Category Archives: Tea Party Idiots

Flag Suckers Rejoice as Obama Waves bin Laden’s Bloody Scalp

Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.

Mark Twain

The local marine life has yet to begin to digest the rotting carcass of the now officially deceased arch-enemy of Murka, Osama bin Laden but the bottom-feeders of the American political system and it’s media support system are in full feeding frenzy. USA! USA! USA! is being chanted at sporting events following the rendition of the bloody good nationalist anthem the Star Spangled Banner or the ode to the incestuous breeding of war religion and nationalist frenzy “God Bless America”. The beer-sodden buffoons watching the pro basketball and hockey playoffs in swanky tax payer subsidized venues as well as in thousands of smaller gatherings across the fruited plain are whooping it uo. In the third day of orgasmic national euphoria following the coming out party of one Barack Hussein Obama, a man who was born in the USA and now has bagged the mother of all trophies much to the enduring shame of the swine, vermin and useful idiots that used to be the vastly overrated political force of nature called the Tea Party. You almost have to feel for the poor Republican fascist slobs who bet the entire house on their ability to infiltrate, hijack and then manipulate that now pitiable mass of angry, low-information, pasty, lard-assed and perpetually pissed off white folk into a re-branding of the same old god n’ guns, gay bashing, racist garbage that had been their ultimate trump card for decades. The Republican Tea Party, not that long ago heralded as real change that you can believe in by the propaganda organs of the oligarchy such  as the vaunted Wall Street Journal has suffered monumental and irreversible damage in less than a fortnight. It is almost surreal that just last week the full throated roar of the corporate media propaganda machine and their newest celebrity avenger, the Donald, were closing in on the wounded and feckless Obama, a man  equally detested by the pigs who hide their vitriolic bigotry under the cover of the Republican party banner as well as his own base for his callous and endless series of betrayals. Then lightning struck, the storms rolled in much like ravenous destructive tornadoes through the very heart of peckerwood nation in Alabama and Obama emerged forever changed, toughened by the scrum and brandishing the bloody scalp of the villain of all villains, Osama bin Laden like a powerful talisman. 

I have personally been on record on a fairly consistent basis throughout the years as believing that Osama bin Laden was in fact dead. Somehow it was hard to imagine a prolonged period of longevity for a man accused of heading up the greatest ‘terrorist’ attack in U.S. history who was dragging around a dialysis machine though the most rugged parts of the Afghan mountains. Who knows, maybe he did survive in order to be hunted down and have a couple of caps busted into his skull over the weekend by U.S. Navy Seals who were likely under orders not to take him alive. But if that is the case, then it really brings about far more troubling questions, for example why exactly was he still alive, living in pretty nice digs in a Pakistani military town? That the United States would NOT have known about this sooner and taken him out for his alleged crimes would lead a skeptic to believe that just maybe he was still alive for a reason. Perhaps a reason like just maybe he was still an active intelligence asset, laying low and kept under protection by an ally in Pakistan until he outlived his usefulness or perhaps he was going to go rogue and spill his guts about his days in the semi-employ of the USA. This would explain the killing and subsequent dumping of the body, after all, dead men tell no tales but the absence of a body also begs the question of whether any of it is real at all, I always keep thinking about what a son of a bitch it must have been to lug around that dialysis machine though the Hindu Kush.

But I Digress…..

All that George W. Bush ever had was Saddam’s gun which he took great joy in fondling; now Mr. Obama has the mojo and has grabbed a ride upon the back of the raging beast of a new nationalism while the Republicans and their hideously botched and badly whupped angry white male teabaggers slinked away with nary a fig leaf to provide cover for their now embarrassingly inadequate pee pees. They have once and forever been exposed as the bald-faced lie that they always were – Tea Party my ass!. Newt Gingrich? Please, get the fuck out of here. The Donald? Like his pet birthers, his sorry, obnoxious ass is yesterday’s garbage. Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann? You gotta be fucking kidding, the Thelma and Louise of the neoconservative movement are so yesterday now, shorn of their Obama the Muslim and Sharia law cant, whatever remains of the GOP isn’t about to let those two dizzy, crazed bitches drive it over the cliff. Mike Huckabee? Even Mr. fascism wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross has turned on the free-falling star demagogue Glenn Beck. Mitt Romney? The smartest of the bunch from the get go, he has announced that he is skipping the gathering of loons and closet Nazis that is the Republican party debate later this week. Ron Paul? His anti-interventionist, pro-civil liberties stance is anathema to the party of the plutocrats and blood drinkers. With a wave of Ayn Rand worshipping Koch Brothers owned governors in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Florida taking flak and alienating more non-dead-enders by the minute, their Republican state legislatures eschewing their once promised work on jobs and economic rejuvenation to instead focus on revoking women’s rights, busting unions, cutting budgets for all but their crony projects and destroying education as we know it are about as popular as genital herpes and will likely be either recalled or voted out of office in the next election cycle. 

This is the metaphorical perfect storm for the Republican party, a collection of America hating, fascist fifth columnists that should have been eradicated when George W. Bush’s helicopter lifted off the White House lawn but survived only because they could appeal to the emotions of those whose gullibility knows no bounds and whose stupidity is incomprehensible. They are now facing their Götterdämmerung, it must be pretty bleak down in the bunker as the Russian army is closing in and it’s going to be sweet justice to see them hoisted on their own petard of 9/11 and the War on Terror. With the only card left to play, the coming holy war over the raising of the debt ceiling, the GOP is on the brink of suicide, failing to raise the bar is only going to drive away the moneychangers who will side with the now heroic Obama. The exodus of plutocrats other than the Bircher Koch Brothers whose family fortune came from their daddy building oil refineries for Stalin will leave the party rather than face the prospect of a limit be placed on the national credit card that funds their addictions. In the end, which is coming soon, the fascist Republicans who through decades of sociopathic and cocksure, ruthless Mayberry Machievellian cynicism combined with a regressive ideological perversion courtesy of a symbiosis with the delusional tent preachers who hit it big off their ability to mobilize Rapture freaks, stone crazy dimwits and recalcitrant neo-confederates has ensured that it would carry within it’s pustulent, sweating belly the self-destruct mechanism that will soon be triggered. 

Any sane Republican (and that is pretty much an oxymoron these days) is like Ripley heading for the escape pod on the Nostromo. There has never in the history of this country been an entity that is so desperately in need of a purge, a massive makeover and a mange dip than the GOP. Once a legitimate entity with much to offer it shed itself of those who were rational but were deemed to be heretics by the neocon utopians, loyal Americans like economist and former Reagan Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, now a prolific writer who has spent the better part of the last decade trying to fight the brownshirts that took over his party, rudely casting out the rational in favor of the greed-crazed monsters and the war freaks. A good deal of what ails America today is due to a failed political system, an opposition party that lives in a reality based world and has more at stake than a lust for power backed by a deranged mob of berserkers seeking to use the power of the state to punish their enemies and erect their perfect society has no future. That is going to become very apparent to all but the dumbest of the dumb, the purebred haters sequestered behind the cornbread curtain who were I a religious man would venture to suggest just reaped the wrath of God when the tornadoes came.

Certainly Looks More Real than the Other Fake Videos and Pictures of “UBL”

Sweet Serendipity: Little more than a week ago Barack Obama was little more than the exemplification of failure at every level, the economy is still horrible, gas prices are spiking, joblessness is rampant, an out of control Federal Reserve continues to shovel more and more counterfeit money into the maw of a crack ho economy. There are also the wars that are multiple, costly and unwinnable, his enemies smelled blood and were closing in for the kill, allegedly a swarm of private investigators were allegedly dispatched to Hawaii to hunt down the real story of Obama’s birth certificate, the tabloid media was drooling over the prospect of a long-running and cruel crucifiction running up to the primaries. Then, in some sort of though the looking glass Horatio Alger story the President sweeps like a whirling dervish from the outhouse to the penthouse and in an act of raw blasphemy in a culture that reveres celebrity and greed as the highest of all human virtues rudely evicts reality television star and real estate swindler Donald Trump from it. 

Obama, now ironically eight years to the day that his predecessor George W. Bush landed on the deck of the USS Lincoln in a Top Gun style flight suit that boasted a codpiece that must have had John Holmes rolling over in his grave, has the nation eating out of his hand. Now a country filled with dangerous freaks whose basic understanding of life can be summed up by their basic ability to comprehend an us versus them, cinematic, fantasy view of the world as it has been fed to them by John Wayne, Dirty Harry, Rambo, Jack Bauer or any other renegade,bad assed, rule-breaking tough guy has at least for the moment united in support of Obama for his successful slaying of the ultimate evildoer. Were he a serious man with serious solutions he would use this rare opportunity to seize the controls of the good ship America and drive it out of the rancid and regressive wormhole that it plummeted into after 9/11 thanks to the political exploitation of the horror of that day. First and foremost, get the fuck out of Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires. Now is the time to declare victory in the phony war on terror and come home. Maybe it’s just bullshit and fantasy that Obama can claim to have won the GWOT but it is just a different spin on the Reagan won the Cold War myth, and Christ knows that Obama has been open in his admiration of The Gipper. It will be hard to not do the rational and right thing for the country and just leave that sucking black hole of money, drugs and death, especially if the early reviews from the sycophants in the media carry any currency with our newest Murkan hero, here is a sampling:

From Dana ‘Skull and Bones’ Milbank over at the Washington Post

The White House advance team put the presidential podium at an odd angle in the East Room, so that an oil painting showing George Washington would be in the shot behind President Obama. This made it appear from a certain view that Washington was patting Obama on the back.
It’s not such a stretch to think that the first president would join the backslapping over Sunday’s killing of Osama bin Laden. Heck, even Dick Cheney was congratulating Obama.
From David Frum, former Bush speechwriter responsible for coining the phrase ‘The Axis of Evil”
Now, stop questioning Obama’s legitimacy
So much to say about the long-awaited visiting of justice upon Osama bin Laden.
But there’s one effect on U.S. domestic politics that deserves a thought:
Here’s hoping that we have at last seen the end of this ugly insinuation that there is something less than fully American about the black president with the exotic name.
On Wednesday came the release of the long-form birth certificate that provided the final decisive refutation of the birther lie that the President Obama was born elsewhere than the United States.
On Saturday at the White House Correspondents Dinner, the most visible proponent of that lie, the blowhard TV tycoon Donald Trump, was publicly ridiculed in front of an audience of 3,000 people, without a voice to excuse or defend him.
And then late Sunday, the president told the nation of the execution of his order to shoot and kill bin Laden.
The success of the bin Laden operation is a great moment for the United States — and not only for the United States.
But it is also a deservedly bad moment for some of the destructive forces in American public life, for those who have substituted for ordinary politics a sustained campaign to brand Obama as an outsider, as un-American, as non-American.
From Haaretz:
When Obama yesterday called former President George W. Bush to inform him of the end of the decade of the exhausting hunt, both knew that without Bush’s wars in Asia, Obama would not have been elected president, and that after being elected, he continued on his predecessor’s path in fighting terror and interrogating prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. He used the same secretary of defense, Robert Gates, and the same commander, Gen. David Petraeus.
But since everything is personal and everything is a matter of timing, Commander in Chief Obama will get all the glory and will hope that Petraeus doesn’t give in to Republican wooing to retire from the military and run against Obama. To judge by the outburst of public enthusiasm, bin Laden’s end has put to rest doubts about Obama’s devotion to his homeland and to concerns that he is soft and sympathizes with Islam. More than his birth certificate, his speech in which he waved bin Laden’s scalp has crowned Obama head of the American tribe.
It is hard to now imagine something as borderline retarded as demanding Obama’s college transcripts to show that he unfairly benefited from Affirmative Action being taken with any seriousness outside of FOX or any other gaggle of cyber idiots; and so much for the now neutered storyline about Obama’s father being kicked out of Harvard. In a land where George W. Bush can brag that he was a “C” student at Yale and whose grandfather Prescott Bush‘s Union Banking Corporation was actually shut down by FDR for laundering money for the Nazis under the Trading With the Enemies Act such hypocrisy only serves to further illustrate the infantile willful ignorance of the public at large as well as the enduring success of a bought and paid for corporate media that ensures that huge demographic segments remain electronically lobotomized.
In the land of America in the New American Century there is no shortage of idiots, the system needs them to remain that way in order to exist. Barack Hussein Obama stared into the jaws of the monster and through a combination of luck, cunning, hubris of the opposition or something else has survived. 
Barring the Mayan predictions of the 2012 end of the planet Mr. Obama is assured of another four years in charge of the armed madhouse. 
Book it Don-O!

April Fools: The Tea Party Jumps the Shark

The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic.

– H.L. Mencken

It is exactly as I predicted. The gaggle of angry Americans suffering from collective insanity, willful ignorance and a raw and seething fury over the audacity of a black man being elected President are being thrown under the bus by their cynical Republican saviors. It was always ludicrous to the nth degree that the assclowns, haters, perverts, greedballs and rubber fetus crowd of the Republican base could hope that a re-branding along with the hijacking of a libertarian based pro-American values movement would end up as anything but a mockery. The other day when a few hundred (a generous count from eyewitnesses accounts) pasty white fat old people, a pack of costumed loons dressed up like Captain America or in the ridiculous colonial American garb gathered in the rain to listen to the rancid Rand Paul and moonbat Michelle Bachmann wail in ginned up outrage outside of Congress that the movement had truly jumped the shark. While the majority of the cretins don’t get it yet they are as radioactive as Fukashima and as they have slowly evolved into a gross parody of themselves the only aspiring politicians still attracted to the lamentable overly hyped Astroturf uprising are egomaniacs and charlatans like newly minted champion of the Birthers that is the aggravating and slimy parasite named Donald Trump. I can hardly wait until next year when the greatest freak show on the planet will descend upon the Tampa Bay area when the Republican National Convention comes to town. It’s gonna be the biggest magnet for the deranged this area has seen since the great angry hordes descended on Pinellas Park to gang rape the brain dead living corpse that was Terri Schiavo.

The teabaggers never would have been taken seriously to begin with were not the establishment plutocrats enamored with the idea of fielding their very own Sturmabteilung to bully, intimidate, harangue and mislead as they acted to put  the post-Bush disgraced GOP back into power. The Dick Armey of Darkness was an Operation Gladio style stay-behind network to sabotage any meaningful effort at systemic reform that would potentially rollback fascist right-wing gains of the past three decades. With a corrupt media spinning ever increasingly insane demand by the scumbaggers into a wag the dog style of populist uprising the useful idiots served their purpose in returning Republicans to power in 2010. The big assists must be given to not only corporate propaganda organs like Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, in which NO serious challenge to the power structure would ever be referred to in such reverence as the tea party but to the raw cynicism and gross fecklessness of the Obama administration which alienated the traditional Democratic party base and kept them home in droves on election day. Now that the Koch Brothers have their hand picked governors in place in numerous states where whatever remains of the regulatory structure and social safety net will be destroyed with extreme prejudice the buffoonish teabaggers are going to understand exactly what happens when such a collection of vicious goons lose their usefulness to the party leadership – just think Night of the Long Knives.

I happen to actually know several of the suckers who suddenly, after years of George W. Bush racking up the national credit card with not a peep became shrieking, talking point spewing deficit hawks, howling about how Barack Obama’s wee wee isn’t circumcised which proved he was a secret Muslim/Commie out to send forth his militant black army ACORN to enslave the good ole white working folks. They began to harp on the Kenyan anti-colonialist worldview of Obama, raved about death panels, unions and did their damned level best to pour as much money into Glenn Beck’s bank account by buying his ghostwritten tripe that subsidizes his millionaire faux populism. When I asked one about how could he possibly compare and contrast the reputed Kenyan anti-colonialism of Obama with the anti-colonial worldview of the Founding Fathers that they so like to selectively quote he got that thousand yard stare and quickly changed the subject to George Soros. One has to have somewhat of a sick sense of humor to remain sane in this rotting empire these days, were those who actually subscribed to the horseshit peddled by the Koch Brothers network of think tanks, extreme radical Christian domination of the churches and are convinced that we are engaged in a steel cage death match crusade to halt the coming of Sharia law and the Islamic caliphate not legion they would be easier to dismiss. Now that they are being peeled off of the Republican elephant’s ass like blood-sucking leeches they are only going to become more desperate. How long will it be until some freak Christian group or militia sets off a mass casualty attack here in the USA? Of course it isn’t terrorism if the white people do it, like the white supremacist yahoo who left a backpack bomb along a Martin Luther King day parade route in Spokane . The enablers of the angry white army who benefit from using them as droogs sure has zero interest in examining the threat of domestic white terrorism. But Herr Liebermann and the Irish Republican Army supporting turd Peter King preside from on high against the hated scapegoated Muslims.

Never have I seen such a credulous collection of saps in my lifetime. The teabaggers will believe anything which they hear from the payroll propagandists, haters, fifth-columnists and demonic false prophet preachers with their slime campaigns out to paint Obama as an anti-American at best and the Antichrist himself at worst. Now this may seem sick but I have this twisted little fantasy, I wish that Obama did have a huge nefarious conspiracy to rid America once and for all of Raptureheads, Teabaggers, Deathers, red state fascists and assorted outher dumbasses. I would love it if he had the balls to just give the order to round up and relocate these vicious swine to some sort of reeducation camps, if they could be saved great, do the necessary lobotomies and send them back into society to pick beans and clean toilets, the jobs that after all ‘Americans just won’t do’ according to the talking points. And if not just march them into an industrial sized Soylent Green style meatgrinder and puree their asses up into a fine pulp (omitting the children from their dead-ender loser parents of course whose removal from their lives would free them from a lifetime of willful ignorance and bible study) mix it with plenty of bean sprouts, soy sauce and water chestnuts and sell it to the Chinese as egg roll stuffing or something. Baby Trig and his football shaped head could be auctioned off on EBay to some degenarate high rolling Asian cocksuckers like the ones in Faces of Death who revel in eating fresh monkey brains directly out of the poor creature’s skull. Sadly, given the pathological nature of American corporations to trade shit and shinola back and forth it would all likely end up as 2.99 per pound sausage on a stick at your local big blue smiley Wal-Mart superstore. Christ only knows what sort of raw agricultural waste and human sewage ends up being made into coleslaw at their delis. Just don’t gas them in the camps, it may spoil the flavor of their diseased flesh that could otherwise be passed off to the Meskin’ hating Becker bottom feeders as chorizo sausage in their frozen breakfast burritos.

Of course the sheer hypocrisy has contributed much to the downfall of the teabaggers, while howling and dancing around like a bunch of buffoons waving their Gadsen flags about the evils of the deficit, the needed purity rituals to take their country back and the growth of big government they are truly full of shit. Were the teabaggers concerned about big government and the deficit they would surely call for the immediate end of the imperialism of the Military Industrial Corporate Complex which these diseased, death worshipping bumpkins just adore, hell, carpet bombing sand niggers is nearly as good as NASCAR. The big government that they denounce with bogus passion that is only outwardly projected self-loathing (deservedly) is just fine with them as long as it consists of a gargantuan police state apparatus that they can one use to round up gays, libruls [sic], Muslims and illegal immigrants. A police state that has a high tech capability to allow the bible thumping prudes and ignoramuses to spy on the private behavior of others, and the more that it is about sex the better because with the crowd there is nothing that has more clarity than the two ideas of the vengeful bloodthirsty omnipotent God and that poking Mr. Wiggly into the dirty place isn’t anything that Jesus would approve of. Which just doesn’t seem so outrageous to them when it is pederast priests and pedophile preachers doing the poking. The lack of outrage towards Wall Street also defines the scumbagger schmucks, were they anything less than the malleable dolts and dupes that they always have been they would be marching with pitchforks and torches towards the swanky headquarters of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citi and Bank of America and storming the barricades of the corrupt high-rolling swine responsible for the economic collapse. It is a strange dichotomy that the dumb bastards regularly rail against teachers and their weakened unions but have zero qualms about the oligarchy grinding their bones to make their bread but you just can’t put lipstick on a pig or polish a turd, the Tea Party is what it is, the dregs of American society and the product of the war against the public education system. I really makes one wonder whether the early 20th Century elite just may have been onto something when they championed eugenics (yes, Hitler actually got a good deal of his ideas from the USA) and sterilization to keep the mentally inferior from reproducing. In retrospect, just how many of these fucking flag-waving borderline retards would have been born had that idea gotten more traction in it’s time?

I will be watching with much interest to see if the Republican dog is wagged by the Tea Party tail will have the gonads to actually shut down the government this week. The orange man John Boehner is feeling the heat as the angry army is getting more restive by the day that there hasn’t been legislation to make Obama cough up his birth certificate and is backed into a corner now. Any capitulation would potentially doom this career hack and allow an ambitious little pit viper like Eric Cantor to harness the uncontrollable monster of the cultural populist uprising that has been fed by the Kochs and their ilk. The latest jagoff to overstate his importance is some nitwit from Wisconsin named Paul Ryan who yesterday rolled out a budget proposal to cut over 4 trillion from big gubmint spending over the next decade. Of course military spending is ok as are tax cuts for the rich but anything that helps the poor is of course under the ax. Ryan, like so many of these other right-wing pigfuckers looks amazingly like a Nazi, just check out some old WWII footage and you will notice that there is an amazing resemblance between nearly all of these dipshits and their historical predecessors, just slap a Colonel Klink hat on Ryan and he’d fit right in. The GOP budget, with the typical Orwellian sounding name The Path to Prosperity is being touted by the moneychanger’s gospel that is Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, then again so was the Tea Party and all of the other frauds.

Me, I say shut it down too. Let these pasty fat haters practice what they preach and not receive their medicare and social security checks, see how popular that the Beckers find that one. Boehner, Ryan and their ilk may find out very quickly that the Tea Party platform can be easily converted into a gallows.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe