Category Archives: Top Secret America

Why The Tea Party Loves Big Brother

I’m afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.

-Jim Garrison

The falsely advertised anti-big government Republican Tea Party never utters a peep about the growth of the out of control police state that has been erected largely under the radar since 9/11. For a pack of GOP talking point spewing automatons seemingly concerned about massive growth of government, the ongoing pissing away of tax dollars on bloated bureaucracy, job creation and the huge deficits are totally down with the massive expansion of the Homeland Security Industrial Complex. This is just another one of the examples of the mass fakery of the Republican co-opting of the libertarian Tea Party movement. The biggest secret of all that the fascist leadership of the GOP doesn’t want to slip is that the original libertarian Tea Party (along with 9/11 Truth) were out in the streets protesting exactly that which the useful idiots of the Dick Armey of Darkness now fully embrace. As the storyline goes, the faux revolutionaries were incited to action by the staged tantrum of CNBC’s greasy derivatives pimp Rick Santelli, my local Tea Party bund chapter held a huge birthday celebration for the one year anniversary of the activation of the fifth-columnist sleeper cells that was Santelli’s orchestrated call to arms.  When it comes to being mortified at the  the rise of the police state, the unaccountable powers of government run amok and the incursions on civil liberties. The co-opted Tea Party of Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the rest of their ilk won’t utter one peep about America’s Stasi secret police. Instead, they will distract the Becked-up, FOX lobotomized zombies and their 9/12 bunds with more of the same smoke and mirrors about that horrible Negro in the White House, the coming black enslavement of whites, black revenge on the rightful white inhabitants of Der Heimat and the shrine to Islamofascism that is the mosque at the American Mecca that is Ground Zero and the despised secular socialist machine that will be used by the illegal aliens to put them all into prison camps.

Such is the state of our pitiful Idiocracy in the second decade of the new American century. While the country continues to be bankrupted by illegal wars sold by the lies of the charlatans in the ruling class, strip-mined by Wall Street gamblers and corporations that won’t be satisfied until millions more jobs are offshored to third world sewers where children work for pennies a day in sweatshops and the infrastructure is all sold off to foreign investors who will then tax Americans for driving on roads that they have already paid for, the buffoons that are the Republican jihadists joust at windmills while those who manipulate their feeble minds piss their selves from laughter on the way to the bank. The Founding Fathers feared the detrimental effect that a mass of poorly educated, indolent slobs would have on American democracy and are likely spinning in their graves today, especially galling is when said imbeciles adopt their language to in a historical context take to the streets and raise hell to ensure that the British Monarchy remains in power.

The truly big story of the week despite the bought and paid for corporate media’s insistence that the great Mel Gibson-Brittney Spears alliance is of critical importance or of Tiger Wood’s slow and painful climb down from the cross on Golgotha to regain his rightful place as America’s Christ is Dana Priest and William M. Arkin’s Top Secret America series in the Washington Post. This is a story that were the teabaggers to practice what they preach instead of merely regurgitating Frank Luntz/Newt Gingrich slow-cooked gruel that should justifiably have them descending on Washington en masse to protest REAL tyranny. But of course the Tea Party doesn’t have any firm footing in reality outside the mess of illogic, madness and pumpkin seeds that fill up the space inside of Sarah Palin’s noggin. Lenin (Vladimir, not John to your teabagger morons) labeled tools like yourselves as “useful idiots” and it is proven on a daily basis. Whether shrieking like demented banshees about the government keeping their dirty hands off of their Medicare or serving as human carrier pigeons for the racist propaganda of degenerate scum like Andrew Breitbart, a diseased swine embitterd by his years of apprenticeship more than likely spent sucking farts out of Matt Drudge’s seat cushion. You really have to give the scumbaggers one thing though, they are predictable which is what makes them so valuable to the Republican fascists and to a larger degree to the oligarchy that rules this shithole. For a group so supposedly opposed to tyranny, socialism and a Soviet style state led by the black Antichrist they sure as hell don’t seem to be bothered by the most menacing, out of control and costly system of surveillance in human history. Think Again!

There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.

-Vladimir Lenin

The new American police state never bothered Republicans under Bush and it doesn’t bother them under Obama, which it should. It’s another tell about just how fraudulent that the entire Republican Tea Party truly is, were they to despise and fear Obama as much as they do why in the fuck would they want the man to be allowed to preside over the most awesome surveillance colossus on the planet? Hell, you would think that they would be marching on Washington with their precious penis extensions (guns) to bring an immediate halt to a system that could be theoretically used by a dictator to haul their mangy, uneducated, unwashed asses to reeduction camps at any minute. But not in reality, the scumbaggers may have their litany of fallacious grievances that are funneled into their lizard brains by the electronic crack pushers like Glenn Beck n FOX but they don’t sweat the big stuff. Every reactionary party needs minions, stooges, thugs, spear carriers and shock troops. Like the Weimar era Germans who flocked to the Nazi Party the dregs of the country that are now the S.A. for the Republican party via the Tea Party are quite simply authority worshippers. There are  books that examine such a fanatical type of mentality, for example, Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer , Bob Altemeyer’s The Authoritarians, and John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience,  ross-reference those with any decent historical volume of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia and it fits them to a Tea.. There is always a certain percentage of a population that are wired to worship authority, especially the sort of sociopathic type that uses demagoguery, slander, race-baiting and thinly veiled promises of blood revenge against those which the movement has been conditioned to hate and blame for the failures of both the system and their own pathetic, botched lives.

The allure of revenge is deeply embedded in the psyche of the authority worshipper and in actuality Obama is doing them a huge favor by failing to dismantle the police state, As the Washington Post series illustrates, the culture of surveillance is becoming even more deeply ingrained in America, the third installment which is entitled The Secrets Next Door describes the neighborhoods that surround the surveillance centers as affluent and with schools that:

The schools, indeed, are among the best, and some are adopting a curriculum this fall that will teach students as young as 10 what kind of lifestyle it takes to get a security clearance and what kind of behavior would disqualify them.

This is perhaps the most horrifying sentence in the story, the children are being prepped to become the next generation of the American fascist police state, more appropriately the managers and bureaucrats who will run the system. The low-rent, economically ruined types who populate the Republican Tea Party will be the enforcers. The typical American sheep, now completely conditioned to hate, fear and distrust will become the spies, snitches, sneaks and stool pigeons who will direct the watchers and the thugs to those with unseemly and dangerous ideas. The oligarchy will be preserved, Wall Street will reign supreme, the wars will go on and only those who dare to question why will be targeted with precision and ruthless efficiency by the savage armies of droogs that are the Republican Tea Party. The indoctrination of the young into the fascist society of post-9/11 America is now entering its second decade and future generations will have known nothing other than what is now the permanent surveillance state, Orwell was a prophet.

This whole scenario has worked to perfection, once it was done under the cover of religion with the Christian extremists, Raptureheads and theocrats being the primary enforcers for fascist Republican social engineering plans. This worked out perfectly well for awhile until the fall from grace of homophobe Pastor Ted Haggard for smoking rock and chugging cock in a seedy Denver hotel room, the exposure of de-facto leader of the Religious Right, President George W. Bush exposed as the incompetent dunce that he always was courtesy of Hurricane Katrina, the death of Jerry Falwell and the massive Tom DeLay led overreach during the Terri Schiavo circus. The Religious Right had too many built in limitations to become a vehicle for Karl Rove’s permanent majority. The easily duped dittohead dolts in the Tea Party however do not have such limitations, they are able to wrap themselves in the flag with the full blessing of the propagandistic, jingoism spewing corporate media. There have been several recent bumps in the road, such as the recent focus on the intense racism within the movement (a virus that was carried in by Republicans) but the spinners, public relations flacks and Congressional Republicans are already working desperately to circle the wagons. The racism, were it identified and focused upon would be the one thing that could blow the whole game wide open and send the fascist Republicans back to square one in finding a turnkey movement. Not to worry though, when Bibi Netanyahu’s bootlicker Joe Biden comes out and denounces charges that the scumbaggers are a racist movement and the demented harpy Michelle Bachmann sets up an actual Tea Party Caucus within Congress to legitimize protect the American brownshirts it’s official that the political system has been fully infected and minus any sort of a mass counter-movement on the left (fat chance, they are too obsessed with waging the culture war crusade to institutionalize gay marriage than be bothered with preventing fascism) the rabble will continue to be conscripted into service for the new Republican Reich.

As I stated in my recent piece – Tea Party Racist? You Betcha! – the Republicans have long used race-baiting as a path to political power. Historically, nothing works better, the Arizona test programs for the discrimination against illegal immigrants being used in order to justify laws that potentially green light the overly zealous type of personality that is often found in police forces to shakedown naturally born American citizens for the color of their skin are already proving to be a phenomenal success. Soon, if not stricken from the books and stigmatized as the tools for tyranny that they are they will spread, become more inclusive and expand to include more than alleged Mexican illegals. The Constitution was eviscerated during the Bush years and Humpty Dumpty has not been put back together by the increasingly inept Obama administration. Habeas Corpus is gone, Posse Comitatus is gone, NORTHCOM is already operating in the U.S., the airports are filled with naked body scanners manned by drooling TSA goons and as the Top Secret America series shows, the surveillance system is growing exponentially. How long is it going to take for the fascist Republicans, once back in power with all of these tools at their disposal decide to do what past totalitarian regimes always did and start to eliminate the opposition? As with the Third Reich the early targets weren’t so much the Juden (Tea Party translation: blacks, gays, Hispanics, liberals, Muslims) as they were all who were seen as potential threats to the final solution. Now wouldn’t that make Michelle Bachmann’s pussy get wet?

The Epitome of Sheer Irony

The Tea Party sign in Iowa that drew much attention to the sinister nature of the miscreants who comprise the majority of the movement comparing Obama to Lenin and Hitler was ironically somewhat accurate. While it will be lost on the standard mouth-breathing type of imbecile that is attracted to the Republican Tea Party, the historical analogy is pretty accurate in that Hitler had the Gestapo, Lenin gave way to Stalin who had the NKVD and Obama (at least for a brief period before he is ousted from office) has Homeland Security. The failure of Obama in holding the Bushreich criminals accountable instead of granting total impunity to all future torturers, war criminals and moral reprobates will ultimately prove to the the final nail in America’s coffin. The Democrats are about to be wiped off the face of the map thanks to the betrayal of what remained of the party base who isn’t about to turn out in sufficient numbers come November to counter the storming of the polls by the Republican Tea Party out to ‘take their country back’. With an even more repulsive and reactionary Congress than under either Gingrich or DeLay in place there will be a near immediate drive to impeach Obama over some bullshit on the trivial level of Clinton’s blow job, say for failing to produce his birth certificate. That will further embolden the vicious swine on the extreme right for 2012 as well as weaken the spineless and flaccid Obama for the full Republican restoration. Of course the oligarchy is down with it all too, big business backed Hitler and Mussolini’s fascism was openly touted as corporatism. As robber baron Jay Gould once so aptly put it: “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”. Let the streets run red with blood and the prisons be filled with the rational people, the real owners of this country will never let such trivialities get in the way of the perpetual profit machine.

The maneuvers by the fascists in this country are about three moves away from checkmate and they are unfortunately only becoming stronger and more deeply embedded. I am going to close with two articles that came out this week, the first from Ted Rall that is entitled Protofascism Comes to America and makes some important points about the fascist Republican Tea Party:

But racism is only one facet of a far more sinister political strain. It’s more accurate to categorize the Tea Party as something the United States has never seen before, certainly not in such large numbers or as widespread.

The Tea Party is a protofascist movement.

Robert O. Paxton defined fascism as “a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.”

Typical Tea Party rants fit the classic fascist mold in several respects. America, Tea Partiers complain, is falling behind. Like Hitler, they blame leftists and liberals for a “stab in the back,” treason on the homefront. The trappings of hypernationalism–flags, bunting, etc.–are notably pervasive at Tea Party rallies, even by American standards. We see “collaboration with traditional elites”–Rush Limbaugh, Congressmen, Republican Party bigwigs (including the most recent vice presidential nominee)–to an extent that is unprecedented in recent history.

Tea Partiers haven’t called for extralegal solutions to the problems they cite–but neither did the National Socialists prior to 1933. Then again, they’re not in power yet. Wait.

Exactly. Read any serious history of the Nazis, William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Richard J. Evans trilogy, The Coming of the Third Reich, The Third Reich in Power, The Third Reich at War or other notable accounts as Sebastian Hafner’s Defying Hitler or Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free, and you can’t help but be terrified at the similarities to America today.

The second article is from the crusading blogger Glenn Greenwald, one of the first columns that I read each morning for information. This particular piece speaks of the deafening silence in the media, the establishment  and most importantly the government over the Top Secret America Series. While not exactly breaking new ground for most of us who follow the surveillance society one would have at least expected that this series, especially in a time of economic crisis as the massive waste of taxpayer money on a vast privatized spying apparatus could be better spent. The piece is entitled: Why has the Post series created so little reaction?:

Remember how The Washington Post spent three days documenting on its front page that we basically live under a vast Secret Government — composed of military and intelligence agencies and the largest corporations — so sprawling and unaccountable that nobody even knows what it does? This public/private Secret Government spies, detains, interrogates, and even wages wars in the dark, while sucking up untold hundreds of billions of dollars every year for the private corporations which run it. Has any investigative series ever caused less of a ripple than this one? After a one-day spate of television appearances for Dana Priest and William Arkin — most of which predictably focused on the bureaucratic waste they raised along with whether the Post had Endangered the Nation by writing about all of this — the story faded blissfully into the ether, never to be heard from again, easily subsumed by the Andrew Breitbart and Journolist sagas.


It’s not hard to understand why. Why would the political class possibly want to subvert or weaken their ability to exercise vast spying, detention, and military powers in the dark? They don’t. Beyond that, as the Post series highlights, Top Secret America provides not only the ability to exercise vast power with no accountability, but also enables the transfer of massive amounts of public wealth to the private national security and surveillance corporations which own the Government. Very few people with political power have the incentive to do anything about that. It’s probably best not to hold your breath waiting for Dianne Feinstein — the Democratic Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee who lives in lavish wealth as a result of her husband’s investments in the National Security State (and whose Senate career has a way of oh-so-coincidentally bolstering their wealth) — to meaningfully address any of the issues raised by the Post series. Despite Feinstein’s rhetoric to the contrary, doing so is decidedly not in her interests for multiple reasons.


The secret, omnipotent National Security State highlighted by The Washington Post will endure and expand as is because those who control the Government (or, as Dick Durbin put it, who “own” the Government) benefit endlessly from it. Major scandals or citizen-infuriating crises can sometimes lead to some modest and easily circumvented restraints being placed on this power (as just happened with the recently enacted Financial Regulation bill), largely to placate public rage, but it’s simply impossible to conceive of the political class taking any meaningful steps to rein in a limitlessly powerful and unquantifiably profitable National Security and Surveillance State — at least in the absence of serious citizen revolts against it. That Post series produced so little reaction because what it describes — a Secret Government bestowed with the most extreme powers yet accountable to nobody — is something to which the nation, as part of our State of Endless War, has apparently acquiesced as a permanent and tolerable condition.

The most disturbing thing is that the people in this country do nothing to resist any of this, rather through their willful ignorance, their constant fear and their insistance on existing inside of state media enforced cocoons of denial they enable it. Some, in the case of the reactionary thugs, haters and fanatics in the Republican Tea Party embrace it as a weapon that will one day be theirs to use when it comes time for the cleansing. As Milton Mayer wrote of the rise of the Nazis to power: “Now I see a little better how Nazism overcame Germany – not by attack from without or by subversion from within, but with a whoop and a holler. It was what most Germans wanted – or, under pressure of combined reality and illusion, came to want. They wanted it; they got it; and they liked it.”

Just my two cents