Category Archives: Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows: An Alliance Against Tyranny

The Myth of Real Choice in a Sham Democracy

Somewhat lost in the hand-wringing over two Supreme Court decisions on the rights of gun ownership and death to pederasts (has there ever been a country more obsessed with the death penalty? It’s getting pretty creepy these days.) was the massive reduction in damages due as a result of the Exxon Valdez environmental by the fascist bloc of pocket justices who are worth every penny that corporatists have paid to advance their careers. While the trademark wedge issues have set the corporate media and far too many of the blogs atwitter, the shaving off of $2 billion and change from the damages owed to the state of Alaska by those greedy fuckers at Exxon shows exactly what this country is all about. Two systems of justice, one for the rich and the corporatists and one for all of us lesser beings, just another day in the ongoing travesty of societal decay among the feed cattle of the vampire elite here in Der Heimat.

That the courts no longer work for the majority of Americans and that ‘justice’ has become just another abstract term that is synonomous for commodity (as the Orwellian changes in the meanings of words proceeds unabated) is apparent to all but the most incorrigible of idiots and deniers, all the better to herd them into the vast networks of for profit corporate prisons that are the festering boils on the slimy reptilian skin of a demonic police state. The courts have been far too long polluted with the fascist lackeys of the anti-American Federalist Society with a smattering of graduates of hokum law schools founded by a score of high rolling false prophet millionaire preachers mixed in to give the appearance of a social and religious crusade to seize America for God. Nothing shows this corruption of the courts like the boon to Exxon courtesy of apple cheeked Johnny Roberts and his fellow appointee that the Dems didn’t bother filibustering Sammy Alito who along with entrenched extremists fat Tony Scalia and Clarence ‘Uncle’ Thomas delivered the bacon for their paymasters. The public as usual just swims along in their blissful ignorance, carefree frogs blessing their luck for the warmer water in that great big cauldron while the invisible hand slowly ratchets up the thermostat.

Just like the recently deceased social critic George Carlin said:

That’s what the owners count on, the fact that Americans will remain wilfully ignorant about the big red, white and blue dick that is being shoved up their ass every day. Because the owners know the truth. It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

The increasingly irrelevant, packed by special interests and politicized mockery of a judicial system though has nothing on the roiling spring of filth that is the United States Congress. The House and Senate are largely a pack of perverts, crooks, cronies, moles and jackals who are every bit as complicit in wrecking his country as their more overtly fascist collaborators actually in the Bush-Cheney administration itself. This unholy temple of whores and swine have never failed to fail when it comes to protecting the Constitution (or as Lord Bush likes to refer to it that “goddamned piece of paper”) with the latest outrage being the bestowment of retroactive immunity against both the Bushreich and thieving big telecommunications corporations for their illegal spying on Americans under the big lie of the grand Orwellian War on Terror. So over the top outrageous was this latest disembowelment of the Constitution that essentially has wiped out the Fourth Amendment and taken us all a bit closer to a mixture of a post-industrial version of Nazi Germany, Oceania and an Eastern bloc authoritarian police state that finally enough Americans have realized that there is no longer a point in trying to work with those entrenched within the existing rotting system.

So in a time of total systemic failure we finally have an alliance coming together that is going to attempt to transcend the bogus left-right paradigm that has pitted us all against each other for far too long while our pockets have been picked and our rights stolen by the oligarchy. I speak of that wonderful new coalition that calls itself Strange Bedfellows and features some of the best of the ‘left’ an the best of the ‘right’ unifying to raise enough money to afford one gigantic enema bag which one day with a bit of luck and a lot of tenacity and hard work can be stuck right into that giant reeking asshole that is Washington D.C. and the bulb be given one hell of a squeeze. The alliance, originally started as an effort to stop the monstrously unjust and just signed off on by both houses of Congress FISA bill is being led by the great blogger Glenn Greenwald, elements of the Ron Paul Revolution including Money Bomb organizer Trevor Lyman, the great blog, the ACLU, Jane Hamsher of Firedog Lake and others to finally do the only logical thing and come together despite the obvious ideological differences (that are always brought up as obstacles by the doubters and those with much to lose if the existing status quo is challenged) to take a serious and principled stand against the fascism that has metastasized through this county like some form of malignant cancer.

Greenwald, a growing voice with crossover appeal as well as a man of principle has rocked the boat by coming out in his Thursday Salon column entitled Keith Olbermann: Then and now and questioning MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann for his failure to hold Barack Obama accountable in any sort of consistently meaningful way for his callous and politically expedient cave in on the FISA bill rather than to apply the same standards set by his special comment back in January on Bush’s bullying to include immunity for the telecoms made appropriate references to fascism and Nazi Germany including the scathing:

“This is no longer just a farce in which protecting telecoms is dressed up as protecting us from terrorists conference cells. Now it begins to look like the bureaucrats of the Third Reich, trying to protect the Krupp family, the industrial giants, re-writing the laws of Nazi Germany for their benefit.”

Now in saying that I believe that Olbermann has consistently been the most vocal critic of Bushist and Fox fascism to be found anywhere on cable or regular television (Jon Stewart doesn’t count as he is just an outright buffoon) I have noticed that he often comes across more often as just another shill for the Democratic wing of the corrupt two party joke of a system but such is the price of success. What likely really put the burr up the ass of Olbermann and his General Electric owned MSNBC is that Greenwald does have a point and in using his platform in the blogosphere to advocate for unity against a rancid ruling class and their media toadies he represents a threat to the oligarchy in a manner that blowhard ass clowns like Bill O’Reilly could never hope to. Olbermann, outraged at the audacity of Greenwald for daring to question the high priest of Democratic restoration for his failure to apply the same standards when it comes to desecrating the Constitution to Mr. Obama as he does to King George, the sharp dressed man turned to none other than that teeming nest of venomous orange striped cocksuckers and their charismatic cult leader: Daily Kos.

The intention would to one as jaded as myself (who has had his own share of run ins with those minions of that monkey faced little pigfucker Markos Moulitsas-Zuniga) seem to be to unleash the full fury of those savage little laptop thumping pricks for a counter attack against the growing coalition of Strange Bedfellows. This is going to be pretty interesting to see as Cyber Stalin unleashes his legions of yuppie, orange hued winged monkeys with orders to put the phasers on kill. One of the one aspects of blogging that has increasingly brought much revulsion to me is the co-opting of the so called “A List” blogs (a bunch of sniveling, self centered shithacks if you ask me) by the Democratic party political machine. The Olbermann-Kos thing is going to be absolutely fascinating to watch in the coming days and weeks as they swarm like mindless programmed antibodies to attack any threats to the system that they are tasked with guarding. That Olbermann would eventually become a ‘left’ gatekeeper should certainly come as no shock to anybody who is truly aware of the way that things operate, the shameless Bill Maher’s attacks on those who question 9/11 and Israeli human rights violation show that these guys place priority over principle and let’s face it, neither of them are exactly hurting as the rest of the country is beggared and the economic diaspora grows by the day. Bill Maher knows where his bread is buttered and balling porn stars, partying and enjoying the celebrity status of a top gatekeeper on HBO is a gig that anybody would kill for. As for what ultimately drives Keith Olbermann who really knows but you cannot be a renegade while being part of the same system that you claim to want to change.

Greenwald and Strange Bedfellows are the proverbial live grenade rolling around in the bunker so explosive is the possibility of an alliance that no longer buys the preposterous folderol that has been routinely sold to the chumps that exist here on our God kissed land mass on planet shit and are just well enough educated and pissed off enough to call bullshit on the entire fucking game. A thing like this, which could begin to spread given the growing rate of dissatisfaction and waves of anger that threaten to crash through the once invincible dam of managed reality for the masses – the comments about Olbermann are a shot across the bow and the owners of this country damned well know it. That treacherous foreign pig Rupert Murdoch ‘s newly acquired crown jewel in the American propaganda machine The Wall Street Journal (or as I like to refer to it The Gospel for the Moneychangers already has chimed in on Strange Bedfellows as well so the alarm bells are going off in ivory towers throughout the land. I am personally going to join this alliance and would strongly recommend the rest of you to do likewise if you really want to make a difference and get in on the ground floor for as I have preached in the past this is the future and long after the Daily Kos and the rest of the former internet insurgents who chose the seductive lure of going native over integrity are once again irrelevant the new alliance will reign supreme.

Anyway, it is a damned good idea and the end result has the potential to be far more rewarding than just raising coin to target corporate quisling Democrats like that glad handing, crab cake quaffing AIPAC stooge Steny Hoyer and his ilk for their complicity in once again selling the American people down the river for thirty pieces of silver. A sustained and growing coalition has the possibility to overturn the tables in the rigged casinos, the dens of iniquity and the wood paneled parlors that serve as breeding grounds for the rats who ensure that the game stays rigged and the sham democracy and its pocket media kingmakers can continue to feed on the rest of us like the fucking vultures that they are.

By Ed Encho