it will be lost on the standard mouth-breathing type of imbecile that is attracted to the Republican Tea Party, the historical analogy is pretty accurate in that Hitler had the Gestapo, Lenin gave way to Stalin who had the NKVD and Obama (at least for a brief period before he is ousted from office) has Homeland Security. The failure of Obama in holding the Bushreich criminals accountable instead of granting total impunity to all future torturers, war criminals and moral reprobates will ultimately prove to the the final nail in America’s coffin. The Democrats are about to be wiped off the face of the map thanks to the betrayal of what remained of the party base who isn’t about to turn out in sufficient numbers come November to counter the storming of the polls by the Republican Tea Party out to ‘take their country back’. With an even more repulsive and reactionary Congress than under either Gingrich or DeLay in place there will be a near immediate drive to impeach Obama over some bullshit on the trivial level of Clinton’s blow job, say for failing to produce his birth certificate. That will further embolden the vicious swine on the extreme right for 2012 as well as weaken the spineless and flaccid Obama for the full Republican restoration. Of course the oligarchy is down with it all too, big business backed Hitler and Mussolini’s fascism was openly touted as corporatism. As robber baron Jay Gould once so aptly put it: “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”. Let the streets run red with blood and the prisons be filled with the rational people, the real owners of this country will never let such trivialities get in the way of the perpetual profit machine.

The maneuvers by the fascists in this country are about three moves away from checkmate and they are unfortunately only becoming stronger and more deeply embedded. I am going to close with two articles that came out this week, the first from Ted Rall that is entitled Protofascism Comes to America and makes some important points about the fascist Republican Tea Party:

But racism is only one facet of a far more sinister political strain. It’s more accurate to categorize the Tea Party as something the United States has never seen before, certainly not in such large numbers or as widespread.

The Tea Party is a protofascist movement.

Robert O. Paxton defined fascism as “a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.”

Typical Tea Party rants fit the classic fascist mold in several respects. America, Tea Partiers complain, is falling behind. Like Hitler, they blame leftists and liberals for a “stab in the back,” treason on the homefront. The trappings of hypernationalism–flags, bunting, etc.–are notably pervasive at Tea Party rallies, even by American standards. We see “collaboration with traditional elites”–Rush Limbaugh, Congressmen, Republican Party bigwigs (including the most recent vice presidential nominee)–to an extent that is unprecedented in recent history.

Tea Partiers haven’t called for extralegal solutions to the problems they cite–but neither did the National Socialists prior to 1933. Then again, they’re not in power yet. Wait.

Exactly. Read any serious history of the Nazis, William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Richard J. Evans trilogy, The Coming of the Third Reich, The Third Reich in Power, The Third Reich at War or other notable accounts as Sebastian Hafner’s Defying Hitler or Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free, and you can’t help but be terrified at the similarities to America today.

The second article is from the crusading blogger Glenn Greenwald, one of the first columns that I read each morning for information. This particular piece speaks of the deafening silence in the media, the establishment  and most importantly the government over the Top Secret America Series. While not exactly breaking new ground for most of us who follow the surveillance society one would have at least expected that this series, especially in a time of economic crisis as the massive waste of taxpayer money on a vast privatized spying apparatus could be better spent. The piece is entitled: Why has the Post series created so little reaction?:

Remember how The Washington Post spent three days documenting on its front page that we basically live under a vast Secret Government — composed of military and intelligence agencies and the largest corporations — so sprawling and unaccountable that nobody even knows what it does? This public/private Secret Government spies, detains, interrogates, and even wages wars in the dark, while sucking up untold hundreds of billions of dollars every year for the private corporations which run it. Has any investigative series ever caused less of a ripple than this one? After a one-day spate of television appearances for Dana Priest and William Arkin — most of which predictably focused on the bureaucratic waste they raised along with whether the Post had Endangered the Nation by writing about all of this — the story faded blissfully into the ether, never to be heard from again, easily subsumed by the Andrew Breitbart and Journolist sagas.


It’s not hard to understand why. Why would the political class possibly want to subvert or weaken their ability to exercise vast spying, detention, and military powers in the dark? They don’t. Beyond that, as the Post series highlights, Top Secret America provides not only the ability to exercise vast power with no accountability, but also enables the transfer of massive amounts of public wealth to the private national security and surveillance corporations which own the Government. Very few people with political power have the incentive to do anything about that. It’s probably best not to hold your breath waiting for Dianne Feinstein — the Democratic Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee who lives in lavish wealth as a result of her husband’s investments in the National Security State (and whose Senate career has a way of oh-so-coincidentally bolstering their wealth) — to meaningfully address any of the issues raised by the Post series. Despite Feinstein’s rhetoric to the contrary, doing so is decidedly not in her interests for multiple reasons.


The secret, omnipotent National Security State highlighted by The Washington Post will endure and expand as is because those who control the Government (or, as Dick Durbin put it, who “own” the Government) benefit endlessly from it. Major scandals or citizen-infuriating crises can sometimes lead to some modest and easily circumvented restraints being placed on this power (as just happened with the recently enacted Financial Regulation bill), largely to placate public rage, but it’s simply impossible to conceive of the political class taking any meaningful steps to rein in a limitlessly powerful and unquantifiably profitable National Security and Surveillance State — at least in the absence of serious citizen revolts against it. That Post series produced so little reaction because what it describes — a Secret Government bestowed with the most extreme powers yet accountable to nobody — is something to which the nation, as part of our State of Endless War, has apparently acquiesced as a permanent and tolerable condition.

The most disturbing thing is that the people in this country do nothing to resist any of this, rather through their willful ignorance, their constant fear and their insistance on existing inside of state media enforced cocoons of denial they enable it. Some, in the case of the reactionary thugs, haters and fanatics in the Republican Tea Party embrace it as a weapon that will one day be theirs to use when it comes time for the cleansing. As Milton Mayer wrote of the rise of the Nazis to power: “Now I see a little better how Nazism overcame Germany – not by attack from without or by subversion from within, but with a whoop and a holler. It was what most Germans wanted – or, under pressure of combined reality and illusion, came to want. They wanted it; they got it; and they liked it.”

Just my two cents


Another Fine Day in the Land of Fear

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.

-Roy Batty

Another day in the kingdom of fear, the land of the lemmings and the trap continues to close, largely unnoticed by the too busy to care inhabitants. The average American attention span these days is something short of that of a gnat and there is always more celebrity to suckle, tainted sports heroes to cheer upon and reality television shows through which one can live vicariously. If ignorance, as has been said is truly bliss then the population of Der Heimat are the most blissful bitches and bastards on the planet – just like the cattle milling about at the entrance to the steel chute. In playing their true role as guardians against democracy, the pocket media mockingbirds are in full-throated roar as they in unison electronically bludgeon the American sheeple into a quivering pulp over the latest and greatest terror attack that wasn’t.

The thing that both horrifies and amazes me is just how easily that the Obama administration has co-opted the rhetoric of the Bushreich in ratcheting up the dread and feeding the panic monster. Faisal Shahzad, the latest addition to the 21st century pantheon of non-Christian bogeymen is being portrayed as a sinister deep cover saboteur, another tentacle of the global Islamic hydra that hates us for our way of life (as if being mean, obese, willfully ignorant debt slaves electronically lobotomized by our beloved televisions is anything to fight to preserve) and sweet Jesus we were lucky that the amateurish car bomb in Times Square didn’t detonate. Of course this is just more of the same bullshit that has been mainlined into our national carcass like the sweet spike of a heroin fix of fear since the day that the American Reichstag fire, that holiest of holy days that was September 11, 2001 punched our national ticket towards our rendezvous with destiny and the stamp of infamy that will only be fully appreciated with history.

This guy was a boob, a bumbler, a piker and a loser. He was just another underwear or shoe bomber, a phony threat of what could have been were there actual terrorists that serves as grist for the propaganda mills that ensure that the two minute hate remains a truly American institution. Hell, just the construction of the bomb should tell any halfway astute inhabitant of this childlike alternate universe that this is another manufactured incident. Any serious terrorist posessing a semblance of skill and integrety would have packed that fucking vehicle with semtex or some other military grade explosive, hundreds of pounds of poison-dipped nails, nuts and screws for shrapnel and a maximum casualty count and used a real detonator instead of some cheap shit made in China alarm clock bought off the shelf at the local Wal-Mart. But that of course is lost on the schmucks, too much television, too many episodes of ass-kickin’ Jack Bauer or whatever other paranoid, paramilitary propaganda piece designed to ensure that the suspension of disbelief kicks in whenever one of these incidents crop up. Remember the idiots who were allegedly going to storm Fort Dix and kill all of our precious green army men? The ones who were going to gain access masquerading as pizza deliverymen and then take on hundreds of heavily armed trained soldiers on their own turf? Or there were the Miami morons who were allegedly planning to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, of course the pertinent fact that they were borderline retards whose gross incompetence was only surpassed by the Bush propagandists need to convince the rubes that there were al CIAda sleeper cells everywhere and by god they could be next door to you! Look at Shahzad, his neighbors reported that he didn’t like sunlight…whooooooo, now that is spooky or what? If that is what it takes to be tabbed as an international terrorist in Murka then we are all more fucked than even the most paranoid fraidy cat could ever imagine.

The aftermath of the failed Times Square bombing is predictable, the Palinazis will have yet another one of them damned dirty Muslims to trot out as evidence of the great war of civilizations, more reason to force them all to convert to Christianity or kill them as one of Palin’s dim-witted demagogic predecessors once put it. There will be an increased drive to further implement fascist police state laws and sell more of those wonderful naked body scanners to the government and in keeping with tradition in the land of the cowardly, stick taxpayers with the bill for building their own systems of oppression and slavery which they will inevitably be controlled by. There is already the cacophony of ginned up righteous indignation by Republicans in braying for a military tribunal for Shahzad as well as greasing the rails for the McCain-Lieberman Hitlerian masterpiece that is the Enemy Belligerent Act. Oh, and Bibi is clicking his heels today because the attack on Iran, the wettest of wet dreams of the Zionist genocide machine is a bit more likely…just give the William Kristol propaganda shops ample time to find a link to the devil Ahmadinejad that can be propelled into the national consciousness via the FOX echo chamber by Glenn Beck’s golden tonsils. The xenophobic idiots already richly intoxicated by Arizona’s new diktat to put down those dirty Meskins will be shrieking anew for Barack Obama’s birth certificate, if nothing else the moron minority is very predictable. During my recent hiatus I have studied my local version of the tea party group and have found a very interesting fragility mixed in with the woeful ignorance and garden variety racism but that will have to be a story for another time. Let’s just say that the people that I found were more fragile than formidable.

Now of course in getting back to the media spin cycle there is always the jabbering jackass that is the beloved sound byte spewing weapon of mass deception that is John McCain. Fresh off of his spirited defense of allowing neo-fascist goons like Sheriff Joe Arpaio to harass and bully brown skinned American citizens of Hispanic heritage the man is in rare form – Again. Maverick McCain was blowing geysers of mud into his grampers when he denounced the standard American legal requirement of the reading of the Miranda rights to Shahzad. The old bastard was practically hyperventilating in an exhibition of animation rarely seen from a walking corpse, it was his most exciting pronouncement since he sang songs for Charlie for a room upgrade at the Hanoi Hilton or more recently practically performing cunnilingus on Sarah Palin during an unnofficial public Klan rally. All of the Republican Nazis are jumping onboard this beast and it’s only gonna get worse as the oppo researchers are able to unearth fallacious leads tying the Times Square dufus to the great Islamofascist conspiracy.

And of course in these sorry assed days of imperial decline there is the always reliable asshat on call that is Newton Leroy “Newt” Gingrich (born Newton Leroy McPherson) who has been an active fifth columnist both in front of the cameras and behind the scenes. Gingrich, his snakelike skin as shiny as a freshly stuffed link of shit sausage continues to act as chief mouthpiece for the neocons. His ludicrous tirades denouncing Obama as a secular socialist are so ridiculous that only the teabaggers could believe them. Long a tool of the neocons and their PNAC/Clean Break doctrine for global dominance as well as one of the most vile political figures EVER produced by the American system Gingrich is pulling out every dirty trick, lie and preposterous piece of folderol from his lard-assed academic carcass. The plan to destroy Obama by using the teabaggers as shock troops to take down the loathsomely inadequate health care reform in a variation of what he was able to do to the Clintons back in 94 went up like a flaming bag of dogshit in his meaty paws and as for DRILL BABY DRILL…with a looming environmental catastrophe heading right for the U.S. gulf coast well, that hasn’t turned out too well either for the philandering little fascist dwarf. The natives are getting restive here in the diseased penis of America more formally known as the state of Florida as millions of gallons of oil are heading directly towards the beaches and will be the final nail in the state’s economic coffin after the real estate bubble collapse and the nightmare of Jeb Bush’s crony capitalist privatization scams, now the tourism industry is soon going to go bye bye everywhere outside of the land of the mouse in the time share capital of America Orlando or the still to be built holy shrine to Tim Tebow.

Gingrich will surely be chiming in with his declarations of treasonous atheist commies like Obama and his ilk turning the country over to the ‘terrorists’ despite the fact that they are so fucking incompetent that they couldn’t blow their noses much less bombs that go off as advertised. One thing is for certain though, the line at the all you can eat bullshit buffet will be long, white and moving rapidly through the turnstiles towards the Kool Aid vats.

Just my two cents


The Terrorists are Coming! The Terrorists are Coming!

It has been a bountiful week for those who still vehemently back the PNAC doctrine and the phony war on terror is back with a vengeance. Friday’s surprise announcement by the Obama administration Justice Department that the big bad planner of the 9/11 attacks is going to be tried in New York City and a GASP civilian court sent shockwaves through the fascist right and set off a flurry of puckering assholes that loudly rang out from Washington to Tel Aviv. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the reputed mastermind behind the false flag black op that took place over eight years past and rebooted American history much to the glee of the war freaks will be leaving Guantanamo Bay and coming to the Big Apple in what will likely be the biggest rally of Deathers, Birthers and teabagger terrorists in history. They won’t have to doctor any crowd photos for this one, you can bet that marching orders are already being cut, Christian Zionist phone trees are ablaze and the imbecile polemicists like Krauthammer, Kristol and Goldberg will be shrieking with manufactured outrage worth every damned penny to the Military Industrial Complex and the Israeli right-wingers who subsidize the drivel that is grist for the genocide machine.

Global Menace? Looks like any Dittohead loser with a hangover
The KSM announcement is on the heels of the Fort Hood shooting by that damned dirty Muslim sleeper cell killer (as the corporate media hosts of the Zionist parasites want you to believe) Nidal Malik Hasan commited an act of filthy brutal anti-American terrorism on a U.S. military installation by Jesus. The crafty neocons and their Republican fascist politicians have been all over this in trying to take what is just another tragic result of an evil policy of imperialist wars and murder and spread the meme that it is TERRORISM, that way the statement can be made that after originally allowing 9/11 to happen, the Bush-Cheney junta had kept us all safe and snuggly while in less than a year Obama has presided over a terrorist attack. These shits are so predicable that any person with even an ounce of sense can see them working seconds after the idea is formed in their diseased brains which is why they are able to appeal primarily to the dumbest of the dumb that are the wretched Dick Armey of Darkness teabaggers, Palinazis and Neo-Confederate losers who show up on command to intimidate government officials and spread the rancid lies that they are fed by a crackerjack propaganda apparatus that churns out talking points like Goldman Sachs churns the markets.

Discrediting the very idea of Gitmo and the torture state is a full frontal assault on the shadow government, the necessity of a legal black hole and the chilling implied threat that any American dissident can be disappeared, tortured and imprisoned for life by our very government is an out and out necessity for running an Empire. In that the official fairy tale of 9/11 was the lynchpin for the new American fascist state it is imperative that the gulag system be maintained at all costs so the pushback on the KSM show trial is going to be immediate, sustained and withering. Much of the neocon high command knows that Gitmo has to stay open for business because when they roar back into power in the apocalyptic year of 2012 with a renewed vigor on a huge wave of right-wing populist resentment enabled by the catastrophic failure of the Democrats to do one fucking thing for a besieged working class and for allowing the healthcare debate to be turned into yet another clusterfuck driven by abortion they are going to need somewhere to send the hated liberals and anti-war intelligensia. Of course the Muslims will also be targeted because as we all know, the enemies of the paraniod cesspool of murder and revenge that is the state of Israel are by God the enemies of America. Judas Lieberman is already setting up his little kangaroo courts thanks to the eunuch Harry Reid failing to strip the slimy little prick of his powerful Senate Homeland Security Commitee. Hell, if there were any reason to keep the place open it would be to send Lieberman there to live in a 4 x 6 wire cage with his scrawny ass in an orange jumpsuit just waiting for drooling Jack Bauer mentored thugs to anally gang rape the little fucking traitor….hey, jack, ass crack, tie another one to the rack baybee….

But I digress

Frank Rich of the damned librul New York Times as on the money again in his weekly column, The Missing Link from Killeen to Kabul:

The dead at Fort Hood had not even been laid to rest when their massacre became yet another political battle cry for the self-proclaimed patriots of the American right.

Their verdict was unambiguous: Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born psychiatrist of Palestinian parentage who sent e-mail to a radical imam, was a terrorist. And he did not act alone. His co-conspirators included our military brass, the Defense Department, the F.B.I., the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and, of course, the liberal media and the Obama administration. All these institutions had failed to heed the warning signs raised by Hasan’s behavior and activities because they are blinded by political correctness toward Muslims, too eager to portray criminals as sympathetic victims of social injustice, and too cowardly to call out evil when it strikes 42 innocents in cold blood.

The invective aimed at these heinous P.C. pantywaists nearly matched that aimed at Hasan. Joe Lieberman announced hearings to investigate the Army for its dereliction of duty on homeland security. Peter Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, vowed to unmask cover-ups in the White House and at the C.I.A. The Weekly Standard blog published a broadside damning the F.B.I. for neglecting the “broader terrorist plot” of which Hasan was only one of the connected dots. Jerome Corsi, the major-domo of the successful Swift-boating of John Kerry, unearthed what he said was proof that Hasan had advised President Obama during the transition.

William Bennett excoriated soft military leaders like Gen. George Casey Jr., the Army chief of staff, who had stood up for diversity and fretted openly about a backlash against Muslim soldiers in his ranks. “Blind diversity” that embraces Islam “equals death,” wrote Michelle Malkin. “There is a powerful case to be made that Islamic extremism is not some fringe phenomenon but part of the mainstream of Islamic life around the world,” wrote the columnist Jonah Goldberg. Islam is “not a religion,” declared the irrepressible Pat Robertson, but “a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world.”

Republican terrorists drag out Rudy ‘Mr. 9/11’ Giuliani
Of course the closets are being emptied of every Republican ghoul of any notoriety at all this week, the Sunday morning bloviation circuit had such luminaries as Mr. 9/11 himself – Rudy Giuliani. Somebody should have issuee a warning to George Stephanopoulos and the other insider chirping Mockingbirds – better erect some sort of barrier between yourselves and the cross-dressing fascist fear pimp or be drenched in spittle which assuredly was flying, this is especially important considering the Swine Flu – Tooty Fruity Rudy was on at least three of the shows giving new meaning to saturation coverage. Joining Mr. 9/11 will be the monstrously insipid Peter Hoekstra, the philandering little fascist dwarf Newt Gingrich, and according to my TV Guide Meet the Press is going to have Al Sharpton on as the token nigger. The talking points are going to be pounded more then the meat of millions of angry white males who will be goose-stepping to stores this week to plunk down their coin on the eagerly anticipated Going Rogue the ghost written right wing hunk of asswipe of the week where the dear Führess Sarah Barracuda will air her long laundry list of grievances just in time for Festivus. I must say that I have never seen such a pack of wimps and whiners as the right-wingers, the culture of victimhood writ large and for a bunch of angry, armed to the teeth so-called patriots they never cease to amaze me how the dump poopy in their britches at the very thought of Muslims being transferred to the U.S. from Gitmo. You would figure that a bunch of manly men would just be ready to rock were there ever a terrurst [sic] invasion but if they had any balls I guess that they would just join the military and would be sanctioned to shoot A-RABS until they ran out of ammo. The Republicans, Beckers and Palinazis are like the yappy little five pound Chihuahua going up against a Rottweiler that outweighs it by ninety pounds, their bark is much more annoying than their bite which of course never comes because when the Rottweiler growls pack they hit the land speed record in the other direction leaving a trail of piss.

Bud Zomper was perhaps one of the most revolting human beings that I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. Bud was bout six foot one, three hundred and seventy pounds or so, a large dude but not muscular or anything. He was one of the people that the few of us who were still left from the old freak gang from high school had come to associate with, he used to sell dope for awhile and we always knew that we could count on good ole Bud to share the product whenever we wanted. By the way, Bud’s real name was Robert but since he was a king hell pothead he gained the moniker Bud.

Bud was a fart fanatic, it was incredible because he actually had names for all of his farts, sort of like a baseball pitcher names pitches. There was the ‘peek-a-boo’ which Bud defined as the top of a turd actually poking out and then retreating (I know this is gross but I have to do it), he had the ‘burning brake fart’ which was used whenever in the car, the jokester would suddenly shout ‘FUCK’ and start grasping at the emergency brake as though it was responsible for the smell, by the time the rest of the passengers knew what was going on the son of a bitch had power-locked all the windows and laughing his fat ass off. There was the ‘toxic plume’ fart that could defoliate triple canopy jungle and his all time favorite was the ‘forty foot streamer’ which he delighted in letting loose in the grocery store, he would hide behind the endcap like a pederast with a bag of candy on a playground to watch the reactions of the poor schmuck shoppers who wandered into the noxious atmosphere when turning the corner – this one he would always describe at length with all of the gruesome details when we were smoking dope. Bud worked at a local envelope manufacturer and had a grueling 40 minute commute on Interstate 25 during rush hour, he would amuse himself by counting the people in other cars that he saw picking their noses and would honk the horn and make the ‘shame on your’ sign with his fingers if he saw anyone eating the boogers.

One of Bud’s worst habits and he obviously had many was that he had this horrendous foot fungus problem and right in the middle of bong hits in his living room he would pull off his socks and begin to pick at his feet which were unlike anything that I have ever seen on a live person before. He would fish this pair of small fingernail clippers out of the little jar on top of his coffee table that sat next to the vintage M & M peanut Christmas tin in which he kept his stash and gradually cut off little pieces of cheese yellow, dead flesh from his feet. Now this is horrible enough to dredge it out of my memory now but Jesus it was unbelievable then. He never had a girlfriend in the time that I knew him (surprise surprise) but every year or so he would take a weeklong vacation to Las Vegas where he would gamble, drink, eat the bountiful buffets and most importantly visit whatever that famous whorehouse was, maybe it was the Chicken Ranch, I really don’t know. It was probably the one where the demigod celebrity John Wayne Bobbitt, that guy who got a part of his dick cut off back in the 1990’s and then had it surgically reattached to become a modern American hero went to work. I always have wished that his wronged wife who did the cutting would have just chucked the offending piece of flesh into a storm drain but she didn’t think it through and we Americans were stuck with yet another O.J. Simpson style circus maximus in the tabloid media. I sure as hell couldn’t imagine any woman pushing back Bud’s hairy belly to suck his cock unless she was getting paid for it though so the Vegas pilgrimage was of understandable importance to the disgusting fat fuck.

His brother Kenny lived in one of the rooms, he had some sort of social anxiety disorder and was one hell of a drinker but refused to come out of his room when Bud had company which was often because we used to engage in epic all night card games/pot smoking sessions back in the day. Kenny just couldn’t deal with it so he holed up in his room doing Christ knows what other than drinking. in one of the most disgusting things that I have ever heard Kenny used to buy his beer in those big glass quart bottles, it was some godawful cheap swill too, nothing as good as say Miller or Budweiser or anything. With Kenny it was always the cheap high but anyway Bud discovered that Kenny was pissing in the empty quart bottles and storing them in his closet, once a week or so he would make a dumpster run. That was gross man, I could only imagine the smell, Bud also said that Kenny was a compulsive masturbator and this being back in the 80’s there was no internet so he bought all of these shrink wrapped packages of fuck books off of the jack rack in the seedy local convenience store down the block. Bud said that he found a good number of hermaphrodite books and other kinky shit. I am sure that you see where I am going with this….

The Zomper brothers sometime in the early 1990s became the first Dittohead prototypes, back in the day when Limbaugh was being entertained in Daddy Bush’s White House and the Father Coughlin II plan was being rolled out to capitalize on white male rage during the farm crisis. The Zomper romper stompers went from being simply pathetic losers to being pathetic losers with a cause. I lost touch with Bud along with many other dope addled, drunken miscreants when I relocated to the diseased penis of American that is that state of Florida about 17 years ago. In the days before my exodus though they were organizing locally with other right-wing mutants to combat gay rights ballot initiatives because all of the fags were coming from California to take over Colorado, an interesting perspective considering that one of those borderline retards had a collection of chicks with dicks porno mags in his closet next to his urine bottle collection.

For all that I know they are staffers for Tom Tancredo now or something. The point that I am making is that the Republicans, like their role models, the Nazis have an alluring pull for the dregs of society and no doubt there are millions of Zompers in the Dick Armey of Darkness that is the teabagger movement. You can check out many of them here, this is not for the squeamish and it will surprise nobody who frequents this blog but these morons are out there in force and thanks to Rudy Giuliani and his ilk like McAsshat and Lieberman with their anti-Muslim hysteria they are going to be a force to be reckoned with next November because sadly, they vote.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe


Star Spangled Land of Misfit Toys

Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.

Aldous Huxley

I have long found Chris Hedges to be a beacon of morality in the belly of the beast that is post 9/11 fascist America. His book War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning is a superbly written, uncompromising look at the horrors of war seen through the eyes of a man who has been there, Hedges served as a war correspondent in some of the most vicious and senseless slaughtering sprees of the late Twentieth Century. His sheer courage in coming out in the early days of the Bushreich and denouncing war during a commencement address at Rockford College when the phony War on Terror was just ramping up during which he was jeered by the audience, his microphone cut off and he was run like a rabid dog from the campus, later his employer, the so-called liberal New York Times stabbed him in the back. Hedges went on to write what I consider to be a definitive expose of the authoritarian Christian Right entitled American Fascists and contributes weekly columns to the fine website Truthdig. As a fan, it was only natural that I would pick up his latest scathing condemnation of the dumb, foul rottenness that is America in terminal decline and while uneven it delivers like a baseball bat to the head. We truly are living in the existential Hell that is the Empire of Illusion.

We are a culture that has been denied, or has passively given up, the linguistic and intellectual tools to cope with complexity, to separate illusion from reality. We have traded the printed word for the gleaming image. Public rhetoric is designed to be comprehensible to a ten-year old child or an adult with a sixth-grade reading level. Most of us speak at this level, are entertained and think at this level. We have transformed our culture into a vast replica of Pinocchio’s Pleasure Island, where boys were lured with the promise of no school and endless fun. They were all, however, turned into donkeys – a symbol, in Italian culture, of ignorance and stupidity.

-Chris Hedges

It’s no small wonder that I am at times accused of being an elitist by many that I know for not giving a rat’s ass what silly babble and games what they participate in. It is really a tragic and sad waste of a mind when people have nothing to talk about that is any more intellectually in depth than what was on television the prior night, who will win the next ridiculous football game or wring their hands over manufactured McNews stories like the boy and the balloon but this is what people find important. Try to invoke any serious real issues and one gets the thousand yard stare, a few moments of awkward silence and then the mental loop restarts and the ‘conversation’ returns to what was on television, shit, I know some people who are so fucked up that they even talk about the commercials. I happen to have at one time worked with a clique that idolized Jared Fogel, the pitchman for Subway who became the avatar of the American obsession with weight loss to look like the false idealized images that they see on TV. Fogel is the former scale busting mammoth who lost hundreds of pounds allegedly by eating nothing but Subway sandwiches while in college. As with all urban myths the legend of Jared is comprised of far more bullshit and outright chicanery than it is of serious truths. One who has become a walking talking Subway robot by spreading the gospel of Jared is one of the sheeple who is in the final stages of the consumer capitalist evolution and should be cryogenically frozed until the day that human cloning is perfected and the corporations can truly become Gods of creation.

What is not mentioned in the constant advertising featuring the bespectacled yuppie wonder boy in his post-flubber days is that his successful weight loss formula was more the result of a drastic reduction in daily calorie consumption as well as regular exercise than from gobbling turkey sandwiches and peddling Subway’s snake oil. In fact if you go to Subway’s website you will notice the preponderance of disclaimers on every Jared related page. That Fogel is a nationally recognized pseudo celebrity (he still shows up on NFL postgame shows) is no surprise, especially when you see the orgy of adulation over the contestants of American Idol or Survivor or some other crapfest who are made into examples that in America, anyone, no matter how humble, fucked and beset by myriad of woes can become famous and therefore evidence that the system works. Here is an interesting little site that I found on The Cult of Jared that is recommended reading. They want to have their meatball sub and eat it too but the truth is that Fogel could have lost the weight eating at Taco Bell, McDonalds or Popeye’s had he undertaken a similar cut in caloric intake and engaged in regular exercise. The Subway diet plan as with all get rich quick schemes or revolutionary weight loss plans are quite simply only chum for flocking suckers the likes of which there is no shortage of in modern day America. Of course the dietary industry which is the modern day equivalent of snake oil and miracle cures peddled by the traveling medicine men of the old West has a vested interested in keeping Americans fat for life, as much as a vested interest as the fast food and restaurant lobby who are not above producing fake ‘trust us we’re experts’ type studies that encourage more gluttony.

But I was talking about feeling like one of the tribe who has been cast out as one who just doesn’t get it, everyone is talking about the Super Bowl commercials, the tripe that is broadcast into their skulls every night when they get home that renders their brains into so much gelatin or whatever else is thrown out as bread and circuses. I am a rarity, an anachronism in this empire of illusion, I openly denounce television and unlike millions, I read books. So if that makes me an elitist in the eyes of the slaves so be it. Shit, as the saying goes in the land of the blind a one eyed man can be king and there is nothing quite like understanding that the USA has become a land of lemmings, wimps, haters, abject morons and regressive right-wing filth that has been nurtured like mushrooms – kept in the dark and fed a steady diet of bullshit. Heretics such as myself fit Mencken’s very definition of the iconoclast:

The Iconoclast proves enough when he proves by his blasphemy that this or that idol is defectively convincing – that at least one visitor to the shrine is left full of doubts.
And as a corporate wage slave I am all too aware that I am a pariah, a leper and the most dangerous and vilified of all – GASP – a pessimist. Far be it from me to check my dignity at the door and take my hit of optimism opium from the pushers who staff the gulag. In less primitive times one who dares to violate the dictates of the workplace positivity police would have their tongue cut out and be cast out into the wilderness. Today one is first mocked and shunned by imbecilic childish co-workers and backbone challenged managers and if the ostracism doesn’t work there is PIP or some other acronym that stands for the corporate form of Dean Wormer’s double secret probation which is the final step before firing and the corporation is able to shaft the ‘malcontent’ when it comes to unemployment (they will keep their dead peasant insurance policies though) and any severance that may have been earned. Corporate America is a cruel and heartless place, a combination of Orwell, Huxley, Machiavelli, Tony Robbins and Dogbert’s Top Secret Management Handbook and the governing ideology of that particular institution is what has fucked the entire country, like the alien black oil in the X Files, it has seeped in and prepared the pod people for the harvest. But more on the quackery of the optimism opium a bit later.

But I digress…..

Hedges’ brilliant and passionate smack down of the desolate wasteland of 21st century America and the pathetic lost souls that inhabit the fucking place only validate my sheer contempt for the masses of asses, the useful idiots and my fellow Murkans. Shit, I really do hate most fucking people, like Daniel Plainview in the classic morality play There Will Be Blood, I find nothing good in them…. at least not anymore since the Reagan years and the demarcation from anything even remotely resembling reality. My faith in the humanity and redemptive qualities of my fellow Americans has long ago left the building and I am fully cognizant that I live in some Bizarro universe where I am one of the dwindling number of holdouts who has not been assimilated by the body snatchers. Fucked is fucked, as an old sage bartender once told me in my borderline petty criminal early years… ”desperation is not pretty”. The book is broken into five long pieces on the power of illusion and the ruinous moral and social consequences of each: celebrity, love, wisdom, happiness and ultimately America, in my opinion the penultimate illusion of them all. I have to say that I was even stunned at the job that he does in this book on exposing the bursting and sweating rancid underbelly of capitalist American culture post 9/11. Hedges critiques the reality television ‘fuck you’ culture of crap like a master coroner performing an autopsy on all that is rotten, vile and viscerally doomed about the media culture that has swallowed us whole.

“We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God’s name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion.”

-Howard Beale

Let’s face it, anyone who is not intoxicated by the siren song of the Matrix, who is not plugged into the hive and who is fully aware of the downward trajectory of this sorry assed country is fully aware of the power of illusion that is broadcast into nearly every home, the most insidious mind control device in human hisotry is that glass screened electronic god in the living room. A rogue government and the oligarchy that it serves owes their success in colonizing the brains of the lemmings to that pernicious invention and the use of it to erase and reprogram the human mind. Television, at it’s most basic level is a tool of the corporations to advertise, to create a set of artificial needs, false ideals and Aryan American archetypes in order to sell products. People have long since immersed themselves in such imagery to the extent of adapting their own inner workings to include snippets of what they see as television. Hedges first chapter deals with how the culture of celebrity has corrupted the very souls of Americans and he uses the examples of sensationalist, mean-spirited, mental masturbatory droolfests such as professional wrestling, the Jerry Springer Show and it’s imitators and reality television swill as examples of how successful that the dumbing down, the coarsening and the fattening of the sheeple has been.

There can be no serious argument that the average intellect in this country has been in freefall since the advent of television, specifically cable television. It is the opiate of the masses, the tool of the oligarchy and It is a damned certainty that elements within the government immediately realized the mind controlling potential of television just as big business realized that the new medium could be harnessed for advertising and commercial purposes so did the power brokers realize that it could be similarly utilized to manufacture consent, a term coined by Noam Chomsky who like so many others who dare to ask the serious questions are ghettoized into little niches, you will never see Chomsky on the corporate media, the same goes for the great John Pilger and especially Chris Hedges. You won’t see Chris Hedges as a guest on the phony liberal cable network shows, he is too serious and his antiwar credentials are impeccable due to his time spent as a war correspondent, he has seen the carnage, the atrocities. If MSNBC’s hallowed duo of Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow would ever seriously address the fascist warfare state then they would by out of their GE owned studios faster than shit through a tin horn.

The coming of the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan (our pre Obama product as president) and emerging technologies that would be able to prolong the mental assault 24/7 the American public slowly began to accept televised illusions as real life, revisionist historical entertainment as fact, the glorification of wealth over all else as attainable and realistic and the myth of Rambo as a realistic personification of American foreign policy. I do not have enough time or space to look at this topic here so as to do it justice. The 1980’s saw the spread of corporate nationalist propaganda delivered over hundreds of channels, each appealing to a particular segmentation of a populace too mired in the pathetic quality of the daily grind of their boring and irrelevant lives. Now whenever they needed a fix, the ability to click the little button on the black remote and to be transported into a different world, a world of escape from the drudgery, a world where they could collectively bond with role models test marketed to appeal to their particular fancies, to be politically socialized by talking heads spewing radical ideologies, unencumbered by the Fairness Doctrine which was repealed under Reagan and which would forever change their way of thinking as well as to demonize what had been the real America prior to January 20 1981. They were given everything and anything in order to keep them tuned in so that the propagandists could keep the stimulation applied, the indoctrination process could continue uninterrupted, the herd could be brought to order and shepherded in directions that were desirable to their masters.

Television in itself is a relatively new invention, having only gained mass exposure in the past half century or so but if you want to approximate a time when the demarcation line between fantasy and reality in American life began to become defined it would definitely be in the early 1980’s with the explosion in the satellite and cable television industries. This is the time that it became possible to pump 100+ channels of violence, filth, fascist political indoctrination, Horatio Alger anyone can get rich quick scheme infomercials, lurid sexual innuendo and whatever other flotsam and jetsam of the human spirit that could be mined for profit into millions of homes throughout the country. The rise of both the radical religious right as well as the rise of the political reactionary right can both be traced to the rise in the availability of cable television and how those movements were able to use the technology to brainwash the masses.

Thus began the dumbing down:

Children became more violent and dysfunctional.

Freak shows like Morton Downey and Springer drew mass audiences while pandering to deviates who would see their sorry lives displayed for public amusement.

Today more people vote on cheese talent shows like American Idol than in most elections.

Television also creates insecurity and mental illness, viewers of too much television are often unable to make the differentiation between fantasy and reality, look at the rise in school shootings and generally deviant violent behavior. They live vicariously through the imagery designed to sell them caricatures of a lifestyle that they in turn believe that must be lived up to in order to be ‘normal’. The barrage of imagery as well as its calculated usage to influence the psyche by those whose craft is manipulation has a devastating effect on Americans. The inability to detach oneself from television worlds breeds violence, insecurity, greed and other such undesirable behavior. This is especially true for children who are very impressionable, there are highly paid marketing firms who specialize in trying to get the products and or ideas of those who pay them seared into the minds of kids from the earliest age possible in order to create lifetime customers. Is this evil? If not outright evil it is certainly devoid of any sort of decent ethical principle but then again isn’t this exactly the sort of deviant behavior that unchecked capitalism is intended to produce?

Will there be a time when television fantasy, physical reality and dreams become indistinguishable to some? Is that time already here? The psychological dependence on television to create identity and loyalty should be a national shame. Generations that have been born into the cable television era have become more violent, more superficial, more unquestioning and most importantly, far dumber than those who were their predecessors.

The rise to power of the evil regime of Hitler was borne on the wings of massive public rallies, fantastic gatherings steeped in the power of nationalism, symbolism, fire, resentment and demagogic ravings of destiny. The most famous of the state sponsored bacchanalia being the 1934 Nuremberg rally, meticulously choreographed and captured on film by Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will would become the benchmark for all German propaganda. The national madness of the German people can be seen in these rallies and films, the unraveling and descent of a sophisticated society into primal and pure evil was facilitated by them.

With television there is no need for mass rallies, the demagoguery and imagery can be delivered directly into your very own living room. One has only to watch the raving Glenn Beck on FOX and to see the despearate maniacs who take to the streets as he eggs them on, incites them against the great phantom socialist, communist, liberal conspiracy – to borrow from the late, great Molly Ivins – it probably sounded better in its original German.

Porn is about reducing women to corpses. It is about necrophilia. ….The one emotion they are allowed to display is an unquenchable desire to satisfy men, especially if that desire involves the women’s physical and emotional degradation. The lighting in the films is harsh and clinical. Pubic hair is shaved off to give the women the look of young girls or rubber dolls. Porn, which advertises itself as sex, is a bizarre, bleached pantomime of sex. The acts onscreen are beyond human endurance. The scenarios are absurd. The manicured and groomed bodies, the huge artificial breasts, the pouting, oversized lips, the erections that never go down, and the sculpted bodies are unreal. Makeup and production mask blemishes. There are no beads of sweat, no wrinkle lines, no human imperfections. Sex is reduced to a narrow spectrum of sterilized dimensions. It does not include the dank smell of human bodies, the thump of a pulse, taste, breath—or tenderness. Those in the films are puppets, packaged female commodities. They have no honest emotions, are devoid of authentic human beauty and resemble plastic. Pornography does not promote sex, if one defines sex as a shared act between two partners. It promotes masturbation. It promotes the solitary auto-arousal that precludes intimacy and love. Pornography is about getting yourself off at someone else’s expense.

-Chris Hedges

The chapter on pornography entitled the Illusion of Love is not one for the squeamish. The descriptions are clinically graphic and hit like a crowbar to the skull. I will never look at porno the same way again after reading this, I am no connoisseur of such stuff and in the days when I did view it on occasion it was extremely tame compared to the sickening, misogynistic sadism that Hedges describes as being the modern porn underworld. It all ties in with the increasing degradation of the society, the dehumanization, the loss of our souls in pursuit of instant gratification, we are on a ship of doomed fools selling postcards of the hanging and any of the fellow passengers could be a flesh eating zombie ready to fuck you up the ass and eat your brain at any moment.

Hedges focuses on the vicious need for the sort of American male that I would say is exemplified in the Becker/Dittohead/Strong Daddy Christian elements on the far right and the need to wreak revenge against the women who have challenged his blessed, God given right for American male superiority per his birthright, the women are the objects of wrath and subjugation, fantasy and role playing, the scapegoats provided by a rapacious blood sucking oligarchy and the virulent fascist damnation that comes with it. I excerpt one of the tamer pieces from this chapter:

The most successful Internet porn sites and films are those that discover new ways to humiliate and inflict cruelty on women. In the Web site Slut Bus, women are lured into a van, offered money for sex, filmed having sex, and then dumped on the side of the road. Money is held out toward the woman as the van pulls away. She is always left without payment. The message is clear. Women are compliant sex machines. They are good only for sex. And they are not worth paying for their services.

“The mission?” the Web site asks. “Pick up the hottest girls we find. And get them to let us fuck them & cum in their pretty little faces while videotaping the whole thing.”

“The fun?” the site goes on. “Treating these slutty bitches like they deserve to be treated … with a slam bam thank ya ma’am & a swift kick in the ass! What? You thought we would actually pay these sluts? Hahahahaha. Think Again!

There is a discussion with a Dr. Z who preaches the wondrous joys of silicone love doll ownership that is freak-a-tude at its finest in which he describes the ‘relationships’ that he has had over the years with love dolls, proudly proclaiming that the top three or four blow jobs he has had in his life were from his dolls. Reading the two and a half pages of amiable dementia spouted by Dr. Z only made me wonder if he will be the next deranged right-wing psychopath who will show up in a Santa Claus suit at his ex-wife’s family’s Christmas party armed to the teeth and with a homemade flamethrower or some other similar human time bomb incident. This is the sordid type of sickness that lies deeply in the tortured psyches of these wretched pieces of human (and I use that term extremely loosely) garbage once you peel back the rantings of Rush. I learned (much to my sick sense of humor) that there is actually a porno movie that came out called Who’s Nailin’ Paylin: Adventures of a Hockey MILF, I am sure that one is a big hit with the Beckers and Dittohead angry white masturbators whose own cocks are milked dry over such perverse rot while their manhood is measured by the inches of the barrels of their beloved guns, their phallic symbols.

Authoritarian right wing Christian freaks seem to be particularly prone to the dirty nasty nekkid sort of stuff in porn, violence, nudity, humiliation and the Rapture only with ATM (ass to mouth action), cannonades of cum shots and of course the humiliation of the woman figure. Is there anything more vile than Christianity, the very concept of Eve being cloned from Adam and then turned out by Satan is the earliest and far most widely acceptable form of misogynist head fuck in history. The domineering male types, like those in the Promise Keepers and other male dominator factions of the filthy fascist minions of Satanic deceit practiced by the overly horny, goat herding false prophets on the right are nothing but seed sprayers, addicted to masturbation and when their torture fuckfest fantasies can’t be fulfilled by their mousy little child bearing wives they are the ones who are predominantly busted trolling the internet for child sex or other acts of brutality and perversion.

The seed sprayers, yeah, I get a kick out of that little moniker that I just made up, there is something I seem to recall from my child days of being read the riot act out of the unholy, everchanging book of doom that decried self pleasure as the spilling of God’s precious seed or something along those lines. Well these fuckers bring to mind that old classic Outer Limits tale, Specimen Unknown and the space plants who were inadvertently brought back to Earth and took the fucking place over by launching their barrages of little seeds, nice metaphor for the ongoing multiplication and takeover of enlightened society by the retrograde morons, closet sadomasochists (remember Rev. Gary Aldridge?) and leering degenerates throughout the land who get a chubby even thinking of dunking prepubescent little girls (or boys for that matter) into the baptism tank and peeking through their undies.

When I was a kid back in Colorado, we were temporarily captured in the little cult of a mid 70’s local Baptist church and their little bus that was sent out to troll for recruits. A youngish, hip dude named Brother Jess ran the place and while the rampant degeneracy that emerged from the Religious Right’s rise to power in the years of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and that very strange Timothy LaHaye whose Council For National Policy preached a militarist gospel that is so bizarrely Israel centric…as in Likudnik genocide fever dreams that it could have been concocted by the fucking Mossad itself.

Brother Jess had shoulder length hair, a bitchin’ blonde haired wife with big boobs and in his house a living room to basement mural of the life of Jesus – hand painted no less but he didn’t seem to be more than a good ole boy juiced on Jesus Juice and just preachin the ole time religion, dunking dozens a week in a baptism tank behind the pulpit that could have accommodated Shamu the fucking whale and ensuring that that collection plate got passed around multiple times during services so that the new temple that was being constructed off the main building could be completed. It wasn’t he who was the problem, it was the other freaks who attended that church….they just creeped me out, it was a horrifying experience at such an early age but a formative one. I will always remember when I was just a tyke in the third or fourth grade and overheard the teacher’s assistant who reeked of some sort of liquor laughing about the kids believing in Santa Claus, as if they were stupid or something but while that was like seeing a beloved idol dipped in and dragged though shit (and the terrible realization that my philandering drunken rat bastard father was REALLY eating the cookies and putting the stuff under the tree but I am rambling. I really got the whole concept about how phony good ole time Christian religion was early on, one day on the bus some dimbulb was leading us in a rousing singing of “you can’t get to Heaven with hippie hair, cause the lord don’t like that mess up there” and standing in front of a glowering figure with hair down to his ass and a wild beard and it sure as fuck wasn’t Ted Nugent.

I certainly must confess some deviate behavior earlier in my own life. From going hog wild in some of the raunchiest whorehouses in Subic Bay when I visited there as a 19 year old in the US Navy to having my toes sucked after they had grenadine poured on them in Louisiana’s famous hipster bar Ruby’s Roadhouse but nothing like the vilest forms of fetishistic, violent, reducing a woman to a vagina fuck object that goes on now. After reading Hedges’ description of the Gonzo porn industry I felt like taking a shower, a very cold one to relieve the sensation that I had been bludgeoned over the head. This is some hard core prose and it’s brutality is like a rolling blitzkrieg but that is his intent. The obscenity is that beatdown, slutmania porno is the flip side of the American obsession with murder, war and the glorification of the carnage, wrapped up in faux heroism that flows from the television sets like a backed up shitter. Abu Ghraib comes to mind and Hedges makes that point. The evolution of the fascist society and the melding of the mass mind with sadosexual kink behavior, Christian hatred and repression found an outlet in military condoned assaults on brown skinned Muslim devils was a root cause of the vile twisted perversity of what went on when a bunch of West Virginia peckerwood hicks were encouraged to get their jollies in Saddam’s rape rooms. Just imagine what will happen when the mobs are given the green light to go and round up the liberals.

Positive psychology is to the corporate state what eugenics was to the Nazis.

-Chris Hedges

In his chapter that covers the Illusion of Happiness, Hedges goes after a favorite villain of mine, the positive thinking hoax that I mentioned earlier on in this essay the positive thinking scam. You know the way the con works, it’s all about enforcing conformity and rooted in the need for the corporate state to build an unquestioning supply of cheap, cowed and easily abused labor that can be drawn upon. It’s a standard truck used by all cults but has really taken off with the osmosis of every aspect of American society with the corporate borg. The one trick that is always used by these people is the old litmus test of ‘is the glass half, empty or half full?’, a meaningless mental trick that allows for those with advanced degrees in basket weaving and finger painting to find employment in the Human Resources departments tasked with eliminating the renegades from the cattle. It is a very old school ruse, this think positively trickery, used in earlier times to give some form of comfort to the poor slaves who worked themselves to death, were savagely whipped, starved and crushed to death by the incompetence of their co-workers as they hauled stones to build immense replicas and monuments to the Pharaohs. There are thousands if not millions of shit shovelers, toilers and the abused who must be made to benefit that one son of a bastard who gets his face on the Sphinx. It was religion then, the hope that a better life in some magical kingdom in the sky awaited if only submission to pain and the worst human injustice and cruelty was tolerated, as the giant talking blimp broadcasts in Blade Runner ‘a new life awaits you in the off world colonies’. It was hogwash then, and it’s even more hogwash now.

I have long stated that I could indirectly trace every rotten thing that has gone so horribly awry in America to the denial and delusion associated with the entire ‘think positively’ confidence game. It only encourages apathy and submissiveness and it was the naïve belief in the market based fraud that is capitalism that has wrecked the global economy, the dogma that what is good for Wall Street is good for America, that the bill would never come due on the little pieces of Satanic plastic credit cards that were maxed out to be like the images on the television. The fraudsters who run the banking system were all too happy to inflate the housing bubble that has devastated this country with neutron bomb style efficiency. The never-ending ATM that was phony home equity fueled the mass illusions as long as the flim flam men could scheme to turn that imaginary mortgage equity into derivatives and bad paper that was ultimately worth as much as low grade toilet paper of the 100 grit quality. And it only continued because the jackasses in this country believed the charlatans like Mad Money Cramer, George W. Bush and Alan Greenspan, the Ayn Rand cultist who ran the Fed and came as close as a human being has ever come to being anointed as God on Earth. Suckers all, they bought into it, did not question it as they should have and in the end were impoverished by it. Oh, and allowed themselves to be conned again into bailing out the same banks, the modern day Pharaohs who reside in the temples of avarice that are Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase. Fools, goddamned fools, sheep and morons and we all have made to suffer because of the childish minds of Pollyanna Murkans skipping down the primrose path to perdition who fell for it all hook, line and sinker.

Which is why it is nice to see the entire myth get a long awaited debunking by Hedges and more importantly by Barbara Ehrenreich who actually will get some play in the mainstream media with her new book Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America. She doesn’t criticize the fascist warfare state when calling out the Jiminy Crickets so perhaps people can finally start to ponder how badly they have been hornswoggled by the positivity pimps. I haven’t read the book yet but I plan on it, I did happen to catch her interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now the other day and you should check it out if you haven’t already. Once this mindset has been broken there may be a chance but the zombies are legion, perhaps digging through dumpsters and fighting feral cats and dogs for scraps to feed themselves or standing in food pantry lines with their kids will render them somehow susceptible to reason, somehow I doubt it though.

I am reminded of my days as an outside representative who would make regular visits to a certain high profile national chain of convenience stores. The managers of these stores suffered from some sort of shellshock, they were walking wounded, broken people hounded by micromanaging corporate types, tyrannical district managers who always popped in at unexpected times and harangued by customers. They were psychically damaged material doing a thankless job for a pack of corporate pricks. What I remember in particular was one frumpy manager (looked like a dumpster in pantsuit) who had been transformed as some are by taking Jesus into their hearts. ‘Sally’, not her real name of course had found her proverbial file inside of the jailhouse cake because she had just been recruited into the notorious Amway Inc upon which the DeVos family (which includes Xe/Blackwater’s Erik Prince) built it’s massive fortune. ‘Sally’ backed me into a corner and explained that she would soon be wealthy beyond her wildest dreams, out from under the corporate schmucks who she baked bricks for and that her entire mindset was changed after attending Amway drink the Kool Aid sessions. I remember that she tried to explain the difference as though there were two parallel universes and that she had been able to transcend them… was like stepping through The Stargate she told me – everything was right on the other side, it was filled with wonderful positive and successful people and she too was going to leave the drudgery behind and join them. You can sell anything in America but nothing sells like hope, it’s like vails of ‘holy’ water sold in a leper colony, there is a reason that that bombastic shit-eating snake oil salesman Dr. Phil exists as a sort of demigod in Murka.

Ultimately though it’s all bullshit, the get rich schemes, the positivity pod people, the idea of transformation into a capitalist chrysalis and ultimately the corporate system itself. Like the wretched slaves in Plato’s cave allegory Americans have learned to love their bondage. As for me, I have always been a heretic, only now I no longer blame myself for not fitting into their bullshit system, choosing to call it out as what it truly is, fraud of the highest order writ large on stone tablets and given to charismatic Judas Goats like Dr. Phil, Oprah, Tony Robbins and any of the myriad of pitchmen and women to carry down the mountain to deliver to the unwashed masses of asses.

A few years after my conversation with ‘Sally’ over the Stargate, after I had quit my job and moved on to other things I happened to stop by a certain national convenience store for gas. a Big Bite and a Big Gulp and lo and behold there she was, toiling away behind the counter looking as sad, beaten and frumpy as ever with a look on her face like she had a big stinky turd in the inner front pocket of her green smock. The Stargate ultimately led to yet another boulevard of broken dreams as it ALWAYS does in lemming land, P.T. Barnum had it dead right, there IS a sucker born every minute…and they breed like rabbits on hormone supplements here in the home of the slaves.

The New Hammerhead was a perfect cowboy. He was vicious & stupid & ignorant of everything except his own fears and appetites. He beat the mortal shit out of anything that made him uneasy, for any reason at all. The Hammerhead was a perfect warrior. He defended the flag. Any flag. He learned to understand words like “orders” and “patriotism”, but the secret of his success was an animal taste for blood. He thrived on motion. But he was brainless; he had to be aimed.

-Hunter S. Thompson

Finally there is the Illusion of America, anything that Hedges says at this point is pretty much anticlimactic because let’s face it, you and I already understand the depths of the abyss that we are descending into. All in all it’s a pretty bleak assessment of where we are at right now, in a kinky, impoverished, militarist, delusional land of misfit toys and in pissing on the positivity pimps let me tell you one thing – enjoy today, it is going to be the best day of the rest of your life, every subsequent day is going to be incrementally worse as the system continues to rot, the facades are slowly torn away and the raw power of the police state is rolled out in order to protect the oligarchy from the rabble.

The Dow Jones is back over 10,000 again and with it goes the increase in oil and commodities prices, get ready for food prices to climb as well and any astute cynic can tell you that the official unemployment figures are horseshit, they are more likely twice what is announced but our shiny new reality show president has decided to cast his lot with the capitalists. The same swine who wrecked the system are now being given free reign to blow the next big bubble and all with house money. None of the surge in fraud and speculation means jack shit to the real economy, it has had a permanent hole blown in it, much like the USS Arizona and there is no way that fucker isn’t going down just the same way. There are always the illusions, it’s NFL season again so that of course buys some time in terms of distraction but there is a growing ugliness out there that we can all attest to, those with the keener antennae have smelled blood coming for quite some time now.

The anger of the fucked over has been very successfully co-opted by the dark forces of the fascist right and their corporate media. The very disturbing rise of the Beckers, a drooling but exponentially growing pack of know nothings, dead enders and goons who will when the time is right be used by the establishment as protection just like Hitler’s S.A.. They buy books with Beck’s image on the front in some sort of Stasi/fascistic military uniform, whatever it is it isn’t American. Or maybe it is. Maybe the inner Jack Bauer inside the easily manipulated angry army is just a bit closer to coming out now, it is after all a land where militarism is worshipped above all else. The National Football League, that greatest of American capitalist institutions may have in the interests of making more money shunned Rush Limbaugh who is a perfect fit for the fraternity of high rolling white assholes who are the owners, perhaps their stadiums are in their own minds their plantations upon which their “million dollar niggers” to borrow from the dearly departed Nazi sympathizer Marge Schott can frolic to their delight. Engaging in the modern form of gladiatorial combat that so served the Roman elite, how many slaves empowered by smiley faced positive thinking toiled to build that monstrous new stadium of his? A garish monstrosity complete with the world’s biggest television screens, a new coliseum which will soon host the Circus Maximus of them all: The Super Bowl. Matt Taibbi called the nationally televised home opener there “a genuinely terrifying broadcast event of a kind not seen since the premier of The Triumph of the Will. This was a debutante ball for America’s new idiot fascism.” But really, isn’t such outrage expressed by commissioner Roger Goodell over Limbaugh’s virulent racism hypocritical in how the NFL has so successfully become a showcase for American militarism?

Television will feed the basest emotional needs of the busted out freaks, haters and losers but at what point does the fascist right capitalize on the failures of the pathetically impotent Obama administration to provide even the most basic forms of assistance to those not dwelling in the ivory towers on Wall Street? The anger is out there and it is growing like a cancer just getting ready to do some serious eating on the victim. The abominable betrayal of the Democrats on the so-called health care reform fiasco is going to come with a price, forcing bankrupted, jobless Americans to buy overpriced coverage from the insurance parasites backed by the threat of state punishment isn’t exactly going to do much to keep the corporate Democrats in power for long and it’s going to only feed the flames being doused with gasoline by Beck, Cheney, Kristol and the rest of the neocons desperately trying to get back into official power. 2010 is not going to be a good year for the jackass party, print this out and tack it up somewhere because come next November I will be proven right. I will say one thing though, if the extreme right ever manages to seize power again then it’s a done deal for people like you and I.

Hedges’ book was scathing, a long and brutal scourging of much that has occurred as we have been flipped fascist but his best commentary, from a fairly recent Truthdig column entitled Globalization Goes Bankrupt from which I excerpt:

The rage of the disposed is fracturing the country, dividing it into camps that are unmoored from the political mainstream. Movements are building on the ends of the political spectrum that have lost faith in the mechanisms of democratic change. You can’t blame them. But unless we on the left move quickly, this rage will be captured by a virulent and racist right wing, one that seeks a disturbing proto-fascism.

Every day counts. Every deferral of protest hurts. We should, if we have the time and the ability, make our way to Pittsburgh for the meeting of the G-20 this week rather than do what the power elite is hoping we will do—stay home. Complacency comes at a horrible price.

And –

The draconian security measures put in place to silence dissent in Pittsburgh are disproportionate to any actual security concern. They are a response not to a real threat, but to the fear gripping the established centers of power. The power elite grasps, even if we do not, the massive fraud and theft being undertaken to save a criminal class on Wall Street and international speculators of the kinds who were executed in other periods of human history. They know the awful cost this plundering of state treasuries will impose on workers, who will become a permanent underclass. And they also know that once this is clear to the rest of us, rebellion will no longer be a foreign concept.

The delegates to the G-20, the gathering of the world’s wealthiest nations, will consequently be protected by a National Guard combat battalion, recently returned from Iraq. The battalion will shut down the area around the city center, man checkpoints and patrol the streets in combat gear. Pittsburgh has augmented the city’s police force of 1,000 with an additional 3,000 officers. Helicopters have begun to buzz gatherings in city parks, buses driven to Pittsburgh to provide food to protesters have been impounded, activists have been detained, and permits to camp in the city parks have been denied. Web sites belonging to resistance groups have been hacked and trashed, and many groups suspect that they have been infiltrated and that their phones and e-mail accounts are being monitored.

And –

Our global economy, like our political system, has been hijacked by a tiny oligarchy, composed mostly of wealthy white men who serve corporations. They have pledged or raised a staggering $18 trillion, looted largely from state treasuries, to prop up banks and other financial institutions that engaged in suicidal acts of speculation and ruined the world economy. They have formulated trade deals so corporations can speculate across borders with currency, food and natural resources even as, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1.02 billion people on the planet struggle with hunger. Globalization has obliterated the ability of many poor countries to protect food staples such as corn, rice, beans and wheat with subsidies or taxes on imported staples. The abolishment of these protections has permitted the giant mechanized farms to wipe out tens of millions of small farmers—2 million in Mexico alone—bankrupting many and driving them off their land. Those who could once feed themselves can no longer find enough food, and the wealthiest governments use institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization like pit bulls to establish economic supremacy. There is little that most governments seem able to do to fight back.

And –

But the game is up. The utopian dreams of globalization have been exposed as a sham. Force is all the elite have left. We are living through one of civilization’s great seismic reversals. The ideology of globalization, like all utopias that are sold as inevitable and irreversible, has become a farce. The power elite, perplexed and confused, cling to the disastrous principles of globalization and its outdated language to mask the political and economic vacuum before us. The absurd idea that the marketplace alone should determine economic and political constructs caused the crisis. It led the G-20 to sacrifice other areas of human importance—from working conditions, to taxation, to child labor, to hunger, to health and pollution—on the altar of free trade. It left the world’s poor worse off and the United States with the largest deficits in human history. Globalization has become an excuse to ignore the mess. It has left a mediocre elite desperately trying to save a system that cannot be saved and, more important, trying to save itself. “Speculation,” then-President Jacques Chirac of France once warned, “is the AIDS of our economies.” We have reached the terminal stage.

And –

The institutions that once provided alternative sources of power, including the press, government, agencies of religion, universities and labor unions, have proved morally bankrupt. They no longer provide a space for voices of moral autonomy. No one will save us now but ourselves.

“The best thing that happened to the Establishment is the election of a black president,” Holmes said. “It will contain people for a given period of time, but time is running out. Suppose something else happens? Suppose another straw breaks? What happens when there is a credit card crisis or a collapse in commercial real estate? The financial system is very, very fragile. The legs are being kicked out from underneath it.”

“Obama is in trouble,” Holmes went on. “The economic crisis is a structural crisis. The recovery is only a recovery for Wall Street. It can’t be sustained, and Obama will be blamed for it. He is doing everything Wall Street demands. But this will be a dead end. It is a prescription for disaster, not only for Obama but the Democratic Party. It is only groups like ours that provide hope. If labor unions will get off their ass and stop focusing on narrow legislation for their members, if they will go back to being social unions that embrace broad causes, we have a chance of effecting change. If this does not happen it will be a right-wing disaster.”

The G20 turned the Iron City into a martial law area of lockdown, a test run for what is coming once the oligarchy is no longer able to maintain the illusions. The left has failed in preventing this and will be the sacrificial lambs fed to the cannibals when the time comes, you can count on that. In addition to Glenn Beck’s increasingly bold minions there is the Nixon style image remaking campaign being conducted for the darling of the angry white masses Sarah Palin, she will be their future leader, it’s God’s will you know…the real New Hitler is already here and 2012 is surely only going to be more miserable as the economic Diaspora is creating permanently scarred and desperate people looking for both a savior and scapegoats.

The neocons aren’t going to go quietly into the goodnight, the Obama illusion is just that, a big lie, a fraud and a temporary placebo passed off as a panacea, ultimately however like all illusions it will dissipate leaving in it’s place a thirst for blood that knows no satisfaction and will not be slaked until every enemy and perceived enemy that is offered up has been eradicated.


Tortureland U.S.A.


Flies all green ‘n buzzin’ in his dungeon of despair
Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes and scratch their matted hair
A tiny light from a window hole a hundred yards away
Is all they ever get to know about the regular life in the day;
An’ it stinks so bad the stones been chokin’
‘N weepin’ greenish drops
In the room where the giant fire puffer works
‘N the torture never stops
The torture never stops

Slime ‘n rot, rats ‘n snot ‘n vomit on the floor
Fifty ugly soldiers, man, holdin’ spears by the iron door
Knives ‘n spikes ‘n guns ‘n the likes of every tool of pain
An’ a sinister midget with a bucket an’ a mop where the blood goes down the drain;

An’ it stinks so bad the stones been chokin’
‘N weepin’ greenish drops
In the room where the giant fire puffer works
‘N the torture never stops
The torture never stops
The torture
The torture
The torture never stops.

-Frank Zappa: The Torture Never Stops


Hail to the Chief! Much to the delight of befuddled, fear-stricken Americans and the heinously sadistic neocons whose grotesque perversion ensured that along with that nifty little nickname The Homeland that the good ole USA would become a torture state it has been announced that there will be no enforcement of the law by the incoming Obama administration. The foul mouthed, weasel eyed little prick Rahm Emanuel slammed down his jackboot resoundingly on the Sunday morning bloviation circuit and decreed that there will be no prosecution of the war criminals from the Bush administration for their engaging in torture. Hell, the gangster Emanuel – a danger to America that must be reigned in – even flippantly compared this week’s release of the torture manuals as something was basically irrelevant and that the information could be found – and I shit you not…in the New York Review of Books. Here is a piece of the transcript from his ever smarmy former Clinton administration crony George Stephanopoulos’s show that shit eyes Emanuel appeared on Sunday morning:

EMANUEL: It’s kind of a — let me say this. One of the reasons the president was willing to let this information out was that already the information was out. So if they’re saying that you basically have exposed something, it’s been written. Go get the New York Review of Books. It’s there.

So the notion that somehow, we’re exposing something — it’s already been out. In fact, President Bush let — allowed — let it — allowed a lot of this information out. So the notion that somehow this all of a sudden is a game changer doesn’t take cognizance of the fact that it’s already in the system and in the public domain. Therefore, it’s not new. So the notion that that is something we’ve built in — it’s already been there.

Number two, it’s one of the key tools Al Qaida has used for recruitment. There has been a net cost to America. By changing the way America is seen in the world, which means banning this technique and practice, we have actually stopped them and prevented them from using it as a rallying cry.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Final quick question. The president has ruled out prosecutions for CIA officials who believed they were following the law. Does he believe that the officials who devised the policies should be immune from prosecution?

EMANUEL: What he believes is, look, as you saw in that statement he wrote, and I would just take a step back. He came up with this and he worked on this for about four weeks, wrote that statement Wednesday night, after he made his decision, and dictated what he wanted to see. And Thursday morning, I saw him in the office, he was still editing it.

He believes that people in good faith were operating with the guidance they were provided. They shouldn’t be prosecuted.

STEPHANOPOULOS: What about those who devised policy?

EMANUEL: Yes, but those who devised policy, he believes that they were — should not be prosecuted either, and that’s not the place that we go — as he said in that letter, and I would really recommend people look at the full statement — not the letter, the statement — in that second paragraph, “this is not a time for retribution.” It’s time for reflection. It’s not a time to use our energy and our time in looking back and any sense of anger and retribution.

While I have been early on the record with my criticism of the incoming Obama administration (Hell, it would be the utmost in hypocrisy in not holding him to the same standards I held Bush to although the sycophantic O-bots would disagree) for what at first appeared to be a backdoor Clinton restoration. The very early escalation of the war in Afghanistan was bad enough, the ongoing capitulation to Republican Nazis out of some insane fantasy of bipartisan ship was worse, then it took an even more outrageous turn when it became apparent that the Wall Street pigs would find their troughs full of taxpayer loot under Summers and Geithner and now has become something much more dark and sinister with the refusal to restore the law and punish the torturers. I can certainly understand that slimy little cocksucker Emanuel’s reluctance to adhere to international law, his dual citizenship certainly doesn’t compel him to act in any manner that would potentially draw attention to participation of Israeli intelligence in criminal acts conducted under the blanket of the bogus war on terror. A former IDF man and son of a militant Zionist terrorist couldn’t possibly be expected to set a precedent that may legitimize international outrage over Israeli war crimes including killing babies and any sort of Obama led attempt to restore a sense of morality could come back to bite a pack of war criminals in the ass.

Now I am obliged to also note that one of those who are guilty of war crimes – at least according to the Spanish court that had considered indictments of the Bush Six is one certain filthy little neocon rat named Douglas J. Feith, a member of the Richard Perle-Bibi Netanyahu report on carving out a nice chunk of Israeli Lebensraum (never mind the brutality and body count) that was entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm as well as one of the little dark elves that toiled in Cheney and Rummy’s notorious propaganda chop shop the Office Of Special Plans that lied us into the Middle East wars of aggression. Feith’s daddy, Dalk was a member of the extremist Betar youth movement that was a precursor to the Likud. It is really quite impossible to take any sort of serious look at the American human rights abuses and war atrocities of the new American century without taking into account the longtime corrosive moral degradation that comes from being the handmaiden to the rogue Zionist realm of dark and bloody oppression.


This entire thing reeks of the same different set of standards regarding human rights atrocities that has so metastasized in recent years. And the big stinky kosher pig in the middle of the living room is Israel and the ongoing capitulation of yet another administration that at least in theory is supposed to be serving the American people but let’s face it, when annoiting Rahm Emanuel is the first act of Obama the fix is once again in. There will be a slow ratcheting up of pressure on B.O. to ‘see the light’ on the necessity of attacking Iran…it is coming. For example the Zionist propagandists are already calling Obama’s policies a threat to God’s chosen land see Haaretz story – MI Chief: Obama Mideast policy threatens Israel. Then there was yesterday’s ridiculous and obviously planned sideshow of envoys walking out of the U.N. anti-racism conference when the ‘New Hitler’ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dared to call that racist genocidal shithole Israel a racist state that practices genocide. As Orwell once said, “in a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act” and god knows we sure as shit can’t handle the truth in lemming land. A further note on the dog and pony stunt at the U.N. racism conference (the exalted champion of human rights and TORTURE that is the USA was crudely bullied into not attending by the usual vermin) is that the sainted Elie Wiesel was among the leaders and who came out and called for the jailing of Ahmadinejad. In all sympathy for Wiesel, a survivor of the Nazi horrors in the death camps the constant invocation of The Holocaust as blanket justification to out Nazi the fucking Nazis in murder, torture, terror and violence is bullshit and he knows it. Having been fleeced by Bernie Madoff it is sad to see the Nobel Peace Prize laureate having to stoop to such cheapjack publicity stunts, were it not so dangerous to world peace it would be pitful.

I certainly didn’t intend for this to be an anti-Israel rant but since I am on the topic I also would like to opine that America’s transformation into a police/torture state could never have occurred without that fascist goon colony as a blueprint. The intimidation and perception management apparatus that Israel has implemented here is something that is both wondrous to behold and monstrous at the same time. The war on terror used as a post 9/11 excuse to justify the transformation was greeted with glee by the real New Hitler Bibi Netanyu who openly stated that 9/11 was good for Israel. It has become common practice to use the Israeli model of the hyping of horror to justify even more horror and repression and with Rahm Emanuel as Batman to Obama’s Robin we haven’t seen anything yet. In an important sidenote regarding Israeli bribery, blackmail and espionage that will soon disappear down the memory hole. Jane Harman, the whore of AIPAC was caught by an NSA wiretap colluding to peddle influence in what should be a huge scandal the reaches into the very bowels of the Bush White House and the torture man himself Alberto Gonzales. Here is the link to Glenn Greenwald’s piece on this explosive story, I would strongly recommend readin it. It’s nice to see a sow like Harman ensnared in her own trap but don’t expect anything to be done with this by our illustrious leader.

That however, is another story so I digress…


The abysmal moral failure of Barack and the Obamanauts with their refusal to hold accountable those responsible for these acts of evil is astonishing, as we are all sitting here right now we are witnessing something far worse than Ford pardoning Nixon. After all, Nixon never signed off on torture and damned as he tried he was never able to get anywhere near the disembowelment of the Constitution that the Bush-Cheney Axis of Evil pulled off along with their legal eagles like Addington, Bybee and Yoo. As much of a shock that this may be to those who exalted in the scenes in Chicago’s Grant Park on that November 4th evening or in the historic festival of euphoria that was Washington D.C. on inauguration day we are now seeing our great champion of change putting his own seal of approval on some of the most disgusting acts of flagrant fascism in this country’s history. This is more than just turning a blind eye for the sake of unity, or as the propagandists push their Pollyanna version of public relations derived drivel of a grand and cleansing national rejuvenation of “looking forward’, this is the Barack Obama administation’s assumption of complicity in these horrors. Imagine the Nuremburg Trials only with the most insidious of Nazi mass murdering scum lectured, given suspended sentences and sent about their merry torturing way…but this is worse. As skidrow poet Charles Bukowski once wrote; “if you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose”, what does it say of the majority of Americans, especially the O-bots if they can’t muster any outrage over this? It makes them the moral equivalent of their counterparts who worshipped George W. Bush under the Fuhrerprincip that was the unitary executive theory that turned the presidency into a dictatorship after 9/11.

They were just following orders…that’s what the sleazy little douchebag Rahm Emanuel and the Clinton sockpuppet reality TV show prez would want us to believe…that was no excuse at Nuremberg nor is it now. The management may have changed but this is still an outlaw nation and until every last fucking one of Bush’s laws is eradicated, the torturing vermin who have pissed away America’s moral high ground and ensured that every time that a U.S. serviceman or woman is captured that there will be nothing to restrain their captors from peeling their fucking skin off inch by agonizing inch because they are just doing as the Americans do….well…just God Damn them all to Hell. This is fucking intolerable and outrage is justifiable, Jesus NOT be outraged is a mortal sin.

Now that it’s their guy practicing (for the time being anyway) an enlightened despotism in which none of the previous administration’s vastly expanded powers that had previously been anathema to the so called left as well as the all important police state infrastructure that has been put into place…well they are just down with it. This stinks, it really stinks and if the masses of asses who accept this flagrant abuse of human decency well their souls stink too….but they already have sold them to the company store.


Flies all green ‘n buzzin’ in his dungeon of despair
An evil prince eats a steamin’ pig in a chamber right near there
He eats the snouts ‘n the trotters first
The loin’s ‘n the groin’s is soon dispersed
His carvin’ style is well rehearsed
He stands and shouts
All men be cursed
All men be cursed
All men be cursed
All men be cursed
And disagree, well no-one durst
He’s the best of course of all the worst
Some wrong been done, he done it first

The Torture Never Stops

A Brief Interlude: In Jack’s Country

The pain was immense for the crumbled heap on the concrete floor, the sweaty blond man just didn’t stop…”ok you fucker…you goddamned filthy sand nigger, you fucking piece of shit…I am going to peel you before Allah”

Not enough jagoff?? I’m gonna bring your son in here, fuck him in the ass, whack him into pieces, make him into soup and make you eat him goddammit…now one more time…WHERE the fuck is it???

Where sandnigger? Where is the fucking bomb, the ticking fucking time bomb….

“Fuck you heathen” hissed jack as he grabbed a steel chair, twisting like a ballet dancer as he pirouetted seamlessly and smashed the chair into the man’s back….sending him crashing into the reinforced concrete wall, a Rorschach spot of dark arterial blood was upon the wall as the man bounced back to land at the feet of the avenging angel in black.

“For God”…screamed Jack as he brought the chair down again. The man was now only whimpering….

“For Country”…..Jack executed a powerhouse karate kick that snapped the man’s neck and separated the jaw, teeth skittered across the piss and blood slicked floor, the jaw sort of flip flopped in place, held on by a piece of flesh….

“For John Wayne” shrieked Jack with spittle flying from his lips, hyperventilating he brought the chair down again….again….again….the sick sound like wet smacking meat, like Rocky using the beef carcasses for workout bags….he brought it down fifteen more times then dropped it….fell to his knees in a pool of blood and viscera.

Then, panting and drooling he undid his belt, opened his pants and masturbated into the mess before him. God bless America, our safety is once again assured by our courageous guardians.


Dialogue from a 2005 debate with former Bush Justice Department official and coauthor of the torture memos John Yoo.

Cassel: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
Yoo: No treaty.

Cassel: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

The torture memos just leave me breathless and sickened. It’s not like I didn’t know what was going on, I live in the real world and refuse to be spoonfed by the corporate media machine. The unbelievable brutality and the codifying of it into law makes me want to vomit, it makes me truly ashamed to be an American. The thing that I can’t get over though is the part about the bugs. The waterboarding of the phony 9/11 ‘terrorist’ attack mastermind 138 fucking times in one month is bad enough, the nakedness and the beatings too, the sadomasochistic perverts that are drawn to the authoritarian right like coffin flies to fresh shit is a given. I mean, what the fuck is up with the goddamned torture by insects? That is something so macabre that it is out of a Dr. Phibes flick and would be hard to believe if not for the history of MKULTRA and other diabolical torture and mind control programs underwritten by the American taxpayer. Sick motherfuckers these neocon bastards are, I mean if there is any justice (and that is a fantasy) then the likes of David Addington, John Yoo, Douggie Feith and that Federalist Society Nazi and now Federal Judge Jay Bybee then they would be made to endure a fitting punishment: death by scaphism. I can understand if this is too much for the squeamish but it is the least that these pricks deserve:

Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death. The name comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning “scooped (or hollowed) out”.

The naked person was firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowing boats (or a hollowed-out tree trunk), with the head, hands, and feet protruding. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages. They would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual’s feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within his or her exposed and increasingly gangrenous flesh. The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that dehydration or starvation did not provide them with the release of death. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock. Delirium would typically set in after a few days.

In other recorded versions, the insects did not eat the person; biting and stinging insects such as wasps, which were attracted by honey on the body, acted as the torture.
Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted. Plutarch writes in his biography of Artaxerxes that Mithridates, sentenced to die in this manner for killing Cyrus the Younger, survived 17 days before dying.

This system is being preserved because despite whatever the new frontman for the empire might say to the contrary it is imperative that the ability to torture remain as one of the most kick ass clubs in the bag. The economy is in freefall and despite what the spinners try to tell us the jobs are NEVER coming back, there is also a growing desperation and the agent provocateurs of the oligarchy are whipping the knuckle draggers up into a full blown murderous frenzy – another Nazi tactic adapted for the American Homeland. The establishment would like nothing more than some sort of violent response, perhaps a new Timothy McVeigh style strike that provide the justification for the lockdown of the police street control grid. Then the paramilitary thugs weaned on the exploits of Jack Bauer could truly go into action. The Stasi style surveillance system will ensure that when the time comes that the lists will be ready for those designated to do the pickups. While the filthy torturers have been allowed the ideological cover of cracking the skulls, busting the spleens and waterboarding only suspected ‘terrorists’ it will be very soon that people who are outspoken, patriotic Americans will become increasingly tempting targets for a state run amok. I have always maintained that the torture was being beta tested for the day that it will be turned on political dissidents and there is nothing on earth that will convince me otherwise.


Not to go on All-Fours; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to suck up Drink; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to eat Fish or Flesh; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to claw the Bark of Trees; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to chase other Men; that is the Law. Are we not men?

-The Sayer of the Law

Laws have been broken, America’s good name has been defiled and dragged through the darkest alleys of torture states, the treasury has been looted and the entire system plundered and rigged for the benefit of the elitists to the point where the legitimacy of every institution in this land is now questionable in regard to its ability to function.

This is not revenge as the corrupt mainstream mockingbird pundits and the feckless corporate beholden gatekeeping whores like Rahm Emanuel would have you believe…this is about justice. It is necessary to relentlessly investigate, prosecute and pursue these bastards to the ends of the Earth if necessary for their myriad of crimes against humanity that have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths abroad as well as the gutting of the constitution here at home. Then there is the looting and the stinking torture state that has been put into place to protect the looters and the rest of the bastards.

If we are unwilling and unable to exist under a system of laws than ultimately we are no better than beasts.

When looking at today’s social and political trends it is fairly easy to extrapolate forward several years and when taking into consideration our new style fascist bent as well as the desire of theocrats to roll back the clock to the good old days of the Inquisition and along with an abundant supply of desperate, destitute, dumbed down, reality television addicted zombies and it could only be a matter of time until some cable televisioni network smash hit reality show will be American Torquemada where any influential government critic could become the featured guest. It would be a huge ratings pull for sweeps week.

America needs to scream now and scream loudly in unified righteous outrage in order to stop this decline into despotic barbarism. Silence only increases the chances that you will be screaming much louder if it is ever you who finds yourself strapped to the torture table.


Ah, the suffering. The sweet, sweet suffering.


Kewpie Katie’s Dead Jew Porn

The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.

-Hunter S. Thompson

One of the most devastating indictments of the American media and the decline into crass commercialism, tabloid cheese, Wall Street and Pentagon propaganda, lurid pervert of the week tales and moronic dumbed down swill that passes for the news of the rotting empire is America’s Sweetheart Katie Couric. That this dimbulb, morning infotainment maven could be sitting in the anchor chair at CBS (See B.S.) that was once occupied by titans of American journalism like Edward Murrow, Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather is as bizarre and inconceivable as the long lines of outright poltroons who have found as their hero and champion Glenn Beck, a shameless, media whore lunatic whose latest ghostwritten hunk of shit best selling book has him on the cover in a fucking Stasi uniform.

Couric has been on somewhat of a roll lately, scoring an interview with the aforementioned icon of the neo-Confederacy of dunces Beck in which the great one uttered the blasphemy that the Obama presidency is better for the country (as well as Herr Beck’s bank account) than the treacherous old dog from the cactus state John McCain would have been. Astonishingly, Beck even speaks the truth sometimes, he actually has drawn the wrath of the neocons by GASP speaking out about U.S. imperialism, I could imagine how great that it would be if somehow a spell was cast on Beck where he became like the Jim Carey character in the movie Liar Liar where he suddenly found himself unable to fib but that is as much a fantasy as Kewpie being a reputable journalist.

Last week, during the ceaseless propaganda blitz, leaked reports of nuclear death labs embedded in mountains that are straight out of fucking James Bond movies and the rancid and sordid lies and fearmongering that the right loves to spew whenever the need arises Katie scored again. This time during the visit of the ‘New Hitler’ Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the United Nations where along with the over the top batshit exploits of Moammar Gadhafi and the melodramatic apocalyptic smaltz of Bibi Netanyahu they might as well have been auditioning for the rollout of an updated Three Stooges movie Kewpie Katie interviewed Mad Mahmoud. The pride of See B.S. was out of her league not lobbing softballs to anti-intellectual assclowns like Beck or pinhead populists like Sarah Palin. I excerpt from the AP story Ahmadinejad 1, Couric 0:

Last week, Katie Couric had the tables turned on her. During an interview with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Couric asked about Neda Soltan, the Iranian female who was shot and killed by Iranian security back in June.

After expressing his regret for the loss of life, Mr. Ahmadinejad pulled out a photo of another woman. He showed it to Ms. Couric and asked if she knew who the woman was. Couric said she didn’t, and that’s when Ahmadinejad pounced.

Ahmadinejad explained that the woman in the photo is Marwa Ali El-Sherbini. She was stabbed to death in a German court by a neo-Nazi. The Iranian president then asked why the death of Ms. El-Sherbini wasn’t being publicized by the media in the same way as Neda’s. Ahmadinejad “suggested that the western media — who turned Neda into a martyr — ignored Marwa’s story.”

Then…..THWAP! Out came the pictures of the dead Jews, Katie, the reigning queen of American McNews played it like a trump card and a powerful one at that when it comes to furthering militarist propaganda and hyping an attack on Iran to the masses of asses, the Rapturheads and teabagger fraidy cats. Legions cheered Xena the warrior queen’s smackdown of the Iranian devil, Zionist freaks the same ones who took to the streets outside the hated U.N. with their Bircher cohorts in protest rejoiced. He who dares to deny the Holocaust and wants to incinerate God’s chosen land was slain right here in America, and by a woman no less. Granted, it is evident that Ahmadinejad is an ass, his mocking denials of the Holocaust are pure schlock shoveled out by a master shit salesman. The man just knows that it is nails on a chalkboard to the neocons and the foaming at the mouth Likud lunatics but Americans should temper their outrage and check their idiocy at the door for once and get in line with the ugly truth.

Of course Kewpie Katie would rather pass a kidney stone than utter the word Goldstone, as in Goldstone Report but she like the rest of dumbass America have a serious problem with their own form of Holocaust denial. I mean when is the blasphemy ever uttered that capitalist icon and American hero Henry Ford, a rabid anti-Semite adapted the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and beginning in 1920 serialized it and published it in the paper that he owned, The Dearborn Independent? Ford’s blaming of every existing problem on the Jews was an eerie precursor to the Limbaughs and Becks (and their legions of devotees who would eat peanuts and corn out of their shit) demagoguery against the hated liberals. Ford’s series, which also featured other railings against Jews ran for 91 weeks and Ford dealers were made to buy and sell subscriptions to the Dearborn Independent as a part of their business agreements. The Ford series eventually was made into a widely distributed publication of booklets entitled The International Jew and became a huge hit in Germany, drawing accolades from Hitler himself who was a big fan of Ford whose work was a valuable resource for the devil’s bible that would become the infamous Mein Kampf.

Now Henry Ford isn’t the only individual or American corporation that gave a helping hand to Hitler’s cult of carnage, IBM provided the Nazis with the machines that were used to keep track of the victims of the death camps, General Motors assisted in putting wheels under the Nazi’s asses. The eugenics craze of Nazi Germany that resulted in the mass exterminations and grotesquely inhuman medical experiments on helpless victims had their roots in America and a guy named Prescott Bush helped launder the Reich’s money here in the USA and Coca Cola created the drink Fanta to be marketed in Germany. There were actually hundreds of corporations that did business with the Nazis (the only loyalty is to money to the banksters and oligarchs) but God forbid that any poor sap in this lemming colony ever learns the truth about that one. I would suggest Edwin Black’s book Nazi Nexus as a good example of some of the more complicit American villians and their role in laying the ground for the actual Holocaust. Perhaps someone should do Kewpie Katie a great service and send her a copy as a gift.

So the usage of Holocaust porn by Couric is just another example of the bizarre, Mad Hatter’s psilocybin mushroom tea party view of the event itself and the appropriation of it by every sleazy operator and front group for imperialist conquest, Israeli genocide, political power and religious indoctrination seeking to have the most kick ass club in the bag. America itself exists in a permanent state of Holocaust denial for not only refusing to recognize the role of so many domestic capitalists and corporations for their roles in it but also in the strange Murkan reverse Holocaust denial of only recognizing the poor dead 6 million Jews (who are exhumed and corpse fucked by necrophiliac scum like Couric, Netanyahu and their ilk on a daily basis) and NOT the millions of other victims who were slaughtered by Hitler’s regime.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe


Blessed Be The Moneychangers

The town hall terrorism perpetrated by extreme right-wing goon squads is going to erupt into violence any day now, the front groups and fascist fifth columnists just keep pouring gasoline on the fire and soon it will be set ablaze. The American SA thugs have taken on an increasing aura of malevolence post the announcement by their beloved crazy queen Sarah Palin that that damn Muslim, nigger communist Obama would be creating death panels to snuff old folks and children with handicaps. Of course this sort of vile and perverse propaganda is best absorbed by those who already hate with the intensity of an apocalyptic fireball, are already conditioned to submit to authoritarianism through their religous indoctrination and whose understanding of the very complex nature of life is equivalent to that of a cave dweller – UGH – cause God did it….

So today, rather than go off on a rant what I want to do is to feature the talking points that were sent out to the flockers, mouth-breathers and gullible sheep by an ultra-fascist group that is affiliated with the late Reverend Jerry Falwell (still roasting on a spit in the bowels of Hades) with the standard Orwellian name The Liberty Counsel. I am posting it in its full vomitous entirety with the most outrageous morsels of lemming food:

Obama Administration’s Health Care Plan

HR 3200 currently under consideration in the House of Representatives

Reviewed, revised and adapted on July 29, 2009, by Liberty Counsel from the original authored by Peter Fleckenstein and posted on and his blog,

Sec. 113, Pg. 21-22 of the Health Care (HC) Bill MANDATES a government audit of the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self-insure in order to “ensure that the law does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure”!

Sec. 122, Pg. 29, Lines 4-16 – YOUR HEALTH CARE WILL BE RATIONED!

Sec. 123, Pg. 30 – THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE deciding what treatments and benefits you get.

Sec. 142, Pg. 42 – The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!

Sec. 152, Pg. 50-51 – HC will be provided to ALL NON-US citizens.

Sec. 163, Pg. 58-59 beginning at line 5 – Government will have real-time access to individual’s finances & a National ID health care card will be issued!

Sec. 163, Pg. 59, Lines 21-24 – Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.

Sec. 164, Pg. 65 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community organizations (ACORN).

Sec. 201, Pg. 72, Lines 8-14 – Government is creating an HC Exchange to bring private plans under government control.

Sec. 203, Pg. 84 – Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private Health Care plans in the exchange.

Sec. 203, Pg. 85, Line 7 – Specifications of benefit levels for plans means that the government will define your HC plan and has the ability to ration your health care!

Sec. 205, Pg. 95, Lines 8-18 – The government will use groups (i.e., ACORN & AmeriCorps) to “inform and educate” (sign up) individuals for government plan.

Sec. 205, Pg. 102, Lines 12-18 – Medicaid-eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No freedom to choose.

Sec. 223, Pg. 124, Lines 24-25 – No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No “administrative of judicial review” against a government monopoly.

Sec. 225, Pg. 127, Lines 1-16 – Doctors – the government will tell YOU what you can make. “The Secretary shall provide for the annual participation of physicians under the public health insurance option, for which payment may be made for services furnished during the year.”

Sec. 312, Pg. 145, Lines 15-17 – Employers MUST auto-enroll employees into public option plan.
Sec. 313, Pg. 149, Lines 16-23 – ANY employer with payroll $400,000 and above who does not provide public option pays 8% tax on all payroll.

Sec. 313, Pg. 150, Lines 9-13 – Businesses with payroll between $251,000 and $400,000 who do not provide public option pay 2-6% tax on all payroll.

Sec. 401.59B, Pg. 167, Lines 18-23 – ANY individual who does not have acceptable care, according to government, will be taxed 2.5% of income.

Sec. 59B, Pg. 170, Line 1 – Any NONRESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay for their health care.)

Sec. 431, Pg. 195, Lines 1-3 – Officers and employees of HC Administration (government) will have access to ALL Americans’ financial and personal records.

Sec. 441, Pg. 203, Lines 14-15 – “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax.” Yes, it says that.

Sec. 1121, Pg. 239, Lines 14-24 – The government will limit and reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income and poor are the ones affected.

Sec. 1121, Pg. 241, Lines 6-8 – Doctors, it does not matter what specialty you have; you’ll all be paid the same. “Service categories established under this paragraph shall apply without regard to the specialty of the physician furnishing the service.”

Sec. 1122, Pg. 253, Lines 10-23 – The government “validates work relative value units” (sets value of doctor’s time), professional judgment, methods etc. (defining the value of humans).

Sec. 1131, Pg. 265 – Government mandates and controls productivity for private HC industries. “Incorporating Productivity Improvements into Market Basket Updates that Do Not Already Incorporate Such Improvements.”

Sec. 1141, Pg. 268 – The government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.

Sec. 1145, Pg. 272 – Treatment of certain cancer hospitals: Cancer patients and their treatment are open to rationing!

Sec. 1151, Pg. 280 – The government will penalize hospitals for what government deems preventable readmissions (incentives for hospital to not treat and release).

Sec. 1151, Pg. 298, Lines 9-11 – Doctors, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission and the government will penalize you for that action.

Sec. 1156, Pg. 317, Lines 13-20 – “PROHIBITION on physician ownership or Investment.” Government tells doctors what/how much they can own.

Sec. 1156, Pg. 317-318, Lines 21-25, 1-3 – “PROHIBITION on Expansion of Facility Capacity.” The government will mandate that hospitals cannot expand (“number of operating rooms or beds”).

Sec. 1156, Pg. 321, Lines 2-13 – Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input required.

Sec. 1162, Pg. 335-339, Lines 16-25 – The government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures. Rationing.

Sec. 1162, Pg. 341, Lines 3-9 – The government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans (Part B), HMOs, etc. This will force people into a government plan. “The Secretary may determine not to identify a Medicare Advantage plan if the Secretary has identified deficiencies in the plan’s compliance with rules for such plans under this part.”

Sec. 1177, Pg. 354 – Government will RESTRICT enrollment of special needs people! “Extension of Authority of Special Needs Plans to Restrict Enrollment.”

Sec. 1191, Pg. 379 – Government creates more bureaucracy – “Telehealth Advisory Committee.” HC by phone or the Internet – dial 1 for your health care advice?

Sec. 1233, Pg. 425, Lines 4-12 – Government mandates Advance (Death) Care Planning consultation. Think Senior Citizens and end of life. END-OF-LIFE COUNSELING. SOME IN THE ADMINISTRATION HAVE ALREADY DISCUSSED RATIONING HEALTH CARE FOR THE ELDERLY.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 425, Lines 17-19 – Government WILL instruct and consult regarding living wills and durable powers of attorney. Mandatory end-of-life planning!

Sec. 1233, Pg. 425-426, Lines 22-25, 1-3 – Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 427, Lines 15-24 – Government mandates program for orders for life-sustaining treatment (i.e. end of life). The government has a say in how your life ends.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 1-9 – An “advanced care planning consult” will be used as patient’s health deteriorates.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 10-12 – “Advanced Care Consultation” may include an ORDER for end-of-life plans – from the government.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 13-25 – The government will specify which Doctors (professional authority under state law includes Nurse Practitioners or Physician’s Assistants) can write an end-of-life order.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 430, Lines 11-15 – The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life, according to preset methods (not individually decided).

Sec. 1302, Pg. 468, Lines 16-21 – “Community-Based Home Medical Services means a nonprofit community-based or state-based organization.”

Sec. 1302, Pg. 472, Lines 14-17 – PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATION: One monthly payment to a community-based organization. Like ACORN?

Sec. 1308, Pg. 489 – The government will cover Marriage and Family therapy. This will involve government control of your marriage.

Sec. 1308, Pg. 494-498 – The government will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating and rationing those services.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 502 – Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Established. Big Brother is watching how your treatment works.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 13-19 – The government will build registries and data networks from YOUR electronic medical records. “The Center may secure directly from any department or agency of the United States information necessary to enable it to carry out this section.”

Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 21-25 – The government may secure data directly from any department or agency of the US, including your data.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 21-25 – The “Center” will collect data both “published and unpublished” (that means public & your private information).

Sec. 1401, Pg. 506, Lines 19-21 – An “Appointed Clinical Perspective Advisory Panel” will advise The Center and recommend policies that would allow for public access of data.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 518, Lines 21-25 – The Commission will have input from HC consumer representatives.

Sec. 1411, Pg. 524, Lines 18-22 – Establishes the “Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund.” More taxes for ALL.

Sec. 1441, Pg. 621, Lines 20-25 – The government will define “NEW Quality” measures in HC. Since when does government know about quality?

Sec. 1442, Pg. 622, Lines 2-9 – To pay for the Quality Standards, government will transfer money from “qualified entities” (government Trust Funds) to other government Trust Funds. More Taxes.

Sec. 1442, Pg. 624, Lines 19-23 – Qualified Entities: “The Secretary shall ensure that the entity is a public, nonprofit or academic institution with technical expertise in the area of health quality measurement.”

Sec. 1442, Pg. 623, Lines 5-10 – “Quality” measures shall be designed to assess outcomes and functional status of patients.

Sec. 1442, Pg. 623, Lines 15-17 – “Quality” measures shall be designed to profile you, including race, age, gender, place of residence, etc.

Sec. 1443, Pg. 628 – The government will give “Multi-Stake Holders” pre-rulemaking input into selection of “quality” measures.

Sec. 1443, Pg. 630-31, Lines 9-24, 1-9 – Those Multi-Stake Holder groups include unions and groups like ACORN deciding what constitutes quality.

Sec. 1444, Pg. 632, Lines 14-25 – The government may implement any “Quality measure” of HC services that bureaucrats see fit.

Sec. 1444, Pg. 632-333, Lines 14-25, 1-9 – The Secretary may issue nonendorsed “Quality Measures” for physician and dialysis services.

Sec. 1251 (beginning), Pg. 634 to 652 – “Physician Payments Sunshine Provision” – government wants to shine sunlight on Doctors but not government. “Reports on financial relationships between manufacturers and distributors . . . and between physicians and other health care entities.”

Sec. 1501 (beginning), Pg. 659-670 – Doctors in Residency – government will tell you where your residency will be, thus where you’ll live.

Sec. 1503 (beginning), Pg. 675-685 – Government will regulate hospitals in EVERY aspect of residency programs, including teaching hospitals.

Sec. 1601 (beginning), Pg. 685-699 – Increased funding to fight waste, fraud, and abuse. (Like the government with an $18 million website?)

Sec. 1619, Pg. 700-703 – If your part of HC plan isn’t in the government’s HC Exchange but you qualify for federal aid, you don’t have to pay.

Sec. 1128G, Pg. 704-708 – If the Secretary determines there is a “significant risk of fraudulent activity,” on HC provider or supplier, the government can do a background check.

Sec. 1632, Pg. 710, Lines 8-14 – The Secretary has broad powers to deny HC providers and suppliers admittance into HC Exchange. Your doctor could be thrown out of business.

Sec. 1637, Pg. 718-719 – ANY Doctor who orders durable medical equipment or home medical services is REQUIRED to be enrolled in, or eligible for, Medicare.

Sec. 1639, Pg. 721 – Government MANDATES that Doctors must have face-to-face with patient to certify patient for home health services.

Sec. 1639, Pg. 723-24, Lines 23-25, 1-5 – The same government certifications will apply to Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s health plan: Your kids).

Sec. 1640, Pg. 723, Lines 16-22 – The government reserves right to apply face-to-face certification for patient to ANY other HC service.

Sec. 1651, Pg. 734, Lines 16-25 – Proposes, for law enforcement sake, that the Secretary of HHS will give Attorney General access to ALL medical data.

Sec. 1701 (beginning), Pg. 739-756 – The government sets guidelines for subsidizing the uninsured (and you have to pay for them).

Sec. 1704, Pg. 756-761 – The government will shift burden of payments to Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) to states (your taxes).

Sec. 1711, Pg. 764 – The government will require preventative services – including vaccinations (no choice).

Sec. 1713, Pg. 768 – Government-determined Nurse Home Visitation Services (Hello union paybacks).

Sec. 1713, Pg. 768, Lines 3-5 – Nurse Home Visit Services – Service #1: “Improving maternal or child health and pregnancy outcomes or increasing birth intervals between pregnancies.” Compulsory ABORTIONS?

Sec. 1713, Pg. 768, Lines 11-14 – Nurse Home Visit Services include determinations of economic self-sufficiency, employment advancement and school-readiness.

Sec. 1714, Pg. 769 – Federal government mandates eligibility for State
Family Planning Services. Abortion and government control intertwined.

Sec. 1733, Pg. 788-798 – Government will set and mandate drug prices, therefore controlling which drugs are brought to market. (Goodbye innovation and private research.)

Sec. 1744, Pg. 796-799 – Establishes PAYMENTS for graduate medical education. The government will now control your doctor’s education.

Sec.1751, Pg. 800 – The government will decide which Health Care conditions will be paid. Say “RATION!”

Sec. 1759, Pg. 809 – Billing Agents, clearinghouses, or other alternate payees are required to register. The government takes over private payment systems too.

Sec. 1801, Pg. 819-823 – The Government will identify individuals “likely to be ineligible” for subsidies. Will access all personal financial information.

Sec. 1802, Pg. 823-828 – Government sets up Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund. Another bottomless tax pit.

Sec. 4375, Pg. 828-832, Lines 12-16 – Government will impose a fee on ALL private health insurance plans, including self-insured, to pay for Trust Fund!

Sec. 4377, Pg. 835, Lines 11-13 – Fees imposed by government for Trust Fund shall be treated as if they were taxes.

Sec. 440, Pg. 837-839 – The government will design and implement Home Visitation Program for families with young kids and families that are expecting children.

Sec. 1904, Pg. 843-844 – This Home Visitation Program includes the government coming into your house and teaching/telling you how to parent!

Sec. 2002, Pg. 858 – The government will establish a Public Health Fund at a cost of $88,800,000,000 (That’s Billions).

Sec. 2201, Pg. 864 – The government will MANDATE the establishment of a National Health Service Corps.

o Sec. 2201 – “Fulfillment of Obligated Service Requirement”

o Sec. 2201, Pg. 864-875 – The NHS Corps is a program where Doctors perform mandatory HC for 2 years for partial loan repayment.

Sec. 2212, Pg. 875-891 – The government takes over the education of Medical students and Doctors through education and loans.

Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 – The government will establish a Public Health Workforce Corps to ensure an adequate supply of public health professionals.

Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 – The Public Health Workforce Corps shall consist of civilian employees of the United States as Secretary deems necessary.

Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 – The Public Health Workforce Corps shall consist of officers of Regular and Reserve Corps of Service.

Sec. 340M, Pg. 899 – The Public Health Workforce Corps includes veterinarians. Will animals have heath care too?

Sec. 2233, Pg. 909 – The government will develop, build and run Public Health Training Centers.

Sec. 2241, Pg. 912-913 – Government starts a HC affirmative action program under the guise of diversity scholarships.

Sec. 2251, Pg. 915 – Government MANDATES cultural and linguistic competency training for HC professionals.

Sec. 3111, Pg. 931 – The government will establish a Preventative and Wellness Trust fund, with initial cost of $30,800,000,000 (Billions more).

Sec. 3121, Pg. 934, Lines 21-22 – Government will identify specific goals and objectives for prevention and wellness activities. More control of your life.

Sec. 3121, Pg. 935, Lines 1-2 – The government will develop “Healthy People & National Public Health Performance Standards.” They will tell us what to eat?

Sec. 3131, Pg. 942, Lines 22-25 – “Task Force on Community Preventive Services.” More government? Under the Offices of Surgeon General, Public Health Services, Minority Health and Women’s Health.

Sec. 3141, Pg. 949-979 – BIG GOVERNMENT core public health infrastructure includes workforce capacity, lab systems, health information systems, etc.

Sec. 2511, Pg. 992 – Government will establish school-based “health” clinics. Your children will be indoctrinated and your grandchildren may be aborted!

Sec. 399Z-1, Pg. 993 – School-Based Health Clinics will be integrated into the school environment. More government brainwashing in school.

Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. Will you be tracked?

WOW! what a gene splicing of tin foil hats with white sheets, note how the devil ACORN appears frequently. While this is the textbook example of throwing out a monsterload of shit and seeing what sticks this can really be distilled down into it’s most potent message guaranteed to whip the rubes into a frenzy: The Commie Obama is going to use a nigger army to abort your babies, empower the homosexuals as government police and exterminate the white race.

Jesus fucking Christ, what a sick and twisted document, these freaks are the strongest argument for euthanasia that I have yet to see in my tenure on Planet Shit.

Baby Trig: Just Punt the Little Fucker

Queen of Angry Quitters, Mother of Sluts and Retards

With the increasingly vicious invasions of health care town halls by angry lynch mobs of vile, racist, neo-Nazi filth offering an eerie glimpse of the coming ugly fall of Weimar America when the rapidly approaching hyperinflation turns us all into Germans circa 1933 you have to not be a bit surprised when the future Führess , Sarah Palin weighs in. Fresh off of her quitting as Alaska Governor and her rambling descent into Glenn Beck type of insanity with her bizarre resignation speech the vile cunt is now joining the rest of the brownshirts in attacking the Obama health care reform push. Palin goes back to the bread and butter exploitation of her mongoloid demon child that made her the darling of peckerwood nation in trotting out favorite prop Baby Trig one more time.

In going with the standard right-wing nutball talking point that has riled up all of those old folks on socialized medical programs that the gubmint is coming to ‘KILL GRANNY’ the white trash witch of Wasila is calling out Obama’s ‘Death Panel’ that once all of the geezers have been euthanized they will be coming for the retards next…like precious little Baby Trig. What is so troubling about the dead enders who embrace the rabid form of authoritarianism in storming town halls with SA like fury is that they are so easily suckered by this swill. Rush the child fucking drug addict is invoking the Nazi card as are insipid dipshits like the foul excretion belched out from the womb of Lucianne Goldberg, Jonah, the yuppie yutz who actually wrote a book called, get this…Liberal Fascism to fire up the knuckle draggers. Now anyone with any true sense of history and this of course excludes the ‘tea baggers’ who are essentially out making assholes of themselves in support of the contemporary version of the British Monarchy would immediately know that Hitler’s National Socialism had not one fucking commonality with actual socialism itself. In fact the Nazis hated the communists, trade unions and socialists to the extent that they were largely able to rise to power with the full backing of rapacious German corporations for driving down labor costs by killing and imprisoning socialists.

But as the saying goes, never waste your time trying to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the hell out of the pig therefore any rational thought process is so devoid of the teabaggers, birthers and assorted other scum that even attempting to educate them is an exercise in futility that makes Sisyphus look like a champ. Now I occasionally try to talk to some of them that aren’t too far gone, you may never convince them of the truth but my mission is to keep them from being sucked in by the Glenn Beck death cultists that have so successfully co-opted the Ron Paul movement. I must offer up my mea culpas now to those who thought my admiration of that bunch was foolhardy, now in retrospect, my optimism that an actual movement that no matter how misguided could actually challenge imperialism and the temple of the money changers aka the monolithic Federal Reserve was futile and silly. The type of pathetically naive folks who gravitated to that were very easily peeled off and turned into a raging army of idiots by the corporate funded protection racket that is hate TV and hate radio, now they have been led like sheep to go forth and be assimilated into the real Nazi fifth column that has been working like hell for decades to destabilize this country from within, very successfully I might add.

What these poor, dumb schmucks fail to understand is that Hitler took away the guns, hid behind God to dupe the flock and ultimately rolled out one hell of a euthanasia program that resulted in six million dead Jews along with five or so million others that never seem to get mentioned when discussing the Nazi horrors. The whole point of the monstrously stupid lumpen Republikkkans and their new allies from the Ron Paul movement over this Obama’s socialist (God that’s a hoot) takeover and the coming euthanasia programs are total horseshit, the ones who will march them into the coming gas showers or whatever less ostentatious form of mass murder (China offers a good prototype with the Death Vans and that land of goons is the new prototype for the new generation of American vulture capitalists) programs that pop up in America, likely including forced slave labor to really send those Wall Street stocks soaring will be perpetrated upon them by the very system that they are out cracking skulls, screaming nigger and hanging members of Congress in effigy to keep in power. Bereft of historical perspective and thinking brains the new American SA will meet the same fate of their German predecessors who eventually became such an ugly embarrassment to Hitler that he had them put down during the Night of the Long Knives. But when a raving and drooling lunatic like Glenn Beck, a man with a history of alcoholism, mental illness and suicide running in his family (the moon faced little twit probably fucked his own mother) you end up with scum like this.

Not that I wouldn’t be down with euthanasia, it would be a good solution to America’s rat problem and when the town hall terrorists incite one of their more uptight angry white male losers to open fire in one of them like George Sodini, the ugly chronic masturbator who couldn’t get laid and who shot up the fitness center, Bruce Pardo the Santa suit slayer, Dr. Tiller’s murderer or any one of thousands of other heavily armed, dumbed down and pissed off freaks I am sure that there will be no shortage of volunteers to drive the pick up vans.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Birthers: A Strong Argument For Retroactive Abortion

Show me a desperate white male in the economic and cultural diaspora of Murka and I will show you a person who is susceptible of being one of those yahoos that have been popping up like shrooms in cowshit after a fresh rain who claim that Barack Obama is not qualified to be U.S. President because he was born in Kenya.

Birthers as they have been tagged in the same snarky manner as the useful idiots who flocked to the GOP sleeper cell co-opted tea party events who were mocked as ‘tea-baggers’ after a certain sexual act in which a scrotum is inserted inside a partner’s mouth. Not that that child-fucking, drug addled pig Limbaugh doesn’t enjoy such things during his little Viagra fueled soirees in notorious fleshpots and Meccas for child prostitution like the Dominican Republic of course but that is beside the point. The Birthers are the remnants of the bitterest of those folks who The Pope of Hope dared to suggest during his campaign for the DemocRAT nomination clung bitterly to their guns and religious superstition against a world that they care nothing of even trying to expend their lizard brains in trying to understand. As someone who occasionally wallows in the sleazier corners of the blogosphere where I rub elbows with the real black helicopter types just because I like to walk on the wild side this was something that was being pimped hard in the runup to the 2008 elections by Jeff Rense and others. That it has resurfaced now with the GOP having been thoroughly devoured by the theocratic racist parasites and the Rahm Emanueal, Max Baucus, Harry Reid cash and carry Dems all too happy to cater to the whims of the country clubbers and Wall Street scum leaving the Republicans with the dregs of American society is no surprise at all. Rense, actually a talented radio show host (gotta do something bout that hairdo though) regularly provided a forum for the peddlers of the non-citizen myth sandwiched in with the insanity spewed by Larry Sinclair, a wretched little degenerate loser who claimed to have smoked the rock (as well as Obama’s cock) with the soon to be crowned reality TV prez as the horror of actually seeing a black man in the White House set the pointy heads on the far right spinning and spewing peasoup green vomit – most of them already speak in tongues.

Even Alex Jones of Infowars who has largely stayed out of the Birther garbage has now caught the scent and diverted from his global warming denial/gun grabber/Mexican bashing diatribes to engage – that was on Monday’s show. Now as I have mentioned above, I am one who actually visits a lot of the right’s websites and listens to the shows, once you sort out the corporate subsidized drivel from the chosen pit bulls of the establishment like Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Beck and their ilk there is some damned good information to be gleaned if you can stand the neighborhood. I admit that I have been and Alex Jones fan for quiet some time now, the guy can bring it and it’s entertaining radio that blows the shit out of most of the lame crap out there. The guests are occasionally great (although mixed in with the more extreme of the cretins and buffoons who are associated with the so-called Patriot Movement) and there is valuable intel to be had. There is also no greater monitor of the rise of the domestic police state than Jones but the foray into Birther territory is a bridge too far. I have been a bit suspicious of Jones as of late, primarily for an interview awhile back with Peter Dale Scott where the Council For National Policy (CNP) was brought up as a domestic counter to the internationalist Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) and Jones, a well-researched man who is obsessive with documentation claimed ignorance. So it’s the Yankee and Cowboy War all over again right? Dueling factions of the elite with the sunbelt oil magnates and military industrialists throwing down hard.

But I digress…

While the Birther movement has been kept alive largely through the efforts of many hard core activists and the wealthy interests that feed them like the attack dogs that they are it has largely been on the fringes where it belongs until lately when it has burst into the national discourse in what mysteriously coincides with Obama’s push for a public option and health care reform (as well as his rude insistence that the genocidal Israelis stop building those settlements) and a mega billion dollar effort by the medical industrial complex to derail anything resembling true change which would seriously fuck up their longterm plans for a new feudal police state. So the Birther bullshit has surfaced on more ‘respectable’ (and I use that term very loosely) outlets such as CNN (which incidentally is the longtime employer of a certain Mossad asset named Wolf Blitzer) where the painfully spent Lou Dobbs has incorporated it into his nightly anti-immigrant diatribes. Dobbs used to be a respectable personality back in the early days of cable news but with his ongoing descent into the most sleazy and malodorous swamp of shit inhabited by the demented right-wing nativist loons and now his fandango with the Birthers is likely his swan song, or his death knell.

Hey, the man is going to live large for the rest of his life by doing this and what do you really expect from corporate whore CNeNemy? Of course they are letting Dobbs go out in a blaze of embarassment, look at the other even more pathetic Pat Buchanan on MSNBC who literally was butt fucked by a strap-on fitted Rachel Maddow last week and exposed as the rambling and pathetic old white supremacist that the former Nixon henchman always has been although he did have some points occasionally before he was fitted with the drool bucket. The mastodons are braying like banshees in heat now that they are thrashing around in their tar pits, I even heard the poor old neo Nazi G.Gordon Liddy the other day and he is ready to have his jackboots taken from him and fitted with Grampers. These guys no matter whether you agree with them or not at least had some cred once..Now they are corpses being trotted out on scurvy broken down mules to tilt at those phantom librul conspiracists and their windmills. The idiots who buy into this bullshit are an embarassment in general, a sad and mangy bunch of dupes fucked over by the system and being mustered as a last line of defense by the protection racket that serves the oligarchy….were they not so instumental in dragging the rest of us down they wouldn’t even deserve a mention (even passing) in mockery.

Now that Sarah Palin, the Joan of Arc of the aggrieved white bible thumpers has slithered out of the Alaskan Governor’s mansion leaving a slime trail look for the Birthers to have a new leader, a bomb thrower who puts Bill Ayers to shame and who has no qualms about sly innuendos that will drive some bitterman looking for a scapegoat into taking a shot at Obama. This is just one more prong of the multi-faceted assault that would paint him as a secret Muslim, a terrorist or even the Antichrist. Miserable economic times breed the sort of discontent that can be tapped into by an ambitious populist without neither shame nor morals, note the rise of a scorned and fucked up loser named Adolf Hitler. Palin could be OUR Hitler and the Birthers will be a very useful corps from which to draw brownshirts from.

As for my personal message to the Birthers and others who are whipped into a ball-chewing rage by guys like Dobbs:

All that I can say is that old Lou will be collecting his millions laying on a beach while the suckers that he and his ilk have so successfully duped into scapegoating of the dreaded brown menace are standing in bread lines. Thanks idiots… have totally destroyed America, go and wrap that in your flags while you dance around like fools at the tea parties sponsored by the representatives of your own oppressors.

In a true historical context you are out there chucking tea into the dumpster to preserve the rule of the British Monarchy..

But you are all idiots and you wouldn’t know irony if it bit you in the ass.

That’s just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe.


UPDATE: For the record I was too quick to go off on Alex Jones for the failure to recognize the CNP and other whacko religious fronts for the empire. Since I podcast the Jones show there was no way of knowing when I posted this that he had Jeff Sharlet author of the book The Family on as a guest – see link here for download. It was an outstanding interview and Sharlet was on for about an hour, they discussed the Nazi links to this insidious organization that represents a very peculiar interpretation of the gospel of Jesus Christ run through the filter of global domination and the American empire. The admiration of leader Doug Coe of Hitler, Mao and Stalin as well as the power within the American political system of this cancerous group will make the hair on your neck stand up. Other than Sharlet however Jones was back to giving the ‘Birthers’ some credence as well as the standard Mexican bashing. This is what I find so maddening about Alex Jones, there is such brilliant information there at times but it makes me feel dirty wading into the muck to extract it. Just do yourself a favor, fast forward to the Sharlet interview and then stop listening afterwards. I have long suspected that the religious right through organizations like the CNP and The Family are fronts for the CIA and fascism and will be doing extensive research and writing on it in the future.