Category Archives: Homeland Security


“Those who sacrifice freedom for temporary security deserve neither.”

— Benjamin Franklin

The Christmas Day underwear bomber, courtesy of the pocket media kingmakers, the neocon filth, the Republican rump (aka Cheney’s stay behind network) and the rotten whore political operation that is the great Obama fraud run by Rahm Emanuel has now been the final cog snapping into place for the new American police state. As Mr. Obama’s standard rhetoric increasingly resembles that of his idiot predecessor (minus the shit salesman with a mouth full of free samples style syntax of course) with references to that holy day 9/11 and threats against the ‘terrorists’ so America once more begins to resemble that fear-stricken land of scared little rabbits from back in the day when George W. Bush rode tall in the saddle, dissent was treason and honest questions were shouted down by political lynch mobs and propagandists as terrorist appeasement.

Be proud Americans, honor your heritage with the blissful knowledge that you can now shit in your pants during the last hour of your flights, wallow in your own filth for it is your collective cowardice and ignorance that has dragged those of us who have a fucking backbone and give a rat’s ass about civil liberties and freedom into that river of shit that you lovingly wallow in, it is your natural habitat you stupid motherfuckers, you rotten, shallow, yellow, spineless, willfully ignorant, fat, drunk and stupid bitches and bastards. Cowardice has spread like a virulent and terminal disease through this world’s largest lemming colony, it is nurtured by a willful ignorance that would be seen as shameful in any advanced civilization but here in Murka it is a virtue and a terrified and dim-witted populace is a tyranical system’s wettest of wet dreams. What has happened to this place?

Be proud of your legacy for the graves of your ancestors have been pissed on by your quivering bladders and your children and grandchildren have been sold like whores into lives of slavery by your ongoing capitulation to this horseshit. Where was the outrage when the Wall Street looters escaped with nary a slap on the wrist and the key to the U.S. Treasury to finance their gambling and Ponzi schemes while Americans were stripped of their jobs, lost their homes and then had the indignity forced upon them of having to actually pay for the lavish bonuses of the banksters this holiday season, the same fiends who sucked the marrow from the rotting carcass that was the once mighty American economy? Where is the outrage over the coming forced purchase of coverage from the insurance parasites with failure to comply being a crime? Where was the outrage when the Obama administration refused to release pictures of children being sodomized by sadistic military monsters at Abu Ghraib? Where was the outrage when Bush and Cheney’s domestic spying operations were left in place to serve the interests of the new Emperor and his minions, drunk on powers that they at one time denounced but learned to love once they controlled them? Where was the moral indignation at the escalation in Afghanistan? The cowardly use of drones to blast civilians into hamburger to protect the narcotics trade that has for so long served the interests of the elite in financing off the books black operations?

It wasn’t fucking there, that’s where it was and it isn’t there now that this mentally unstable dupe is allowed onto an airplane with a mini-bomb sown into his Fruit of the Looms. The panic was immediate, calculated and spread like poisoned pollen by a media propaganda machine that has no peer. On Christmas night Americans were wakened from their slumbers and taught to fear again, oh, it is that sweet, sweet fear that this filthy, rotting from the inside corpse of a democracy needs like the kiss of the dragon, the sweet taking of the spike into the vein, the megahit of adrenaline to the nervous system that revs the engine of the police state. Commandment Number One: There SHALT BE FEAR and let it ring from sea to shining sea while the inquisitions are prepared, the watch lists drawn up and the full body scanners installed so that surly failed policemen and the glorified door shaker security guards empowered by the state can sit and peek at cowed travelers in their full dirty, nasty, naked glory. How they will fantasize at the little boy penises and ripe little twats of prepubescent teen girls, there will no doubt be the sound proofed rooms where the chosen plucked fruit will be hauled off for private ‘screening’ and those lovingly conducted body cavity searches. This is the way it works in any dictatorship and these same procedures will one day be in your local shopping malls too because we must be kept safe from those dirty Satanic Muslims who want to kill us all for our blessed, God kissed, star-spangled freedoms. It’s just like 9-11 all over again and the irony that this greatest gift of them all to the fascists who run this corrupt cesspool would come on Christmas Day, it couldn’t be sweeter if jolly fat capitalist Santa had dropped off long haired liberal Jesus to be crucified for our sins anew.

Decades of Hollywood propaganda have successfully imbedded the image of the Arab male as a swarthy, foaming at the mouth, sneaky, America hating savage and therefore the image is all too easily conjured forth whenever the government decides that it becomes necessary to use as a tool for manufacturing consent. The fairly new slogan of ‘Islamofascism’ serves to perfectly illustrate this strategy. I reference a fine little book that I read quite awhile back called American Terminator which examines the affects of movies in shaping and reinforcing the basis for a mythical American exceptionalism and its desire for Empire, an Empire that now with a bankrupt society (both financially and morally) MUST have a police state to continue to exist. The following passage is from that book which I strongly recommend to everybody with an interest in just how celluloid serves as a delivery device that is very useful in the indoctrination process.

Fear is essential: ‘Be afraid, be very afraid’ is the American condition. To live in America is to be beset by fear, anxiety and insecurity, to be surrounded by potential harm, enemies and evil intent. And the wolf is always at the door. A nation of optimists is the more usual self-representation of America. Repetitively, Hollywood films conclude with a resolution, a rescue, and the winners ride off into the sunset or snuggle into a warm embrace that reassures us they will live happily ever after. The formulaic ending, however, is necessary because the plot, the narrative, is founded on and propelled by fear and anxiety, the dark essential underpinning of the American condition. For America fear is an original, natural condition, the inescapable birth rite (and birth right), the inherited condition of a fragile existence that must constantly be defended. Without fear there is no America; constant recourse to fear is the motivating force that determines its actions and reactions.

And might I add that the ongoing demonization/dehumanization of Muslims is very like what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews back before the gas chambers and blast furnaces were running at full capacity.

So wallow in your own shit you little patriotic soon to be pickled piggies, twiddle your thumbs and above all obey authority whether it be legitimate or not for your number is coming up for your big ride to the steel chute. Enjoy your last moments of blissful ignorance, of your rotten fence sitting acquiescence, your sniveling consent, the luxury of your stupidity and bask in the smell of your feces, you shall soon be forced to eat it. And most of all enjoy the most putrid stench of them all, the stench of denial because like your historical brethren in Krautland who just didn’t notice the smell emanating from the smokestacks at Auschwitz and the other state liquidation facilities neither shall you when your neighbors are turned into so much human smoke.

You best of intentioned crusader liberals, you goddamned ignoramus Beckers, Palinazis and teabaggers, so intent are you at your little games where you are manipulated like the brainless meat puppets that you have always been can now continue to squabble while the yokes are prepped for the slaves who have been deprived of freedom due to your ignorance, your rotten abandonment of the most basic of duties that would make you informed participants in a functional country. You have all failed, don’t blame the billion dollar indoctrination machine that is the media, as there is free will so you too are free to not jettison your minds, you spines, your civic responsibilities. Shit, why am I even wasting my time, it’s like pearls before swine….ignorant fucking swine shitting on each other as they near the chutes.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Fear Factor

“Naturally the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country”

-Hermann Goering

What fortuitous timing! Mere hours after the embattled George W. Bush gives a major speech in which he invokes 9/11 at least seven times from my brief count and the very same day that it is announced that Karl Rove has requested to make an additional appearance in front of the grand jury of Patrick Fitzgerald (very likely to rat out Libby/Cheney to save his own ass) the city of New York is thrown into mass chaos by an imminent terrorist threat to the subway system that was likely choreographed by the evil Morelocks in the basement of the Pentagon.

Only fools believe in coincidence, especially if there is an abundance of such to the point where it verges on becoming a simple commodity like pork bellies.

Let’s just hope that if something blows up this time that there is an actual serious investigation while the perpetrators’ trail is still hot, unlike after the September 2001 attacks when a shocked nation caved in to cower in the shadow of an faux almighty leader seeking protection rather than to take a real hard look at the glaring inconsistencies in the official account and to ask the hard questions that needed to be asked, then again who but the most hardened and cynical could ever be capable of dealing with the ugly answers?
This morning, in an effort to revive the halcyon days of his divine reign the king did what all others do after jumping the shark and staring into the face of a career that is rapidly circling the drain: he put out his greatest hits. In a major speech, the artist formerly known as ‘the war president’ sought to regain his holy mantle while trying to leave an abysmal two months of political catastrophe receding into the rancid past as so much toxic sewage being pumped out of the ruined city of New Orleans. With the rubber fetus crowd in full revolt over the surprise nomination of longtime Texan crony Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court and a rumors of a flurry of indictments that could be heading towards the White House like a plague of angry locusts as early as next week it was time to once again resort to old trustworthy: 9/11. The WTC attacks and the resultant fear mongering, once the most kick ass club in the bag is now beginning to look more like the one great trick that a mongrel dog used to be able to perform much to the delight of it’s owner but in time, after the allure wore off and it became apparent that it was the only thing that the goddamned wretched beast was able to do with any degree of competence it became sad and pathetic and that euthanasia would be both more economical as well as more humane than feeding and housing the fucking thing for the remainder of its useless days. The pathetic beast is the Bush administration and it is time to put it out of its misery. If nothing else, the recent woes of GWB have proven that he is not only a fuck up but a majestic fuck up at that and he is all ours to proudly display to the world. If the man were born to a different family he would be managing a Whattaburger in Waco. In a time when the two most recognizable figures in America are George W. Bush and Michael Jackson perhaps it would be better to euthanize the entire nation to end the ongoing agony of our collective shame.

Dick and Karl’s 3 card monte trick has performed wonders in the past at the times when it became necessary to distract and disorient a craven public heavy with imbeciles. Then the terror alert color chart became a joke and Tom Ridge became a laughingstock and eventually the fear factor was used to the point where the junta could no longer count on fooling most of the people all of the time or otherwise get them to piss down their legs in deference to the almighty strong daddy of the national domicile. This time the ante had to be upped drastically, with an impending legal catastrophe that will make Watergate seem like shoplifting a pack of gum looming on the horizon and the entire Republican money laundering network facing the prospect of being outed it is time for the double reverse flea flicker: an actual terrorist attack? Or just more fear mongering? the next few days will tell the tale and if independent contractors or covert operatives actually succeed in pulling off any kind of serious job that would allow the Bush administration thugs to invoke martial law (a trial balloon that was conveniently floated a few days back in reference to a quarantine in the event of a pandemic) and roll out the USA PATRIOT ACT II then myself and a hell of a lot of others are going to likely end up at Gitmo or whatever other gulags that they have set up for enemies of the state and unless the joint is equipped with WI FI then my blogging days are numbered.

Desperation isn’t pretty and it’s getting damned close to outright panic time in the Cheney bunker, if he were any kind of a man at all he would simply pop a cyanide capsule along with Rummy and then demand that their remains be burned and hidden in an undisclosed location so as to keep suspicions alive that they were really weren’t dead and could resurface again at any time like vengeful doppelgangers to seek bloody revenge against those who did not fulfill their duty to der homeland. After today’s surprise announcement of his unscheduled grand jury appearance Karl Rove should ask to be placed under protective custody or into the witness protection program, suspicions will surely be very high among a neo con death cult faced with life in prison at the very least were there to be a chain reaction of revelations to come out of the Plame case that could lead to who knows where but it is nearly a damned certainty that the rare charge of treason would rear its ugly head and that my friends is a death penalty offense that could have Cheney and his ilk gassed like the rats that they are.

If Rove weren’t such an arrogant, pompous, conflicted, corrupt and outright evil stinking sack of snakeshit then maybe it would be possible to actually pity the man. Obviously lacking the genetics of a potential ruler this pudgy little wunderkind gone badly awry had to latch onto a malleable, well bred cretin in order to fulfill his great dream of becoming President and he actually managed to pull it off, although not without the accompanying baggage of the other parasites like the crazed neoconservatives, the Reaganite neoliberal free market zealots and the fanatical theocrats who also hopped a ride along the host. Now like the predators that they all are they cannot coexist without becoming cannibals and ripping at each others flesh. Rove, once the ‘boy genius’ has now become an inversion of King Midas, everything that he touches turns to shit. The vaunted right wing coalition is coming apart like a Texas cowpie implanted with a firecracker and yesterday’s contentious closed-door sessions over the Meirs nomination were as butt ugly as waking up next to a border town hooker after a weeklong Tequila binge. Radical religious power brokers like Paul Weyrich and the acolytes of Phyllis Schlafly screeched betrayal at outnumbered White House lackeys who were under the threat of being beaten with foam rubber decalogues in an ugly melee that could have broken out at any minute in the tension drenched atmosphere. Hell hath no fury like those scorned who are used to having their holier than thou asses kissed in fawning deference and the naming of Meirs over a Roy Moore type ideologue who would have represented the shining jewel in the holy grail of a decades who would lead the throng to deliverance after a three decade long theocratic movement was sacrilege. The unspoken eleventh commandment of ‘thou shalt keep thy lips applied to the derrieres of the loyal flock’ was broken and there would be hell to pay. Everything was working according to plan with Trojan Horse ideologue John Roberts ascendency to chief justice and another reactionary God squadder in the wings but with the once unforeseen possibility of legal accountability looming like the angel of death over the White House it suddenly became necessary to stack the court with loyalists who will come in handy in the event that impeachment and criminal trails come to pass. Rove and Bush did what any scoundrel would do when confronted with the same descision, fuck the principles, fuck the movement, outrun the women and children on the way to the lifeboats and save your own ass.

Americans are restive, SUV’s are as obsolete in the current reality of 3 dollar a gallon gas and a looming heating oil crisis as are yellow support the troops magnetic ribbons in the reality of an Iraq quagmire that racks the Chinese credit cards on a daily basis. The true believers are uneasy and patriotism has become almost passé these days as the jingo spouting nationalists of the recent past are faced with skyrocketing household costs, carpooling, Hamburger Helper instead of Outback and Chilis and insurance rates that threaten to multiply exponentially in the aftermath of two financially devastating Gulf hurricanes in three weeks. Today’s orchestrated, Bush war mongering speech along with the timely terrorist alert hours later are going to allow us to see once and for all whether the bully pulpit can be counted on to whip up the ‘us or them’ siege mentality and get the blood of the faithful boiling for a good ole Christian vs Muslim crusade or whether it is time for the entire criminal bunch to just punt the fucking ball, throw themselves on the mercy of the courts and beg for forgiveness.

What would Jesus Do?

“We will never back down, never give in and never accept anything less than complete victory” thundered Bush this morning in Washington.

Those are the best damned words of advice that he has ever uttered and the American public should use them as a rallying cry to declare total war on the infidels in the White House.