Category Archives: Television

Eugenics American Style: Welcome to Trump’s

I just wanna say one thing! God Bless America.

-Biff Tannen

In the garish and decaying empire of asinine triviality, raw greed, political corruption and brain jellying, TV induced dumbness perhaps there is no more fitting figure to ascend to the throne of king of the dipshits than Donald Trump. With his assumption of the mission of the holy mission to expose the black devil Obama as the hidden Muslim that he has so far gotten away with lying about, the man with the roadkill pelt on his noggin has scrambled his ace staff of ‘private detectives’ and sent them to the Aloha State ala Hawaii Five-O to track down the illusive birth certificate. One can only imagine the motley crew on Trump’s payroll and bereft as they likely are of any sense of decency will likely find themselves spending more time on Hotel Street smoking da kine bud and spending their ill-gotten cash on hookers, perhaps Trump can even dispatch Charlie Sheen who is looking for a new gig these days and has plenty of experience with the ladies of the night. While millions of ignoramuses, nitwits and mouth-breathing red state fascists view outing Obama as the Antichrist as their holy mandate a scoundrel like Donald Trump knows damned well that he is doing it for publicity and the support of the dregs of society that are the Birthers, a fringe-faction of the ridiculously over-hyped Tea Party (aka the re-branded post Bush GOP base) so moronic that are mocked outright and kept locked away in the attic like a vicious retarded child by most Republican politicians. This mission, which will enthrall not only an ugly part of the subculture that should be universally shunned but also a good many other electronic crackpipe addicts will surely boost the Donald’s cred and vault him into position for his run at the presidency in 2012. In a perverse sort of way Trump would bring much experience to the job, his string of bankruptcies would be a huge asset in a country that is on the brink of insolvency and his arrogance combined with a flamboyant way of coming across as a professional horse’s ass would be like George W. Bush only with more entertainment value.

Like so many other of the putrid misfits, stone-crazy ideologues, financial swindlers and just plain dunces that have wrecked the country the festering wart on our national ass that is Donald Trump is largely a product of the 1980s and the Reagan era. Trump burst onto the national scene while parlaying his ownership of the now defunct United States Football League’s flagship franchise the New Jersey Generals into media coverage. In an era where one of the seven deadly sins known as greed became an exalted form of virtuousness in the USA thanks to Reagan’s cadre of tax chiselers, weasels and full-blown crooks fictional characters such as J.R. Ewing and Gordon Gekko became icons as a nation of hard workers who actually produced physical goods began the long and miserable slouch into the future where they would become burger flippers (fast food jobs were transformed into manufacturing jobs under Bush II) and paper pushers who managed to in a high tech version of King Midas transform shit (bad mortgages) into gold (mortgage backed securities) and then into shit (post-housing crash) again. When Saint Ronnie fired the air traffic controllers it was the opening fusillade of the class war, the casualties of which are still being tallied and along with a blistering crackerjack propaganda campaign designed to dupe Americans into thinking that they could actually hit it big in the Wall Street casinos real virtues such as innovation, entrepreneurship and actually building a business were dumped for the get rich quick fantasies purveyed by pigs like Donald Trump.

To use a cultural analogy from the Reagan era one could easily imagine Trump’s America straight out of the smash hit Back to the Future II. When Marty McFly and Doc Brown ride the flying DeLorean int the future where Marty procures a copy of a post 20th Century edition of Gray’s Sports Almanac which has the results of all sporting events from 1950-2000. An elderly Biff Tannen gets ahold of the book, travels back into the past and gives it to his younger self thereby altering the future. When Marty and Doc return to 1985 Biff has parlayed the book into vast wealth and fame from his amazing run of luck in picking the winner of sports events or in other words, Biff became mega-rich the true American way, by cheating and gambling. A great metaphor for the Reagan years and a perfect one for the ascent of ‘the Donald’ as well. I could think of no one individual who better exemplifies the true America than Donald Trump, as H.L. Mencken once wrote, Imagine a gentleman and you will have imagined everything that he is not. However I digress … when Marty McFly returns to 1985 he comes back to a changed world thanks to Biff’s parlaying of his immense gambling winnings into an ugly empire of gauche sin and spectacle while the entire city of Hill Valley devolved into a hellish, third world land of gangs, crime and poverty while “Biff’s”, the gleaming towering casino jutted skyward above the filth and fury, poking up like a blood engorged, rock-hard penis. It doesn’t take much to conjure up visions of Donald Trump’s America and it ain’t pretty.

Trump’s real estate developments already blight the landscape like an ugly recurrent strain of Herpes lesions and as far as the poverty, crime and general state of economic deterioration, well just take a look around. The teabaggers have allowed Ayn Rand cultists and political criminals to once again successfully roll Obama with crushing cuts in social programs to fund the malefactors of great wealth like 1985 Biff Tannen and Donald Trump with his cave in on the government shutdown. Worse, even more savage cuts in essential services and ‘entitlements’, that great term that has been successfully used by the think tanks and the monied political whores to diminish what was once a social safety net that was the envy of the world are facing an even more cruel evisceration with the coming raising of the debt ceiling to accommodate more borrowing from China to fund the endless wars and subsidize tax cuts for the rich and corporations. And of course Social Security is in the crosshairs as the economic royalists smell blood with Obama a cornered and terrified animal who is about to have his head ripped off and then suffering the indignity of the oligarchy pigs shitting down his throat and kicking his decapitated dome around like a soccer ball as they destroy FDR’s hated New Deal on his watch. That is of course assuming that the Pope of Hope hasn’t been in on it all from the beginning which given the ongoing decimation of economic conditions and civil liberties on his watch could make a strong case for. As George Carlin remarked in his famous rant, “it’s a big club and you aren’t in it”. With the 2012 presidential election looming and Americans facing a three-headed monster in Obama-Trump-Romney, a ferocious and fearsome hydra, any of which would further destroy the lives of millions at the behest of the plutocrats and corporate thugs that finance their campaigns perhaps the Mayan predictions of apocalyptic doom are in the future here in Der Heimat

Of course none of forces that have successfully driven America slowly down the road to a fascist third world banana republic could have succeeded without the help of a massively stupid electorate. While the teabaggers are the corporate media darlings for their ability to easily be mustered against phantoms and duped into voting against their own economic self-interests they are only a recent phenomenon. To really see just how bereft of intelligence, rationality and logic that this country has become one needs to jump into Doc Brown’s DeLorean time machine and take a trip back to the Reagan years which is exactly where the demarcation point between fantasy and reality occurred.  I have been saying this for years as have others who get it yet as in the national orgy of reverence to the old fool as was evident in the celebrations a few months back in honor of Ronald Reagan’s Centennial birthday, the big lie of the Gipper as some sort of father of the country has become the truth to millions, especially the poorly educated and electronically lobotomized generations who came to age after Reagan was elected. The schools have been under assault for decades by not only the corporate class that wants obedient workers but assisted largely by the fanatical Christians seeking the implementation of a real theocracy in America. Now as never before teachers are under assault by the looters who rule the roost, in another spot-on column this week Chris Hedges writes on Why the United States is Destroying it’s Education System from which I excerpt:

A nation that destroys its systems of education, degrades its public information, guts its public libraries and turns its airwaves into vehicles for cheap, mindless amusement becomes deaf, dumb and blind. It prizes test scores above critical thinking and literacy. It celebrates rote vocational training and the singular, amoral skill of making money. It churns out stunted human products, lacking the capacity and vocabulary to challenge the assumptions and structures of the corporate state. It funnels them into a caste system of drones and systems managers. It transforms a democratic state into a feudal system of corporate masters and serfs.

Teachers, their unions under attack, are becoming as replaceable as minimum-wage employees at Burger King. We spurn real teachers—those with the capacity to inspire children to think, those who help the young discover their gifts and potential—and replace them with instructors who teach to narrow, standardized tests. These instructors obey. They teach children to obey. And that is the point. The No Child Left Behind program, modeled on the “Texas Miracle,” is a fraud. It worked no better than our deregulated financial system. But when you shut out debate these dead ideas are self-perpetuating.

Passing bubble tests celebrates and rewards a peculiar form of analytical intelligence. This kind of intelligence is prized by money managers and corporations. They don’t want employees to ask uncomfortable questions or examine existing structures and assumptions. They want them to serve the system. These tests produce men and women who are just literate and numerate enough to perform basic functions and service jobs. The tests elevate those with the financial means to prepare for them. They reward those who obey the rules, memorize the formulas and pay deference to authority. Rebels, artists, independent thinkers, eccentrics and iconoclasts—those who march to the beat of their own drum—are weeded out.


The demonizing of teachers is another public relations feint, a way for corporations to deflect attention from the theft of some $17 billion in wages, savings and earnings among American workers and a landscape where one in six workers is without employment. The speculators on Wall Street looted the U.S. Treasury. They stymied any kind of regulation. They have avoided criminal charges. They are stripping basic social services. And now they are demanding to run our schools and universities.

“Not only have the reformers removed poverty as a factor, they’ve removed students’ aptitude and motivation as factors,” said this teacher, who is in a teachers union. “They seem to believe that students are something like plants where you just add water and place them in the sun of your teaching and everything blooms. This is a fantasy that insults both student and teacher. The reformers have come up with a variety of insidious schemes pushed as steps to professionalize the profession of teaching. As they are all businessmen who know nothing of the field, it goes without saying that you do not do this by giving teachers autonomy and respect. They use merit pay in which teachers whose students do well on bubble tests will receive more money and teachers whose students do not do so well on bubble tests will receive less money. Of course, the only way this could conceivably be fair is to have an identical group of students in each class—an impossibility. The real purposes of merit pay are to divide teachers against themselves as they scramble for the brighter and more motivated students and to further institutionalize the idiot notion of standardized tests. There is a certain diabolical intelligence at work in both of these.”

Or as George Carlin so eloquently put it:

They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking… They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that . . . that doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. That’s right. … … They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard thirty fucking years ago. … … They don’t want that! You know what they want? They want obedient workers . . . Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. … And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it,

The dumbing down of America was essential for the hostile corporate takeover, the banishment of critical thinking skills and a knowledge of history, true history that is, had to be stifled. Creativity and questioning of idiotic people and policies are not things that are desired in the corporate state and no dissent is brooked let alone tolerated. Today’s average office settings are top down authoritarian entities where a group identity that is far more akin to classical Stalinist communism rather than the grand capitalism that they trumpet is the norm. Asking questions is denounced as heresy or gasp…”negative thinking” and the poor souls packed into cubicles slightly smaller than the cells at Gitmo are policed with ruthless efficiency by networks of finks, stooges and goons straight out of Solzhenitzen’s Gulag Archipelago. Any violation of the corporate thought police is the cause for scorn from one’s co-inhabitants of cubicle hell, ostracism and in situations with psychotic mid-level straw bosses lead to collective punishment and eventually exile. These people are the lucky ones in corporate Amerika because at least they have jobs in air-conditioned settings, the less fortunate who have been culled out at an earlier production stage in the educational process end up as harangued Wal-Mart clerks, prison guards, manual toilers and food service workers. It’s the ownership society and the snorting porkers who run it own all of our asses, high-rolling, four-flushing pigs like Donald Trump. The prototypical ugly American is now rocketing to the top of the polls largely due to his brazen I’m an asshole and proud of it! attitude, his pandering to the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet who are the racist birthers and scumbaggers and having a hit show on the tee-vee to boot! Only in America, a land where one now evolves into a grunting cave person over time, bred to worship their rich masters always at the expense of themselves and the closer their understanding to the primitive concept of “God’s will” the better. While the Germans aspired to the perfect Aryan Übermensch 21st Century Americans are blessedly ignorant, filled with primal hatred and fear and devolving by the minute thanks to the electronic dreck vomited forth from their televisions. It is truly eugenics American style.

One step closer to the end of the world. The one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparently proved to be too much for reason, sanity and compassion.

-Trent Reznor

Eugenics American Style: The current pathetic state of this shambling into historical infamy, god-kissed, flag-swaddled giant lemming farm would seem to make Mike Judge’s vastly underrated satire Idiocracy prophetic.Unlike Soylent Green, Logan’s Run, Brazil ,Blade Runner or any other cinematic vision of a dystopian society, Idiocracy is far more terrifying because it is actually in the process of becoming reality. With the ongoing assault on the American education system, the electronic lobotomizing of the populace thanks to the mind rot that is television, government lies about pretty much everything, the metastasizing of a vile anti-intellectual cancer promulgated by the Christian institutions of the land and the transformation of citizens as consumers the march towards the society of morons, by morons and for morons as portrayed in the film is already well underway. Much like fear in the post 9/11 era, willful ignorance and entrenched magical thinking are now as American as apple pie. As the educational system is dismantled, public schools decimated by money changers waving private vouchers and the cost of college becoming unaffordable the country has already lost far too much ground to China and other rising economic powers that value innovation and creative thinking. As the U.S. wails away like a mastodon being sucked under in a tar pit other more civilized and forward looking nation states are shoveling money into alternative energy, stem cell research and advanced systems of transportation, these nation states place a high value on an educated citizenry that can turn projects into reality. As the Republican party has continued to rely on the vicious religious right as a means to attain political power they must provide the requisite shovels of bloody red meat to keep their shock troops marching to the polls. Therefore schools are bullied into not teaching science and evolution, stem cell research is disregarded and rational thinking is exorcised in favor of biblical dogma that only appeals to simpletons, cretins and lunatics. In America stupidity is not only tolerated but exalted as long as it continues to enable the war profiteers, greed heads, Wall Street gambling houses and Big Pharma not to mention ‘allies’ like Israel who only feed the fantasies of those drunk on Jesus juice and waiting for Armageddon and the Rapture when they can get dirty, nasty nekkid and fly up to join God to watch the heathens rip themselves apart for their entertainment. 

The plot for Idiocracy features a U.S. Army dullard Joe Bowers (who could just as well be Joe the Plumber), a man of completely average intelligence and a prostitute named Rita who are the subjects of a secret military hibernation experiment of limited duration. Well of course things go awry and the officer in charge, Lt. Col. Collins is ensnared by a sex scandal bringing shame and a base closure and a much longer nap for Joe and Rita who sleep until they are freed from their test chambers during the great garbage avalanche of 2505. They wake up to find a world that is totally FUBAR, the infrastructure is crumbling and looks as though it were designed by idiots (or privatized out to greedy contractors skimming their cut at the expense of quality – see privatization), the commercialization of society has been completed with corporate logos everywhere and characters named after fast food items and commercial products like Dr. Lexus, Frito and Beef Supreme. The populace speaks in crude tongues, hurls insults and pejoratives at everything and berate Joe for “talking like a fag” because in the 26th Century a numbskull speaking in 20th Century dumbed-down lingo sounds like an egghead. It’s as though Koch Brothers funded social engineering along with Karl Rove demographic wizardry created a Republican party dream of a reverse master race of abject morons with hair trigger tempers and a birthright of simplicity – think of Sarah Palin’s anti-intellectualism only on steroids. The entire population has become twentieth generation white trash who in a gross parody of Social Darwinism have outbred those with any intelligence or discretion. The opening few minutes that show how this happened are as classic as they are painfully true with the educated putting off reproduction while the rednecks breed like rabbits. The exponential growth of toxic trailer park peckerwoods, bitterly angry teabaggers and just plain dangerous Christian fascists seems to me to be the strongest possible argument for abortion that could ever be presented. It is no wonder that the fascist Republican party and those who control it want to do away with a woman’s right to choose because more poor, dumb and futureless babies eventually grow up to be loyal voters and party activists.

Centuries of consumerism and way too much television have reduced the citizenry to the point of borderline retardation and the greatest advances in technology are huge multi-screened televisions that allow for multiple reality trash programs to be presented simultaneously while the viewer is ensconced on a huge plush chair sucking down goo from a tub while reveling in the delights of shows the likes of Ass, Ow! My Balls and the Masturbation Channel. Those three examples are the descendents of current era moronic programming like American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, The Biggest Loser and the explosion of potty humor as entertainment provided by movies featuring such Earthly delights as diarrhea daiquiris, cacophonies of farts and belches, flying wads of semen used as hair gel and horny teenager boners buried in mom’s homemade apple pie that have made the society dumb and dumber as well as ruder and coarser. Corporations like Starbucks now offer handjobs as an enticement to buy a latte and Fuddruckers has become Buttfuckers – the corporate satire is as hilarious as it is mostly absent from the media and society today and the scene that takes place at St. God’s Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic.

The society that Joe finds himself in is mean, greedy and stupid and the police are drooling overly aggressive thugs (much like they are now) who must have viewed Judge Dredd as a training film. After a series of mishaps and an IQ test he is summoned to the White House by President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho because he is now the most intelligent man on the planet and more than up to the task of solving the food crisis that plagues America. The crops are dying because instead of using water (that stuff in the toilet) they are irrigated by mega selling sports drink Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. Joe suggests using H2O and is met with incredulity by cabinet members reciting Brawndo’s  advertising mantra of “It’s got electrolytes.” After causing massive social unrest and unemployment after replacing Brawndo which just happens to be the nation’s biggest employer  Joe is taken to an arena for a gladiatorial style event that is a wild combination between Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome and the local monster truck extravaganza that is televised on FOX which to no surprise is much the same as it is today other than the appearance of the anchors. Joe eventually triumphs and saves the day when the crops grow again and becomes a truly honored hero of Uh-merica. His best advice is to turn off the TV and read something once in awhile and everyone lives happily ever after.

If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject.

-Ayn Rand

Atlas Yawned, Jesus Wept: The high priestess of the religion of “fuck you I got mine” who is novelist and cult leader Ayn Rand has always been a driving force for the destroyers of economies and the anal raping of the working class. Rand, who emigrated to America from her native Russia suffered from a delusional worldview resulting from her families experience during the rise of communism during the revolution days. Rather than learning a valuable lesson from the oppressive thugs who rose to power and then murdered with impunity and stole whatever the hell they wanted to all under the guise of a corrupt ideology instead became some sort of intellectual prophet of a ridiculous school of thought called objectivism which can be boiled down into bumper sticker simplicity as FUCK THE POOR. Rand worked her way up by writing screenplays and eventually novels which took on an increasingly political theme that demonized the state and basic human cooperation and decency which endeared her to the sort of high-rolling assholes that wrecked the country and while waging class war under the battle flag of free market capitalism they are nothing more than the parasites, looters and moochers that Rand condemned. Rand hit it big with her novel The Fountainhead in which the selfish prick hero Howard Roark waged battle and triumphed over an evil socialist system, although the book was rejected by twelve publishers it as all dreck does eventually finds a sucker, usually a self-interested one. The book was published and Rand was well on her way to becoming a cultural icon with a cause celebre. While Rand is often praised as a libertarian idol by selfish dolts it was prominent libertarian thinker Murray N. Rothbard who wrote on The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult, the glassy-eyed members would go on to use the work of Rand to justify the strip-mining of American society through removing the regulatory restraints on financial sociopaths whose crony capitalism is far closer to textbook style fascism than the cynical individuality that Rand often invoked.

An article from Mother Jones magazine pegs the goddess of greed dead on, the piece is entitled And the Rand Played On states that:

Rand’s particular genius has always been her ability to turn upside down traditional hierarchies and recast the wealthy, the talented, and the powerful as the oppressed. This topsy-turvy philosophy has echoed through the blame-the-victim ranting of CNBC host Rick Santelli and the tax-day tea parties. In this world, it is not possible to admit that the rich and the Republicans may have been undone by their own greed and cluelessness.

While Ayn Rand falls short of Ronald Reagan in being invoked by the bazoonies and nutjobs on the right but her lunacy is always floating in the air like a slowly dissipating fart. Teabagger hero, the ambitious little twerp Rand Paul praises her efficiency when justifying the removal of energy standards for appliances. Now while I myself have always been an admirer of Ron Paul for his anti-imperialist, anti-Federal Reserve and pro-civil liberties views as well as his outspoken nature I have none of the feelings towards his son who is a jabbering loose cannon with zero principles. Rand (actually short for Randal not named after the goddess of gibberish) was quoted in a recent article as invoking Ayn Rand while submitting the amendment “On the energy efficiency standards, I think that in order to be consistent with a free society we should make them voluntary”. Well Eichmann was   praised for his “efficiency” as well at one time but the real idiocy in that statement as well as all others pimped by the Rand acolytes is that they are so ridiculous in their reliance on humans (especially Americans) to act in a socially beneficial manner were there to be no rules that they can’t possibly be taken seriously. The entire concept of laissez-faire capitalism and an honest self-regulating system is absurd, absent rules the big fish will eat the little fish and as in today’s America will soon begin eating each other. Look at the Wall Street vermin and the devastation that they wrought in the name of self-regulating markets and crackpot economic philosophy thanks largely to Alan Greenspan who incidentally was a Rand worshipper who regularly was in attendance at the great one’s tony New York digs. Greenspan under whose guidance of of the Federal Reserve was instrumental in wrecking the economy with his idiotic Randian policies was absolutely lit up by writer Matt Taibbi in a must-read chapter of his latest book Griftopia. The chapter, which deals with Greenspan is entitled “The Biggest Asshole in the Universe” and delves into ‘the Maestro’s’ infatuation with Ayn Rand and her influence on his thinking.  Taibbi writes of Greenspan:

Greenspan’s rise is instead a tale of a gerbilish mirror-gazer who flattered and bullshitted his way up the Matterhorn of American power and then, once he got to the top, feverishly jacked himself off to the attentions of Wall Street for twenty consecutive years – in the process laying the intellectual foundation for a generation of orgiastic greed and overconsumption and turning the Federal Reserve into a permanent bailout mechanism for the super-rich.

Greenspan met Rand in the early fifties after leaving Columbia, attending meetings at Rand’s apartment with a circle of like-minded intellectual jerk-offs who called themselves by the ridiculous name of “The Collective” and who provided Greenspan with the desired forum for social ascent.

Rand’s magnum opus of bullshit was the massive tome Atlas Shrugged, a 1,200 + page hunk of rancid tripe and sanctimonious garbage so incredibly boring that I was never able to finish the damned thing and I am well accustomed to plowing through tedious volumes of writing. Hell…I couldn’t stand it after the first couple of hundred pages, it is not only as large as a phone book but as entertaining as well. Rand wrote it while holed up in her New York digs jacked up on amphetamines which could explain the length of her screed. The plot is based on the wealthy being portrayed as social victims and seeking out a cultish figure named John Galt as though he is the messiah who can deliver them absolution for their self-centered, sociopathic natures and justification for their throwing a tantrum and withdrawing their ‘gifts’ from a society that doesn’t deserve them primarily because they are not turned into demigods like Donald Trump. Galt has bolted from a society that he like all snobs see no common interest in being good citizens of despite such concepts as basic human decency and morality. Rand uses a climactic speech from Galt that runs from 60-75 pages long depending on the edition as the centerpiece for Shrugged which is very nicely summed up by Taibbi as:

Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged, for instance, remains a towering monument to humanity’s capacity for unrestrained self-pity – it’s a bizarre and incredibly long-winded piece of aristocratic paranoia in which a group of Randian supermen decide to break off from the rest of society and form a pure free-market utopia, and naturally the parasitic lower classes immediately drown in their own laziness and ineptitude

The book fairly gushes with the resentment these poor “Atlases” (they are shouldering the burdens of the whole world!) feel toward those who try to use “moral guilt” to make them share their wealth. In the climatic scene the Randian hero John Galt sounds off in defense of self-interest and attacks the notion of self-sacrifice as a worthy human ideal in a speech that lasts seventy-five pages.

It goes without saying that only a person possessing a mathematically inexpressible level of humorless self-importance would subject anyone to a seventy-five page speach about anything. Hell, even Jesus Christ barely cracked two pages with the Sermon on the Mount. Rand/Galt manages it, however, and this speech lays the foundation of objectivism, a term that was probably chosen because “greedism” isn’t catchy enough.”

Amen! The oligarchy has Rand down and is currently in the process of propagandizing the costumed idiots that are the teabaggers into adopting Randian philosophy in promoting the filthy Republican 2012 budget and the destruction of Medicare and Social Security in order to give more tax cuts to the “Atlases”. There has been a recent campaign by the front group for tax chiselers, Dick Armey’s Orwellian named Freedom Works to promote a low-budget film adaptation of Atlas Shrugged using a guerilla marketing campaign designed to circumvent the librul [sic] media and mobilize their mouth-breathing brownshirts to bully theater chains into showing the flick. How effective the introduction of the real Rand into a disorganized, anti-intellectual, semi-literate gaggle of angry rabble whose fourth grade level reading skills are challenged by the ghost written books of Glenn Beck is unknown. The movie has gotten for the most part poor reviews outside of the normal neocon propaganda organs thus reason for the end run around the traditional marketing methods that would normally promote such epics. It is all just more of the same crap though, there will likely be many meetup groups in which selective portions of Rand’s book will be spoonfed to the lemmings much like the constitution was after the GOP co-opted the movement. It’s going to be just like bible study groups where the peaceful and humane messages of Jesus Christ are twisted like inflatable balloon animals into justification for prejudice, servitude, war-mongering and idolatry of the money changers and since so many of the scumbaggers overlap between the churches of false prophets it should be at least marginally successful. Sales of Atlas Shrugged will surely skyrocket although I suspect the majority of those buying will be bored to death after a few dozen pages and simply park it in a place where it can be easily observed by fellow miscreants and travelers.

Regarding Ayn Rand, I will give the devil her due for one thing – she was a devout atheist who allegedly once admonished the iconic neoconservative propagandist William F. Buckley by telling him that “you are too intelligent to belive in God.” That the teabaggers and right-wing freaks in general have latched onto Rand’s rapacious looter theology while they pound their bibles and caterwaul about the evils of liberalism, altruism and scientific advancement is just another example of both their hypocrisy and their imbecility. But the fascists are relentless, well-funded and with Ayn Rand and God on their side are determined to once and for all overthrow the system and the secret Muslim in the White House who doesn’t have a birth certificate. There are no shortage of con-artists, grifters, liars, cheats and flim-flammers who don’t understand the great political benefit of having millions of easily hoodwinked and malleable useful idiots at their disposal which is why a guy like Donald Trump has such appeal. In the end of course we all lose but there is no shortage of nincompoops and jackasses who are happy to wage war against phantom menaces and have no problem whatsoever in putting their children to bed at night cold and hungry as long as they can stick it to the enemy du jour that is rolled out by the plutocrats who depend on their remaining ignorant as an insurance policy.

Really, in the end what it all boils down to is people who base their entire lives and form their belief systems based on one book should not only be ignored but should be shunned like lepers. Whether that one holy book happens to be The Bible, Atlas Shrugged or even Gray’s Sports Almanac for that matter it makes no difference, given man’s capacity for learning and the availability of information if one just gets the fuck off of the couch and turns off the television people who live in an impenetrable bubble of willful ignorance that limits their worldview to the delusions of primitives, madmen, snake oil salesmen (or women) and money grubbers is a misfit. Why is it that in our creeping empire of idiocy that such simpletons and bags of shit bursting at the seams with false morality and certitude are accepted as rational people? It is only in the doomed and dying former land of plenty that rationality could be perversely turned upside down and idiocy worshipped. 

As Leonard Cohen once proclaimed, I have seen the future and it’s murder….

Just my two cents


Star Spangled Land of Misfit Toys

Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.

Aldous Huxley

I have long found Chris Hedges to be a beacon of morality in the belly of the beast that is post 9/11 fascist America. His book War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning is a superbly written, uncompromising look at the horrors of war seen through the eyes of a man who has been there, Hedges served as a war correspondent in some of the most vicious and senseless slaughtering sprees of the late Twentieth Century. His sheer courage in coming out in the early days of the Bushreich and denouncing war during a commencement address at Rockford College when the phony War on Terror was just ramping up during which he was jeered by the audience, his microphone cut off and he was run like a rabid dog from the campus, later his employer, the so-called liberal New York Times stabbed him in the back. Hedges went on to write what I consider to be a definitive expose of the authoritarian Christian Right entitled American Fascists and contributes weekly columns to the fine website Truthdig. As a fan, it was only natural that I would pick up his latest scathing condemnation of the dumb, foul rottenness that is America in terminal decline and while uneven it delivers like a baseball bat to the head. We truly are living in the existential Hell that is the Empire of Illusion.

We are a culture that has been denied, or has passively given up, the linguistic and intellectual tools to cope with complexity, to separate illusion from reality. We have traded the printed word for the gleaming image. Public rhetoric is designed to be comprehensible to a ten-year old child or an adult with a sixth-grade reading level. Most of us speak at this level, are entertained and think at this level. We have transformed our culture into a vast replica of Pinocchio’s Pleasure Island, where boys were lured with the promise of no school and endless fun. They were all, however, turned into donkeys – a symbol, in Italian culture, of ignorance and stupidity.

-Chris Hedges

It’s no small wonder that I am at times accused of being an elitist by many that I know for not giving a rat’s ass what silly babble and games what they participate in. It is really a tragic and sad waste of a mind when people have nothing to talk about that is any more intellectually in depth than what was on television the prior night, who will win the next ridiculous football game or wring their hands over manufactured McNews stories like the boy and the balloon but this is what people find important. Try to invoke any serious real issues and one gets the thousand yard stare, a few moments of awkward silence and then the mental loop restarts and the ‘conversation’ returns to what was on television, shit, I know some people who are so fucked up that they even talk about the commercials. I happen to have at one time worked with a clique that idolized Jared Fogel, the pitchman for Subway who became the avatar of the American obsession with weight loss to look like the false idealized images that they see on TV. Fogel is the former scale busting mammoth who lost hundreds of pounds allegedly by eating nothing but Subway sandwiches while in college. As with all urban myths the legend of Jared is comprised of far more bullshit and outright chicanery than it is of serious truths. One who has become a walking talking Subway robot by spreading the gospel of Jared is one of the sheeple who is in the final stages of the consumer capitalist evolution and should be cryogenically frozed until the day that human cloning is perfected and the corporations can truly become Gods of creation.

What is not mentioned in the constant advertising featuring the bespectacled yuppie wonder boy in his post-flubber days is that his successful weight loss formula was more the result of a drastic reduction in daily calorie consumption as well as regular exercise than from gobbling turkey sandwiches and peddling Subway’s snake oil. In fact if you go to Subway’s website you will notice the preponderance of disclaimers on every Jared related page. That Fogel is a nationally recognized pseudo celebrity (he still shows up on NFL postgame shows) is no surprise, especially when you see the orgy of adulation over the contestants of American Idol or Survivor or some other crapfest who are made into examples that in America, anyone, no matter how humble, fucked and beset by myriad of woes can become famous and therefore evidence that the system works. Here is an interesting little site that I found on The Cult of Jared that is recommended reading. They want to have their meatball sub and eat it too but the truth is that Fogel could have lost the weight eating at Taco Bell, McDonalds or Popeye’s had he undertaken a similar cut in caloric intake and engaged in regular exercise. The Subway diet plan as with all get rich quick schemes or revolutionary weight loss plans are quite simply only chum for flocking suckers the likes of which there is no shortage of in modern day America. Of course the dietary industry which is the modern day equivalent of snake oil and miracle cures peddled by the traveling medicine men of the old West has a vested interested in keeping Americans fat for life, as much as a vested interest as the fast food and restaurant lobby who are not above producing fake ‘trust us we’re experts’ type studies that encourage more gluttony.

But I was talking about feeling like one of the tribe who has been cast out as one who just doesn’t get it, everyone is talking about the Super Bowl commercials, the tripe that is broadcast into their skulls every night when they get home that renders their brains into so much gelatin or whatever else is thrown out as bread and circuses. I am a rarity, an anachronism in this empire of illusion, I openly denounce television and unlike millions, I read books. So if that makes me an elitist in the eyes of the slaves so be it. Shit, as the saying goes in the land of the blind a one eyed man can be king and there is nothing quite like understanding that the USA has become a land of lemmings, wimps, haters, abject morons and regressive right-wing filth that has been nurtured like mushrooms – kept in the dark and fed a steady diet of bullshit. Heretics such as myself fit Mencken’s very definition of the iconoclast:

The Iconoclast proves enough when he proves by his blasphemy that this or that idol is defectively convincing – that at least one visitor to the shrine is left full of doubts.
And as a corporate wage slave I am all too aware that I am a pariah, a leper and the most dangerous and vilified of all – GASP – a pessimist. Far be it from me to check my dignity at the door and take my hit of optimism opium from the pushers who staff the gulag. In less primitive times one who dares to violate the dictates of the workplace positivity police would have their tongue cut out and be cast out into the wilderness. Today one is first mocked and shunned by imbecilic childish co-workers and backbone challenged managers and if the ostracism doesn’t work there is PIP or some other acronym that stands for the corporate form of Dean Wormer’s double secret probation which is the final step before firing and the corporation is able to shaft the ‘malcontent’ when it comes to unemployment (they will keep their dead peasant insurance policies though) and any severance that may have been earned. Corporate America is a cruel and heartless place, a combination of Orwell, Huxley, Machiavelli, Tony Robbins and Dogbert’s Top Secret Management Handbook and the governing ideology of that particular institution is what has fucked the entire country, like the alien black oil in the X Files, it has seeped in and prepared the pod people for the harvest. But more on the quackery of the optimism opium a bit later.

But I digress…..

Hedges’ brilliant and passionate smack down of the desolate wasteland of 21st century America and the pathetic lost souls that inhabit the fucking place only validate my sheer contempt for the masses of asses, the useful idiots and my fellow Murkans. Shit, I really do hate most fucking people, like Daniel Plainview in the classic morality play There Will Be Blood, I find nothing good in them…. at least not anymore since the Reagan years and the demarcation from anything even remotely resembling reality. My faith in the humanity and redemptive qualities of my fellow Americans has long ago left the building and I am fully cognizant that I live in some Bizarro universe where I am one of the dwindling number of holdouts who has not been assimilated by the body snatchers. Fucked is fucked, as an old sage bartender once told me in my borderline petty criminal early years… ”desperation is not pretty”. The book is broken into five long pieces on the power of illusion and the ruinous moral and social consequences of each: celebrity, love, wisdom, happiness and ultimately America, in my opinion the penultimate illusion of them all. I have to say that I was even stunned at the job that he does in this book on exposing the bursting and sweating rancid underbelly of capitalist American culture post 9/11. Hedges critiques the reality television ‘fuck you’ culture of crap like a master coroner performing an autopsy on all that is rotten, vile and viscerally doomed about the media culture that has swallowed us whole.

“We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God’s name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion.”

-Howard Beale

Let’s face it, anyone who is not intoxicated by the siren song of the Matrix, who is not plugged into the hive and who is fully aware of the downward trajectory of this sorry assed country is fully aware of the power of illusion that is broadcast into nearly every home, the most insidious mind control device in human hisotry is that glass screened electronic god in the living room. A rogue government and the oligarchy that it serves owes their success in colonizing the brains of the lemmings to that pernicious invention and the use of it to erase and reprogram the human mind. Television, at it’s most basic level is a tool of the corporations to advertise, to create a set of artificial needs, false ideals and Aryan American archetypes in order to sell products. People have long since immersed themselves in such imagery to the extent of adapting their own inner workings to include snippets of what they see as television. Hedges first chapter deals with how the culture of celebrity has corrupted the very souls of Americans and he uses the examples of sensationalist, mean-spirited, mental masturbatory droolfests such as professional wrestling, the Jerry Springer Show and it’s imitators and reality television swill as examples of how successful that the dumbing down, the coarsening and the fattening of the sheeple has been.

There can be no serious argument that the average intellect in this country has been in freefall since the advent of television, specifically cable television. It is the opiate of the masses, the tool of the oligarchy and It is a damned certainty that elements within the government immediately realized the mind controlling potential of television just as big business realized that the new medium could be harnessed for advertising and commercial purposes so did the power brokers realize that it could be similarly utilized to manufacture consent, a term coined by Noam Chomsky who like so many others who dare to ask the serious questions are ghettoized into little niches, you will never see Chomsky on the corporate media, the same goes for the great John Pilger and especially Chris Hedges. You won’t see Chris Hedges as a guest on the phony liberal cable network shows, he is too serious and his antiwar credentials are impeccable due to his time spent as a war correspondent, he has seen the carnage, the atrocities. If MSNBC’s hallowed duo of Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow would ever seriously address the fascist warfare state then they would by out of their GE owned studios faster than shit through a tin horn.

The coming of the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan (our pre Obama product as president) and emerging technologies that would be able to prolong the mental assault 24/7 the American public slowly began to accept televised illusions as real life, revisionist historical entertainment as fact, the glorification of wealth over all else as attainable and realistic and the myth of Rambo as a realistic personification of American foreign policy. I do not have enough time or space to look at this topic here so as to do it justice. The 1980’s saw the spread of corporate nationalist propaganda delivered over hundreds of channels, each appealing to a particular segmentation of a populace too mired in the pathetic quality of the daily grind of their boring and irrelevant lives. Now whenever they needed a fix, the ability to click the little button on the black remote and to be transported into a different world, a world of escape from the drudgery, a world where they could collectively bond with role models test marketed to appeal to their particular fancies, to be politically socialized by talking heads spewing radical ideologies, unencumbered by the Fairness Doctrine which was repealed under Reagan and which would forever change their way of thinking as well as to demonize what had been the real America prior to January 20 1981. They were given everything and anything in order to keep them tuned in so that the propagandists could keep the stimulation applied, the indoctrination process could continue uninterrupted, the herd could be brought to order and shepherded in directions that were desirable to their masters.

Television in itself is a relatively new invention, having only gained mass exposure in the past half century or so but if you want to approximate a time when the demarcation line between fantasy and reality in American life began to become defined it would definitely be in the early 1980’s with the explosion in the satellite and cable television industries. This is the time that it became possible to pump 100+ channels of violence, filth, fascist political indoctrination, Horatio Alger anyone can get rich quick scheme infomercials, lurid sexual innuendo and whatever other flotsam and jetsam of the human spirit that could be mined for profit into millions of homes throughout the country. The rise of both the radical religious right as well as the rise of the political reactionary right can both be traced to the rise in the availability of cable television and how those movements were able to use the technology to brainwash the masses.

Thus began the dumbing down:

Children became more violent and dysfunctional.

Freak shows like Morton Downey and Springer drew mass audiences while pandering to deviates who would see their sorry lives displayed for public amusement.

Today more people vote on cheese talent shows like American Idol than in most elections.

Television also creates insecurity and mental illness, viewers of too much television are often unable to make the differentiation between fantasy and reality, look at the rise in school shootings and generally deviant violent behavior. They live vicariously through the imagery designed to sell them caricatures of a lifestyle that they in turn believe that must be lived up to in order to be ‘normal’. The barrage of imagery as well as its calculated usage to influence the psyche by those whose craft is manipulation has a devastating effect on Americans. The inability to detach oneself from television worlds breeds violence, insecurity, greed and other such undesirable behavior. This is especially true for children who are very impressionable, there are highly paid marketing firms who specialize in trying to get the products and or ideas of those who pay them seared into the minds of kids from the earliest age possible in order to create lifetime customers. Is this evil? If not outright evil it is certainly devoid of any sort of decent ethical principle but then again isn’t this exactly the sort of deviant behavior that unchecked capitalism is intended to produce?

Will there be a time when television fantasy, physical reality and dreams become indistinguishable to some? Is that time already here? The psychological dependence on television to create identity and loyalty should be a national shame. Generations that have been born into the cable television era have become more violent, more superficial, more unquestioning and most importantly, far dumber than those who were their predecessors.

The rise to power of the evil regime of Hitler was borne on the wings of massive public rallies, fantastic gatherings steeped in the power of nationalism, symbolism, fire, resentment and demagogic ravings of destiny. The most famous of the state sponsored bacchanalia being the 1934 Nuremberg rally, meticulously choreographed and captured on film by Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will would become the benchmark for all German propaganda. The national madness of the German people can be seen in these rallies and films, the unraveling and descent of a sophisticated society into primal and pure evil was facilitated by them.

With television there is no need for mass rallies, the demagoguery and imagery can be delivered directly into your very own living room. One has only to watch the raving Glenn Beck on FOX and to see the despearate maniacs who take to the streets as he eggs them on, incites them against the great phantom socialist, communist, liberal conspiracy – to borrow from the late, great Molly Ivins – it probably sounded better in its original German.

Porn is about reducing women to corpses. It is about necrophilia. ….The one emotion they are allowed to display is an unquenchable desire to satisfy men, especially if that desire involves the women’s physical and emotional degradation. The lighting in the films is harsh and clinical. Pubic hair is shaved off to give the women the look of young girls or rubber dolls. Porn, which advertises itself as sex, is a bizarre, bleached pantomime of sex. The acts onscreen are beyond human endurance. The scenarios are absurd. The manicured and groomed bodies, the huge artificial breasts, the pouting, oversized lips, the erections that never go down, and the sculpted bodies are unreal. Makeup and production mask blemishes. There are no beads of sweat, no wrinkle lines, no human imperfections. Sex is reduced to a narrow spectrum of sterilized dimensions. It does not include the dank smell of human bodies, the thump of a pulse, taste, breath—or tenderness. Those in the films are puppets, packaged female commodities. They have no honest emotions, are devoid of authentic human beauty and resemble plastic. Pornography does not promote sex, if one defines sex as a shared act between two partners. It promotes masturbation. It promotes the solitary auto-arousal that precludes intimacy and love. Pornography is about getting yourself off at someone else’s expense.

-Chris Hedges

The chapter on pornography entitled the Illusion of Love is not one for the squeamish. The descriptions are clinically graphic and hit like a crowbar to the skull. I will never look at porno the same way again after reading this, I am no connoisseur of such stuff and in the days when I did view it on occasion it was extremely tame compared to the sickening, misogynistic sadism that Hedges describes as being the modern porn underworld. It all ties in with the increasing degradation of the society, the dehumanization, the loss of our souls in pursuit of instant gratification, we are on a ship of doomed fools selling postcards of the hanging and any of the fellow passengers could be a flesh eating zombie ready to fuck you up the ass and eat your brain at any moment.

Hedges focuses on the vicious need for the sort of American male that I would say is exemplified in the Becker/Dittohead/Strong Daddy Christian elements on the far right and the need to wreak revenge against the women who have challenged his blessed, God given right for American male superiority per his birthright, the women are the objects of wrath and subjugation, fantasy and role playing, the scapegoats provided by a rapacious blood sucking oligarchy and the virulent fascist damnation that comes with it. I excerpt one of the tamer pieces from this chapter:

The most successful Internet porn sites and films are those that discover new ways to humiliate and inflict cruelty on women. In the Web site Slut Bus, women are lured into a van, offered money for sex, filmed having sex, and then dumped on the side of the road. Money is held out toward the woman as the van pulls away. She is always left without payment. The message is clear. Women are compliant sex machines. They are good only for sex. And they are not worth paying for their services.

“The mission?” the Web site asks. “Pick up the hottest girls we find. And get them to let us fuck them & cum in their pretty little faces while videotaping the whole thing.”

“The fun?” the site goes on. “Treating these slutty bitches like they deserve to be treated … with a slam bam thank ya ma’am & a swift kick in the ass! What? You thought we would actually pay these sluts? Hahahahaha. Think Again!

There is a discussion with a Dr. Z who preaches the wondrous joys of silicone love doll ownership that is freak-a-tude at its finest in which he describes the ‘relationships’ that he has had over the years with love dolls, proudly proclaiming that the top three or four blow jobs he has had in his life were from his dolls. Reading the two and a half pages of amiable dementia spouted by Dr. Z only made me wonder if he will be the next deranged right-wing psychopath who will show up in a Santa Claus suit at his ex-wife’s family’s Christmas party armed to the teeth and with a homemade flamethrower or some other similar human time bomb incident. This is the sordid type of sickness that lies deeply in the tortured psyches of these wretched pieces of human (and I use that term extremely loosely) garbage once you peel back the rantings of Rush. I learned (much to my sick sense of humor) that there is actually a porno movie that came out called Who’s Nailin’ Paylin: Adventures of a Hockey MILF, I am sure that one is a big hit with the Beckers and Dittohead angry white masturbators whose own cocks are milked dry over such perverse rot while their manhood is measured by the inches of the barrels of their beloved guns, their phallic symbols.

Authoritarian right wing Christian freaks seem to be particularly prone to the dirty nasty nekkid sort of stuff in porn, violence, nudity, humiliation and the Rapture only with ATM (ass to mouth action), cannonades of cum shots and of course the humiliation of the woman figure. Is there anything more vile than Christianity, the very concept of Eve being cloned from Adam and then turned out by Satan is the earliest and far most widely acceptable form of misogynist head fuck in history. The domineering male types, like those in the Promise Keepers and other male dominator factions of the filthy fascist minions of Satanic deceit practiced by the overly horny, goat herding false prophets on the right are nothing but seed sprayers, addicted to masturbation and when their torture fuckfest fantasies can’t be fulfilled by their mousy little child bearing wives they are the ones who are predominantly busted trolling the internet for child sex or other acts of brutality and perversion.

The seed sprayers, yeah, I get a kick out of that little moniker that I just made up, there is something I seem to recall from my child days of being read the riot act out of the unholy, everchanging book of doom that decried self pleasure as the spilling of God’s precious seed or something along those lines. Well these fuckers bring to mind that old classic Outer Limits tale, Specimen Unknown and the space plants who were inadvertently brought back to Earth and took the fucking place over by launching their barrages of little seeds, nice metaphor for the ongoing multiplication and takeover of enlightened society by the retrograde morons, closet sadomasochists (remember Rev. Gary Aldridge?) and leering degenerates throughout the land who get a chubby even thinking of dunking prepubescent little girls (or boys for that matter) into the baptism tank and peeking through their undies.

When I was a kid back in Colorado, we were temporarily captured in the little cult of a mid 70’s local Baptist church and their little bus that was sent out to troll for recruits. A youngish, hip dude named Brother Jess ran the place and while the rampant degeneracy that emerged from the Religious Right’s rise to power in the years of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and that very strange Timothy LaHaye whose Council For National Policy preached a militarist gospel that is so bizarrely Israel centric…as in Likudnik genocide fever dreams that it could have been concocted by the fucking Mossad itself.

Brother Jess had shoulder length hair, a bitchin’ blonde haired wife with big boobs and in his house a living room to basement mural of the life of Jesus – hand painted no less but he didn’t seem to be more than a good ole boy juiced on Jesus Juice and just preachin the ole time religion, dunking dozens a week in a baptism tank behind the pulpit that could have accommodated Shamu the fucking whale and ensuring that that collection plate got passed around multiple times during services so that the new temple that was being constructed off the main building could be completed. It wasn’t he who was the problem, it was the other freaks who attended that church….they just creeped me out, it was a horrifying experience at such an early age but a formative one. I will always remember when I was just a tyke in the third or fourth grade and overheard the teacher’s assistant who reeked of some sort of liquor laughing about the kids believing in Santa Claus, as if they were stupid or something but while that was like seeing a beloved idol dipped in and dragged though shit (and the terrible realization that my philandering drunken rat bastard father was REALLY eating the cookies and putting the stuff under the tree but I am rambling. I really got the whole concept about how phony good ole time Christian religion was early on, one day on the bus some dimbulb was leading us in a rousing singing of “you can’t get to Heaven with hippie hair, cause the lord don’t like that mess up there” and standing in front of a glowering figure with hair down to his ass and a wild beard and it sure as fuck wasn’t Ted Nugent.

I certainly must confess some deviate behavior earlier in my own life. From going hog wild in some of the raunchiest whorehouses in Subic Bay when I visited there as a 19 year old in the US Navy to having my toes sucked after they had grenadine poured on them in Louisiana’s famous hipster bar Ruby’s Roadhouse but nothing like the vilest forms of fetishistic, violent, reducing a woman to a vagina fuck object that goes on now. After reading Hedges’ description of the Gonzo porn industry I felt like taking a shower, a very cold one to relieve the sensation that I had been bludgeoned over the head. This is some hard core prose and it’s brutality is like a rolling blitzkrieg but that is his intent. The obscenity is that beatdown, slutmania porno is the flip side of the American obsession with murder, war and the glorification of the carnage, wrapped up in faux heroism that flows from the television sets like a backed up shitter. Abu Ghraib comes to mind and Hedges makes that point. The evolution of the fascist society and the melding of the mass mind with sadosexual kink behavior, Christian hatred and repression found an outlet in military condoned assaults on brown skinned Muslim devils was a root cause of the vile twisted perversity of what went on when a bunch of West Virginia peckerwood hicks were encouraged to get their jollies in Saddam’s rape rooms. Just imagine what will happen when the mobs are given the green light to go and round up the liberals.

Positive psychology is to the corporate state what eugenics was to the Nazis.

-Chris Hedges

In his chapter that covers the Illusion of Happiness, Hedges goes after a favorite villain of mine, the positive thinking hoax that I mentioned earlier on in this essay the positive thinking scam. You know the way the con works, it’s all about enforcing conformity and rooted in the need for the corporate state to build an unquestioning supply of cheap, cowed and easily abused labor that can be drawn upon. It’s a standard truck used by all cults but has really taken off with the osmosis of every aspect of American society with the corporate borg. The one trick that is always used by these people is the old litmus test of ‘is the glass half, empty or half full?’, a meaningless mental trick that allows for those with advanced degrees in basket weaving and finger painting to find employment in the Human Resources departments tasked with eliminating the renegades from the cattle. It is a very old school ruse, this think positively trickery, used in earlier times to give some form of comfort to the poor slaves who worked themselves to death, were savagely whipped, starved and crushed to death by the incompetence of their co-workers as they hauled stones to build immense replicas and monuments to the Pharaohs. There are thousands if not millions of shit shovelers, toilers and the abused who must be made to benefit that one son of a bastard who gets his face on the Sphinx. It was religion then, the hope that a better life in some magical kingdom in the sky awaited if only submission to pain and the worst human injustice and cruelty was tolerated, as the giant talking blimp broadcasts in Blade Runner ‘a new life awaits you in the off world colonies’. It was hogwash then, and it’s even more hogwash now.

I have long stated that I could indirectly trace every rotten thing that has gone so horribly awry in America to the denial and delusion associated with the entire ‘think positively’ confidence game. It only encourages apathy and submissiveness and it was the naïve belief in the market based fraud that is capitalism that has wrecked the global economy, the dogma that what is good for Wall Street is good for America, that the bill would never come due on the little pieces of Satanic plastic credit cards that were maxed out to be like the images on the television. The fraudsters who run the banking system were all too happy to inflate the housing bubble that has devastated this country with neutron bomb style efficiency. The never-ending ATM that was phony home equity fueled the mass illusions as long as the flim flam men could scheme to turn that imaginary mortgage equity into derivatives and bad paper that was ultimately worth as much as low grade toilet paper of the 100 grit quality. And it only continued because the jackasses in this country believed the charlatans like Mad Money Cramer, George W. Bush and Alan Greenspan, the Ayn Rand cultist who ran the Fed and came as close as a human being has ever come to being anointed as God on Earth. Suckers all, they bought into it, did not question it as they should have and in the end were impoverished by it. Oh, and allowed themselves to be conned again into bailing out the same banks, the modern day Pharaohs who reside in the temples of avarice that are Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase. Fools, goddamned fools, sheep and morons and we all have made to suffer because of the childish minds of Pollyanna Murkans skipping down the primrose path to perdition who fell for it all hook, line and sinker.

Which is why it is nice to see the entire myth get a long awaited debunking by Hedges and more importantly by Barbara Ehrenreich who actually will get some play in the mainstream media with her new book Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America. She doesn’t criticize the fascist warfare state when calling out the Jiminy Crickets so perhaps people can finally start to ponder how badly they have been hornswoggled by the positivity pimps. I haven’t read the book yet but I plan on it, I did happen to catch her interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now the other day and you should check it out if you haven’t already. Once this mindset has been broken there may be a chance but the zombies are legion, perhaps digging through dumpsters and fighting feral cats and dogs for scraps to feed themselves or standing in food pantry lines with their kids will render them somehow susceptible to reason, somehow I doubt it though.

I am reminded of my days as an outside representative who would make regular visits to a certain high profile national chain of convenience stores. The managers of these stores suffered from some sort of shellshock, they were walking wounded, broken people hounded by micromanaging corporate types, tyrannical district managers who always popped in at unexpected times and harangued by customers. They were psychically damaged material doing a thankless job for a pack of corporate pricks. What I remember in particular was one frumpy manager (looked like a dumpster in pantsuit) who had been transformed as some are by taking Jesus into their hearts. ‘Sally’, not her real name of course had found her proverbial file inside of the jailhouse cake because she had just been recruited into the notorious Amway Inc upon which the DeVos family (which includes Xe/Blackwater’s Erik Prince) built it’s massive fortune. ‘Sally’ backed me into a corner and explained that she would soon be wealthy beyond her wildest dreams, out from under the corporate schmucks who she baked bricks for and that her entire mindset was changed after attending Amway drink the Kool Aid sessions. I remember that she tried to explain the difference as though there were two parallel universes and that she had been able to transcend them… was like stepping through The Stargate she told me – everything was right on the other side, it was filled with wonderful positive and successful people and she too was going to leave the drudgery behind and join them. You can sell anything in America but nothing sells like hope, it’s like vails of ‘holy’ water sold in a leper colony, there is a reason that that bombastic shit-eating snake oil salesman Dr. Phil exists as a sort of demigod in Murka.

Ultimately though it’s all bullshit, the get rich schemes, the positivity pod people, the idea of transformation into a capitalist chrysalis and ultimately the corporate system itself. Like the wretched slaves in Plato’s cave allegory Americans have learned to love their bondage. As for me, I have always been a heretic, only now I no longer blame myself for not fitting into their bullshit system, choosing to call it out as what it truly is, fraud of the highest order writ large on stone tablets and given to charismatic Judas Goats like Dr. Phil, Oprah, Tony Robbins and any of the myriad of pitchmen and women to carry down the mountain to deliver to the unwashed masses of asses.

A few years after my conversation with ‘Sally’ over the Stargate, after I had quit my job and moved on to other things I happened to stop by a certain national convenience store for gas. a Big Bite and a Big Gulp and lo and behold there she was, toiling away behind the counter looking as sad, beaten and frumpy as ever with a look on her face like she had a big stinky turd in the inner front pocket of her green smock. The Stargate ultimately led to yet another boulevard of broken dreams as it ALWAYS does in lemming land, P.T. Barnum had it dead right, there IS a sucker born every minute…and they breed like rabbits on hormone supplements here in the home of the slaves.

The New Hammerhead was a perfect cowboy. He was vicious & stupid & ignorant of everything except his own fears and appetites. He beat the mortal shit out of anything that made him uneasy, for any reason at all. The Hammerhead was a perfect warrior. He defended the flag. Any flag. He learned to understand words like “orders” and “patriotism”, but the secret of his success was an animal taste for blood. He thrived on motion. But he was brainless; he had to be aimed.

-Hunter S. Thompson

Finally there is the Illusion of America, anything that Hedges says at this point is pretty much anticlimactic because let’s face it, you and I already understand the depths of the abyss that we are descending into. All in all it’s a pretty bleak assessment of where we are at right now, in a kinky, impoverished, militarist, delusional land of misfit toys and in pissing on the positivity pimps let me tell you one thing – enjoy today, it is going to be the best day of the rest of your life, every subsequent day is going to be incrementally worse as the system continues to rot, the facades are slowly torn away and the raw power of the police state is rolled out in order to protect the oligarchy from the rabble.

The Dow Jones is back over 10,000 again and with it goes the increase in oil and commodities prices, get ready for food prices to climb as well and any astute cynic can tell you that the official unemployment figures are horseshit, they are more likely twice what is announced but our shiny new reality show president has decided to cast his lot with the capitalists. The same swine who wrecked the system are now being given free reign to blow the next big bubble and all with house money. None of the surge in fraud and speculation means jack shit to the real economy, it has had a permanent hole blown in it, much like the USS Arizona and there is no way that fucker isn’t going down just the same way. There are always the illusions, it’s NFL season again so that of course buys some time in terms of distraction but there is a growing ugliness out there that we can all attest to, those with the keener antennae have smelled blood coming for quite some time now.

The anger of the fucked over has been very successfully co-opted by the dark forces of the fascist right and their corporate media. The very disturbing rise of the Beckers, a drooling but exponentially growing pack of know nothings, dead enders and goons who will when the time is right be used by the establishment as protection just like Hitler’s S.A.. They buy books with Beck’s image on the front in some sort of Stasi/fascistic military uniform, whatever it is it isn’t American. Or maybe it is. Maybe the inner Jack Bauer inside the easily manipulated angry army is just a bit closer to coming out now, it is after all a land where militarism is worshipped above all else. The National Football League, that greatest of American capitalist institutions may have in the interests of making more money shunned Rush Limbaugh who is a perfect fit for the fraternity of high rolling white assholes who are the owners, perhaps their stadiums are in their own minds their plantations upon which their “million dollar niggers” to borrow from the dearly departed Nazi sympathizer Marge Schott can frolic to their delight. Engaging in the modern form of gladiatorial combat that so served the Roman elite, how many slaves empowered by smiley faced positive thinking toiled to build that monstrous new stadium of his? A garish monstrosity complete with the world’s biggest television screens, a new coliseum which will soon host the Circus Maximus of them all: The Super Bowl. Matt Taibbi called the nationally televised home opener there “a genuinely terrifying broadcast event of a kind not seen since the premier of The Triumph of the Will. This was a debutante ball for America’s new idiot fascism.” But really, isn’t such outrage expressed by commissioner Roger Goodell over Limbaugh’s virulent racism hypocritical in how the NFL has so successfully become a showcase for American militarism?

Television will feed the basest emotional needs of the busted out freaks, haters and losers but at what point does the fascist right capitalize on the failures of the pathetically impotent Obama administration to provide even the most basic forms of assistance to those not dwelling in the ivory towers on Wall Street? The anger is out there and it is growing like a cancer just getting ready to do some serious eating on the victim. The abominable betrayal of the Democrats on the so-called health care reform fiasco is going to come with a price, forcing bankrupted, jobless Americans to buy overpriced coverage from the insurance parasites backed by the threat of state punishment isn’t exactly going to do much to keep the corporate Democrats in power for long and it’s going to only feed the flames being doused with gasoline by Beck, Cheney, Kristol and the rest of the neocons desperately trying to get back into official power. 2010 is not going to be a good year for the jackass party, print this out and tack it up somewhere because come next November I will be proven right. I will say one thing though, if the extreme right ever manages to seize power again then it’s a done deal for people like you and I.

Hedges’ book was scathing, a long and brutal scourging of much that has occurred as we have been flipped fascist but his best commentary, from a fairly recent Truthdig column entitled Globalization Goes Bankrupt from which I excerpt:

The rage of the disposed is fracturing the country, dividing it into camps that are unmoored from the political mainstream. Movements are building on the ends of the political spectrum that have lost faith in the mechanisms of democratic change. You can’t blame them. But unless we on the left move quickly, this rage will be captured by a virulent and racist right wing, one that seeks a disturbing proto-fascism.

Every day counts. Every deferral of protest hurts. We should, if we have the time and the ability, make our way to Pittsburgh for the meeting of the G-20 this week rather than do what the power elite is hoping we will do—stay home. Complacency comes at a horrible price.

And –

The draconian security measures put in place to silence dissent in Pittsburgh are disproportionate to any actual security concern. They are a response not to a real threat, but to the fear gripping the established centers of power. The power elite grasps, even if we do not, the massive fraud and theft being undertaken to save a criminal class on Wall Street and international speculators of the kinds who were executed in other periods of human history. They know the awful cost this plundering of state treasuries will impose on workers, who will become a permanent underclass. And they also know that once this is clear to the rest of us, rebellion will no longer be a foreign concept.

The delegates to the G-20, the gathering of the world’s wealthiest nations, will consequently be protected by a National Guard combat battalion, recently returned from Iraq. The battalion will shut down the area around the city center, man checkpoints and patrol the streets in combat gear. Pittsburgh has augmented the city’s police force of 1,000 with an additional 3,000 officers. Helicopters have begun to buzz gatherings in city parks, buses driven to Pittsburgh to provide food to protesters have been impounded, activists have been detained, and permits to camp in the city parks have been denied. Web sites belonging to resistance groups have been hacked and trashed, and many groups suspect that they have been infiltrated and that their phones and e-mail accounts are being monitored.

And –

Our global economy, like our political system, has been hijacked by a tiny oligarchy, composed mostly of wealthy white men who serve corporations. They have pledged or raised a staggering $18 trillion, looted largely from state treasuries, to prop up banks and other financial institutions that engaged in suicidal acts of speculation and ruined the world economy. They have formulated trade deals so corporations can speculate across borders with currency, food and natural resources even as, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1.02 billion people on the planet struggle with hunger. Globalization has obliterated the ability of many poor countries to protect food staples such as corn, rice, beans and wheat with subsidies or taxes on imported staples. The abolishment of these protections has permitted the giant mechanized farms to wipe out tens of millions of small farmers—2 million in Mexico alone—bankrupting many and driving them off their land. Those who could once feed themselves can no longer find enough food, and the wealthiest governments use institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization like pit bulls to establish economic supremacy. There is little that most governments seem able to do to fight back.

And –

But the game is up. The utopian dreams of globalization have been exposed as a sham. Force is all the elite have left. We are living through one of civilization’s great seismic reversals. The ideology of globalization, like all utopias that are sold as inevitable and irreversible, has become a farce. The power elite, perplexed and confused, cling to the disastrous principles of globalization and its outdated language to mask the political and economic vacuum before us. The absurd idea that the marketplace alone should determine economic and political constructs caused the crisis. It led the G-20 to sacrifice other areas of human importance—from working conditions, to taxation, to child labor, to hunger, to health and pollution—on the altar of free trade. It left the world’s poor worse off and the United States with the largest deficits in human history. Globalization has become an excuse to ignore the mess. It has left a mediocre elite desperately trying to save a system that cannot be saved and, more important, trying to save itself. “Speculation,” then-President Jacques Chirac of France once warned, “is the AIDS of our economies.” We have reached the terminal stage.

And –

The institutions that once provided alternative sources of power, including the press, government, agencies of religion, universities and labor unions, have proved morally bankrupt. They no longer provide a space for voices of moral autonomy. No one will save us now but ourselves.

“The best thing that happened to the Establishment is the election of a black president,” Holmes said. “It will contain people for a given period of time, but time is running out. Suppose something else happens? Suppose another straw breaks? What happens when there is a credit card crisis or a collapse in commercial real estate? The financial system is very, very fragile. The legs are being kicked out from underneath it.”

“Obama is in trouble,” Holmes went on. “The economic crisis is a structural crisis. The recovery is only a recovery for Wall Street. It can’t be sustained, and Obama will be blamed for it. He is doing everything Wall Street demands. But this will be a dead end. It is a prescription for disaster, not only for Obama but the Democratic Party. It is only groups like ours that provide hope. If labor unions will get off their ass and stop focusing on narrow legislation for their members, if they will go back to being social unions that embrace broad causes, we have a chance of effecting change. If this does not happen it will be a right-wing disaster.”

The G20 turned the Iron City into a martial law area of lockdown, a test run for what is coming once the oligarchy is no longer able to maintain the illusions. The left has failed in preventing this and will be the sacrificial lambs fed to the cannibals when the time comes, you can count on that. In addition to Glenn Beck’s increasingly bold minions there is the Nixon style image remaking campaign being conducted for the darling of the angry white masses Sarah Palin, she will be their future leader, it’s God’s will you know…the real New Hitler is already here and 2012 is surely only going to be more miserable as the economic Diaspora is creating permanently scarred and desperate people looking for both a savior and scapegoats.

The neocons aren’t going to go quietly into the goodnight, the Obama illusion is just that, a big lie, a fraud and a temporary placebo passed off as a panacea, ultimately however like all illusions it will dissipate leaving in it’s place a thirst for blood that knows no satisfaction and will not be slaked until every enemy and perceived enemy that is offered up has been eradicated.


American Dumbass

With all that is so terribly wrong in this sordid and rapidly decomposing empire the amount of fixation on the White House ‘Beer Summit’ offers a crystal clear glimpse through the looking glass at WHY we are all fucked. The media fueled racial circus of the story of the rogue cop James Crowley and Professor Henry A. Gates led to yesterday’s sit down with The Pope of Hope and the V.P. from the Usury State over a few beers in a symbolic conference that was given the importance of say The Yalta Conference. In our cheapened, dumbed-down, busted-flat in Baton Rouge and fucked up the ass with no lube by the oligarchy lemming colony it’s media manufactured horseshit like this that gives me zero hope that anything will ever be fixed in my lifetime. With healthcare reform pretty much dead other than the certainty that the insurance corporations will be rolling in the dough from the coming mandated coverage, the wars still raging and the phony recovery setting up millions of suckers for the next fleecing it’s drivel like this that serves as news. Oh and Michael Jackson is still dead.
As far as Gates goes the REAL story that is not being covered anywhere is we now live in a country where the police can come into an American home and arrest the owner even if no laws were broken. We have learned to kiss the whip and to love the taste, conditioned to worship the police and military by decades of propaganda, cop shows (I must admit that I actually really liked the first Dirty Harry and Magnum Force), paramilitary torture infomercials like 24 and the militarization of culture. I am giving away my age here but when I was a kid we had wonderful little plastic soldiers, tanks, howitzers etc in green and gray that we could refight the good war daily in sandboxes and on dirtpiles. Now there are the videogames and the realistic scenarios where a player can stalk and blow away ‘the enemy’ in full graphic bloodiness. Not only have we been desensitized to the violence and weaned on war but in the bloody videogames the military industrial complex has begun training for the coming resource conflicts at the formative ages, a good amount of today’s children have thousands of simulated kills before they hit puberty. I am not going to go into a diatribe here but the gore-flecked fingers of the military are everywhere, I recommend Nick Turse’s book The Complex to all for a look at how the Pentagon invades our every day lives.
But I digress….
For this overflowing sewer of immorality, dumbness and sloth that is 2009 America to continue to exist as it does there must be internal strife, factionalization and demagoguery. Which is why the ‘Beer Summit’ is big news. The throbbing undercurrent of racism in this country is as strong as ever and now that angry white peckerwoods are running amok because there is a black man in the White House all that the oligarchy, the MIC and the tax chiselers need to do is pour a bit of gasoline on the fire here an there. It is this phenomenom that gives us the Birthers and their fanatic denial that despite evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii, these are not rational folks and their racism has been generational to the point where it is now a part of their DNA. The more vile elements of the fascist faction of the two-party game of three card monte won’t be satisfied until there are pogroms or someone poor demented busted out angry white loser takes a shot at Obama. The majority of moron America though lives in the ether, swaddled in their cocoons of denial and nurtured by the 24/7 babysitter that is the electronic crackpipe (TV). I am always reminded of the brilliant satire Idiocracy by our stupified inhabitants of the planet’s largest lemming colony.
Idiocracy is a movie that is more outright horrifying than Soylent Green, Blade Runner, Brazil or any other dystopian vision because it is already happening. I don’t know if anyone has seen the movie (which could just as easily be titled Eugenics American Style) but it’s become a cult classic since it’s release was quietly sabotaged by FOX, who produced it. The movie was at the time of release and since also completely ignored by a fat and happycorporatist media obviously uncomfortable with the message. They have reason to be afraid because Idiocracy just fucking mocks the dumbing-down of American society that is largely the result of the deterioration of mass media, the rise of southern fried religion and the relentless war on the human condition by the rapacious plague of corporatization and a form of looter capitalism that has become cancerous. I have never seen a movie that is so in your face and that obviously made the Fox honchos very uncomfortable because they are largely a culprit in the ongoing process that has stupified what was once a well informed country with real values. The movie is a bit juvenile and overly loaded with scatological references but that is the point it is trying to make and those who don’t get it bring to mind the famous poker saying that if you don’t recognize the rube at the table it’s you.

The plot features Army dullard Joe Bowers, a man of completely average intelligence and a prostitute named Rita who are the subjects of a secret military hibernation experiment of limited duration. Well things go awry and the officer in charge is ensnared by a sex scandal bringing shame and a base closure and a much longer nap for Joe and Rita who don’t wake up until they are freed from their test chambers during the great garbage avalanche of 2505. They wake up to find a world that is FUBAR, the infrastructure is crumbling and looks as though it were designed by idiots (or privatized out to greedy contractors skimming their cut at the expense of quality), the commercialization of society is complete with corporate logos everywhere and characters named after fast food and commercial products “Dr. Lexus”, “Frito” and “Beef Supreme” among them who speak in crude tongues, hurl insults and pejoratives and berate Joe for “talking like a fag”. It’s as though red state social engineering has created a Republican dream of a reverse master race of abject morons with hair trigger tempers and a birthright of simplicity – George W. Bush and Sarah Palin’s anti-intellectualism on steroids. The entire population has become twentieth generation trailer trash who in a gross parody of Social Darwinism have outbred those with any intelligence or discretion. The opening few minutes that show how this happened are as classic as they are painfully true with the educated putting off reproduction while the rednecks breed like rabbits.

Centuries of consumerism and too much television have dumbed down the populace to the point of borderline retardation and the greatest advances in technology are huge multi-screened televisions, huge devices that allow for multiple reality trash programs to be presented simultaneously while the viewer is ensconced on a huge plush chair sucking down goo from a tub while reveling in the delights of shows the likes of Ass, Ow! My Balls and the Masturbation Channel. Those three examples are the descendents of current era moronic programming like American Idol, Jackass, The Biggest Loser, Survivor and all that reality trash along with the explosion of potty humor as entertainment provided by movies featuring such Earthly delights as diarrhea daquiris, cacophonies of farts and belches, flying wads of semen used as hair gel and horny teenager boners buried in mom’s homemade apple pie that have made the society dumb and dumber as well as ruder and coarser. Corporations like Starbucks now offer handjobs as an enticement to buy a latte and Fuddruckers has become Buttfuckers – the corporate satire is as hilarious as it is mostly absent from the media and society today and the part of the movie that takes place at St. God’s Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic.

The society that Joe finds himself in is mean, greedy and stupid and the police are drooling overly aggressive thugs. After a series of mishaps and an IQ test he is summoned to the White House by President Camacho because he is now the most intelligent man on the planet and up to the task of solving the food crisis that plagues America. The crops are dying because instead of using water (that stuff in the toilet) they are irrigated by mega selling sports drink Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. Joe suggests using H2O and is met with incredulity by the mantra of “It’s got electrolytes.” After causing massive social unrest and unemployment with replacing Brawndo which happens to be the nation’s biggest employer with his idea Joe is taken to an arena for a gladiatorial style event that is a wild combination between Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome and the local monster truck extravaganza that is televised on FOX which to no surprise is much the same as it is today other than the appearance of the anchors. Joe eventually triumphs and saves the day when the crops grow again and becomes a truly honored hero of Uh-merica. His best advice is to turn off the TV and read something once in awhile and everyone lives happily ever after.

It’s good advice and should be heeded by a nation gone to seed whose idiot inhabitants rarealy bother to pick up a book because the remote for the mind vacuum is much easier to heft and actually reading is just too much of a strain. An astonishing amount of the population don’t even read one book a year let alone a newspaper.

To people like that, a flock of dumbasses who continually are duped into voting against their own self intrests to intstall the for hire agents of corporate vampires it’s no wonder that the Beer Summitt has become the most important topic of discussion.
Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe

American Meat Circus

CSI Wal-Mart

Yesterday, on Black Friday, a day to worship the excesses of American capitalism (translation rack up those evil little plastic devil talismans in your purse or wallets for cheap made in China bullshit) the masses of asses finally revolted. During the insanity of the Bushreich, its legacy of war crimes, the codifying of torture, the looting of America through bailing out that thug Hank Paulson and all of his criminal lackeys at Goldman Sachs, Abu Ghraib, illegal spying, TSA goons feeling up old ladies in the East German style police checkpoints at our airports nothing and I mean nothing (with the exception of pockets of resistance clustered around the carcass of one Terri Schiavo) has been able to elicit any sort of fervor that would roust the blissfully rotten, mean spirited and overly fat denizens of Murka off of their sofas where they worshipped the electronic god in their living rooms until November 28th 2008.

This was a watershed day for American capitalism in that it provides a perfect snapshot of the foul degradation, the vile selfishness, the rampant consumerist impulses (one imagines that it is similar to that which drives pederasts) so meticulously nurtured by Madison Avenue and Wall Street and delivered like a mainline spike of smack through the televison set and directly into the already over-ripened and putty soft gourds of a decadent and doomed society. The carnage at the Valley Stream Wal-Mart in Long Island should provide definitive proof to even those who still skip down their white picket fence lined primrose paths to perdition that we have devolved into nothing more than savages, it may have been in a high tech big box emporium of debt slavery but it could have been something right out of Braveheart. The Pollyana’s can no longer deny it with their silly-assed American optimism, the ‘grab the tiger by the tail’ spirit of good ole made in the USA can-do-ism, the insipid little litmus test of ‘the glass is half empty or half full’ or any of that other fetid, rotten and oversimplistic horseshit but we are in the final stages of a total systemic breakdown, devolution and a pathological perversion of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in which food and shelter have been replaced by such baubles as $69 10.2 megapixel digital cameras, $97 GPS systems, $698 42-inch plasma portals throug which god speaks, $2 DVDs (a nice form of bread and circuses in these horrid times), Madden 09 for the X Box 360 for the paltry sum of $30, $28 Bissell upright vacuums and the granddaddy of all glorious prizes – the $199 X Box 360 arcade counsel with a free Guitar Hero III along with a wireless gittar. These are but a few of the items featured in my special Thanksgiving Day newspaper insert from Wal-Mart – subtitled – and I shit you not – “Save money. Live better”.

That is unless your name happened to be Jdimytai Damour who was crushed to death by an out of control mob that was incited by hooligans behind a handmade “Blitz Line Starts Here” sign as the term ‘door busters’ took on a whole new meaning. The 34 year old Damour, a temporary worker for the holiday season was crushed like an anti-government protester in Tiananmen Square under megatons of corn chip fed American beef on the hoof, a stampede of sinners and losers whose motive for murder could be reduced to any number of the bargains from that little “Save money. Live better” advertising insert. It was a horrific scene according to eyewitness accounts: “rabble”, “savages”, “out of control” and “utter chaos” were among some of the descriptive terms used by shoppers. The truly heinous thing was that when the local police and management team tried to shut the store down the rampaging hordes would have nothing to do with it and just kept on loading their gray plastic buggies with $128 Blu-ray players, $9 Incredible Hulk DVDs and the aforementioned bullshit along with wine, beer and cold medicine. As legend has it the band played on the as the good ship RMS Titanic went down and the authorities were as helpless as those poor doomed bitches and bastards who slowly froze to death in those icy North Atlantic waters. You know, as much of a critic of the looming police state here in Der Heimat that I have been I wouldn’t have hesitated one second in pumping that store full of tear gas canisters and turning the firehoses on the scum as they crawled retching into the parking lots – what happened in that store was inhuman, pathetic and cruel beyond every acceptable definition of civilized human behavior.

The Wal-Mart stomp was an ominous sign for a country already plagued with economic angst, a spoiled and gluttonous populace who don’t know the meaning of the word ‘NO’ and have never been made to experience any sort of frugality, privation or austerity as their grandparents and great grandparents had during the era of the Great Depression and are on the brink of a new global mega-depression. They are already angry, paranoid and driven by a free floating fear that is once again being jacked up by the military industrial complex and their crackerjack pocket media that provides 24/7 propaganda that has served America turkey dinner with a nice big side helping of terror courtesy of the unfortunate but serendipitous Mumbai massacres ( a few Americans and Jews got most of the press when it came to the body count because nobody else really is fucking human anyway but that is a story for another time) despite the huge toll of non-Christian brown people whose greatest sin was wanting to be like Americans in their lifestyle of plenty in a country of largely third world squalor with the exception of offshoring Meccas like Mumbai and Bangalore. It all makes for a toxic mix with looming food shortages, rising crime rates. a teeming homeless population and no job prospects other than that of minimum wage matador at your local Wal-Mart superstore.

And when things really do get ugly, which they inevitably will given the sad state of Murka in the post-Bush years you can count on the underclass, the lumpen proleterian, the Sarah Palin true Americans to take their traveling freak shows on the road and rest assured that Valley Stream can be viewed through those star spangled, god is on our side Kawasaki 704 lenses as a training film for when the turds really hit the whirring blades and the stakes are one fuck of a lot higher than bagging the latest fucking version of Guitar Hero on Blu-ray. Honorable mention for the most emblematic Murkan incident of Black Friday were the filthy little freaks who got into a shooting war at a Palm Desert, California Toys R Us store.

In a little coda to this piece, the first that I have done in awhile I feel it necessary to confess that on this very day, Saturday 11/29/08 one day after Black Friday that I was compelled to visit my local shopping mall as well as a chain store or two. I don’t make it a habit of going to the mall, quite frankly it disgusts me and gives me the creeps, if the devil himself was out laying poison bait then it would be in America’s shopping malls where he could bag his limit of wayward souls. But then again, the soul hunt would provide slim pickings though in this sordid and rotting post 9/11 wasteland for there is little left to be had as far as souls go, they have already been sucked out by the machine. We are a nation of fearful sheep, hateful lemmings, good Germans, television lobotomized zombies and ‘me firsters’ seeking to consume, consume and then sprint to the vomitories so as to return to consume more. Husks of human beings shuffle about in huge air conditioned shopping malls trying to fill their god shaped holes with cheap sweatshop produced clothing and Chinese made consumer electronics, compact discs and those wonderful new Blu-ray movies that will have the trendy scrambling to replace their hundreds of DVDs with the newer and more expensive versions. As Mencken once said “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public” and every mall in this country should have that chiseled in stone on the façade an updated spin on “Arbeit macht frei” for the American Heimat. The shuffling, overweight throng a large percentage gibbering into cell phones about trivialities will shamble from chain store to food court to chain store shopping like the good little patriotic monkeys that they are. They will rack up all of this shit on their burgeoning ledgers of debt, purchased with plastic, the magnetic strips recording the usurious borrowing and ensuring that the passage to perdition has been booked. It is our national destiny.

I noticed an uneasy tension among the clerks and in my truly unique sense of humor I made it a point to jokingly invoke the Wal-Mart mob stomping just to elicit their reactions and to observe. As a whole they seemed burned out, toasted and fried from their own long hours over the past two days – none of our local malls here in the Tampa-St. Pete metropolitan area enjoyed quite the infamy (which is a welcome change considering that Florida regularly leads the nation in freakish and violent incidents) as Long Island or Palm Desert so just an endless parade of idiots, viciously cruel maxed-out consumers (god how inhuman that term is) and screaming, caterwauling little brats whose parents have never once whipped out the rod in the process of raising their spoiled fruits. Most clerks just shook their head, clucking their disbelief at the primal savagery become national news today. The best response was some gal at Yankee Candle who admitted at being tempted to go to the Best Buy door buster sale but didn’t want to suffer the ugly throngs who showed up before the turkey gravy had even begun to turn to gelatin and were hellbent on scoring Guitar Hero III, an X Box, the new Guns and Roses CD Chinese Democracy (which has put one hell of a burr up the chinks asses over in goonland) or some other bullshit. She just shook her head and lamented the previous day’s carnage, classically commenting – “I already have Guitar Hero II and it’s pretty good.”

I made a stop by Target, the red plastic buggies were darting around like some sort of NASCAR event but they had The Incredible Hulk on DVD for 8.99 – which beat Wal-Mart’s killer deal and nobody got killed either. I must say that I wouldn’t waste the money, the Ang Lee version is tough to beat and underrated, far superior on an intellectual basis but pearls before swine, Americans love their brainless entertainment and the more shit that blows up or is smashed to bits by a green mutant goliath with an attitude (but still looking like shit despite the millions spent on special effects) the better. I snagged a copy of the Sex In The City movie on DVD for 8.98 for my wife for Jesus’ fake birthday (I also purchased for $3.98 everyman Will Smith’s takeoff on Charlton Heston’s classic 70’s sci-fi flick The Omega Man -at least it used the original’s title “I Am Legend”) and headed directly for checkouts. I stopped momentarily, transfixed and somewhat hypnotized by the wall of televisions, all playing the exact same fucking action movie in the electronics department but broke free and made a detour towards the grocery section where I also threw a twelve pack of Samuel Adams fine Cherry Wheat beer into my red plastic cart. I am slightly halfway through that beer now and finishing up this plaintive wail of a melancholy blog posting against the inhabitants of planet shit and the rapid deterioration of the land that I knew in my younger days. I suppose I’ll drink the rest and stumble into the kitchen for some leftover turkey, jellied cranberry sauce, pickles, deviled eggs, jumbo black olives and a nice slab of pecan pie ala mode….then I’ll drag my fat ass to my sofa and lie there watching reruns of The Sopranos or whatever shitty NHL game happens to be on tonight until I pass out…

Good Night, and Good Luck…at least there are real NFL games on tomorrow.

Land Of Murka

Editor’s Note: This is one of the best essays of the past few years that I am going to post over here in the event that people have never read it. Manuel Valenzuela’s brilliant,epic piece came out around three years ago and is in my personal opinion a rant for the ages that pegs the state of our vile and thoroughly rotten empire of avarice, murder and stupidity as exactly what it is – the motherland of murkan motherfuckers.

Land of ‘Murka’

An Inside Look at George W. Bush’s “Murka”

By Manuel Valenzuela

Decline and Decrepitude

From the highest mountains to the lowest valleys a great energy has gone missing from the land once known as America, its pulsating and vibrant warmth no longer felt as the enveloping mist of the last four years spreads far and wide, from sea to shining sea, penetrating every porous cavity of escape. An energy of positive realms and humanist inclinations has been imprisoned, wasting away in the dungeons of human malice, replaced with the negative manifestation of an alternate universe devoid of light, spawned by miscreants hijacking the idea and principles of what the land once known as America was.

From clear-cut forests to urban jungles, from golden prairies to steel-glass canyons, from arid deserts to honeycomb-looking, cookie-cutter suburbs, the winds of parallel worlds blow, causing drought throughout, poisoning lands once bountiful, bringing communal sickness to millions of citizens. In their surreal manifestations and hypocritical inclinations swaying and tilting the lone superpower into dimensions of lunacy, hatred and decrepitude, the winds of alternate universes have collided with those of normalcy, love and prosperity, transforming, for the worst, a nation and those residing inside it, creating a schism where non existed, helping send humanity on a collision course with itself, its most dangerous and formidable enemy.

Come inside the belly of the beast, journeying outside the box of conditioned realities, venturing into new realms of thought, acquiring open minds and nascent understandings, willing to question what is thought to be known and what has been learned, no longer blind to new ways of seeing the world and no longer deaf to the wailing truth of a nation in utter pain and mental anguish.

Inside the belly of the beast the world presently finds itself trapped in, exploring through polluted bowels birthing malignant cancers spread by corporate indifference, continuing into diseased and enlarged entrails of gluttonous addictions, traversing black-blood veins soaked in oil, peering into the empty brain cavity of empire exhibiting corrosive mental disorders created by society itself, showcasing non-existent attention spans, Alzheimer’s-like amnesia, medicated chemical imbalances laced with conditioned fear and insecurity, and the remnants of anti-depressant, hyperactivity sequestering cocktails eating away the minds, imaginations and futures of youth.

Inside the belly of the beast will we venture into, witnessing the overflowing testosterone of the human animal, the hate-filled, violence-seeking, fear controlled and deranged xenophobia of half the population, the ignorance fed by gutted educations and dumbed-down televised fictions, the castrated courage of the sane half of its citizenship, the silent acquiescence by the citizenry to mass murder and war crimes, the government and corporate controlled minds of people turned sheeple and the wisdom-lacking behaviors of so-called leadership.

Let us observe a youthful empire in freefall, a nation in decadent decline, collapsing under its own weight and its own self-induced ignorance and unenlightenment, drunk off its arrogance and self-proclaimed aggrandizements of magnificence and manifest destiny. Let us be witness to a land in disrepair, a population in mental anguish. Let us examine a country decrepit in true moral values, empathy and wisdom, a nation quick to rise and fast to fall, lacking the experience of history and the wisdom of time.

The Land of ‘Murka’ awaits, George W. Bush’s America, opening its realities and its gates, showing us its pariah lands, polluted environs, corrupted capitals, unenlightened communities and deluded citizenship. Let us look inside the window of reality, beyond the veil of delusion and deception, for history, it seems, is once more upon us, begging to be studied and learned, fearful of again being ignored, for we are witness to the rapid decline of one of the shortest empires to ever befall mankind, a second rate attempt at imperial hegemony that fails to stand side by side with the great Empires of history.

The end of Empire is near, a matter of mere decades. The symptoms of decline are all-encompassing, a manifestation of growing too fast and learning too slow, of basking in the glow of superfluous narcissism and embracing the delusion of grandeur, of succumbing to the demons of greed, power and wealth, of allowing the population to rot in the stupor of unenlightenment, of misallocating treasure and plundering budgets, of seeking hegemony and finding acrimony, of arrogantly calling for preemption and finding only overextension, of allowing the addictions and demons of capitalism to corrupt society, leadership and collective thought.

The foundations of an empire absorbed in megalomania are crumbling, slowly but surely rotting to the core, a victim of its own hubris, indifference and complacency, in time to fall with the tremors of an earthquake of its own creation. This the Land of Murka cannot stop, for its inertia has been set in motion, its momentum into self-implosion has been accelerated by its own hand of decadence. Though full of talent, ability and millions of good, decent people, the lessons of history has it yet again failed to learn nonetheless, and so is reaping what it has sown, yielding a rotten harvest made barren by the fruits of its actions and the drought wrought by consequences it fails to understand.

The faster they rise the quicker they fall, products of their own self-implosion, like an immature, overgrown and undisciplined child, tied to the comatose grip of mind-altering and numbing prescription pills, orphaned and lacking parental oversight, never allowed to grown up and mature, failing to understand human society or civilization, failing to learn the behaviors and interactions of man, the lessons of history and the humbleness of greatness. Never suffering like all peoples before, never experiencing the growing pains of empire, never understanding the wisdom that comes with history, never learning the pitfalls of imperial aspirations, the empire only 200 years old cannot see its inevitable decline, preferring the comfort of denial and a life living in delusion to the unpleasantness of truth and the sobering truth of reality.

In the end, whether the Pax Amerikana fall fast or falls slowly, history tells us in a most certain way that it will most certainly fall. Humankind will only benefit to this reality, ridding itself of yet one more embryonic wannabe in a long line of often failed and seldom succeeded attempts at long-lasting empire building. The Pax Amerikana, a mere uncomfortable digestive gas movement in the long history of man, is not the first empire to rise, and will certainly not be the last. In time, this most uncomfortable gas, which continues to stink up much of the planet, becoming a festering nuisance to billions suffering under its wicked grip, will inevitably come out the sphincter of humanity, disappearing into thin air, carried away by the winds of history and bringing relief to a constipated world.

Its usefulness did have its merits, however, leaving behind a certain legacy, just as all imperial systems are want to do. Yet it will also leave its dangerous downside, its most ignoble contributions to humanity, embedding in civilization corruptions, exploitations, behaviors and decadence that will not readily be fixed, helping bring us closer to self-destruction. It served its purpose, coming along according to our path of development, contributing to our progressing evolution as a civilization. In time humanity will seek greener pastures, desiring to leave archaic and primitive empires behind, instead pursuing systems and leaders in tune to our evolving mental and civilizational growth. New players are already lining up to take its place and in time it might be wise to teach our progeny Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi or Portuguese.

This Land of Murka

Inside the Land of Murka do we find ourselves residing in, the land of greed and the home of the slave, where eagles no longer soar, where long held principles have been disappeared and where dreams have turned into hollow fantasies. Murka is the land where nightmares become reality, where fantasy is turned to truth, where delusion and deception become principle, where lies are forever believed, where parallel universes and alternate worlds exist, where Pandora’s Box is alive and well and where vicious cycles perpetuate their destructive forces upon the lower castes of society.

Murka is the land of profit over people, revenues over integrity, corporations over citizens, pollution over environment, the bottom line over universal principles of humanity, injustice and inequality over justice and equality, greed over reason, and the addiction to wealth over the virtue of moderation. The principles of Murka reward pursuit of materialistic wealth over pursuit of happiness, the love of the individual over that of the entirety, the addiction to labor over the love of life and the love of money over the love of family.

The religion of millions of Murkans is the Almighty Dollar; their god is greed; their temple of worship the television monitor sitting in the center of family affairs, like an idol being adored and venerated for hours at a time, its commands being obeyed, its lies and deceptions being absorbed just as its fictions manipulate human brains, rewiring minds and conceptions of a real world that will never attain the perfection seen on the monitor, sending reality spiraling into the vortex of psychological confusion and mental unhappiness.

It is here, in this land of surreal belongings and parallel dimensions, inside a nation of depraved delusion and unenlightened ignorance, that criminals and murderers and manipulators and exploiters of human flesh are rewarded, protected and extolled, elected to higher office, promoted in business, enriched with treasure and power, and given the bonuses that come with expanding the bottom line and the wealth of the Establishment. Whereas good, honorable and virtuous citizens, and there are tens of millions of you out there, are walked over and trampled, becoming the kicking dog of the alpha males and females, forever kept oppressed and subjugated, those lacking in honor and integrity, full of selfishness and apathy, willing to ruin lives and sell their souls to the demons of greed for a climb up the hierarchical pyramid, are rewarded throughout life, thriving in their wealth born in sin and in their power accumulated over years of flattening the best society has to offer.

Only in Murka do laws, rules and regulations defend and protect corporations, entities exhibiting actions of a psychopath along with the tendencies of psychopathic behavior. Hiding behind the laws they create, mold and help birth, these psychopaths kill tens of thousands of guinea pigs/people each year through their actions, behaviors, disregard for the environment and by the vast assortment of cancer-causing, disease-forming, chemically-manipulated, toxic-infested products they shove down our throats. In another world, in another time, if corporations were human beings, they would be sitting, cowering in shame, chained in their cells on Texas’ death row, awaiting execution by barbaric means for the mass murder of tens of thousands of human beings that have perished and been made to suffer thanks to their products and actions.

In Murkan society, however, vice is given precedence over virtue, immorality is rewarded over integrity, acquiescence is chosen over dissent, submission to authority is sought over the protesting of wrong, and callous indifference to the plight of others is smiled upon over concern for anything that does not expand the bank accounts of the Establishment. Indifference, cold-blooded disregard for human life, deranged motivations empowered by greed and actions and products that befall toxic fates and lifeless futures onto the population are cherished and acceptable principles running in the veins of corporate miscreants, lackeys and shills. It is in Murka, after all, where malfeasance is seen as virtuous, a highly praised human “trait” that, although condemning millions of humans, generates billions of dollars in profits. In a land where money is king and greed is an omnipotent addiction, vice becomes virtue just as morals become extinct.

The virtues of Murka are taught at schools and universities, forming the minds of future criminals and murderers and exploiters of human flesh, bombarding the mind with the need to expand revenues and profits, brainwashing youth to follow the dictates of corrupt capitalism, making its principles sacrosanct, holier than thou relics thriving off the behaviors and emotions of the human animal. Many schools of higher education help cement the idea of prolonged and ceaseless labor, of cutthroat competition, of individual glory and of the virtue of sacrificing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to suit the interests of the Establishment, planting in the thoughts of sponge-like, developing brains the subservience to authority that will last an entire lifetime, slowly laying the groundwork for perpetual loyalty not to humanity, but to the corporation and the elite that owns it.

Where the Few Prosper and the Many Serve

Within the boundaries of Murka crony and corrupt capitalism thrive, becoming the frontier of exploitation and indifference, where the few elite prosper while the masses flounder. It is a place where the bright rays of sunshine fall warmly on those at the top, though forever blocked from reaching the many below by the omnipresent shadow of greed and love for the Almighty Dollar. In this land the crimes of the Establishment get rewarded with the fruits of enrichment and protected through laws enacted while the small breaches of the masses result in lifelong oppression through the whips of control.

Murka is the epitome of human wickedness disguised as American corrupt capitalism, where working and middle class citizens are exploited for their valuable blood, sweat and tears by the few whose wealth and power only continues to grow with each new day of hard labor millions of people are forced to endure. Having precious energy squeezed from their weak bodies day in and day out, millions of workers struggle to survive on a daily basis, living paycheck to paycheck, meal to meal, perpetually looking over their shoulders for the next massive layoff, downsize or outsource that might further plunge them into the abyss of subsistence.

In Murka unemployment grows, employment declines, wages fall, prices go up, hours increase, exploitation continues, deficits skyrocket, budgets expand, the surplus erodes, debt increases, slave jobs rise, meaningful jobs disappear, the dollar plummets, the economy implodes, unenlightenment festers, tax cuts to the rich few continue, the poor are made poorer while the rich are made wealthier, uncertainty prospers, fear is conditioned, insecurity expands and the mental health of average citizens continues to plummet with the onslaught of economic rape, the pillage of national treasure, the fraud of corporate profiteering and the corruption of government institutions, all benefiting the corporate Leviathan and the Establishment that runs it.

The population residing in Murka has as destiny a life working like a slave, imprisoned like a serf, bound to the dictates of an employer and the commands of a system that see but an automaton in the factory and not a living spirit of humanity; indebted to a society that shackles us from cradle to grave, making us lifelong servants trained to produce and consume, robbing us of life, energy, precious time, family and happiness; forced to return our living wages to the same feudal masters we work for in order to feed, clothe and shelter ourselves; and forever destined to be trapped in a purposefully conditioned vicious cycle of materialism, consumerism and ever-exceeding unsustainability that is robbing our humanity, destroying our planet, and condemning our progeny to a future that gets more dangerous by the day.

Meanwhile, basking in the spoils of human exploitation the Establishment’s power increases exponentially through the pilfering of our treasure, the vast control of government, the systematic — and quite purposeful — eruption of the budget deficit, the lowering of taxes paid by the elite minority, the evasion of taxes by the corporate world and the destruction of the nation’s social programs. The middle class is being ripped apart, slowly gutted through methodical policies designed to increase the gap between the lower strata and upper castes. The nation’s social programs are being eviscerated under the rubric of fighting the mushrooming deficit created by Republicans while the rich minority makes billions of dollars in exploited energies and untaxed wealth while sacrificing little to the common good.

Like the good moralist, virtue-emulating and Jesus following clan they claim to be, conservatives have, since 2001, and like the good hypocrites they are, declared class warfare against the lower, working and middle castes, reducing expenditures on welfare programs affecting the poor, including those offering medicine, shelter and food to children. To the followers of Christ, it seems, the poor are “lazy” and “lesser humans,” thereby deserving the life they have in a world of “survival of the fittest.” Lack of compassion and empathy go hand in hand with burgeoning ignorance, racist inclinations, delusional theory and callous, elitist indifference, after all.

In Murka, the richest and most prosperous nation the planet has ever seen, a land of unsurpassed wealth and comfort, hovering in resplendent abundance, forty million citizens live life without health insurance; millions go to bed hungry every night; millions of children living in indigence suffer malnourishment and uncovered health problems; millions have been or soon will be fired from their jobs, outsourced by companies to protect the bottom line, moving jobs across the ocean to the next bottom dwelling slave nation to offer cheap human exploitation; employment benefits to millions of unemployed do little to nothing to comfort insecurity and fear of tomorrow; homelessness only increases, growing daily along with poverty and mentally maimed Iraq war veterans; tens of millions live paycheck to paycheck, making nothing more than the slave payment called minimum wage; millions more are and will forever be indebted to their credit card lenders who charge criminally malfeasant interest rates; education budgets are being eroded at all levels, and the attempt is being made, rather successfully, to prevent the lower castes from ever advancing forward and never setting foot inside a bastion of higher education.

The Control of Education

The Establishment of Murka, as well as those in any other nation, understands perfectly well that in order to eviscerate the middle class, in order to increase the lower castes of the nation, the masses must be reduced to pebbles in a vast ocean. The easiest way to achieve this goal is by destroying the education, and by consequence the thinking mind thus created, that a population receives. Starting from the cradle, in those early years of utmost importance in brain development, the Establishment of Murka is purposefully failing to fund many aspects of infant and child education.

These policy decisions affect lower and middle class toddlers exclusively, most of whom are forced to attend unequal, unjust, unfunded and devastatingly unprepared educational districts from birth, segregated by racist policies, socioeconomic status of families and by the social engineering tendencies of the Establishment. As those children of the wealthy never need the assistance of government for education, it is easy to see who is targeted and who pays the ultimate price in assuring the continued hegemony of today’s stratified society.

Already behind their rich counterparts, and falling behind more and more each year of schooling, the majority of Murka’s children, slowly growing up, living in both rural pockets of isolated backwardness and urban reservations of decrepit underdevelopment, will be subjected to education systems disgraceful in their socioeconomically engineered segregation and in their abandonment to and failures in the priorities of our progeny’s future. When the Establishment needs massive slave labor to exploit for years to come, assembly-line and burger flipper serfs to abuse into perpetuity and military conscripts turned cannon fodder to help wage the wars of profitable conquest and imperial aspirations, one can see, quite readily in fact, the ultimate purpose behind the deliberate dumbing down of Murka’s children, most of whom have had their fates sealed long before they become a sparkle in their parents’ twinkling eyes.

The dumbing down of Murka’s future continues until the end of high school, by which time it is hoped the child has either dropped out of school completely, thereby beginning a life of servitude or imprisonment, or will become a victim of environmental circumstance, meaning the now young adolescent is woefully unprepared for higher education and decides instead to pursue a life either relegated to the lower strata of society or decides to “voluntarily” caste draft himself into a military serving the interests of corporate and elitist power, becoming the cannon fodder of profit and the tool needed to expand the wealth of the elite.

The Establishment hopes that by this age dreams have been dashed, negativity has flourished, the pursuit of a prosperous future has been eroded, positivism and idealism have been extinguished, and the fatalistic assumptions of a defeated mind have set in. This way, the decades remaining in the life of the socio-engineered citizen will be used to further enrich the elite, with the person forced to work at the margins of society until the end of her working days, performing low paying yet arduous jobs while being exploited until old age, with her capitalist employers maximizing and squeezing from her every last ounce of energy she is capable of producing revenue and profit, and milking the newly minted automaton/slave for everything she has.

When multiplied by hundreds of millions of citizens, calculating the unimaginable profits of exacting prolonged hours of labor paying minimal amounts of wages while offering token benefits and non-existent political power, one can surmise how much the Establishment benefits from investing heavily in the formation of a dumbed down, defeated and unenlightened citizenry, each of whom will toil in burdened purgatory for decades at a time, living paycheck to paycheck, never rising above the caste chosen for them, born to enrich and empower their feudal masters.

This extinguishing of lives, ruination of futures and predestined selection into castes has resulted in innumerable millions having their abilities, talents and natural rights to opportunity quashed, never to escape the dungeons of oppression and exploitation, never to tap into the vastness of their potential and always to waste away in a life created, from the first gasps of air to the last dying breath of life, serving the elite minority in the historically perpetual hierarchical saga of the human condition that is the powerful few exploiting the weak majority.

Branded, rebranded and marketed again and again throughout the Ages by those in power, the perpetual exploitation of the masses, whether existing under the term slavery, manorialism, feudalism or capitalism, the concept remains the same, changing in name only and in the slight increase in freedom granted the masses. Repackaged and relabeled, as if to create illusions of rights and charades of freedoms, exploitation, subjugation and oppression of the lower strata of humanity by those at the top has never ceased to exist, giving the appearance of extinction, only to extend its devastating tentacles once more, this time born again under different circumstances, conditions, eras and level of human progress, claiming change yet delivering only a more refined and clandestinely oppressive system than before, as always evolved to further increase the power, control and wealth of the Establishment.

With the birth of a new being the same vicious cycle will once more renew itself, embedding the demon of predestined engineered fates into each new generation born into the lower castes of Murka, making of human energies nothing more than exploited and easily replaceable armies of production, consumption and war molded to suit the needs and interests of the Establishment. Through the assembly line called human procreation, manufacturing billions of entities worthy of exploitation, the Establishment has more than enough conduits of energy to exploit. With so many of us caught in the same vicious cycle, with millions needing to work for survival, seeking a low supply of jobs, the Establishment can do with us as they wish, paying low, asking for prolonged hours of sweat and toil, more easily controlling the masses, making us defeated drones never to stir the pot of discontent. We are easily replaceable, after all, for behind us stand thousands more eager to take our place if we happen to deviate away from the automaton/slave role designated us.

Control Through Television

Furthermore, the evisceration of education fuses with the dumbed down escapism and fictions of television to create a population addiction to and reliant on modern civilization’s new drug of choice. In television the Establishment and the government it owns have found the most powerful tool at their disposal to control, condition and manipulate a population to the dictates of power. Simply put, the television has become, in the span of a few decades, the fireworks erupting in the wet dreams of every Joseph Goebbels alive today, a propagandist’s manna from heaven and the Establishment’s weapon of choice in the pursuit of mind control and thought manipulation.

Television has become the heroin of the masses, a powerful escapist drug deviating stressed psychologies away from reality. For hours at a time, the human mind, never before bombarded with the stresses experienced today, can relieve pressure and relax to the tunes of a fictional world of beauty, perfection and orchestrated wonderment, a world that the natural human condition can never duplicate or achieve. Lost in fantasy and entertainment, the mind travels to locations far and wide, surfing the waves of channels in search of the greatest pleasure, and the most comfortable escape.

Today, the experiment of television has been a rousing success as subsequent generations of citizen’s fall prey to the heroin inside their homes. Never before a part of human evolution, the television suddenly appeared without study or research into its effects on the human brain, captivating millions of citizens half a century ago. For over fifty years entire generations of children have been subjected to the now known damages of television, creating in the population of Murka, a group that watches by far the most hours of television in the world, a series of behavioral, emotional and psychological anomalies that no human society has ever had to confront.

The children of days long gone are now baby boomers, and today their children and grandchildren are succumbing to the catastrophe that is the television. From a young age blitzkrieged with the repetitive, rapid and throbbing images of fictionalized entertainment, made privy to stimuli never before experienced by the young, developing human mind, toddlers, and later children, undergo a rewiring of their brains and a systemic manipulation of behaviors and emotions associated with an internal confrontation between the reality of life and the fictionalized fantasy they watch on the monitor.

After years of incessant television watching in youth, with the monitor having become parent, teacher, role model and trusted friend, with primate minds now under the spell of fictionalized conditioning and brainwashing, the adult citizen easily falls prey to the deceptions, manipulations and dictates of the Establishment. Using highly addictive and much needed escapist television programming as the hook and drug used to captivate and capture the attention of the masses, those in power fill the airwaves with the subtle yet powerful mechanisms of control, conditioning the masses to the direction they want society to take.

Through their advertisements the corporate world indoctrinates the masses with the products to be used in our daily lives. This way, we are introduced to products and ideas we have no choice but to purchase and incorporate. Using deceptive images of fantasy and perfection marketed to us, designed through methodical psychological research whose results yield the best way to manipulate the human mind, we are made to believe that if we purchase the products and services we see we will invariably achieve the perfection we see and the fantastical life we become enraptured with.

Using our fragile egos against ourselves, the Establishment succeeds in conditioning us to make a necessity out of purchasing their goods and services. Never mind that the human condition will never achieve the perfection of body, mind and lifestyle we see, nor that we can ever hope of becoming the characters, and the fictionalized modes and behaviors, the television monitor regurgitates into our homes.

Through the television the Establishment not only controls what it wants us to buy and how it wants society to evolve but our subservience and acquiescence to the system as well. When it wants war it bombards the channels of propaganda with the images and pundits that will best mobilize an entire nation. Corporate media will distort, deceive and manipulate so-called news to suit the needs of a government and corporate world trying to convince a mostly placid citizenry of the significant need for war. Taking the form of blatant propaganda, the Establishment formulates a cocktail of lies, fantasy, emotionally-charged and psychologically-manipulative jingoism, over a period of time pushing the right buttons that will mutate a drone-like population, concerned only for their daily lives, into a reincarnated manifestation of past generations, creating a frenzied, rabid, blood-thirsty, scapegoat-searching war culture under the hypnotized grip of the television and the powers that control it.

Using fear and the threat of insecurity to manipulate the people, corporate media, in bed with government, over the years having become the mouthpiece of government control, unleashes a barrage of propaganda, in images and pro-war commentators, to arouse in the population the false sense of security that justifies military action. This way, debate is silenced and dissent is disappeared on the airwaves as once again the corporate media, the gatekeepers of information, allow us only to see and hear the point of view they want us to incorporate into our psyche. Voices of reason and of intelligence are ignored, banished from imparting important thoughts of wisdom, thus making it virtually impossible for the population to ever know there are other options besides the horror of war.

With corporate anchors, journalists, reporters, commentators and executives pushing into our monitors an exclusively pro-war, jingoistic viewpoint, blitzkrieging us with their propaganda-laced images and opinion, over months of constant threats of fear and insecurity, denying the public from ever seeing or hearing truths and realities, it therefore becomes rather easy, with a population addicted to television viewing, to mobilize a nation for war. With the marriage of government and corporate power, truth disappears just as much as falsity prospers. With both entities profiting from the spoils of war, it is in each other’s best interest to work together to disseminate the seeds that will invariably spawn the rebirth of a dormant war culture.

Once again the system is at work, knowing how easy it is to control the minds of a dumbed down population that has been well trained, and some might say socially engineered, to never question authority, never think outside the box, never seek accountability and never think for itself. Easily manipulated, millions of Murkans are conditioned to believe, from a very early age, that anything emanating from television is sacrosanct. Thus, everything they watch is reality and anything they hear is truth. Anchors and reporters become trusted personalities voicing reticent opinions whose veracity are seldom, if ever, questioned.

Never do millions of Murkans stop to think of the many vested interests in corporate media, of the intricacies of profit and revenue, of the need to expand shareholder wealth, of the purposeful demonization of Arab peoples and the sugarcoating of anything Israel, of just why there is such an imbalance in the coverage and commentary of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, of why exactly there is such protection of and propaganda for the present administration. In reality, this failure of the population to ever question the interests of television, both clandestine and made public, is a symptom of the system at work, where children are brainwashed and conditioned so that as adults they will be easier to manipulate and control.

Whomever controls television controls the masses, along with whatever interpretation of reality is created for our consumption, and this certainty can best be seen in the Land of Murka, where the system serves to keep truths hidden and realities far removed from public discourse, where the media, acting in concert with government, whitewashes, omits and sugarcoats vital information the population is never allowed to receive, where, using the formula of constant repetition, the corporate media succeeds in planting that information into the public mind that will best serve both the interests of its parent companies and the Establishment.

Murka has become a nation addicted to its heroin, fed to us by the drug dealer called the Establishment, perpetually keeping us in the escapist world of television. The heroin injected into our homes distracts us from ever seeing reality. It is designed to manipulate and control at once, transforming the population into a sedentary herd of sheeple who never question what is told them. Over the years millions of citizens have used this most dangerous drug to escape lives of frustration, unhappiness, desperation, depression and loneliness, never realizing that with every hour they watch, with every show they are glued to, with every channel they surf their minds are turned to mush, becoming conduits of ignorance, molded into muscles in desperate need of gossip and sensationalism, no longer thinking for itself.

The Establishment has perfected its machination of propaganda, creating the realities it wants into society, forming whatever truth that will be of the greatest benefit, not to society, but to itself. Whatever reality it wants to create and disseminate is quickly absorbed by a population eager to feed off the mammary glands of television. The Establishment, the corporate world and government have for years told us how and what to think, how to act, who to obey and where to follow, condemning our minds to obedience, our lives to conformism and silent acquiescence.

We have been made sheep, one and all, some more than others, becoming, over years of conditioned receptivity, members of the army of fantasy, unknowingly conscripted from birth, our minds rewired through the tools of the airwaves, made subservient creatures dumbed down by Establishment created education and television, following the commands of our masters, bowing in eternal submission to powers both known and unknown, falling prey to their deceptions and manipulations, allowing them to do with our minds as they please. For the elite, nothing has ever been easier; nothing has ever been more successful. From cradle to grave, our minds thus become their slaves.

Start Getting As Mad As Hell

I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there’s no one anywhere that seems to know what to do with us. Now into it. We know the air is unfit to breathe, our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

We know things are bad. Worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don’t go out anymore. We sit in a house as slowly the world we’re living in is getting smaller and all we say is, “Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster, and TV, and my steel belted radials and I won’t say anything.” Well I’m not going to leave you alone.

I want you to get mad. I don’t want you to protest. I don’t want you to riot. I don’t want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. I don’t know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crying in the streets.

All I know is first you’ve got to get mad. You’ve got to say, “I’m a human being. God Dammit, my life has value.” So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out, and yell,

“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

I want you to get up right now. Get up. Go to your windows, open your windows, and stick your head out, and yell, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

Things have got to change my friends. You’ve got to get mad. You’ve got to say, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

Then we’ll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open your window, stick your head out and yell,

“I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

-Howard Beale from the classic 1976 movie Network

Eugenics American Style

One step closer to the end of the world. The one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparently proved to be too much for reason, sanity and compassion.

-Trent Reznor

I have seen the future and it is Idiocracy, a movie that is more outright horrifying than Soylent Green, Blade Runner, Brazil or any other dystopian vision because it is already happening. I’ll get to that in a little while because something has been troubling me for a few weeks and I need to get it off my chest because it relates to the movie or could at least serve as a prequel. If ever there were to occur an American version of the Renaissance rest assured that it will not be centered in South Carolina, the capitol of peckerwood nation. The recent painfully embarrassing performance of Miss Teen South Carolina Caitlin Upton whose rambling, clueless and nonsensical answer to a question of why did she think that approximately 1/5 of young Americans were unable to find the USA on a map is a searing indictment of the mass stupidity that permeates this country today in the era of American Idol, Survivor and other simple-minded gravy for the brain that passes for entertainment post 9/11. Such incredible ignorance is a primary reason (along with rampant corruption and electoral fraud) that George W. Bush is the two-term reigning king of Idiot Nation. So thoroughly indicative was her example of damning this brain dead nation of shambling zombies whose gray matter has been rendered into so much mental mush as a result of the constant assault by charlatan politicians, too much religion, tabloid trash culture, too many video games and an overdose of television torpor that establishment boob Matt Lauer of the Today show had to feature her in a nationally televised do over in a desperate attempt to shore up confidence in the moronic progeny of Ronald Reagan’s shitheel generation that we really can’t be that stupid can we? While being soundly defeated by fellow former Confederate states Mississippi and Alabama for the dubious honor of being the fattest state in the nation the embarrassing performance that was a smash hit on You Tube of Miss Teen South Carolina should ensure that the Palmetto State will remain among the largest bastions of ignorant, knuckledragging, regressive, red state fascist raptureheads in the Republican empire of the reconstituted Confederacy born out of Nixon’s Southern Strategy.

Of course the south couldn’t have become the incubator of the ‘perfect’ American for the Republican thousand year reich without a good amount of that old time religion updated to mesh perfectly with the authoritarian types and their war on civilizations. That long haired liberal swine Jesus Christ had to be taught the error ways because a peacenik commie who preached against the evils of wealth was incompatible with his new role as pitchman for corporate dominance and global empire. Thanks to the influence of John Nelson Darby and assorted other lunatics with their premillennial dispensationalism that was juiced by the apocalyptic ravings of Hal Lindsay and later the highly influential Timothy LaHaye of the multi-million selling pulp trash Left Behind series Jesus V.2 now preached the gospel of ‘fuck the poor’, only walks on water when it is on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier and flies through the skies with the help of an F-14 that he uses to drop napalm pods on brown-skinned Muslims to the delight of the zombies in the Rapture death cult.

Very little is as simplistic as an abandonment of reason and total surrender to religion as an escape from the cruelty of looter capitalism and the complexities of a technological society with no use for the dumb. It has always worked that way since the earliest civilizations with their worship of the sun god vs. the darkness devil and the promise of an afterlife to those legions of slaves who would taste nothing other than the whip of repression as they erected grand temples so that some rotten son of a bitch of an early version of today’s greedy and vainglorious psychopathic leaders could have his face carved onto on a statue or sphinx. Everything was a result of the favor or the anger of God or the even more simplistic and all encompassing master plan of the almighty. I have to simultaneously experience a sadness and a need to sardonically chuckle every time that some red state simpleton praises God for surviving the natural disaster that just wiped out everything that the rube had and this sort of childlike sort of primitive thinking is exactly what the cynical party bosses, CEO’s and war criminals want because a submissive drone with no actual concept of reality makes a good foot soldier. The astonishing level of national regressive thinking in the United States over the past quarter century or so has saddled the country with a mean-spirited, grossly ignorant and maladaptive blight of tens of millions who bear a large share of the responsibility for the erosion of American prestige, morality and economic might that have us teetering on the precipice of something really ugly that could come any day with a government full of war crazed ideologues, a financial system that has been rigged and manipulated by the avarice of the Gordon Gekko/Ayn Rand cult to the point where the entire fucking world economy is on the brink of collapse which is only further facilitated by the 24/7 running of the printing presses at the Federal Reserve and an indolent mass of television lobotomized consumers growing restive now all the credit cards have been maxed out and the rapidly devalued McMansion is no longer a piggybank. We are all fucked thanks to the morons responsible for gross abominations like the Creation Museum or the Holyland Experience and the wart on the ass of humanity that is the Bush administration.

But I digress.

About a month or two ago I caught Mike Judge’s brilliantly scathing Idiocracy on DVD, it was deemed unsuitable for any sort of widespread theatrical release by Fox Studios which deliberately buried it and has largely been ignored by a corporatist media obviously uncomfortable with the movie. The should be afraid because Idiocracy just fucking mocks the dumbing-down of American society that is largely the result of the deterioration of mass media, the rise of southern fried religion and the relentless war on the human condition by the rapacious plague of corporatization and a form of looter capitalism that has become cancerous. I have never seen a movie that is so in your face and that obviously made the Fox honchos very uncomfortable because they are largely a culprit in the ongoing process that has stupified what was once a well informed country with real values. The movie is a bit juvenile and overly loaded with scatological references but that is the point it is trying to make and those who don’t get it bring to mind the famous poker saying that if you don’t recognize the rube at the table it’s you.

The plot features Army dullard Joe Bowers, a man of completely average intelligence and a prostitute named Rita who are the subjects of a secret military hibernation experiment of limited duration. Well things go awry and the officer in charge is ensnared by a sex scandal bringing shame and a base closure and a much longer nap for Joe and Rita who don’t wake up until they are freed from their test chambers during the great garbage avalanche of 2505. They wake up to find a world that is FUBAR, the infrastructure is crumbling and looks as though it were designed by idiots (or privatized out to greedy contractors skimming their cut at the expense of quality), the commercialization of society is complete with corporate logos everywhere and characters named after fast food and commercial products “Dr. Lexus”, “Frito” and “Beef Supreme” among them who speak in crude tongues, hurl insults and pejoratives and berate Joe for “talking like a fag”. It’s as though red state social engineering has created a Karl Rove style Republican dream of a reverse master race of abject morons with hair trigger tempers and a birthright of simplicity – George W. Bush’s anti-intellectualism on steroids. The entire population has become twentieth generation trailer trash who in a gross parody of Social Darwinism have outbred those with any intelligence or discretion. The opening few minutes that show how this happened are as classic as they are painfully true with the educated putting off reproduction while the rednecks breed like rabbits.
Centuries of consumerism and too much television have dumbed down the populace to the point of borderline retardation and the greatest advances in technology are huge multi-screened televisions, huge devices that allow for multiple reality trash programs to be presented simultaneously while the viewer is ensconced on a huge plush chair sucking down goo from a tub while reveling in the delights of shows the likes of Ass, Ow! My Balls and the Masturbation Channel. Those three examples are the descendents of current era moronic programming like American Idol, Jackass, The Biggest Loser and the explosion of potty humor as entertainment provided by movies featuring such Earthly delights as diarrhea daquiris, cacophonies of farts and belches, flying wads of semen used as hair gel and horny teenager boners buried in mom’s homemade apple pie that have made the society dumb and dumber as well as ruder and coarser. Corporations like Starbucks now offer handjobs as an enticement to buy a latte and Fuddruckers has become Buttfuckers – the corporate satire is as hilarious as it is mostly absent from the media and society today and the part of the movie that takes place at St. God’s Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic.
The society that Joe finds himself in is mean, greedy and stupid and the police are drooling overly agressive thugs. After a series of mishaps and an IQ test he is summoned to the White House by President Camacho because he is now the most intelligent man on the planet and up to the task of solving the food crisis that plagues America. The crops are dying because instead of using water (that stuff in the toilet) they are irrigated by mega selling sports drink Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. Joe suggests using H2O and is met with incredulity by the mantra of “It’s got electrolytes.” After causing massive social unrest and unemployment with replacing Brawndo which happens to be the nation’s biggest employer with his idea Joe is taken to an arena for a gladiatorial style event that is a wild combination between Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome and the local monster truck extravaganza that is televised on FOX which to no surprise is much the same as it is today other than the appearance of the anchors. Joe eventually triumphs and saves the day when the crops grow again and becomes a truly honored hero of Uh-merica. His best advice is to turn off the TV and read something once in awhile and everyone lives happily ever after.
It’s good advice and should be heeded by a nation gone to seed who don’t bother to pick up a book because the remote for the mind vacuum is much easier to heft and actually reading is just too much of a strain. An astonishing amount of the population don’t even read one book a year let alone a newspaper. Another great suggestion would be to stop choosing politicians based on absurdities like the price of haircuts, their taste in foods (jelly beans, pork rinds), what type of pet they have, their stinking hypocrisy masked by their piety, their promise to open a can of whup ass on ‘terrorists’ and whether or not they are the type of guy that you kin have a beer with. With George W. Bush we have finally seen the rise of the ‘I am a dumbass and he talks just like me’ candidate and anybody who is that fucking dumb just can’t wrap their limited mental capacity around such a thing as a rigged election or two. The scariest thing is that it could get even worse with Fred Thompson, the pope of peckerwood nation being looked upon as a Reaganesque figure by many of the same dopes responsible for Bush Jr. and the threats by the degenerate, sociopathic freaks on the extreme ‘Christian right’ making noises about a third party – can you say Judge Roy Moore? Fred Thompson as a legitimate candidate is a prerequisite to the vulgar smack down champ in the White House in Idiocracy.
If anybody thinks that it is inconceivable that the country would one day be populated by retards if allowed to continue on its current course then they aren’t paying attention. Just pay a visit to your local Wal Mart, megachurch or shopping mall and do some people watching because the prototypes are everywhere. And let’s face it, when the two most internationally known Americans are George W. Bush and Michael Jackson you know we have serious fucking problems and these are further compounded by the big news story of the day is about Britney Spears getting her California drivers license which only further illustrates that we are on the fast track to the land of Idiocracy.

If It Bleeds, It Leads

We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who
Comes on at five
She can tell you bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
Its interesting when people die-
Give us dirty laundry

-Don Henley – Dirty Laundry

Welcome to Blacksburg, Virginia – the place where flocks of mockingbirds turned buzzards and seeking to feast on fresh carrion swarm. The aftermath of the causes of the worst school shooting in the nation’s history that claimed the lives of thirty three innocent people will be pontificated upon, spun and desecrated with the coming 24/7 saturation coverage on cable television news networks. Some media sources are already dishonestly playing up the massacre as the worst mass murder in United States history which is as intellectually dishonest as it is revisionist, a country build upon the killing fields that were a product of the genocidal doctrine of Manifest Destiny does not have clean hands and there are many a state sanctioned slaughter of innocents in our closet. Gore Vidal is spot on correct in his reference to The United States of Amnesia although I might add willful ignorance and a deep seated callous indifference as well.

There will be much weeping and gnashing of the teeth in the guise of examination into exactly why this happened in the coming news cycles that will gobble up days, weeks and months.

The grand story of the shooter and what exactly drove him to wreak bloody havoc on that horrible April Monday morning, nearly eight years to the week after the murderous spree of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Columbine Hight School has yet to be told. From early reports it was the standard stereotypical loner; a Korean born English student who wrote plays containing “macabre violence” and denounced others as “deceitful charlatans”. As if that has any fucking thing to do with the price of rice in China. Among more notable literary figures with a penchant for the bizarre Stephen King has become a multi-millionaire writing stories containing “macabre violence” and I regularly rail against the abundance of “deceitful charlatans” that pollute this sick and terminally fucked up society and neither of us are mass murderers. Movie scripts like Saw and Hostel spawn smash megaplex hits by offering graphic depictions of sadism and violence and they gross millions so the writings of Cho Seung-Hui are yet another canard, a red herring used to justify the violent acts that are inevitable in a society that regularly worships at the temple of bloodshed and cruelty. You can always count on the public relations flacks masquerading as journalists for more wildly over-hyped horseshit and manufactured storylines to mesmerize the pathetic and bewildered herds of sheeple that have overrun television nation.

Careers are made off of stories like this and the fact that an ambitious ‘journalist’ could grab a ride on the riverboat, a seat on the gravy train and experience an O.J. Simpson moment is forefront in many minds of the death sucking vultures of the mainstream media whores. They are chasing ambulances as though they were white broncos. They descended on the ruins of the Gulf Coast not that long ago scavenging like feral rats in dumpsters amidst the debris of a ruined city rife with the stench of rotting food and bloating corpses, of misery and of the raw musk of ambition that fuels careers in the disgraceful fucking excuse for a media that this country has been stricken with. They rooted through the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina and then they were gone and while great swaths of New Orleans still lie ruined they moved on to the next big thing – John Mark Karr, Bennifer, Suri Cruise, Baby Brangelina, Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith or the child murdering pederast of the week. It is always the same – only the names change but mass murders in schools can be career makers. Of course the usual suspects were already picking out their Hokie memorabilia to shamelessly display while the bodies were still being autopsied – Paula Zahn, Geraldo and a pack of other lesser known predators seeking to pick whatever meat remains on the bones of dignity in America’s latest and greatest grand ratings spectacle. Fuck them all, they are vermin who only serve to perpetuate the culture of tabloidism, violence, death and celebrity.

“Seeing him descend bright-eyed and sweaty on wretched New Orleans, as he did in Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath, was like watching a vulture on crystal meth. The word that came to mind was not ‘reporting,’ but ‘feeding.”

-Critic Tim Rutten on Geraldo Rivera

This latest horror of a society gone to seed is good death- mass murder, dread, fear, ratings – not bad death, the bummer of the war dead and the hundreds of thousands of non-Christian, brown skinned victims of a gross savagery undertaken in the name of freedom, freedom to watch cable television and the good death. The type that can be exploited, that pleases the sponsors and the political apparatchik seeking to point the fingers at monsters rather than themselves. I am dead certain that Karl Rove was so ecstatic to see the slaughter at Virginia Tech knock war, deleted emails, Gonzo and the rot of empire out of the headlines that he made some popcorn and pulled up a seat in front of his plasma flatscreen to enjoy the show. Millions of American ghouls joined them in front of their own glowing living room false idols. This is big time shit, never mind that far worse slaughters happen in Iraq every fucking day – 55 more of those whose lives are like mere insects or rodents in terms of their relative value compared to ordinary Americans were added to the tab of the war pigs yesterday.

But I digress…Never mind the actual victims they will still be dead come the next news cycle and there are grieving families to interview and shaken survivors to prod for the little bloody exclusive details of their moments when certain death passed them over and took their classmate, their lovers, their friends.

There are also precious political points to be scored.

There will be those who use this to further implement the creeping police state, surveillance companies will base their entire marketing campaigns on this tragedy. Right wing lackeys seeking to pander to their base will decry that every person in America is not required by law to wear a sidearm and the pathetic timorous candy asses of the Democrat wing of the war party will rail and demagogue against firearms in their run up to Hillary’s coronation in 2008. Their efforts to spin the killing spree in Blacksburg for the sake of scoring cheap political points is as shameless exploitation of the dead and the dishonoring of the bereaved loved ones as is George W. Bush’s latest photo-op at the Virginia Tech campus for today’s memorial where instead of the typical soldiers and snowflake babies he used the mourning students and families as stage props.

The neoliberal fake left (fittingly referred to as such after their treacherous sellout of labor by the parasitical DLC whose taste for corporate cash, war, globalization and special interest groups is an abysmal disgrace) is no better, quick on the draw to blame it all on the NRA and the availability of guns seeking to take a stand against the wrong highly influential lobby that is killing America. Knee jerk, politically expedient attacks on restricting gun ownership by party hacks at the same time that an unaccountable private army named Blackwater grows stronger by the day is a grave and dangerous threat to liberty. Thousands of trained killers for hire who are unchecked by any law and given carte blanche by the scofflaws of the militant Republican junta are a clear and present danger within our borders and a menace as unseen before in our history. If there was ever a time to strongly support a well-armed militia this is it.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people and a society that exalts violence whether it be the latest Hollywood blockbuster, Jack Bauer breaking fingers, the blasphemous apocalyptic filth that permeates mega-church congregations or the latest in high tech, mega pixel slaughterhouses offered up by the video game industry should not be surprised when the carrion birds come home to roost.

Through The Glass Darkly


“I am gross and perverted, I am obsessed and deranged, I have existed for years but very little has changed, I am the tool of the government and industry too for I was destined to rule and regulate you…I’m the slime oozing out of your tv set”

-Frank Zappa from ‘I Am The Slime’

“In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can’t spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can’t look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won’t be there. We won’t build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line.”

-Earling Carrothers ‘Jim’ Garrison

“We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God’s name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion.”

-Howard Beale

As with all other things, television can be used for either good or evil depending on the intentions of those who control it. Karl Marx once said that religion was the opium of the people, he was only partially right, had he possessed the alleged ability of Nostradamus to glimpse into the future he would see that religion as powerful as it may be as an ‘opiate’ could be blown away by an innovation of technology that was still nearly a century away, a medium with the potential to become the ultimate societal drug, one far more powerful than any other: television aka, the electronic crack pipe

…..oooooh daddy, give me a hit of that e-crack!

Television has in the course of the last fifty years become such a potent force of the infinite possibilities of mass mind control and public manipulation that there is no way that the government could possibly ignore it as a tool to either suppress ideas and dissent or to manufacture consent and compliance as well as to destroy the will and the intellect of the people. It has been used by both corporate and government forces, by the former to sell an illusion that generates consumerism and by the latter to domesticate or otherwise distract, it is used by institutionalized religion to spread a militant fundamentalist version of Christianity. The television explosion has been accompanied by directly proportional explosions of mental health problems, violence, debt and most importantly of all, ignorance.

The CIA has always been obsessed with mental manipulation and used LSD in crude, early experiments with mind control but eventually found it to be unreliable. Acid you see would always eventually wear off, leaving the subject wrecked, confused and at times rendered mentally ill as a result of being ‘dosed’. LSD is indeed a very potent drug, it effects each individual differently and consequently each individual would not necessarily have a consistent reaction each time that the drug was administered. I experimented with this drug on occasion in my younger days and can personally attest to the unpredictability of the effects that ranged from euphoric king of the world confidence and insight to manic laughter and enhanced sensual perceptive capabilities to a horrible paranoid depressiveness where every demon from your past would surface to rip a hole in your mind at the very time that your consciousness was in its most vulnerable state, often leaving me mentally wrecked for days at a time and suffering debilitating flashes of guilt and insecurity…and this was only at very small dosages, nothing like that of which that the government regularly dosed subjects with during experiments, most often unwittingly so that a test subject could be observed while the subjects unraveled and at times went insane.

There is a whole history of this that the public is not necessarily aware of, the project was known as MK ULTRA, one of those that was actually leaked or otherwise declassified among other acronyms and those interested can find accounts of this particular testing online at several locations and this one is a good jumping off point as any.

But I digress…

The acid is the ticket to either a great or a really bad trip at the time that it is effective and in the bloodstream but it does eventually work its way out of your system whereas the constant stimulation of the brain by television has no limit. There is no recovery from the effects of the endless assault of advertising and public relations experts, only reinforcement. Television has provided a medium for mass marketing for big business ever since its inception, these people have been imbedding ideas in our minds from the earliest days of the development of our cognitive abilities, if you think that this is paranoia just ponder the marketing strategy of a corporation like McDonalds which directs a large amount of it’s advertising towards children to take advantage of the ‘nag factor’ where the children pester their parents into visiting the local Mickey D’s for the family friendly atmosphere, enclosed play area and movie tie ins. When I was a kid there were the characters Mayor McCheese, Big Mac, The Hamburgler and the Grimmace among others that were ubiquitous on Saturday mornings, the only time for kids to get a full load of cartoons prior to cable television. McDonalds is but one example of how television is used to create an image in the minds of the youngest and most impressionable in society in order to create lifetime customers. This is a marketing model that was immediately seized on by the public relations industry and the government, both of which were fully aware of its power and potential to mold minds.

It is certain that elements within the government immediately realized the mind controlling potential of television just as big business realized that the new medium could be harnessed for advertising and commercial purposes so did the power brokers realize that it could be similarly utilized to manufacture consent, a term coined by Noam Chomsky, a great social critic who is sadly confined to the fringes of the alternative media in this country.

The coming of the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan (product as president) and emerging technologies that would be able to prolong the mental assault 24/7 the American public slowly began to accept televised illusions as real life, revisionist historical entertainment as fact, the glorification of wealth over all else as attainable and realistic and the myth of Rambo as a realistic personification of American foreign policy. I do not have enough time or space to look at this topic here so as to do it justice. The 1980’s saw the spread of corporate nationalist propaganda delivered over hundreds of channels, each appealing to a particular segmentation of a populace too mired in the pathetic quality of the daily grind of their boring and irrelevant lives. Now whenever they needed a fix, the ability to click the little button on the black remote and to be transported into a different world, a world of escape from the drudgery, a world where they could collectively bond with role models test marketed to appeal to their particular fancies, to be politically socialized by talking heads spewing radical ideologies, unencumbered by the Fairness Doctrine which was repealed under Reagan and which would forever change their way of thinking as well as to demonize what had been the real America prior to January 20 1981. They were given everything and anything in order to keep them tuned in so that the propagandists could keep the stimulation applied, the indoctrination process could continue uninterrupted, the herd could be brought to order and shepherded in directions that were desirable to their masters.

Television in itself is a relatively new invention, having only gained mass exposure in the past half century or so but if you want to approximate a time when the demarcation line between fantasy and reality in American life began to become defined it would definitely be in the early 1980’s with the explosion in the satellite and cable television industries. This is the time that it became possible to pump 100+ channels of violence, filth, political opinion, anyone can get rich quick scheme infomercials, lurid sexual innuendo and whatever other flotsam and jetsam of the human spirit that could be mined for profit into millions of homes throughout the country. The rise of both the radical religious right as well as the rise of the political reactionary right can both be traced to the rise in the availability of cable television and how those movements were able to use the technology to brainwash the masses.

Thus began the dumbing down:

Children became more violent and dysfunctional.

Freak shows like Morton Downey and Jerry Springer drew mass audiences while pandering to deviates who would see their sorry lives displayed for public amusement.

Today more people vote on cheese talent shows like American Idol than in most elections.

Television also creates insecurity and mental illness, viewers of too much television are often unable to make the differentiation between fantasy and reality, look at the rise in school shootings and generally deviant violent behavior. They live vicariously through the imagery designed to sell them caricatures of a lifestyle that they in turn believe that must be lived up to in order to be ‘normal’. The barrage of imagery as well as its calculated usage to influence the psyche by those whose craft is manipulation has a devastating effect on Americans. The inability to detach oneself from television worlds breeds violence, insecurity, greed and other such undesirable behavior. This is especially true for children who are very impressionable, there are highly paid marketing firms who specialize in trying to get the products and or ideas of those who pay them seared into the minds of kids from the earliest age possible in order to create lifetime customers. Is this evil? If not outright evil it is certainly devoid of any sort of decent ethical principle but then again isn’t this exactly the sort of deviant behavior that unchecked capitalism is intended to produce?

Will there be a time when television fantasy, physical reality and dreams become indistinguishable to some? Is that time already here? The psychological dependence on television to create identity and loyalty should be a national shame. Generations that have been born into the cable television era have become more violent, more superficial, more unquestioning and most importantly, far dumber than those who were their predecessors.

The rise to power of the evil regime of Hitler was borne on the wings of massive public rallies, fantastic gatherings steeped in the power of nationalism, symbolism, fire, resentment and demagogic ravings of destiny. The most famous of the state sponsored bacchanalia being the 1934 Nuremberg rally, meticulously choreographed and captured on film by Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will would become the benchmark for all German propaganda. The national madness of the German people can be seen in these rallies and films, the unraveling and descent of a sophisticated society into primal and pure evil was facilitated by them.

With television there is no need for mass rallies, the demagoguery and imagery can be delivered directly into your very own living room.

ooh daddy….give me a hit of that e-crack…ain’t never comin’ back!


TV Evil: Through The Glass Darkly


“I am gross and perverted, I am obsessed and deranged, I have existed for years but very little has changed, I am the tool of the government and industry too for I was destined to rule and regulate you…I’m the slime oozing out of your tv set”

-Frank Zappa from ‘I Am The Slime’

“In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can’t spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can’t look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won’t be there. We won’t build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line.”

-Earling Carrothers ‘Jim’ Garrison

“We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God’s name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion.”

-Howard Beale

As with all other things, television can be used for either good or evil depending on the intentions of those who control it. Karl Marx once said that religion was the opium of the people, he was only partially right, had he possessed the alleged ability of Nostradamus to glimpse into the future he would see that religion as powerful as it may be as an ‘opiate’ could be blown away by an innovation of technology that was still nearly a century away, a medium with the potential to become the ultimate societal drug, one far more powerful than any other: television aka, the electronic crack pipe
…..oooooh daddy, give me a hit of that e-crack!

Television has in the course of the last fifty years become such a potent force of the infinite possibilities of mass mind control and public manipulation that there is no way that the government could possibly ignore it as a tool to either suppress ideas and dissent or to manufacture consent and compliance as well as to destroy the will and the intellect of the people. It has been used by both corporate and government forces, by the former to sell an illusion that generates consumerism and by the latter to domesticate or otherwise distract, it is used by institutionalized religion to spread a militant fundamentalist version of Christianity. The television explosion has been accompanied by directly proportional explosions of mental health problems, violence, debt and most importantly of all, ignorance.The CIA has always been obsessed with mental manipulation and used LSD in crude, early experiments with mind control but eventually found it to be unreliable. Acid you see would always eventually wear off, leaving the subject wrecked, confused and at times rendered mentally ill as a result of being ‘dosed’. LSD is indeed a very potent drug, it effects each individual differently and consequently each individual would not necessarily have a consistent reaction each time that the drug was administered. I experimented with this drug on occasion in my younger days and can personally attest to the unpredictability of the effects that ranged from euphoric king of the world confidence and insight to manic laughter and enhanced sensual perceptive capabilities to a horrible paranoid depressiveness where every demon from your past would surface to rip a hole in your mind at the very time that your consciousness was in its most vulnerable state, often leaving me mentally wrecked for days at a time and suffering debilitating flashes of guilt and insecurity…and this was only at very small dosages, nothing like that of which that the government regularly dosed subjects with during experiments, most often unwittingly so that a test subject could be observed while the subjects unraveled and at times went insane.

There is a whole history of this that the public is not necessarily aware of, the project was known as MK ULTRA, one of those that was actually leaked or otherwise declassified among other acronyms and those interested can find accounts of this particular testing online at several locations and this one is a good jumping off point as any.But I digress…

The acid is the ticket to either a great or a really bad trip at the time that it is effective and in the bloodstream but it does eventually work its way out of your system whereas the constant stimulation of the brain by television has no limit. There is no recovery from the effects of the endless assault of advertising and public relations experts, only reinforcement. Television has provided a medium for mass marketing for big business ever since its inception, these people have been imbedding ideas in our minds from the earliest days of the development of our cognitive abilities, if you think that this is paranoia just ponder the marketing strategy of a corporation like McDonalds which directs a large amount of it’s advertising towards children to take advantage of the ‘nag factor’ where the children pester their parents into visiting the local Mickey D’s for the family friendly atmosphere, enclosed play area and movie tie ins. When I was a kid there were the characters Mayor McCheese, Big Mac, The Hamburgler and the Grimmace among others that were ubiquitous on Saturday mornings, the only time for kids to get a full load of cartoons prior to cable television. McDonalds is but one example of how television is used to create an image in the minds of the youngest and most impressionable in society in order to create lifetime customers. This is a marketing model that was immediately seized on by the public relations industry and the government, both of which were fully aware of its power and potential to mold minds.It is certain that elements within the government immediately realized the mind controlling potential of television just as big business realized that the new medium could be harnessed for advertising and commercial purposes so did the power brokers realize that it could be similarly utilized to manufacture consent, a term coined by Noam Chomsky, a great social critic who is sadly confined to the fringes of the alternative media in this country.

The coming of the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan (product as president) and emerging technologies that would be able to prolong the mental assault 24/7 the American public slowly began to accept televised illusions as real life, revisionist historical entertainment as fact, the glorification of wealth over all else as attainable and realistic and the myth of Rambo as a realistic personification of American foreign policy. I do not have enough time or space to look at this topic here so as to do it justice. The 1980’s saw the spread of corporate nationalist propaganda delivered over hundreds of channels, each appealing to a particular segmentation of a populace too mired in the pathetic quality of the daily grind of their boring and irrelevant lives. Now whenever they needed a fix, the ability to click the little button on the black remote and to be transported into a different world, a world of escape from the drudgery, a world where they could collectively bond with role models test marketed to appeal to their particular fancies, to be politically socialized by talking heads spewing radical ideologies, unencumbered by the Fairness Doctrine which was repealed under Reagan and which would forever change their way of thinking as well as to demonize what had been the real America prior to January 20 1981. They were given everything and anything in order to keep them tuned in so that the propagandists could keep the stimulation applied, the indoctrination process could continue uninterrupted, the herd could be brought to order and shepherded in directions that were desirable to their masters.Television in itself is a relatively new invention, having only gained mass exposure in the past half century or so but if you want to approximate a time when the demarcation line between fantasy and reality in American life began to become defined it would definitely be in the early 1980’s with the explosion in the satellite and cable television industries. This is the time that it became possible to pump 100+ channels of violence, filth, political opinion, anyone can get rich quick scheme infomercials, lurid sexual innuendo and whatever other flotsam and jetsam of the human spirit that could be mined for profit into millions of homes throughout the country. The rise of both the radical religious right as well as the rise of the political reactionary right can both be traced to the rise in the availability of cable television and how those movements were able to use the technology to brainwash the masses.

Thus began the dumbing down:

Children became more violent and dysfunctional.

Freak shows like Morton Downey and Jerry Springer drew mass audiences while pandering to deviates who would see their sorry lives displayed for public amusement.

Today more people vote on cheese talent shows like American Idol than in most elections.

Television also creates insecurity and mental illness, viewers of too much television are often unable to make the differentiation between fantasy and reality, look at the rise in school shootings and generally deviant violent behavior. They live vicariously through the imagery designed to sell them caricatures of a lifestyle that they in turn believe that must be lived up to in order to be ‘normal’. The barrage of imagery as well as its calculated usage to influence the psyche by those whose craft is manipulation has a devastating effect on Americans. The inability to detach oneself from television worlds breeds violence, insecurity, greed and other such undesirable behavior. This is especially true for children who are very impressionable, there are highly paid marketing firms who specialize in trying to get the products and or ideas of those who pay them seared into the minds of kids from the earliest age possible in order to create lifetime customers. Is this evil? If not outright evil it is certainly devoid of any sort of decent ethical principle but then again isn’t this exactly the sort of deviant behavior that unchecked capitalism is intended to produce?

Will there be a time when television fantasy, physical reality and dreams become indistinguishable to some? Is that time already here? The psychological dependence on television to create identity and loyalty should be a national shame. Generations that have been born into the cable television era have become more violent, more superficial, more unquestioning and most importantly, far dumber than those who were their predecessors.

The rise to power of the evil regime of Hitler was borne on the wings of massive public rallies, fantastic gatherings steeped in the power of nationalism, symbolism, fire, resentment and demagogic ravings of destiny. The most famous of the state sponsored bacchanalia being the 1934 Nuremberg rally, meticulously choreographed and captured on film by Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will would become the benchmark for all German propaganda. The national madness of the German people can be seen in these rallies and films, the unraveling and descent of a sophisticated society into primal and pure evil was facilitated by them.

With television there is no need for mass rallies, the demagoguery and imagery can be delivered directly into your very own living room.

ooh daddy….give me a hit of that e-crack…ain’t never comin’ back!