Category Archives: KSM Trial

The Terrorists are Coming! The Terrorists are Coming!

It has been a bountiful week for those who still vehemently back the PNAC doctrine and the phony war on terror is back with a vengeance. Friday’s surprise announcement by the Obama administration Justice Department that the big bad planner of the 9/11 attacks is going to be tried in New York City and a GASP civilian court sent shockwaves through the fascist right and set off a flurry of puckering assholes that loudly rang out from Washington to Tel Aviv. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the reputed mastermind behind the false flag black op that took place over eight years past and rebooted American history much to the glee of the war freaks will be leaving Guantanamo Bay and coming to the Big Apple in what will likely be the biggest rally of Deathers, Birthers and teabagger terrorists in history. They won’t have to doctor any crowd photos for this one, you can bet that marching orders are already being cut, Christian Zionist phone trees are ablaze and the imbecile polemicists like Krauthammer, Kristol and Goldberg will be shrieking with manufactured outrage worth every damned penny to the Military Industrial Complex and the Israeli right-wingers who subsidize the drivel that is grist for the genocide machine.

Global Menace? Looks like any Dittohead loser with a hangover
The KSM announcement is on the heels of the Fort Hood shooting by that damned dirty Muslim sleeper cell killer (as the corporate media hosts of the Zionist parasites want you to believe) Nidal Malik Hasan commited an act of filthy brutal anti-American terrorism on a U.S. military installation by Jesus. The crafty neocons and their Republican fascist politicians have been all over this in trying to take what is just another tragic result of an evil policy of imperialist wars and murder and spread the meme that it is TERRORISM, that way the statement can be made that after originally allowing 9/11 to happen, the Bush-Cheney junta had kept us all safe and snuggly while in less than a year Obama has presided over a terrorist attack. These shits are so predicable that any person with even an ounce of sense can see them working seconds after the idea is formed in their diseased brains which is why they are able to appeal primarily to the dumbest of the dumb that are the wretched Dick Armey of Darkness teabaggers, Palinazis and Neo-Confederate losers who show up on command to intimidate government officials and spread the rancid lies that they are fed by a crackerjack propaganda apparatus that churns out talking points like Goldman Sachs churns the markets.

Discrediting the very idea of Gitmo and the torture state is a full frontal assault on the shadow government, the necessity of a legal black hole and the chilling implied threat that any American dissident can be disappeared, tortured and imprisoned for life by our very government is an out and out necessity for running an Empire. In that the official fairy tale of 9/11 was the lynchpin for the new American fascist state it is imperative that the gulag system be maintained at all costs so the pushback on the KSM show trial is going to be immediate, sustained and withering. Much of the neocon high command knows that Gitmo has to stay open for business because when they roar back into power in the apocalyptic year of 2012 with a renewed vigor on a huge wave of right-wing populist resentment enabled by the catastrophic failure of the Democrats to do one fucking thing for a besieged working class and for allowing the healthcare debate to be turned into yet another clusterfuck driven by abortion they are going to need somewhere to send the hated liberals and anti-war intelligensia. Of course the Muslims will also be targeted because as we all know, the enemies of the paraniod cesspool of murder and revenge that is the state of Israel are by God the enemies of America. Judas Lieberman is already setting up his little kangaroo courts thanks to the eunuch Harry Reid failing to strip the slimy little prick of his powerful Senate Homeland Security Commitee. Hell, if there were any reason to keep the place open it would be to send Lieberman there to live in a 4 x 6 wire cage with his scrawny ass in an orange jumpsuit just waiting for drooling Jack Bauer mentored thugs to anally gang rape the little fucking traitor….hey, jack, ass crack, tie another one to the rack baybee….

But I digress

Frank Rich of the damned librul New York Times as on the money again in his weekly column, The Missing Link from Killeen to Kabul:

The dead at Fort Hood had not even been laid to rest when their massacre became yet another political battle cry for the self-proclaimed patriots of the American right.

Their verdict was unambiguous: Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born psychiatrist of Palestinian parentage who sent e-mail to a radical imam, was a terrorist. And he did not act alone. His co-conspirators included our military brass, the Defense Department, the F.B.I., the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and, of course, the liberal media and the Obama administration. All these institutions had failed to heed the warning signs raised by Hasan’s behavior and activities because they are blinded by political correctness toward Muslims, too eager to portray criminals as sympathetic victims of social injustice, and too cowardly to call out evil when it strikes 42 innocents in cold blood.

The invective aimed at these heinous P.C. pantywaists nearly matched that aimed at Hasan. Joe Lieberman announced hearings to investigate the Army for its dereliction of duty on homeland security. Peter Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, vowed to unmask cover-ups in the White House and at the C.I.A. The Weekly Standard blog published a broadside damning the F.B.I. for neglecting the “broader terrorist plot” of which Hasan was only one of the connected dots. Jerome Corsi, the major-domo of the successful Swift-boating of John Kerry, unearthed what he said was proof that Hasan had advised President Obama during the transition.

William Bennett excoriated soft military leaders like Gen. George Casey Jr., the Army chief of staff, who had stood up for diversity and fretted openly about a backlash against Muslim soldiers in his ranks. “Blind diversity” that embraces Islam “equals death,” wrote Michelle Malkin. “There is a powerful case to be made that Islamic extremism is not some fringe phenomenon but part of the mainstream of Islamic life around the world,” wrote the columnist Jonah Goldberg. Islam is “not a religion,” declared the irrepressible Pat Robertson, but “a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world.”

Republican terrorists drag out Rudy ‘Mr. 9/11’ Giuliani
Of course the closets are being emptied of every Republican ghoul of any notoriety at all this week, the Sunday morning bloviation circuit had such luminaries as Mr. 9/11 himself – Rudy Giuliani. Somebody should have issuee a warning to George Stephanopoulos and the other insider chirping Mockingbirds – better erect some sort of barrier between yourselves and the cross-dressing fascist fear pimp or be drenched in spittle which assuredly was flying, this is especially important considering the Swine Flu – Tooty Fruity Rudy was on at least three of the shows giving new meaning to saturation coverage. Joining Mr. 9/11 will be the monstrously insipid Peter Hoekstra, the philandering little fascist dwarf Newt Gingrich, and according to my TV Guide Meet the Press is going to have Al Sharpton on as the token nigger. The talking points are going to be pounded more then the meat of millions of angry white males who will be goose-stepping to stores this week to plunk down their coin on the eagerly anticipated Going Rogue the ghost written right wing hunk of asswipe of the week where the dear Führess Sarah Barracuda will air her long laundry list of grievances just in time for Festivus. I must say that I have never seen such a pack of wimps and whiners as the right-wingers, the culture of victimhood writ large and for a bunch of angry, armed to the teeth so-called patriots they never cease to amaze me how the dump poopy in their britches at the very thought of Muslims being transferred to the U.S. from Gitmo. You would figure that a bunch of manly men would just be ready to rock were there ever a terrurst [sic] invasion but if they had any balls I guess that they would just join the military and would be sanctioned to shoot A-RABS until they ran out of ammo. The Republicans, Beckers and Palinazis are like the yappy little five pound Chihuahua going up against a Rottweiler that outweighs it by ninety pounds, their bark is much more annoying than their bite which of course never comes because when the Rottweiler growls pack they hit the land speed record in the other direction leaving a trail of piss.

Bud Zomper was perhaps one of the most revolting human beings that I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. Bud was bout six foot one, three hundred and seventy pounds or so, a large dude but not muscular or anything. He was one of the people that the few of us who were still left from the old freak gang from high school had come to associate with, he used to sell dope for awhile and we always knew that we could count on good ole Bud to share the product whenever we wanted. By the way, Bud’s real name was Robert but since he was a king hell pothead he gained the moniker Bud.

Bud was a fart fanatic, it was incredible because he actually had names for all of his farts, sort of like a baseball pitcher names pitches. There was the ‘peek-a-boo’ which Bud defined as the top of a turd actually poking out and then retreating (I know this is gross but I have to do it), he had the ‘burning brake fart’ which was used whenever in the car, the jokester would suddenly shout ‘FUCK’ and start grasping at the emergency brake as though it was responsible for the smell, by the time the rest of the passengers knew what was going on the son of a bitch had power-locked all the windows and laughing his fat ass off. There was the ‘toxic plume’ fart that could defoliate triple canopy jungle and his all time favorite was the ‘forty foot streamer’ which he delighted in letting loose in the grocery store, he would hide behind the endcap like a pederast with a bag of candy on a playground to watch the reactions of the poor schmuck shoppers who wandered into the noxious atmosphere when turning the corner – this one he would always describe at length with all of the gruesome details when we were smoking dope. Bud worked at a local envelope manufacturer and had a grueling 40 minute commute on Interstate 25 during rush hour, he would amuse himself by counting the people in other cars that he saw picking their noses and would honk the horn and make the ‘shame on your’ sign with his fingers if he saw anyone eating the boogers.

One of Bud’s worst habits and he obviously had many was that he had this horrendous foot fungus problem and right in the middle of bong hits in his living room he would pull off his socks and begin to pick at his feet which were unlike anything that I have ever seen on a live person before. He would fish this pair of small fingernail clippers out of the little jar on top of his coffee table that sat next to the vintage M & M peanut Christmas tin in which he kept his stash and gradually cut off little pieces of cheese yellow, dead flesh from his feet. Now this is horrible enough to dredge it out of my memory now but Jesus it was unbelievable then. He never had a girlfriend in the time that I knew him (surprise surprise) but every year or so he would take a weeklong vacation to Las Vegas where he would gamble, drink, eat the bountiful buffets and most importantly visit whatever that famous whorehouse was, maybe it was the Chicken Ranch, I really don’t know. It was probably the one where the demigod celebrity John Wayne Bobbitt, that guy who got a part of his dick cut off back in the 1990’s and then had it surgically reattached to become a modern American hero went to work. I always have wished that his wronged wife who did the cutting would have just chucked the offending piece of flesh into a storm drain but she didn’t think it through and we Americans were stuck with yet another O.J. Simpson style circus maximus in the tabloid media. I sure as hell couldn’t imagine any woman pushing back Bud’s hairy belly to suck his cock unless she was getting paid for it though so the Vegas pilgrimage was of understandable importance to the disgusting fat fuck.

His brother Kenny lived in one of the rooms, he had some sort of social anxiety disorder and was one hell of a drinker but refused to come out of his room when Bud had company which was often because we used to engage in epic all night card games/pot smoking sessions back in the day. Kenny just couldn’t deal with it so he holed up in his room doing Christ knows what other than drinking. in one of the most disgusting things that I have ever heard Kenny used to buy his beer in those big glass quart bottles, it was some godawful cheap swill too, nothing as good as say Miller or Budweiser or anything. With Kenny it was always the cheap high but anyway Bud discovered that Kenny was pissing in the empty quart bottles and storing them in his closet, once a week or so he would make a dumpster run. That was gross man, I could only imagine the smell, Bud also said that Kenny was a compulsive masturbator and this being back in the 80’s there was no internet so he bought all of these shrink wrapped packages of fuck books off of the jack rack in the seedy local convenience store down the block. Bud said that he found a good number of hermaphrodite books and other kinky shit. I am sure that you see where I am going with this….

The Zomper brothers sometime in the early 1990s became the first Dittohead prototypes, back in the day when Limbaugh was being entertained in Daddy Bush’s White House and the Father Coughlin II plan was being rolled out to capitalize on white male rage during the farm crisis. The Zomper romper stompers went from being simply pathetic losers to being pathetic losers with a cause. I lost touch with Bud along with many other dope addled, drunken miscreants when I relocated to the diseased penis of American that is that state of Florida about 17 years ago. In the days before my exodus though they were organizing locally with other right-wing mutants to combat gay rights ballot initiatives because all of the fags were coming from California to take over Colorado, an interesting perspective considering that one of those borderline retards had a collection of chicks with dicks porno mags in his closet next to his urine bottle collection.

For all that I know they are staffers for Tom Tancredo now or something. The point that I am making is that the Republicans, like their role models, the Nazis have an alluring pull for the dregs of society and no doubt there are millions of Zompers in the Dick Armey of Darkness that is the teabagger movement. You can check out many of them here, this is not for the squeamish and it will surprise nobody who frequents this blog but these morons are out there in force and thanks to Rudy Giuliani and his ilk like McAsshat and Lieberman with their anti-Muslim hysteria they are going to be a force to be reckoned with next November because sadly, they vote.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe