Category Archives: Fear Mongering

Civil War on the ‘Left’ as Decision Looms

The ideological inspiration for the modern American ‘left’

The level of sheer vitriolic nastiness, baseball cap to the knees tactics (aka Tonya Harding politics) and jackbooted enforcement of political correctness by the current American political left has been nothing short of astonishing as all divisions are bared by the current Hillary Rodham Clinton-Barack Obama steel cage death match (click here for a wonderful and fun little treat all too symbolic of what passes for politics any more in our Idocracy. I have not in my three years or so of blogging ever seen shuch shrillness, crying mommy, cyber bullying, censorship and caterwauling over assuaging the feelings of the identity based groups who have attached themselves to the gigantic hog at the feeding trough that is the Democratic party in the same spirit of their much savvier brethren in the Republican pig sty.

The carnage has been unbelievable as the surrogates of Mrs. Clinton and their angry army of post-menopausal crusaders hunt the blogosphere in packs swarming, intimidating and spreading outright lies and propaganda while enforcing pressure on blog owners and admins to stigmatize, censor and ban any who don’t use the utmost deference in planting big, wet sloppy kisses on the Queen’s ass. I have personally been a party to some of this and faced as withering an attack as anything that I ever faced when fighting the right and what made it so bizarre is that those who once were firmly aligned with those fighting to beat back the tide of American fascism are now reduced to the ‘my team vs your team’ identity based politics that the modern Democratic party milk to continue their con game in passing themselves off as any sort of legitimate opposition entity.

The most kick ass club in the bag for the legions of Hillemmings is the dreaded ‘misogynist’ card which has been dealt from the bottom of the deck most recently by that preening little British fag Elton John. ‘Sir’ John, the madman across the water is the abosolute last person who should be lecturing anybody on the finer points of gender based etiquette and lecturing Americans for their misogyny, it’s like being given an ethics lesson by Karl Rove or being taught table manners by Jeffrey Dahmer and it earned him a spot on Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person In The World list last night, jusfifiably so. We have enough problems with fanatical Zionists and the American high rolling Jews who largely back Clinton and meddling in our domestic political system and no advice from a pole smoking Englishman is necessary. Let’s face it, we have enough of our own fucking problems in retaining our national sovereignty in an increasingly hostile globalist world. Besides, the misogyny thing just doesn’t work with Mrs. Clinton no matter how much her stooges and public relations hacks want you to think so, this is a woman who is the penultimate elitist, was a high powered corporate lawyer, a Wal-Mart board member and currently a U.S. Senator so where exactly did she smack into that glass ceiling like a fly into a windshield?

The entire thing is just total horseshit and the Establishment is desperate to do anything that is possible to take out Obama and roll out the red carpet for the return of the globalist Clinton crime family. In some of the darker corners of the internet there are already sinister connections being made between Saint Barack and the dead homosexual choirmaster at Reverend Wright’s Chicago church (making it pretty evident that the pocket media continues to flail away at the Wright sideshow) that are largely being pimped by members of the Lyndon LaRouche network. The high priest of conspiracy (who occasionally does have points of some merit) has already come out in favor of Clinton and is throwing his very substantial weight behind what is going to be a coordinated smear campaign with the Rupert Murdoch/Richard Mellon Scaife media empires to savagely take down Obama when the time comes. He was only supposed to be a ringer designed to make this sham democracy look like the real thing for the rubes and buffons in idiot America but then he got bigger ideas and went off the reservation. Judging from the percolating of such slime I predict that the mother of all racist/anti-Semitic smart bombs is being put together to forever terminate the candidacy of Mr. Obama with extreme prejudice. I had this prediction result in censorship at another site that I immensely respect for it’s ability to be inclusive and open to all opinions but Clinton surrogates flooded the admins with cries of foul and it was hidden. We will see what happens and there is no fucking way in Hell that the Clintons are going to allow an usurper to that which they are entitled.

Hell, you saw what happened to Air America’s Randi Rhodes who was suspended by that faux left radio network for making reference to Mrs. Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro as “fucking whores”(at least she didn’t call them fucking fascist cunts) during a non-network sponsored appearance that exposed the ‘liberal’ network as nothing more than a propaganda arm of the corrupt Democratic party. Rhodes who had become increasingly critical of Rodham-Clinton was sold down the river much like Mike Malloy was a year or so ago by Air America and like Malloy managed to land another gig pretty quickly at Nova M Radio which is a bit more open minded when it comes to telling it like it is although I am not down with having to cough up the coin to subscribe not that I am a huge fan of the often obnoxious Rhodes anyway. Such is the state of free speech in Murka post 9/11 where every dissenter is a potential Al Qaeda member, war is peace, ignorance is knowledge and freedom is slavery.

I would rail on at length about the abomination that is the ‘left’ but will leave that for another time, suffice it to say that the real left was laid to waste by a long-running, coordinated fascist campaign that changed the language, erased our history, destroyed the unions and allowed a bunch of dope smoking, long haired, baby killing, sodomy worshipping, holier than thou identity based cliques to fill the vacuum and we as Americans have been suffering for it ever since.

Think about THAT the next time that you gas up your car or go buy groceries, what you are dealing with now is the triumph of fascism that only was made possible by the hijacking of the REAL left by the effete, politically correct snobs and cheese eating limousine liberals. I have made my break with the bitches and bastards, let them chew on each other until there is nothing left, I am finished with the bogus left-right paradigm.

Monkey See, Monkey Do: Nice to see our friends the money grubbing, communist, totalitarian Chinese playing the same fear cards of their American cohorts in attempting to distract from the international outrage over their brutal crackdown against Tibetian protestors with surprise, surprise – an Al Qaeda threat to the Olympics. The fucking chinks are going to use the Bejing games this summer to showcase what a wonderful country that they have much like Hitler did in Berlin back in 1936. I would strongly recommend boycotting anything related to the 2008 Olympics – which are antiquated, overly commercialized, boring and just plain suck to begin with – over the human rights abuses of the Chinese government. The paramilitary goon squad dubbed the men in blue who have been assigned to escort the olympic torch across the world and who have beaten protestors is an outrage and that such groups are allowed to operate on American soil is just another example of how the global criminals and Wall Street looters and their finely pefumed political whores have sold their souls to the company store.

The Bigger The Lie

“The Bigger the Lie, the More the People will Believe it”

– Adolf Hitler.

Just a few days after the latest fake Osama bin Laden tape release, scantly a month after the ridiculously trumped up false flag underwear bomber ‘attack’ on Jesus’s fake birthday and on the heels of a relentless propaganda campaign of fear obviously designed to roll away the stone and resurrect the big lie of 9/11 there is this: Report: Al-Qaeda aims to hit U.S. with WMDs. Bravo to the neocons, they are right back in the game, not that they ever left, you just can’t completely get rid all of the cockroaches after an infestation no matter how good the Orkin men happen to be. The Mighty Wurlitzer’s story on the report in question leads with this nightmare blurb which smacks of the apocalyptic conjecture of smoking guns in the form of mushroom clouds that years before had been used to sell the wars that are still bankrupting America:

When al-Qaeda’s No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, called off a planned chemical attack on New York’s subway system in 2003, he offered a chilling explanation: The plot to unleash poison gas on New Yorkers was being dropped for “something better,” Zawahiri said in a message intercepted by U.S. eavesdroppers.

The meaning of Zawahiri’s cryptic threat remains unclear more than six years later, but a new report warns that al-Qaeda has not abandoned its goal of attacking the United States with a chemical, biological or even nuclear weapon.

The report, by a former senior CIA official who led the agency’s hunt for weapons of mass destruction, portrays al-Qaeda’s leaders as determined and patient, willing to wait for years to acquire the kind of weapons that could inflict widespread casualties.

Of course I immediately begin to be skeptical whenever a study invokes “experts”, consider that the Bush-Cheney junta once hired neocon crackpot consipracy theorist Laurie Mylroie as an “expert” on al-Qaeda and that insipid little bearded troll Michael Scheuer has been making a nice living for years now spreading his gossip on television, radio and in newspapers as the former head of the CIA’s Alex Station bin Laden unit to gullible dupes. Be mindful that this is just the latest piece of an ongoing multi-faceted public relations campaign to shore up support here in Der Heimat for an Israeli strike on Iran, something that I discussed in a previous post. Again this jibes very nicely with a few stories that smack of another joint Pentagon –CIA- Mossad campaign to sow the seeds of destabilization, political unrest and animosity that lead to regime change, specifically in 2012. Some of the other tidbits of terror floating around out there are: Sarkozy Warns Israel May Strike Iran, Petraeus: Missile-Shooting Ships on Station in the Gulf, Israel Hopes NIE Will Pressure Iran and Israeli Information Minister Slams All Reports on Gaza War as Anti-Semitic. Same as it ever was, get ready to strap it on because WWIII is coming and nothing that the Pope of Hope can do will stop it this time.

Oh and Chemical Ali was strung up for gassing all of them Kurds back in 88, lost on the average American moron was that he used the chemical weapons that were procured by Saddam during the Reagan administration back when he was still our kind of dictator before Maggie Thatcher challenged Poppy Bush’s manhood and Gulf War One was launched on a passel of lies like that horseshit about Saddam’s soldiers ripping Kuwaiti babies out of incubators and the rest of that crap that had us all glued to CNN watching Baghdad get the shit bombed out of it the first time before Shock and Awe.

Fear is it in America where the junk food eating surrender monkeys will ALWAYS give away their freedoms for the illusion of security, has been since 9/11 and arguably since the very concept of America was just a dream in the heads of the founding fathers. As if there is nothing to fear from an oligarchy and financial elite run amok and now getting ready for some serious fucking after last week’s landmark Supreme Court decision by the Roberts Court (thanks Harry Reid!) to allow corporations to openly influence elections. I can hear the commercials already from arms manufacturers, the blood barters, dealers of destruction and the icy cold technocrats of death who profiteer off of the state of constant war that Oceania exists in today. But Americans, brains jellified by years of too much television, cowed by a corporatist culture and rendered useless by the rapacious ghouls of high finance who have packed their jobs off to third world shitholes or authoritarian high tech police states like China, foreclosed on their overpriced McMansions and cardboard walled crackerboxes and conditioned to be subservient little squeaking mice while being subjected to Soviet style checkpoints and goons in the nation’s airports. Hell, they are afraid of EVERYTHING but what is fucking real! And now with the Obama gang of thieves reeling after their dream of corporate cash for life has gone up like a flaming bag of dogshit (way to go Rahm!) the fear in the air will soon be suffocating, choking just like in the aftermath of the American Reichstag Fire.

Why are Americans so afraid of dying? It is inevitable yet this colony of cowards, this mass of asses, this confederacy of dunces fears all of the wrong things. They are more likely to die in a car accident on any given day than in a ‘terrorist’ attack, they are more statistically likely to die from a fall in the bathtub than in a ‘terrorist’ attack, you get the picture. Shit, the only thing in America that they are LESS likely to do than be killed in a ‘terrorist’ attack is get rich yet the schmucks are duped into buying into that little fantasy from the day that they are shat out of the birth canal. You see nothing much has really changed since primitive times, religion, get rich quick schemes and the constant fear of the other have been used since the earliest of civilizations, by kings, pharaohs, popes, presidents and dictators to exercise social control. America though has at least until now surpassed them all in manipulating the inhabitants without too much overt torture, mass executions or pogroms to send the message that the ruling class intents to continue to rule no matter how many children that have to be raped, limbs hacked off or skulls crushed. This is largely the result of the most successful mind control device in the history of planet Earth – television. The incessant brainwashing that one can be rich someday is what keeps the capitalist corpse still upright in these days of economic doom when by all rights it should be buried on the shitpile of history right next to its failed counterpart that is communism.

During the NFL playoffs over the weekend the advertisements kept rolling out to prop up the false dream that underwrites the entire fucking failed system. There are still, believe it or not commercials for those shitty E-trading scams, for the parasitical frauds that are the financial services ghouls and high gloss depictions of consumerism that few can afford (excluding Burger King of course but there have to be a few crumbs scattered for those elbowed away from the table) and the usual silliness. The dream of one day being rich just like The Donald is still bought into by millions even while they are living in tent cities and homeless shelters and foraging through dumpsters for scraps to eat.

Be AFRAID suckers… very AFRAID because you ain’t seen nothin” yet!

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe



“Those who sacrifice freedom for temporary security deserve neither.”

— Benjamin Franklin

The Christmas Day underwear bomber, courtesy of the pocket media kingmakers, the neocon filth, the Republican rump (aka Cheney’s stay behind network) and the rotten whore political operation that is the great Obama fraud run by Rahm Emanuel has now been the final cog snapping into place for the new American police state. As Mr. Obama’s standard rhetoric increasingly resembles that of his idiot predecessor (minus the shit salesman with a mouth full of free samples style syntax of course) with references to that holy day 9/11 and threats against the ‘terrorists’ so America once more begins to resemble that fear-stricken land of scared little rabbits from back in the day when George W. Bush rode tall in the saddle, dissent was treason and honest questions were shouted down by political lynch mobs and propagandists as terrorist appeasement.

Be proud Americans, honor your heritage with the blissful knowledge that you can now shit in your pants during the last hour of your flights, wallow in your own filth for it is your collective cowardice and ignorance that has dragged those of us who have a fucking backbone and give a rat’s ass about civil liberties and freedom into that river of shit that you lovingly wallow in, it is your natural habitat you stupid motherfuckers, you rotten, shallow, yellow, spineless, willfully ignorant, fat, drunk and stupid bitches and bastards. Cowardice has spread like a virulent and terminal disease through this world’s largest lemming colony, it is nurtured by a willful ignorance that would be seen as shameful in any advanced civilization but here in Murka it is a virtue and a terrified and dim-witted populace is a tyranical system’s wettest of wet dreams. What has happened to this place?

Be proud of your legacy for the graves of your ancestors have been pissed on by your quivering bladders and your children and grandchildren have been sold like whores into lives of slavery by your ongoing capitulation to this horseshit. Where was the outrage when the Wall Street looters escaped with nary a slap on the wrist and the key to the U.S. Treasury to finance their gambling and Ponzi schemes while Americans were stripped of their jobs, lost their homes and then had the indignity forced upon them of having to actually pay for the lavish bonuses of the banksters this holiday season, the same fiends who sucked the marrow from the rotting carcass that was the once mighty American economy? Where is the outrage over the coming forced purchase of coverage from the insurance parasites with failure to comply being a crime? Where was the outrage when the Obama administration refused to release pictures of children being sodomized by sadistic military monsters at Abu Ghraib? Where was the outrage when Bush and Cheney’s domestic spying operations were left in place to serve the interests of the new Emperor and his minions, drunk on powers that they at one time denounced but learned to love once they controlled them? Where was the moral indignation at the escalation in Afghanistan? The cowardly use of drones to blast civilians into hamburger to protect the narcotics trade that has for so long served the interests of the elite in financing off the books black operations?

It wasn’t fucking there, that’s where it was and it isn’t there now that this mentally unstable dupe is allowed onto an airplane with a mini-bomb sown into his Fruit of the Looms. The panic was immediate, calculated and spread like poisoned pollen by a media propaganda machine that has no peer. On Christmas night Americans were wakened from their slumbers and taught to fear again, oh, it is that sweet, sweet fear that this filthy, rotting from the inside corpse of a democracy needs like the kiss of the dragon, the sweet taking of the spike into the vein, the megahit of adrenaline to the nervous system that revs the engine of the police state. Commandment Number One: There SHALT BE FEAR and let it ring from sea to shining sea while the inquisitions are prepared, the watch lists drawn up and the full body scanners installed so that surly failed policemen and the glorified door shaker security guards empowered by the state can sit and peek at cowed travelers in their full dirty, nasty, naked glory. How they will fantasize at the little boy penises and ripe little twats of prepubescent teen girls, there will no doubt be the sound proofed rooms where the chosen plucked fruit will be hauled off for private ‘screening’ and those lovingly conducted body cavity searches. This is the way it works in any dictatorship and these same procedures will one day be in your local shopping malls too because we must be kept safe from those dirty Satanic Muslims who want to kill us all for our blessed, God kissed, star-spangled freedoms. It’s just like 9-11 all over again and the irony that this greatest gift of them all to the fascists who run this corrupt cesspool would come on Christmas Day, it couldn’t be sweeter if jolly fat capitalist Santa had dropped off long haired liberal Jesus to be crucified for our sins anew.

Decades of Hollywood propaganda have successfully imbedded the image of the Arab male as a swarthy, foaming at the mouth, sneaky, America hating savage and therefore the image is all too easily conjured forth whenever the government decides that it becomes necessary to use as a tool for manufacturing consent. The fairly new slogan of ‘Islamofascism’ serves to perfectly illustrate this strategy. I reference a fine little book that I read quite awhile back called American Terminator which examines the affects of movies in shaping and reinforcing the basis for a mythical American exceptionalism and its desire for Empire, an Empire that now with a bankrupt society (both financially and morally) MUST have a police state to continue to exist. The following passage is from that book which I strongly recommend to everybody with an interest in just how celluloid serves as a delivery device that is very useful in the indoctrination process.

Fear is essential: ‘Be afraid, be very afraid’ is the American condition. To live in America is to be beset by fear, anxiety and insecurity, to be surrounded by potential harm, enemies and evil intent. And the wolf is always at the door. A nation of optimists is the more usual self-representation of America. Repetitively, Hollywood films conclude with a resolution, a rescue, and the winners ride off into the sunset or snuggle into a warm embrace that reassures us they will live happily ever after. The formulaic ending, however, is necessary because the plot, the narrative, is founded on and propelled by fear and anxiety, the dark essential underpinning of the American condition. For America fear is an original, natural condition, the inescapable birth rite (and birth right), the inherited condition of a fragile existence that must constantly be defended. Without fear there is no America; constant recourse to fear is the motivating force that determines its actions and reactions.

And might I add that the ongoing demonization/dehumanization of Muslims is very like what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews back before the gas chambers and blast furnaces were running at full capacity.

So wallow in your own shit you little patriotic soon to be pickled piggies, twiddle your thumbs and above all obey authority whether it be legitimate or not for your number is coming up for your big ride to the steel chute. Enjoy your last moments of blissful ignorance, of your rotten fence sitting acquiescence, your sniveling consent, the luxury of your stupidity and bask in the smell of your feces, you shall soon be forced to eat it. And most of all enjoy the most putrid stench of them all, the stench of denial because like your historical brethren in Krautland who just didn’t notice the smell emanating from the smokestacks at Auschwitz and the other state liquidation facilities neither shall you when your neighbors are turned into so much human smoke.

You best of intentioned crusader liberals, you goddamned ignoramus Beckers, Palinazis and teabaggers, so intent are you at your little games where you are manipulated like the brainless meat puppets that you have always been can now continue to squabble while the yokes are prepped for the slaves who have been deprived of freedom due to your ignorance, your rotten abandonment of the most basic of duties that would make you informed participants in a functional country. You have all failed, don’t blame the billion dollar indoctrination machine that is the media, as there is free will so you too are free to not jettison your minds, you spines, your civic responsibilities. Shit, why am I even wasting my time, it’s like pearls before swine….ignorant fucking swine shitting on each other as they near the chutes.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Rising Swine: Pandemic or Propaganda?

Is it just me or has the swine flu pandemic panic been a very fortuitous occurrence for one Richard B. Cheney and his fellow war criminal scum. It was only last week that the horrors of the torture memos were the order of the day and a pitched battle was being fought by activists and patriots over the waffling Obama administration’s ongoing failure to enforce the law. But then the word went out that we were all going to die and the media mongrels quickly snapped up the bullshit biscuits and stood on their hind legs begging for more. The torture memos are now a part of history, cast down the memory hole. It’s time to just move along as the Pope of Hope says, nothing to see here. We have work to do on our national rejuvenation you see and any sort of restoration of the law would be seen as a partisan witch hunt and reek of vengeance. Besides, our very own Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, your illustrious and feckless Democratic leaders were privvy to it all anyway.

Not to minimize the dangers of a global pandemic, especially not in a day when the world is run by hard core criminals, financial jackals and eugenics freaks. Anyone with a good feel for history and the way that the fuckers think has to be on alert every time that a potentially devastating and population reducing virus rears it’s head. Hey, I’ve read the white papers, am very cognizant of the seething disdain for the teeming masses that one still sliming around the planet Henry Kissinger once referred to as “useless eaters” and have this wild hair up my ass lately about the culling. But right now, with the country in panic mode but still with only isolated cases to this point it smells very badly to me, and not the sweet smell of the decomposing corpses laid low by Captain Trips in Stephen King’s epic post-apocalyptic novel The Stand. This smells like yet another of those fear and sensationalism media events that so often seem to swallow real and important news stories, relegating them to the shredder of memory and well out of the attention span of the average ant-brained American over-consuming, maxed-out sheep.

Being a suspicious person by nature and then turned into an even more hardened cynic by the abominations of the Bush-Cheney reign of terror and the feckless corporate toady Dems who enabled their every illegal act, I am not convinced by all of this fear mongering. One week’s pirates is another week’s pandemic and there is nothing like a massive distraction that our lazy, inept, careerist legions of media charlatans and hacks find to be easier work than blowing every morbid event out of proportion. You sure as hell aren’t going to find any of those twits who found the money to be better acting as shills rather than as true reporters out doing the hard work like getting to the bottom of the international criminality of the Bush administration, Jane Harman and others treasonous fornication with AIPAC and other agents of foreign governments or even the mass looting and wealth redistribution now entering stage two as Wall Street strikes back. No, they would rather circle like lazy vultures, slowly picking the flesh from molested and murdered children, masturbating over missing white teenaged females or drooling over the latest lurid celebrity sex scandal.

The opportunism here is incredible already and never forget that there is money to be made over mass panics, look at the windfall for Bayer when the still unsolved Anthrax attacks back in 2001 for example. Both Gilead and Roche the developer and manufacturer of the Tamiflu stand to make out very well as do Glaxo and Relenza and the stock is shooting up right now, that’s what you just gotta love about American capitalism, there is never any shame over profiteering over pestilence. Conversely, the storyline is already out there that a pandemic would severely damage the wondrous economic rejuvenation that is now under way as a result of the hugely successful coordinated public relations coup that was patterned after the General Petreaus SURGE and assisted greatly by both the changing of the mark to market accounting rules as well as the Wall Street mole filled Obama administration’s ongoing capitulation to the big boys of banking.The four-flushing financial oligarchs are now going to have it both ways, they can blame any loss of confidence in their Ponzi schemes on the pandemic while gambling on pharmaceuticals.

Reich wing squawkers like Glenn ‘General Bethlehem’ Beck raged that it was all a liberal plot by that hated commie Obama to pressure the Republican dead enders to cave on their filthy filibuster and confirm Kathleen Sebelius as HHS Secretary. Sebelius was of course confirmed yesterday after the fascists were blindsided by the news that Arlen ‘the magic bullet’ Specter changed his party affiliation to Democrat – one P.R. disaster a day is enough for the American brownshirts. Other flaming propagandists of the fascist right like Michael Weiner-Savage to no surprise blamed it all on the illegal aliens “Make no mistake about it: Illegal aliens are the carriers of the new strain of human-swine avian flu from Mexico.” It was all in a day’s work for the rabid right and the carefully selected editors who use their filtering ability in order to control what Americans see and hear in the cesspool that is the corporate media.

While I remain skeptical about his latest national panic given the long and sordid history of fear mongering in Der Heimat I also am wary, this could be the real thing. After all, there are stories floating around that I find to be extremely disturbing and make me want to run out and stockpile canned food, bottled water and more ammo. Take for example the revelation that three vials of viral material went missing from Fort Detrick, MD recently, I am still creeped out over that story about the Georgia Guidestones that was recently sent to me by a friend and there is always that dread about exactly why did all of those microbiologists die under strange circumstances in the aftermath of the big wedding? Then there was that NPR interview where an allusion was made that the swine flu was spliced together with different strains that may have been cooked up in a laboratory, like I have already said, I would put absolutely NOTHING by these bastards who run the system and want to keep it that way.

As I finish this up over my morning cup o’ joe (coffee not that asshole talking head in whose office a dead intern was found) it has just been announced that the first American death from the swine flu virus has been confirmed. Maybe this is the big one, it is just impossible to make any sort of informed decision on anything that comes from the corporate media. Shit, just who the fuck can you trust anymore?

Now in closing, if any of you readers do happen to contact this nasty virus it is imperative that you act quickly so as to ensure that you are able to do the right thing while you are still strong (and alive for that matter) please be encouraged to go and hang out in one of the following places (the more the better) –

1: Evangelical Christian Megachurches
2: Gun Shows
3: Monster Truck Shows
4: Teabagger Gatherings (double bonus points for this one)

Then go get your meds!

Soylent Red, White and Blue

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.
-H. L. Mencken

I: Republican Ratfucker Dead-Enders

“May you live in interesting times” goes the familiar and eerily relevant Chinese curse and America circa 2009 is an eerie example of what whomever came up with that one had in mind. The economic collapse is gaining in momentum with the fraudulent markets in freefall, the ripple effects of the implosion of the FIRE economy now spreading into the real economy and the system desperately trying to save itself even if it must destroy the country itself in order to do so. In a land gripped by growing madness the dead-enders of the fascist Republican party become more angry, irrational and outright seditious with each passing day. The latest outrage this week is the ugly public tantrums of several Republican governors who are shamelessly and publicly balking at accepting funds for some programs from the diluted economic stimulus package that was signed into law last week by President Barack Obama. It is once again political party before country for these miscreant thugs, the whores of the oligarchy and their religion of tax cuts for the wealthy, an endless fountain of corporate welfare and a dumbed-down and desperate populace that is more easily controlled.

A bitter and recalcitrant bunch led by a red state rat pack including career scoundrel and now the overly corpulent governor Mississippi Haley Barbour. The cornerstone of peckerwood nation that Barbour reigns over deserves recognition as the 2008 winner of the dubious honor of being the fattest state in America that is Mississippi, their third title in a row. Just think of the 1970’s Pittsburgh Steelers and Joe Montana era San Francisco 49ers in terms of NFL football dynasties and you get an idea at exactly where Mississippi (answer to the joke: what has four eyes and can’t see?) ranks in the obesity hall of fame. With leadership like Barbour, the Magnolia State may yet see a Bill Russell era Boston Celtics decade long stranglehold on the title were it not for the economic decay that threatens to bring widespread hunger to the Homeland. Along with Barber were Gov’s Mark Sanford of South Carolina (who did offer to pray for the people needing the aid), the oily Rick Perry of Texas and GOP rising star Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a glad-handing little twerp of a deceitful charlatan who looks like he could be a rug merchant in the Mumbai slums. After B.J.’s embarassing response to Obama’s rousing speech on Tueday night perhaps he should consider whether or not such a career change is in order, there is nothing like being butt-fucked live on national television that is the kiss of death for political aspirations, other than that there is always American Idol or Dancing With the Stars. He reminded me of a talking Pinocchio style puppet version of Bob Denver, only with a much better tan and without Gilligan’s trademark hat.

The raw cynicism of the fascist RNC in trotting out whatever minority mouthpiece of the week (before Jindal it was Michael Steele) as a counter to Obama is as transparent and ridiculous as them trying to put lipstick on the pig of the McCain campaign by seeking to tap into the bitter PUMA demographic by pimping that wolf murdering moron Sarah Palin. Jindal is just the latest in a long and storied line of Louisiana flam flam-men in the tradition of Edwin Edwards but the stench of desperation is as palpable as it is fetid. Personally I would have far more respect for the fascist rump party of dead enders had they rolled out another Louisianan of note, David Duke as their official spokesman. At least he actually believes in something and no matter how vile that it may be he is genuine and that makes him unlike the gravy train riding flea-market bargains like Bobby J. and Ichabod Cantor. Just peer beneath the surface of every one of these preening and preaching Republican ass-clowns and there is the leering visage of that philandering little fascist dwarf Newt Gingrich and his fellow anti-American right-wing jihadists.

Now goaded on by the oligarchs, the bankers and the blood barters, the paid shills and stooges are increasingly turning to some old bread and butter tactics like red baiting (so much of an anachronism in 2009 that it would be piss in your pants funny were so many of the knuckle dragging lumpen-Republikkkans not buying it) and an increasing virulent form of blatant racism as was evident with last week’s Ruppert Murdoch owned New York Post’s kill the monkey cartoon. How comical is it when a Wall Street subsidized punk like CNBC’s Rick Santelli can get up and demagogue about a ridiculous Chicago Tea Party protest over an Obama administration plan to help homeowners and not the criminal scum bankers that he works for. The Santelli’s of this world have a lot riding on continuing to carry water for the robbers and banksters – their fucking jobs! The hew and cry against the dreaded nationalization of the insolvent banks by the keening carnival barkers like Santelli and the insipid, screaming lunatic Jim Cramer (who more appropriately belongs outside the geek tent pimping a feces eating contest or better yet in a padded cell at his local insane asylum) and the legions of other paid shills is only guaranteed to grow louder and in some cases, as I am going to mention, much more dangerous as the grand scale financial crooks look to lock in their gains and escape with nary a consequence for their thievery.

The gumption of the reactionary fascist bloc is indicative of a savage and rabid cornered rat, still stinging over the massive public rejection of last November the red-ass party is now unified in opposing the impending nationalization of the failed banking system. I say impending because despite lobbyist pressure, a vast media propaganda apparatus, right-wing think tanks that pop up like incurable herpes genital warts and a frothing at the mouth underclass looking for scapegoats because the chain reaction has already been set off and nothing is going to stop the collapse of the Ponzi economy. Game’s up jack, it ain’t ever comin’ back and the planet killer asteroid that are the derivatives aren’t even on the radar screen yet. The derivatives are the doomsday machine coming home like the prodigal son of looter capitalism turned Hannibal Lecter and with Oedipal revenge on the mind to fuck mommy up the ass and whack daddy into McNugget sized snack treats for later on when watching The O’Reilly Factor on TIVO.

The derivatives are the insanely complicated hedges, side bets, grand scale financial chicanery that should be illegal so dangerous are they. The wizards and masters of the universe like their scientific madman geniuses who build machines that could create an Earth destroying black hole have in their greed, arrogance and the smugness that could only come from having the entire political and judicial system in their pockets along with the trump card of a bought and paid for media built what capitalist hero Warren Buffett once called financial weapons of mass destruction. We aren’t even hearing about these fuckers yet and that my friends should scare the shit out of everyone. As the muckraker Upton Sinclair once remarked “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”, and the derivatives monster albeit insanely complex and convoluted will no sooner be addressed by the “experts” and “many economists” that you regularly see mentioned in financial news than the fact that the house of cards of the Ponzi economy was in the crosshairs of a category five shitstorm. Always remember that these same “experts” and “economists” failed to acknowledge the problem in the first place, choosing to mock the experts like Nouriel Roubini who dared to call bullshit and earned the nickname Dr. Doom as a result of his heresy. It was as recently as nine or so months ago that the carnival barkers and shit salesmen were saying that the economy was still “fundamentally sound”.

There will of course always be distractions and the suckers in ample supply as always will continue to bite. In the great 1980’s Bruce Willis movie Die Hard an international group of thugs invade and take over Nakatomi Plaza, holding hostages and all under the pretense of terrorism. The real truth is that the terrorist ploy was designed to provide cover for a massive robbery and in the end all the hostages would be marched up to the roof of the building which mined with C4 explosives would be blown up, killing all of the hostages and allowing the perps to escape to their beaches of choice where they could bask in the sun collecting interest on their plundered loot. What is going on now with the terrified oligarchy and the manufactured distractions from their propaganda parrots is reminiscent of exactly that.

II: Games Without Frontiers, War Without Tears

The fascist controllers are in full recognition of the rising tide of anger that is the result of economic despair brought on by a rotted and failed system. I would suggest that any who may have some degree of doubt about the coming reaping of the whirlwind her in Der Homeland only take a look around them for signs. In a couple of recent articles that I personally find relevant, Michael Klare’s A Planet On The Brink and Chris Hedges’ Bad News From America’s Top Spy. The observation that the political unrest that is currently occurring outside our little flag draped cocoon of ignorance and denial will soon be coming to America. An additional reading assignment is this article from The Guardian entitled Summer of Rage.

Hedges’ piece is particularly disturbing in that he speaks of the Obama administration’s newly minted Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dennis Blair. During testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee Blair spoke gravely of the repercussions of the financial meltdown that could lead to domestic riots, mass protests and widespread civil disobedience. Blair, a man with a bit of a history of disregard for human rights (note his involvement in East Timor attrocities) as well as the monstrous, ever intrusive police state apparatus at his disposal. The latter surveillance and repression complex that still operates with total impunity and is not subject to any form of legitimate oversight or accountability despite the change in management at the Washington whorehouse.

Mr. Hedges in his aforementioned piece also links to a U.S. Army War College report entitled Known Unknowns: Unconventional “Strategic Shocks” in Defense Strategy Development that specifically recommends that the military be prepared to respond within U.S. borders against American citizens for the coming backlash as the economic deterioration quickens and the rising tide of anger reaches the boiling point. The big boys know that the cataclysm is coming and are ready to respond to it with extreme prejudice.

In layman’s terms, the state is soon going to be weaponized by the very parasites who have sucked the country dry and sold us all out for chump change and are going to make damned sure that the rabble is put down like rabid dogs when the time comes. Now that Posse Comitatus has been rendered irrelevant and the new programs that grew out of the shadow government’s prototype REX 84, Cable Splicer and Garden Plot martial law plans are ready to be implemented. The trap is about to slam shut just at the time that a growing number of the general public is finally starting to get the point that the late, great George Carlin articulated so greatly in his epic rant about who really owns America:

Forget the politicians. They’re irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. They own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls!

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interest. That’s right.

You know something? They don’t want people who are smart enough sitting around the kitchen table to figure out they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard thirty fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paper work, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.

And now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later. Because they own this fucking place. It’s a big club… and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.

By the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long, beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy.

The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hard working people. Blue collar, white collar, doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard working people continue… these are people of modest means… continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you. At all. At all. At all. And nobody seems to notice. And nobody seems to care.

That’s what the owners count on, the fact that Americans will remain wilfully ignorant about the big red, white and blue dick that is being shoved up their ass every day. Because the owners know the truth. It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Of course the ownership society always meant one thing and one thing only, they own our asses, the game is rigged alright and the oligarchy is going to ensure that it stays rigged even if they have to call in the jackbooted thug paramilitary types, the militarized police and even the fucking military itself to protect the looters. Anyone who has read Naomi Klein’s brilliant and seminal book The Shock Doctrine knows how the game works. The oligarchy could always count on massive public ignorance as long as the lemmings watched T.V. and went shopping, then there was the element of constant fear implemented post 9/11 by the Republican neo-Nazi thugs and their tool George W. Bush (himself the grandson of a Nazi enabler). Now though with the cataclysm still only in the early innings the zeitgeist is starting to turn on the pirates of plunder. This stunning ‘joke’ by comedian Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher series is as viciously audacious as it is dangerous to those who have presided over the biggest robbery in history:

Now I am saying…I don’t think we should put all the bankers to death, just two. I mean maybe it’s not technically legal but let’s look at the upside – if we killed two random greedy pigs…I mean KILLED – like blew them up at halftime of next year’s Super Bowl or left them hanging on the big board of the New York Stock Exchange with their balls in their mouths – I think it would really make everyone else sit up and take notice.

I can guarantee you that the ruling class is taking notice and is putting their protectors on notice, the horrifying little National Guard urban warfare training exercise in Arcadia, Iowa is an example of what is really going on, largely in a cone of media enforced silence, you don’t want the cattle to know that when they reach the end of the chute that the pneumatic air-hammer is going to smash their brains into jelly prior to the slaughter. The creation of NORTHCOM and the now infamous Army Times story about battle hardened troops being brought home from Iraq are puzzle pieces that are falling into place. Rob Kall, editor of the great website Op Ed News did a piece earlier this week called Coming Soon – Riots in America?, in which he speaks of many of the same things that I am addressing in this posting but this is the truly ominous piece from Mr. Kall:

I just spoke to a friend who knows someone who is trying to get out of the military because they are training returning troops for riot control to take over US cities and he doesn’t want to be a soldier dealing with US citizens. On top of that, these returning Iraq vets are burned out and “fried” with PTSD and exhaustion. And he doesn’t want to pick up arms against his own country.

This same source says the military is setting up a separate communication system. In the military, securing or taking out communications is one of the first steps. If you are an invader, you need to bring your own communication system because you have to assume that the existing system will be destroyed or compromised.

The future, as Leonard Cohen once put it, is murder. The Army War College study that I referenced earlier is reminiscent of a British Ministry of Defense report from back in 2007 that was written about in the London Article with the title: Revolution, Flash Mobs and Brain Chips and among many other extremely troubling predictions this one particularly seems to be of an increased degree of relevance given the current breakdown in the global social order:


“The middle classes could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by Marx,” says the report. The thesis is based on a growing gap between the middle classes and the super-rich on one hand and an urban under-class threatening social order: “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest”. Marxism could also be revived, it says, because of global inequality. An increased trend towards moral relativism and pragmatic values will encourage people to seek the “sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism”.

Pressures leading to social unrest

By 2010 more than 50% of the world’s population will be living in urban rather than rural environments, leading to social deprivation and “new instability risks”, and the growth of shanty towns. By 2035, that figure will rise to 60%. Migration will increase. Globalisation may lead to levels of international integration that effectively bring inter-state warfare to an end. But it may lead to “inter-communal conflict” – communities with shared interests transcending national boundaries and resorting to the use of violence.

The article is subtitled A Grim Vision of the Future, that is the future for those who happen to be on the receiving end of the grand ass-fucking of globalization. Note that the MOD report ties the social upheaval due to the anger of those robbed by the globalists to that old devil Karl Marx whose writings have provide so much ideological cover in the past to those seeking to strip mine the planet. It is especially notable that any progressive or leftist attempts to take over the power structure are always painted up like the fake devil Marx when it comes to having to justify the systematic use of torture, murder and illegal internment that is the basis for fascist capitalism. We have seen this game before, we have seen it in Latin America, Africa, across Europe and the Asian continents, we have seen it in the Arab world and now it is being used to put down the citizens of the Anglo-American empire itself who are now victims of this corrupt system of institutionalized rape and thievery. Imperialism is nothing more than murder and slavery, it has always been that way.

III: The Summer of Rage – Hijacking the Revolution

Divide and conquer is the oldest tactic in the book. This strategy is playing out right now as the guardians of the oligarchy use their bought and paid for corporate media pulpits to propagandize and deceive. Notable is FOX News’ involvement in fomenting violence and seeking to splinter and confuse the victims of the grand Ponzi scheme into attacking each other rather than the real cause of their misery. Glenn Greenwald addressed this in his recent piece entitled Fox News “war games” the coming civil war.

In a flaming Fox News extravaganza, bursting at the seams with more than the usual fascist bullshit dime store demagogue Glenn Beck (the former local Tampa Bay hack who used to specialize in staging ‘big eater’ runs prior to being called up to the hatemongering big leagues) spoke of a coming civil war. The GOP Gladio (the reference is to a famous fascist WW II stay behind operation) will be led by get this – “bubba” militias aka the dregs of WASP society out to get some payback against that Commie, Muslim ‘nigger’ in the White House, armed to the teeth and jacked up on a mixture of Jesus juice, horny goat weed and home brewed methamphetamine. The really slick and Rovian shrewdness of this dastardly black propaganda operation is the intent to fragment the growing resistance movement by attempting to peel off the anti-imperialist, anti-globalist, anti-Federal Reserve types that have most recently found a haven in the Ron Paul libertarian camp. The same sort of folks that Herr Beck had previously decried as kooks, dangerous extremists, terrorist sympathizers and anarchists back when the Bushreich was still in power.

Now Beck, the cheapjack opportunist that he is sees a golden opportunity to appease his war-freak masters and catapult the already bloated, putrescent and rotting carcass of Rush Limbaugh into a primo position as field marshal of the angry white army. It’s like the copy machine salesman turned conqueror General Bethlehem in the movie The Postman only with the moon-faced one being the fucking lunatic in this one. Beck has designs on grabbing a ride on the gravy train of think tank subsidized fascism with his national cable soapbox being the perch from which he can deliver his strident and inflammatory rhetoric and seduce the ignorant fucking bastards who are too goddamned dumb to realize WHO has really fucked them over into joining his dead-ender, zombie remnants of the armies of 16, all that remains of Republican power after a three and a half year train wreck that began at Terri Schiavo’s hospice, spilled over into a seedy hotel where Pastor Ted was smoking dicks, took a turn for the worst in the horrendous national fuckup that was the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina, stalled further when Satan finally had an opening spot to call Jerry Falwell’s fat ass home and was splattered across the deflector shields with the insane, paranoid babbling of Mr. 9/11 Rudy Giuliani, the somnolent Fred Thompson and the disastrously botched McCain-Palin campaign.

The opportunity is there for a new face, and the jackboots are a very good fit on Beck, Rush is about ready to pick up his golden briefcase and spend the rest of his years stalking child prostitutes in the Dominican Republic and feeding his Oxycontin jones – the facists have grabbed that big fucker by his man tits and milked him dry. Glenn Beck is the future.

FOX’s War Games project has in addition to Beck recruited a veritable rogues gallery of racists, operatives and military industrial complex information warriors like the ‘former’ CIA agent and Osama bin Laden groupie Michael ‘kill ‘em all’Scheuer, on call Pentagon pimp Tim Strong and a gaggle of other so-called ‘experts’ who wear their fascism on their sleeves. Fox also cannily offers airtime to Congressman Paul along with trends forecasting guru and self proclaimed “political atheist” Gerald Celente (who I happen to be a big fan of) in order to launder their disinfo through a cheesecloth thin guise of semi-legitimacy. Make no mistake though, these people are the modern day heirs to the same fascist traitors who once tried to overthrow Roosevelt by recruiting former Marine Corps General Smedley D. Butler to lead a coup d’etat (known as the Business Plot) against the legitimately elected government of the United States. Butler, a loyal American played coy, gathered intel and then ratted those disloyal scum out as the enemies within that they were then and their legacy remains to this day.

Glenn Beck is nothing more than a descendant to the sort of fascist pocket propagandist of which the prototype was a vicious demagogue named Father Charles Coughlin who was bought off during an economic crisis to foment violence, support the system of exploitation and lead an angry army that in all likelihood included the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the modern day dittoheads. Now as history repeats itself in a slightly different manner as it is wont to do the economic royalists are using the same old methodology in the creation of a counter-progressive movement loyal to the oligarchy and the forces of American fascism. I excerpt the following from a 1939 pamphlet by Joseph Hansen –Father Coughlin: Fascist Demagogue:

Fascism is a combination of two things.

First, it is a wide mass movement of farmers and small businessmen who face bankruptcy, of youth denied a future under capitalism, of sections of the unemployed. All these layers of the oppressed who are seeking desperately to put their hands on the surrounding plenty become hypnotized by the silver-plated promises of a demagogue who regiments them into blindly obedient shock troops.

Secondly, it is financed and controlled by the very capitalists who above all are anxious to keep the revolutionary violence of the masses from turning against them. In America – the DuPonts, the Morgans, the Rockefellers – the Sixty Families.

To the rank and file followers of fascism, at first it seems a genuine revolutionary way out of their misery. They discover the truth too late.

The capitalists provide the money. The dictator provides the powerful slogans, the stirring names, the demagogic program, the organization, the lieutenants and the oratory.

That the fascist Republican rat-fuckers are unified in opposing the reforms of President Barack Obama, a man whose chief shortcoming is in failing to as yet realize the doomed naïve futility of a bi-partisan peace with those whose goal is the further destruction of the American working classes is likely to make him a one term wonder – if that long given the recent uptick in racism and violent threats coming from the extreme right. Charisma will only take a man so far as John F. Kennedy so brutally learned as a large chunk of his skull was blown off by the bullets of assassins, especially true when facing a relentless and driven enemy, a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy of fascist fifth columnists. The goal of the Republican neo-Nazis is nothing other than an aborted or otherwise botched Obama presidency which will then give way to a resurgence of their new dictator, this time they won’t choose a fool like George W. Bush and the full powers of a police state that the star-crossed Democrats are failing to dismantle at his or her disposal with which to utilize in a god-kissed, flag-wrapped version of a final solution. The deranged apple pie authoritarians are now plotting their resurrection, the failure to act now and with an iron will to destroy them will only result in a misery and suffering unheard of in this once great land of plenty.

The dupes who are recruited as shocktroops are always the last ones to get it and with these dopes it will be no different, they won’t realize that they have been played until they are broken and eventually targeted by those who had used them for being too dangerous – permanent revolution is not what the fascist pricks are looking for and these useful idiots will be expendable as history shows that they always have been. With reliable fascist tools like Beck and FOX revving up the shock troops, Admiral Blair openly musing about using the military in putting down the rabble and the job losses mounting could it be long before the four flushing looter capitalist oligarchs who run this shithouse put two and two together and realize that dissidents could be very easily converted into Sweeney Todd meat pies? Hell, the prototype for a pilot program already exists in China, the land of goons where greedy and amoral transnational corporations go to beta test their products for the day that they will be rolled out in Der Heimat. The gruesome and macabre Death Van story comes to mind, could it be long before these are painted up in red, white and blue, affixed with a big yellow smiley face and sent to pick YOU up?

IV: Revolutionary Moi

When the shit really doe shit the fan you can count me in with the folks who are smarter than the ones who are duped by the tinpot despots, their drooling demagogues and the ‘bubba’ militias who will be out there targeting libruls as the new Juden. Hell, bring the cocksuckers on, they will get a twelve-gauge enema form me and many others who are not too stupid to be suckered by the rulers of chumpland. Count me in with the people who pumped their fists in the air over Bill Maher’s ‘joke’ about killing two bankers. But as a sworn enemy of tyranny, fascist oppression and the looting bastard parasites that Thomas Jefferson warned of:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

And I might say…why only two?

Were George Washington, Jefferson and the rest of the revolutionary patriots who founded this country in casting off the yoke of slavery of the king and his paper merchants still around there wouldn’t be enough lampposts and trees to hang these fuckers from. Hell, let’s have a full-blown, storm the Bastille French style REVOLUTION!! Eat the rich, roll out the guillotines and let the fun begin. We can even ‘invite’ Glenn Beck, Rick Santelli and the other fascist stooges to help with the testing process. I mean, don’t we want to get the guillotine settings just right in regards to calibrating the blade drop for maximum efficiency before we get to the filthy looters themselves? Shit, why not ‘invite’ ALL of the mouthpieces for the four-flushing bastards who have destroyed this country and now are trying to implement their police state to ‘blow the roof’ while they slither off to Dubai or some other refuge with no extradition treaty? They hanged Julius Steicher at Nuremberg didn’t they? Did he really ever personally kill any Jews or did his propaganda rag Der Stürmer only make him an accomplice to the mass murders? Shit, Charles Manson killed fewer people than George W. Bush and one is on spending his fourth decade on death row while the other is already racking up future appearances on the speaking circuit.

What the fuck?

I will close now with this, I am not exactly sure of where exactly where it came from but I really like it:

There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:


Please Use in that order

(editor’s note, be sure to stockpile #4)

This is a revolution call, a call to arms and the scourging of the fascists, the conniving banksters and the oligarchy that has declared war on US, the American people. Heed this call and we can reclaim our legacy as a free people as well as our cherished birthright –


By Ed Encho

New Management, Same Bogeymen

I understand that fear is my friend, but not always. Never turn your back on fear. It should always be in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed.

-Hunter S. Thompson

Other than the flogging to death of the usual horseshit talking point by the pocket media kingmakers, this one being the Team of Rivals which is the most vomit inducing three word phrase since Joe the Plumber, the early days of the incoming Barack Obama administration are seeing the establishment resort to the same old bread and butter that so served the ruinous Bushreich. I speak of course of the demonic and omnipotent global terrorist network al Qaeda (or more appropriately al CIAda) which has enjoyed a major renaissance since our ‘transformational’ (translation: same old fascist bullshit) election.

In recent days the circle jerk propagandists have invoked the fear and terror card early and often in stirring up dread and beating back those godless libruls who would dare to question the established dogma of the “center-right nation” by demanding that the chosen one be held to account for some actual change rather than just another cynical ploy for the American suckers along the lines of a P.T. Barnum saying that we have all come to hold so dearly. God forbid that the rapidly collapsing house of cards that is American looter capitalism to EVER be seriously challenged nor the global network of militarism and black ops that it uses as a defense mechanism. That the empire is collapsing is apparent to all but the most loopy Sarah Palin worshipping shitheads and assclowns but the chiselers, the looters, the moochers and the war freak blood barters are doing everything that is still within their power to prop it up, slap a fresh coat of paint on it and sell it as the greatest holiday deal of them all, roaches, termites and cracked foundation be damned.

Yesterday saw the official announcement that the U.S. is indeed in a recession and has been since last January (so much for all of that hucksterism of the fundamental soundness of the economy) which simply means that conditions have deteriorated beyond the point of lying anymore and still being able to dupe the disciples of CNBC’s preening court jester Jim Cramer and his can’t miss institutionalized buffoonery. This fucker is going down hard, the clever little manipulations of statistics that were so well exposed by Kevin Phillips in his recent book Bad Money no longer work. Chairman Ben can’t scramble enough helicopters to meet the looming threat of another depression and the temple of the moneychangers known as the Federal Reserve is unable to further cut interest rates. This quasi-governmental monstrosity created to protect the interests of Wall Street bankers has been strapped by panicky actions, lies and more damned lies, a quisling Congress that imbued Goldman Sachs criminal Hank Paulson with dictatorial powers at Treasury to steal American taxpayer money to buy worthless counterfeit paper. The Fed is dead and a huge and ugly globalization of the financial system is coming and coming soon, there is simply no other way to deal with cleaning the shit out of the diapers of high-rolling Wall Street trust fund babies.

So what is one to do? Christmas is coming, daddy and mommy are unemployed and facing foreclosure and junior and sis are caterwauling over the thousands of dollars in new toys that they have been bred to expect are their god given rights. It’s as Herman Goering once famously said:

“Naturally the common people don’t want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY.”

So the answer is obvious, the incoming administration (while I am withholding judgment for the time being) is sending too many signals that it will be but another tool of the existing establishment and is going to double-down on the wars of conquest that we as a society have become inculcated with since birth. Of course there was the sweet potato pie serendipity of the Thanksgiving eve Mumbai terrorist attacks which were of course immediately blamed on al CIAda through insinuation by a media propaganda machine that has become more discredited by the day. Now that a story has actually surfaced that somebody in U.S. intelligence community actually warned of just these sort of attacks it reeks of the same sort of false flag daredeviltry but on a much smaller scale than that great day when our history was erased by ultra fascist coup plotters: 9/11/2001! This whole thing stinks and knowing full well the history of the PNAC boys, the immoral Kissinger crowd and big time Machiavellian schemers like Zbigniew Brzezinski it seems like a perfect excuse to change venues for the wars that are our reason for existence to Pakistan by pinning the blame on them. Dare I say that I am more than a bit cynical and very justifiable so after last years big lie that Benazir Bhutto died by hitting her head on the sunroof instead of being murdered in cold blood. I also must say that the hypocrisy of many on the left now that the Democrats are back in power by embracing flagrant acts of agression and militarism as long as they are the ones in charge is already beginning to bubble up like the worst form of digestive bile.

The shame continues for the pocket media kingmakers with the revelations that major networks serve as nothing more than shills for perpetual war for perpetual peace as in this New York Times piece of the other day regarding the rotation of former military ‘experts’ onto the payroll to pimp for the ugly behind the green curtain wetwork of the empire. In an interesting footnote Maureen Dowd of the NYT just did a column on the offshoring of the news and a primary reason for that practice is that to anyone with a lick of sense the media has NO obvious purpose rather than to induce guffaws and trigger gag reflexes. The fact that Ms. Dowd is bemoaning the going rate of a penny a word to Indian scribes who while not local also are not elitist fat-asses and dick smoking appeasers to beltway power is ironic in that it was her own employer and felon Scooter Libby fuckbuddy Judith Miller whose ongoing lying on behalf of the neocons has largely been responsible for a mainstream press and legions of electronic crackpipe dwelling, smack talking jibberheads and big titted bimbos whose credibility is only slightly higher than a blob of whaleshit and only because whaleshit is on the bottom of the sea. Hell, how can you even expect to seriously compete with swarms of dedicated activist bloggers (most of whom incidentally largely do what they do for free), alternative news reporters with a taste for real investigative work and low cost overseas labor. This is what happens when the journalism schools of a rotting society focus on turning out politically correct, indifferent, careerist P.R. flacks who wouldn’t recognize H.L. Mencken if he rose from the grave and kicked them right square in the middle of their lazy asses.

But I digress..

The past several days have seen a veritably horn of plenty of stories about why we as Americans should never be allowed to emerge from our cocoons of ignorance and fear because THEY are out to kill us and there will be no serious CHANGE when it gets right down to it. Mr. Obama (a “House Negro” for empire according to an on cue chiming in by al CIAda number two Ayman al-Zawahri) will soon take possession of the nuclear football along with the keys to the White House but he is damned well going to have minders as is evident by the presence of veteran spook Bob Gates (at least he managed to stop the neocons from starting WWIII so he deserves a bit of slack I guess) and the queen of the Clinton Crime Family so that the continuity of skullduggery from Mena to Mumbai has now been officially sanctioned. The stories that are being pumped out like link sausage made with tainted skunk meat are hyping a looming biological weapon attack no later than 2013 (which conveniently will allow for four years of less ostentatious fear mongering from the Team of Rivals and a Pentagon plan to further erode Posse Comitatus and allow for the total implementation of the fascist police state in Der Heimat is one of Gates’ centerpieces. Time will tell whether Obama is sincere or just a likeable Fozzie Bear frontman for the same filthy and bloody imperialism but the early days post election are not encouraging.
Time will tell whether Obama is sincere or just a likeable Fozzie Bear frontman for the same filthy and bloody imperialism but the early days post election are not encouraging.

The twelve days of Christmas in 2008 is likely to culminate with Osama bin Laden sitting up in that pear tree, fear has long ago come to be as American as apple pie or more appropriately due to the seasonal festivities – pecan pie and egg nog (both of which in excess incidentally give me a bad case of the screaming shits).

Let the thieving lying swine and filthy blood sucking imperialist bastards go off and hold their massive holiday bullshit sale someplace else, we are way overstocked here in chumpland!

Dirty Brown Skinned Devils

When I opened the advertising section of my Sunday newspaper I was much surprised to find the above little treasure mixed in with the circulars from chain stores hawking more of the same cheap made in China crap that has replaced American manufacturing and to a large degree had a big hand in our current economic disaster. A nice little mongering racist DVD with what else? A picture of old glory at half mast among the ruins of the World Trade Center. The DVD in question is some piece of propagandistic drivel called Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West.

Living here in the south, a bastion of strip mall churches, Raptureheads, ever declining living standards, a legacy of bigotry and an education system that should rightly be the shame of a more advanced state or a different era, my first thought was that either some zealot at the main distribution center or the carrier himself had inserted this insidious little bomb and while I was on hold to the circulation department to lodge a complaint I noticed that some mysterious right wing group called the Clarion Fund had been responsible for the paid advertisement. It wasn’t only my paper that got it either, the verbiage on the card that the DVD was attached to listed no fewer than 74 national newspapers that this thing was included in. So curious to find out what was behind this other than the obvious pre-election fear mongering to whip up the peckerwoods that swarthy Arab terrorists may be lurking under their beds waiting to slit theirs and their children’s throats I did a bit of research.

The Clarion Fund paid is a pro-McCain/pro Zionist aggression group who circulated a whopping 28 million of these little plastic motherfuckers in swing states! That would have taken some serious coin as well as organization because it takes clout to put such a politically charged and obvious fear mongering piece in this many newspapers. Could you imagine a group that was interested in promoting an agenda for a lasting Middle East peace and speaking of Muslims as actual human beings instead of portraying them as the typical cartoon devils being able to get such a thing accomplished no matter how much they were willing to pay? Fat chance! Here is a brief sample of the information on the DVD:

Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western Civilization. Using unique footage from Arab television, it reveals an ‘insider’s view’ of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. The film also traces the parallels between the Nazi movement of World War II, the radicals of today and the western world’s response to both threats.

The Nazi reference is a dead giveaway that this piece of crap has ties to militant ultra right wing Zionist groups and their sympathizers in the American military industrial complex, hell it could have been put together in the bowels of the American Enterprise Institute so insipid and over the top is the neocon agenda. According to Christian News Wire this particular video was to be widely promoted at the Republican National Convention and activists were encouraged to use it as an informational tool to work the political aparatchik for support. The actual quote from the action alert was that it was a: Documentary about radical Islam will challenge RNC to make national security top priority. The neocons are back and back with a vengeance. The fanatical Sarah Palin who will be the new face of the neo-Nazi agenda of the American theocratic movement along with her (?) Downs sticken stage prop of a demon love child, her fucking moose chunk stew, her entire putrid tabloid storyline and her affiliation with the most extreme hardliners has energized the movement as much or more as the presense of hated she devil Hillary-Rodham Clinton ever cold have hoped for.

Further research into this putrid effort at hatemongering in order to influence the upcoming election with the ‘low information voters’ (God, do I love that term – the politically correct way to say lazy, stupid, snake-mean motherfucker) and it’s the same film that that piss-reeking little troll David Horowitz was showing as he barnstormed the country on his Joe Lieberman-Lynne Cheney crusade to nazify the nation’s campuses. I half expect the Zionist warmongers and their foaming at the mouth Dominionist shock troops that comprise the real dregs of Republican party dead enders – folks like the Palin freak family to co-opt the Ku Klux Klan in mailings shrieking over the sheer anti-American concept of that negro being uppity enough to actually think that he can be president. But even the KKK has some standards unlike the neocon Nazi Christian Zionist army of ignorance and moral depravity.

Kudos though to The Greensboro News and Record though, the newspaper actually refused to include the 9/11 pimp’s pornography disc in their newspaper – and it’s as encouraging as hell that it happened in North Carolina, previously a bastion of resistance in Peckerwood Nation.

This from Editor and Publisher:

One Newspaper Refuses to Distribute ‘Islam Terror’ DVD

By Greg Mitchell

Published: September 15, 2008 10:00 PM ET

NEW YORK As explored here this past weekend, the Clarion Fund has paid dozens of newspapers across the country — almost solely in “swing” election states — and The New York Times to distribute the “Islam terror” DVD “Obsession” with their home delivery packages. Among the larger cities where this has taken place: Miami, Philadelphia, Denver and Pittsburgh.

An estimated 28 million copies have been distributed so far, also through the mails and other magazines. An article at the group’s site,, all but endorsed John McCain this past week, then was pulled down.

But at least one newspaper turned away the money and refused to distribute it, calling it “divisive.”

It’s the Greensboro News & Record in North Carolina.. The longtime editor, John Robinson, explained his reasoning in a column yesterday.

“Many newspapers across the country distributed a controversial DVD today about Islam, titled ‘Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West.’….We did not distribute it. I was not involved in the decision; it was an advertising call, in keeping with advertising policies.

“I asked our publisher about it. He said it was divisive and plays on people’s fears and served no educational purpose. The revenue it would have brought in was not a motivator.

“As I’ve said on other occasions about news decisions, just because you can publish doesn’t mean you should.”

It’s nice to see an example of real American values in this rotting land of cowardly feckless swine, moribund clueless lemmings and the oligarchy that they serve all while under the watchful eye of the rapidly closing trap of the police state.

And today has been one hell of an interesting day to put it mildly, the fetid, rotting carcass of the creature known as Reaganomics is rapidly disintegrating, leaving thousands of high fallutin’ Wall Street yuppies out of work, the same slimy little pricks who quote Gordon Gekko, masturbate over Alec Baldwin’s classic Glengarry Glen Ross “third place – you’re fired!” routine and who are now left to mill around in confusion and panic like a bunch of piss ants whose hill has just been kicked in by an inbred red state third grader. This is history folks, the fall of looter capitalism and we should all be ready to dance drunkenly in the streets and celebrate as if the Berlin Wall came down….better party now though because once Americans truly understand the real meaning of ‘trickle down economics’ we will be fighting to the death over food scraps in the streets or if we can just manage to get our shit together forming organized mobs to lay siege to the swells in their fortified gated communities that were built by greed. It is the opinion of this blogger that perhaps Marxism needs to be given a really serious look in the aftermath of this debacle or at least the heady days of the French Revolution, we can park the guillotine in the atrium at Goldman Sachs.

And finally, Hillary Rodham-Clinton donor Lynn Forester de Rothschild on the very day that the entire world banking system is further exposed as the biggest con game on the planet has formally announced that she would be coming out in support of John McCain. If the last name sounds familiar to some it is because she is an heiress to the great Rothschild banking dynasty and I’ll leave any further analysis to the New World Order folks who are already being smeared as conspiracy theorists by none other that Washington Times Moonie shill Robert Stacey McCain (no relation) who gets his kicks out of hanging around with southern white supremacists who get their thrills about dancing around like packs of drunken faggots in sheets in front of flaming crosses.

Methinks Lady Rothschild may feel a bit of anxiety that centuries of farting through silk may be coming to an end now that the big con of fractional reserve banking, debt slavery and central banks that serve the real economic royalists may be coming to an end.

Flag Pin Fascists

Quoting from the scriptures
With patriotic tears
We got the same old men
With the same old fears
Standing at attention
Wrapped in stars and stripes
They hear the phantom drummers
And the nonexistent pipes

-Don Henley, If Dirt Were Dollars

You have to give it to the Republicans, at least they are always consistent when it comes to sliming away with scurrilous charges questioning the patriotism of any who dare to question their extremist power grab. The latest season of the flag pin lapel frenzy is on again, the caterwauling of the conservatives (I use this term very loosely here because true conservatives abhor the fascists who have hijacked their good name) is being jacked up in combination with the ever present Muslim bashing, fear mongering and soon to be rolled out most kick ass clubs in the bag – Al Qaeda, 9/11 and the fantasy collaboration of Democrats with those insidious enemies of all that we love and hold dear here in ‘The Homeland’.

The flag pin thing really rubs me raw for some reason as though putting some ridiculous little metal symbol (likely made in China anyway) on your clothing somehow makes you more American than others, it’s as superficial and dishonest as all of those idiotic yellow ribbon magnets that used to adorn the backs of gas sucking SUV’s before the actual costs of Republican wars of aggression made them too expensive for the average American to drive so now they sit in the garages of over-mortgaged, over-priced McMansions.

The reich wing screeching is now reaching an ear splitting pitch over the failure of Barack Obama to display his ‘patriotism’ by wearing that crappy little pin that belongs more appropriately in a historical context in some European countries where symbols were of the utmost of importance – post Weimar Germany comes immediately to mind as does Communist Russia or for a more international flavor Maoist China. Despite their standard propaganda the modern day Republican Party actually cribs a good deal of their tactics from various authoritarian and totalitarian regimes.

Coming in the aftermath of the manufactured outrage over Michelle Obama’s statement that was somehow twisted into her not being proud to be an American (personally speaking I am ashamed to be one right now for obvious reasons but I will leave that for another time) and the Clinton dirt diggers leaking of that oh so Islamic picture of Mr. Obama to the Drudge Report (now a bipartisan dumping ground for fascist filth) the keening of the chickenhawks over his lack of that shitty little pin is offering up a glimpse at exactly the divisive, scorched Earth campaign that the cult of the dung encrusted elephant is going to be running once again as November nears. The porcine propagandist, grand master Karl Rove himself was out pimping the red meat fake patriotism on FOX last week:

Rove: “Look, with all due respect, he is a very left-wing Democrat. He came out of a very radical background in organizing. His record in the Senate is the most liberal, according to the ‘National Journal.’ He has been a conventional far-left Democrat. And we ought to recognize that. As a result, he has these associations and these people he has been comfortable being with who are not in mainstream America. Look, after 9/11, when he said true patriotism did not consist of wearing a lapel pin – – an American flag lapel pin on your lapel, but instead speaking out on the issues, he was basically, with the back of his hand, being very dismissive to millions of Americans who thought it was a patriotic act to put a flag pin on their lapel.”

Colmes: “Does he lack patriotism because he does not wear a lapel pan? Is he basically saying, patriotism isn’t about a pin? That is his point of view.”

Rove: “Alan, I didn’t say that. What he said was that people — he was implicating that people who did wear a flag on the lapel were not true patriots. My point is not — in America, you get to decide whether you want to wear a flag lapel pin or not. What he did though was say, it was true patriotism to speak out on the issue, not to wear a flag lapel pen. He was the one questioning the patriotism of people with flags on their lapels.”

Colmes: “I didn’t get that from what he said. What I got –“

Rove: “Read the statement carefully. He said, true patriotism — quote, true patriotism consisted of speaking out on the issues, not wearing a flag lapel pin.”

Colmes: “He wasn’t questioning people who wore it. He was questioning the war.”

Rove: “No, he was questioning the patriotism of those who did put a flag on their lapel. Admit it. I’m not questioning his patriotism. But he certainly questioned the patriotism of millions of people who felt the simple gesture of putting the flag on their lapel was a patriotic act, and it was.”

Mr. Rove, the man largely responsible for the ongoing exploitation of the 9/11 victims for political gain and the body count from the illegal wars that he acted to sell for the sake of the ‘permanent Republican majority’ (it sounds so much like the Thousand Year Reich that it is eerie but then again Rove has copied Goebbels at every opportunity) continues to rise exponentially is like a bad case of genital Herpes, he just won’t go away. Well if the Democrats had anything even remotely resembling a spine Rove needs to be rebutted with two little inconvenient truths that will never rear their heads even outside the FOX ministry of propaganda studios and they are:

1: Sticking feathers up one’s ass no more makes one a chicken than wearing a flag lapel pin makes one a patriot. (In Rove’s case a gerbil is likely a more desirable object but only speculation on my part because all of those White House logs detailing the visits of one Jeff Gannon have disappeared down the memory hole:


2: The great misconception that the flag pin somehow is representative of 9/11 is total horseshit, actually the Republicans who defended arch criminal Richard M. Nixon during the Watergate hearings wore them too. Republicans love to have fun with little thingies like that as is evident from all of those thoroughly tasteless purple band aids that adorned lapels to mock John Kerry during the 2004 Republican National Convention.

It is of little surprise that such criticism comes from chickenhawks and armchair patriots who never had the guts to serve, with the exception of John McCain (a self-admitted “baby killer” and “war criminal”) none of those who are braying the loudest about Obama’s lack of that silly assed little flag lapel pin ever even bothered to put on a uniform in service to their country. As a military veteran myself I find this sort of rhetoric deeply offensive, almost approaching the level of revulsion and contempt that I have for those whose real idea of supporting the troops is sitting on their asses in front of the television and pumping their fists like they were cheering for a goddamned football game while the body bags continue to come home containing the remnants of what used to be our finest young men and women who were blown to kingdom come for the freedom of dittoheads to remain snake mean and willfully ignorant.

They are the ones who are shouting the loudest for others to die in foreign lands, they are the ones waving the flag the most vigorously while undermining all that it is supposed to stand for. They are the armchair patriots, and they are being used by fifth columnists who really do hate us for our freedoms. The insistence of the most vile of all, the Republican party, a group that has come to symbolize the darkest of all American traits to ‘wave the bloody flag’ and tar all others as disloyal and treasonous is a low point in our nation’s history.

Of course being a Democrat he is by that very association deemed `unpatriotic’ and a `coward’ in using the dastardly labeling of Rove and the rest of the unscrupulous and yellow thugs who control the government, the media, the courts and by extension are the operators of the message machine that spits out the hateful swill that motivates the most reactionary and ignorant segments of the populace who represent their base. This anti-American political party could never carry the torch were it not for their deception and demagoguery in playing to the most base and vile instincts of the perennially angry. Like any good purveyor of tyranny enabling double speak and race baiting, they have a little something for everybody.

Festering resentment towards women? Welcome to the party.

Hate Arabs, Mexicans and Blacks? Step right in.
Do you fear those that want to kill us because they hate us for our freedoms? Worry not.

Think that the liberals are destroying the country? We do too.
Interested in killing em all and letting God sort em out later? Yesssss.

Are you on God’s side? Hallelujah, so are we.
Do you think Muslims are terrorists and agents of evil? That’s why WE are going to kill them.

Do you want to defeat the homosexual agenda? We are on your side and God is too.

The Constitution? It’s just a goddamned piece of paper, we have our flag pins!

The Republicans have made hay out of their twisted exploitation of the phony patriotism tactic and they only continue to piss on the graves of every American serviceman who ever gave his life for this country with their exaltation of fascism swaddled in the stars and stripes. Give me reality, not some whacko fantasy about who is more patriotic than the rest. To use the words of George Bernard Shaw “Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to other countries because you were born in it”. I am conducting a trivia contest as to which 1930’s nation was the one where patriotism and the worship of the almighty state were exalted above all else.

A nice little patriotic swastika adorned lapel pin is the prize to the lucky winner.

The Bushreich Battle Of The Bulge

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.

-Adolf Hitler

In late 1944, battered and on the brink of defeat due to the failed delusions of global domination by an extremist right-wing megalomaniac and his one party state, the German regime in a desperate attempt to regain their mojo and turn the tables on the advancing American armies threw everything but the Berchtesgaden kitchen sink into a massive counteroffensive famously known as the Battle Of The Bulge. It is no slight coincidence that the similarities between the playbooks of both Rove era Republicans and that certain twentieth century European regime of the mention of which is verboten in many areas of the liberal and progressive blogosphere but they continue to manifest themselves in the tactics of this rogue regime that has hijacked America and is once again reverting to their bread and butter strategy of going back to the future. The stench of fetid sauerkraut and charred flesh will be wafting in on the early September breezes emanating from the think tank kitchens where the bitches brew of anti-American warmongering propaganda is concocted. The Pentagon has even set up yet another of their psyops chop shops to pimp the war and keep the killing machine in overdrive.

A relentless propaganda campaign of extreme right-wing nationalism swaddled in the stars and stripes, yet another ripping of the scab from the festering wound of Vietnam for political advantage, exploiting the tragedy of 9/11 and going to the ‘we cold have won but the liberals and media stabbed us in the back’ card will soon be jacking up the pro-war fervor of an ignorant and pathologically angry base of dead enders as the Bush-Cheney junta seeks to prolong the escalation of his war of civilizations and bludgeon all opposition into submission no matter what the consequences are. From all indications there is going to be a huge Republican neofascist counter attack against the thoroughly lame Democrats, war critics and civil libertarians that will be so savage and vicious that it will be a wonder if there aren’t mass pogroms with blood running in the streets by the time that it is all over and the motherfucker brigades have been mobilized. Soon the screaming heads on FOX and CNN will be braying accusations of treason at the top of their diseased fucking lungs and the pocket media will provide cover for the warmongers. Longtime establishment shill George Will has already started with his recent Washington Post column that goes so far as to actually invoke Weimar entitled What September Won’t Settle:

Come September, America might slip closer toward a Weimar moment. It would be milder than the original but significantly disagreeable.

After the First World War, politics in Germany’s new Weimar Republic were poisoned by the belief that the army had been poised for victory in 1918 and that one more surge could have turned the tide. Many Germans bitterly concluded that the political class, having lost its nerve and will to win, capitulated. The fact that fanciful analysis fed this rancor did not diminish its power.


When Gen. David Petraeus delivers his report on the war, his Washington audience will include two militant factions. Perhaps nothing he can responsibly say will sway either, so September will reinforce animosities.

One faction — essentially, congressional Democrats — is heavily invested in the belief, fervently held by the party’s base of donors and activists, that prolonging U.S. involvement can have no benefit commensurate with the costs. The war, this faction says, is lost because even its repeatedly and radically revised objective — a stable society under a tolerable regime — is beyond America’s military capacity and nation-building competence, and it is politically impossible given the limits of American patience.

In comparing the America that awaits the bogus Patraeus Report written by White House flacks with Weimar Germany Will also sees the all too obvious analogy – only this time with history as a guideline as to what happens when an angry, rogue element is allowed to wave the bloody flag to marginalize, dehumanize and ultimately destroy those who have betrayed the glory of the state and the “November Criminals” while building a totalitarian death machine that was doomed to self destruct but not before claiming millions of victims it is essential that the brownshirts be put down like the rabid dogs that they are.
Something is in the air right now, that much is for sure and this is not the same country that it was six years ago that is evident from the crazed screed of neocon operative Michael Savage wanna be cocksucker named Stu Bykofsky that proclaimed that America NEEDED another 9/11 to among other things “quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America’s righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail”. What sort of a rancid and filthy goddamned place has this become when it is acceptable to openly advocate for the murders of thousands of innocents for the sake of rank political expedience for entrenched criminal sacks of shit and their miserably failed war that never should have been started in the fucking first place?
Extremist red state fascist sleeper cells are now being placed on full alert, treasonous fifth columnist apostate scum the likes of Pastor John Hagee along with that duplicitously rotten little dual loyalist bastard Joe Lieberman are out rousing the rabble of the Christian Zionist warmongers for yet more war against the enemies of God’s chosen land of Israel. Baring his fleshy butt cheeks as if to say “kiss my ass” at the contemptuous Vichy Democrats on his way out of Washington Karl Rove is now free to run amok. Now even veteran rat fucker Ari Fleischer is back with yet another of those swift boat style Orwellian named front groups called this one unbelievably named Freedom’s Watch that is going to launch a $15 million dollar blitzkrieg of slander, sewage and hate mongering just in time for that holiest of all holies -September 11th our great day of national fucking glory when the reset button was hit on the great experiment called democracy. I don’t make this shit up although it seems like such daredevil freefall leaps of faith down the rabbit hole just can’t fucking be real.
The Freedom’s Watch website not surprisingly features lots of American iconography straight out of Frank Luntz’s playbook with flying flags, a glowering eagle and enough ‘patriotic’ fascist style horseshit to ensure wavering red staters and raptureheads that the Republicans are REAL Americans not those limp wristed, terrorist symp, faggot worshipping, defeatist enemies of America whose logo is a freaking donkey for God’s sake! The Fleischer spots are among some of the most shameless and dishonest moments in the history of American marketing. They are so thoroughly vile in nature that the only comparison that I can come up with was the ploy from the movie Used Cars where one of the lot lizards had Toby the dog play dead under a vehicle that was being test driven to lay a colossal guilt trip on the sucker inside to buy the lemon. The trick worked, the rube signed the dotted line and when the tailgate fell off on the way off of the lot Toby was wagging his little tail as the commission was booked. These damned Republicans remind me of the same sort of disreputable cheapjack swindlers who manned the Fuchs Brothers’ dealerships with the sole intention to prey on any moron who was credulous enough to be easily gypped and fleeced. They prey on weakness and have a sixth sense that gives them an uncanny, almost supernatural ability to smell the blood of the vulnerable upon which they feed just like the worst that nature has to offer like feral garbage rats, ravenous wolves and degenerate pederasts. The Democrats are on their heels now and the scent of desperation is in the air.
None of this of course would be happening were it not for the doublecross of voters by the new Democratic Congress who given power last November with a crystal clear mandate to ring down the curtain once and for all on the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil’s bloody damned wars – both on Iraq and on civil liberties in ‘the Homeland’ a fucking stinking term of totalitarian language that is the antithesis to everything that America is supposed to stand for. Not once did the disgusting excuse for leadership exemplified by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer and the too smart consultants already triangulating while running for 2008 draw a serious line on ending the madness and the death.
No, scratch that – not once did the gutless, contemptible charlatans in the Democratic Congress take a stand on ANYTHING! Impeachment was immediately taken off of the table, a smirky criminal Attorney General still is the nation’s top law enforcement official, illegal spying on American citizens has now been codified AGAIN, habeas corpus is still gone, this is still a torture state, the Fairness Doctrine has not been restored, corporate greedheads still have carte blanche to screw the middle class whenever they damned will please which is every day while the Wall Street looters are allowed to suckle at the government teat whenever their schemes unravel, millions are still uninsured, subpoenas are openly mocked and ignored, the same neofascist Supreme Court justices that were green-lighted by a Senate too timid to use the filibuster (which I might add is now loved by Republicans) to essentially overturn Brown v. Board of Education and I just don’t have enough time to keep listing the failures of this most disappointing and cowardly of Congresses. The spin can go on until Hell itself freezes over and the fingers can be pointed at the “Blue Dogs” but the fault lies with a party leadership itself that continues to piss on America and then claim that it’s raining.
It is no wonder that their popularity rating is only slightly higher than colorectal cancer and they are about to be torn to shreds by a vile hydra that has regenerated itself because the timorous jackasses couldn’t close the deal and drive a stake through it’s heart when it was on the ropes.

The Sweltering Summer Of Fear

If it is to be, then let it be. It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America’s righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail.

-Stu Bykofsky

Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and jackbooted government thugs kicking down your door after your name turns up on the hit list after the illegal spying and data mining just given a seal of approval by the Vichy Dems, this is the vision of the grand experiment of the dismantling of democracy in the post-9/11 through the looking glass world of The Homeland. It is now mid-August, the sweltering heat and dread of the summer of fear combine to choke off reason and logic as the grand house of cards that is the stock market teeters precariously and those strange words of Rick Santorum that “a lot of things are going to happen” resonate with each and every terror warning like the latest threatening a reported plot that there is chatter about a pending dirty bomb attack in New York City.

Dick Cheney and the neocon junta are also ratcheting up the rhetoric and pushing their plans for the looming attack on Iran that will take the bastard conflagration that is the wet dream of madmen global and turn the United States into pariah of Nazi like proportions. Hitting Iran would be like Hitler invading Poland and you can bet that any justification such as a false flag attack will be just as steeped in utter bullshit as the Gleiwitz incident was back in 1939. The PNAC boys and Clean Breakers have obviously studied Operation Himmler and how in your face would it be if the next ‘terrorist’ attack to take place within the borders of Der Heimat were to occur on August 31st? Then again, who would care because in a nation of mindless drones and hateful lemmings it is incomprehensible that anything resembling recall of history extends past the latest bust involving Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan or the most recent winner of the American Idol.

Many Republicans are already on record longing for another terrorist attack with the same sort of uncontrollable lust that drives degenerate pederasts, the same sort of bad wiring in the head that drugs just can’t cure and nothing short of removal from civilized society (or this mortal coil itself for that matter) can remedy. The latest example of this sort of mass dementia is exemplified in the recent column of one Stu Bykofsky entitled and I shit you not –“To save America, we need another 9/11”. Sweet Fucking Jesus, what has happened to us as a country when these sick, demented ghouls can wrap themselves in old glory and openly cheer for the deaths of thousands of innocent people for the sake of political expediency and some twisted version of nationalism that more fittingly belongs in the Weimar Republic than in the sad mockery of the remnants of what was once the land of the free and the home of the brave.

One of the most often misquoted and abused statements in the brutal word wars that pass for political discourse these days is that of Carl Schurz who in 1872 said:

“My country, right or wrong.” In one sense I say so too. My country; and my country is the great American Republic. My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right”

Of course in the attention deficit disorder afflicted land of suckers that is the post 9/11 wasteland that is mid-2007 America it is much more familiar in its shortened form-“My Country, Right or Wrong” and is regularly bandied about for political purposes. This has become a standard denunciation for the extremist right in its diluted form and serves the same purpose as the standard “Love it Or Leave It”. Either one is absolutely guaranteed to get the backs of ‘patriots’ up and the red, white and blue blood flowing for another round of rousing demagoguery. If the nationalist ranting of our beleaguered national fascist party in this latest round of bunting draped vitriol is any indication the Republicans won’t be satisfied until there are brutally violent pogroms being conducted and the blood of liberals and gays is flowing in the streets.

There is something very dark locked away in the American psyche that makes for fertile territory for sick fascist fucks like Bykofsky seeking to catch that good ole 9/11 style lightning in a bottle for a renewal of the foaming at the mouth, dissent quashing, authoritarian tyranny that ruled the land in the direct aftermath of that day of infamy now nearly six years past. Those were the good old days when rallies were held to destroy Dixie Chicks CD’s and every home was festooned with American flags (many made in China) that were the requisite talisman to prevent the owners from having visited upon them a terrible pox of ‘unpatriotic’, it was as necessary as the blood of the lamb on doorposts in biblical times to keep the angel of death at bay. There has always been a considerable segment of the population susceptible to the siren song of authoritarianism, a good study on this is John Dean’s outstanding book Conservatives Without Conscience” which examines the mutant strain of virulent ‘conservatism’ that exists today. From the days when Father Charles Coughlin railed against the New Deal to the heir to his throne of hatred Rush Limbaugh who has the benefit of high technology and a king hell infrastructure to back him the need for scapegoats and a return to days of yore have hooked those that I refer to very easily.

A childhood friend who I will call ‘Rocky’ fell under the spell of the grand poobah of white populist propaganda years ago. The last times that I talked to him was immediately after the news of his hero’s taste for Vicodin and Oxycontin had broken and Rocky this with a line of crap along the lines that at “any given time that at least half of the population was high on something or the other”. He of course became quite angry when I told him that thrice divorced, racist, drugged out hypocrites who hold others to higher standards by proclaiming that they are morally superior deserve exactly what they get. Then again Rocky never really did get it. He always was dumber than a bucket of shit and to borrow a line from Matt Taibbi was “a total zero, a loser and 200-odd pounds of the world’s purest pussy repellent” although in Rocky’s case it was far closer to 300.

‘Rocky’ always had a low sense of self esteem as well as a wide yellow streak bordering on neocon chickenshit and had an irrational fear of dogs. When we were going around door to door soliciting donations for whatever charitable cause we were tasked with doing by our school (which we did quite often as kids) he could be confronted by a toy poodle and would practically shit in his pants out of pure primal fear, he acted as though it were the crazed, rabid monster canine ‘Cujo’ himself bearing down on him with a blood scent. It was a good thing that he had the fear though because it made for good exercise both for myself and the little pudgeball who would often make us walk blocks out of our way so as to avoid any yards where there were barking dogs.

After about thirty years of cowardice and shame ‘Rocky’ found Rush in much the same manner that some diehard losers turn their lives around by finding Jesus. It was as though he became possessed by an evil spirit because practically overnight he was transformed into a blowhard, ditto-head bully, parroting Limbaugh in going off on anti-liberal, Clinton bashing diatribes and visiting the gathering places that were then known as ‘Rush Rooms’ that were areas set aside in local dining and drinking establishments where fans of the great one with borrowed talent from the heavens could gather and network while his radio show was played every day to the cheers of the aspiring beer hall putschers. As it is with other conscripts in ditto head angry army, my buddy was a mass of contradictions, a bigot of immense proportions both in girth and flawed ideology, you see he became one of those angry white man without a clue as to the true reason for their anger but the big fat bastard who was of Hispanic descent really wasn’t white at all.

In retrospect my old buddy was a latent dittohead from his earliest days. He once tried to coax me into participating in a mutual jack-off session back when we were in our early teens one night when I was sleeping over at his house which was something that I did often due to the fact that my parents were going through a very ugly divorce and it was a refuge from their fighting. So there you have the latent homosexual tendencies that drive many of those angry Alpha males into outwardly projected self-loathing and ripe for the picking for the high and mighty Limbaughs and lesser stooges like Bykofskys of the world. I know that his parents who are devout Catholics would be absolutely horrified at this revelation so hopefully they will never read this blog. They are really very nice people who still send me a Christmas card every year and I certainly wouldn’t ever want to give them any idea that their son may in fact be a repressed closet queen who may have been far more qualified for the priesthood than they ever would have otherwise imagined. Given the mass appeal of Limbaugh it is an absolute certainty that there are millions out there just like ‘Rocky’ who are all too easily ensnared by their tentacles.

Author Kevin Phillips is a longtime conservative whose most recent book American Theocracy is a must read as it offers an excellent analysis of the triple threat that radical religion, foreign oil and massive debt pose to our nation’s future. This is his follow-up to the equally excellent American Dynasty that stripped away the veneer of respectability and shined a light into the foul den of iniquity that is the House of Bush and the family ability to discard that pesky morality which far too often serves as an impediment to the accumulation of wealth and power. Phillips wrote another book back in 1982 that accurately and prophetically forecast many of the contributing factors to today’s poisonous political environment.

Post Conservative America was bold and daring in the examination of the caustic effects of the triumphal ascendancy of Ronald Reagan as the heir to Barry Goldwater style conservatism and made the comparison between the U.S. in the 1980’s and the Weimar Republic of Germany that preceded the rise to power of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler. Phillips noted that there were certain similarities in the legacy of a nation reeling from the effects of a “lost war, diminished faith in institutions, the gap between an elite ‘cabaret culture’ and the beliefs of the more traditional masses”. The combination of these as well as the Reagan political machine’s reliance on the seductive siren song of nostalgia that fed off of a longing for a better time that although itself a myth was widely accepted due to the fantasy world of television. For years there were shows and movies that presented a distorted version of white picket fenced, small town Americana that was overly simplistic and totally lacking in the portrayal of the complexities and contradictions of life itself in regards to human history in general and our own revisionist American history in particular. Phillips theorized that such mass misconceptions as well as their cynical exploitation by amoral political operatives could potentially result in an “apple-pie authoritarianism” in our society.

Phillips stated that such fantasy and a growing influence of the south in the political arena could result in a country in which:

“Corporatist policies would manage the economy more than is being done today, mobilizing a U.S.A. Inc. to cope with France Inc. or Japan Inc. The morality of the majority would be upheld and enforced, though with politically convenient lapses; “The Star-Spangled Banner” would wave with greater frequency and over many more parades; increased surveillance would crack down on urban outbreaks and extreme political dissidents”.

Sound familiar? I find it strange that some of the biggest defenders of American liberties are disenchanted principled conservatives like John Dean, Kevin Phillips, Vic Gold and the spot on Paul Craig Roberts among others. In Post Conservative America the author also addresses the foul aftertaste of Vietnam that has lingered in the mouths of so many whose bitterness at the first lost war in American history would remain so firmly lodged in their exceptionalist craws and be embodied as huge chips on their shoulders that the propagandists could exploit to the maximum value when it came to promoting the ultra-right movement’s agenda. Phillips very accurately predicted not only the increasing radicalism of the religious right (which is covered in depth in American Theocracy) and the backlash against the perceived excesses of the 1960s but he also warned of the open wounds left by the lost war in Vietnam. These wounds have lingered, never being able to completely heal due to their value to certain elements of the political realm who relish not only tearing away the scabs but in rubbing salt into them for good measure as well as added impact. He warned of revisionism in re-fighting this war, a devastating blow to the national psyche and never a political party to continue to exploit divisive tactics like the infamous Southern Strategy the Reagan administration wasted no time in capitalizing on simmering resentment when the ‘Gipper’ himself stated in a speech shortly after taking office:

“Several years [ago], we brought home a group of American fighting men who obeyed their country’s call and fought as bravely and well as any Americans in our history. They came home without a victory not because they had been defeated but because they had been denied permission to win”

The war was then re-fought at cinemas with vengeful fantasies like Rambo II, Chuck Norris’ Missing In Action series, Uncommon Valor and a number of lesser films all featuring the same theme…winning it this time! Vietnam era resentment is still alive and well, ready to be sprung like a bouncing betty from the subconscious whenever the Republican party needs to tap into it. And when our loss in Iraq is firmly established in history then Karl Rove and his minions will use the exact same tactics to blame the loss on the clueless and cowardly Democrats who can only be counted on to roll over repeatedly while Americans are stripped of their civil liberties and a dictatorial police state becomes more deeply entrenched.

It has already started, don’t take my word for it though. Just look around.

The summer of fear is entering the dog days now and the scent of blood is dangerously close to wafting in on the breeze much to the delight of the apple pie authoritarians and dangerous demagogues who are coiled and ready to strike whenever the next ‘terrorist’ attack provides them with the opportunity that they have been slavering for.