Category Archives: iran

Mad Man in a Roomful of Mirrors

Americans love a good revolution, as long as they are not the ones taking to the streets. In what would appear to be an Iranian version of the Bush crime family election theft of 2000 it appears that the New Hitler Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stolen the Iranian election. It was all there, polls that didn’t support the results, a corrupt power structure and even the state run media to pop in ala Bush’s cousin John Ellis of FOX ‘News’ came out and called the election in Dubya’s favor. But it was a rigged game, I will never forget the shit-eating grins on the Bush family as they sat clustered around a big screen television on that terrible night of November 7, 2000 – they knew goddamned well that it was rigged. I am sure that the mad mullahs and ayatollahs were just as smug just before the Iranian election was called (prematurely) for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Champagne corks were also popping at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) because with their poster boy for deviltry, global terrorism and anti-Semitism still in power they had scored a body blow against Barack Obama for daring to reach out from the confines of imperialist madness in his Cairo speech. The propaganda mills began to churn faster, the attacks against Obama were ratcheted up and the GOP gauleiters placed on high alert.

You have to give it the Iranians, at least they are out raising hell over a perceived theft of their election, how long did it take Americans to get out in a similar way after the second blatantly stolen election in 2004? We are still waiting for that revolt. This one though, at least at first glance is appealing to Americans because it is on television, a spectator sport of bone crushing violence and passion that puts even the NFL to shame, it makes for marvelous viewing as one is ensconced upon a sofa paying homage to the digital living room god. The Green Revolution is on, but what if it’s bullshit? If there is one thing in the post 9/11 wasteland of Der Homeland that I have learned to be it is skeptical of absolutely everything. First let me say that I have no love for that unshaven demagogue Ahmadinejad or for that matter for the religious zealots who run him. I believe that it would be a damned good thing were he, his paramilitary goons and the clerics were to be chased down and shot like rabid dogs Ceauşescu style in the streets of Tehran. Shit, they could decapitate the bastards and march around with their heads on sticks for all that I care.I hate thug regimes and take to theocracies even less kindly, they should all be torn to bloody pieces and their remains buried in fields sown with salt for all that I care. But I for one do remember the 2002 U.S. backed coup d’état in Venezuela that failed to rid the world of that horrible little socialist man Hugo Chavez and given the amount of agitation in Iran this could be another example of destabilizing a regime by fomenting rebellion and manipulating public opinion.

The network news, the corporate cable cesspool and the nattering nabobs of nonsense that are the talking heads are all discredited, you can immediately throw out most of that gibberish as propaganda. Now however there is the alternate media and such technology enabled information tools as You Tube and Twitter that are able to circumvent the normal and easily controlled information streams. During the recent Burma/Myanmar revolts it was the new technology that allowed for communication to continue, Iran is an example of this on a larger scale with even more advanced mediums available. Why is it that they work so hard on filtering and censoring the internet in full blown goon states like China? The internet is the biggest threat to tyranny that has ever existed and since China is the prototype of what our very own government is desperately trying to do in controlling dissent here, often under the cover of fighting child pornography, chasing down loosely defined and ‘dangerous’ right and left wing extremists and the utterly ludicrous and lame crackdown on cyber bullying. The protectors of the oligarchy are keeping an especially keen eye on Iranian protests and the ability to pass on information. That however is a story for another time, I am sure that all savvy bloggers are aware of the threats that they pose to a corrupt establishment and the coming pushback.

The pictures that are coming out of Iran are quite powerful, beatings, shootings, bloody young people trying to duck and cover truncheon swing black suited state paramilitary goons but the information itself is what is suspect, what if Ahmadinejad really did win the election? I have witnessed in the past days an irrational exuberance on the blogs and boards in support of the latest and greatest color coded revolution but be mindful that Mirhossein Mousavi is just another puppet of the imperialists, just like Mikheil Saakashvili, the tie chewing little twit in Georgia. Mousavi allegedly has ties to the ultimate players in Iran-Contra including Michael Ledeen. Now that Americans are throwing in with the protesters, jubilant, cheering, twittering, it makes the PNAC boys jobs that much harder when it comes to bombing them…or does it? Glenn Greenwald weiged in with the following on yet another neocon contradiction:

From: The “Bomb Iran” contingent’s newfound concern for The Iranian People

I’m going to leave the debate about whether Iran’s election was “stolen” and the domestic implications within Iran to people who actually know what they’re talking about (which is a very small subset of the class purporting to possess such knowledge). But there is one point I want to make about the vocal and dramatic expressions of solidarity with Iranians issuing from some quarters in the U.S.

Much of the same faction now claiming such concern for the welfare of The Iranian People are the same people who have long been advocating a military attack on Iran and the dropping of large numbers of bombs on their country — actions which would result in the slaughter of many of those very same Iranian People. During the presidential campaign, John McCain infamously sang about Bomb, Bomb, Bomb-ing Iran. The Wall St. Journal published a war screed from Commentary’s Norman Podhoretz entitled “The Case for Bombing Iran,” and following that, Podhoretz said in an interview that he “hopes and prays” that the U.S. “bombs the Iranians.” John Bolton and Joe Lieberman advocated the same bombing campaign, while Bill Kristol — with typical prescience — hopefully suggested that Bush might bomb Iran if Obama were elected. Rudy Giuliani actually said he would be open to a first-strike nuclear attack on Iran in order to stop their nuclear program.

Imagine how many of the people protesting this week would be dead if any of these bombing advocates had their way — just as those who paraded around (and still parade around) under the banner of Liberating the Iraqi People caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of them, at least. Hopefully, one of the principal benefits of the turmoil in Iran is that it humanizes whoever the latest Enemy is. Advocating a so-called “attack on Iran” or “bombing Iran” in fact means slaughtering huge numbers of the very same people who are on the streets of Tehran inspiring so many — obliterating their homes and workplaces, destroying their communities, shattering the infrastructure of their society and their lives. The same is true every time we start mulling the prospect of attacking and bombing another country as though it’s some abstract decision in a video game.

While many neocons like the oozing, fetid Daniel Pipes actually came out and endorsed the mad Mahmoud in the runup to the election the tactic now has shifted to bringing pressure on the Obama administration for intervention on the behalf of Mousavi. I have to admit that it really makes one want to vomit when an onerous old vulture like John McCain works his grampers into a twist over unfair elections. I sure as hell don’t remember him saying anything after Bush stole the White House in 2000 while the wounds from the area where his balls used to be prior to being ripped off by the Karl Rove machine in South Carolina was still smarting. The cringing but still loudly barking old dog yapped “I’m disappointed, it is an American principle ever since our founding that we are dedicated to the principle that all are created equal and the fact is they have the right to free elections and to select their leadership” – I haven’t seen anything from the other two stooges (Lieberman and Graham) yet but I am sure it’s out there as well because just like the sun coming up in the morning Moe and Jack are always in tune with Manny. Hell, hearing any Republican giving lectures about stolen elections is hysterical, kind of like being given lessons in dinner table etiquette from Jeffrey Dahmer or marital fidelity from Senator John Ensign. These people have absolutely no fucking shame whatsoever, their hypocrisy is as blatant as the Democratic party’s fecklessness.

So to close here I offer up some food for thought and please do take it seriously. Despite the blather and bombast that goes along with their political rhetoric and rank demagogy what if the neocons are deliberately instigating the mayhem in order to push the devil Ahmadinejad into a violent, over the top Tiananmen Square style put down that will further reinforce the years long propaganda campaign to demonize him? After all, it is already out there courtesy of Seymour Hersh among others that money has been being pumped into Iran for covert operations that would destabilize the regime. There is still conflicting information on what really happened in Iran so be cautious. There is a crackdown in progress and instigating the protesters into more violent action against the regime may very well result in the sort of ugliness and bloodshed that will only crystalize the neocon version of Ahmadinejad as the New Hitler and in additon to a failed revolution that we are treating as a spectator sport we will have a resurgent push to bomb all of those green flag waving freedom fighters into bloody bits – just collateral damage folks, we have seen this movie too many times.

CUFI: A Dangerous, Anti-American Terrorist Organization

Belching forth hatred, vitriol and clouds of sulfuric brimstone, reeking of rotting corpses and hypocrisy the anti-American foreign agent Pastor John Hagee convened the CUFI coven of dual loyalists and hard core Zionist warmongers for their latest befoulment of all things American. The corpulent delusional toad once again led the legions of the fucked and doomed Raptureheads and the idiot militant right-wing Jews who are too fucking bent on mounting a campaign of genocide that will make Hitler look like a piker to get it through their thick skulls that Hagee’s particular brand of good ole time religion ends with them being immolated so that Jesus can return to Planet Shit and the true believers can fly dirty, nasty nekkid up to sit at the foot of God’s throne while the rest of us heathens and the Jews be made to suffer plagues, pestilence, war and hell on Earth. Israel, you see is just the tinderbox that the death freaks who are goaded on by the false prophets like Hagee needs to serve as the crucible for the apocalypse and like a come filled rubber it will be discarded once the blessed orgasm of the biggest fuck of all time – Armageddon has been blown like a screeching, soul-cleansing wad of “OH GOD” intensity.

Hagee and his masses of miscreants are organizing for the big push to ensure that unstable, half senile, self-admitted “war criminal” and potential Manchurian Candidate John Sidney McCain III is able to gain possession of the nuclear football and with the help of that dastardly little mole Joe Lieberman (more on him later) get the PNAC game plan back on track and green light the Israeli war machine for it’s Nazi style blitzkrieg through the Middle East. You could just hear the sound of puckering assholes from Johnny Mac and the Likudniks when that picture of Barrack Hussein Obama sitting in the chopper with the sainted General Petraeus looking cooler than all get out in those mirror lensed sunglasses while flying over Baghdad. I can’t imagine anything that puts a burr further up the neocon’s asses than the prospect of an Obama presidency that dares to not give 110 percent to Zionist aggression and to lick the jackboots of those who in all likelihood proudly display to guests lampshades made out of the skin of Palestinians and consider the blood of Muslim children to be one of the greatest of all delicacies to be savored like a fine wine. Lieberman and Hagee are readying the shock troops and preparing the dead enders for battle, these are the type of Jews who killed Christ and the same sort of ‘Christians’ who would nail his long-haired, liberal ass up tomorrow if he were to suddenly return preaching against the warmongers and the moneychangers.

The chatter about ‘terrorist’ plots, foiled assassinations and the new call for a formal declaration war aginst al Qaeda – courtesy of the Zionist tool A.G. Michael Mukasey who can’t be bothered to enforce the fucking rule of law in the U.S. but has no problem foisting off this giant lie that will justify the police state and lifelong civilizational war against Muslims – has been being ratcheted up this week to sow fear, gestate anger and racism and potentially lay the ground for that long awaited false flag attack that will trigger NSPD51 and allow for that sweet apple pie authoritarianism to be locked in forever. Quite a useful bogeyman like al Qaeda ( actually a database of CIA assets) has been instrumental to shill for Israel’s wars and in this nation of television addled dopes weaned on the image of the swarthy Arab fanatics portrayed in films and series who in their everlasting cowardly ignorance and lives of pathetic shame lap it, hell, I’m not exagerating in stating that at least a quarter of the populace here in our Idiocracy would eat a bowl of fresh dogshit and swear it was chocolate pudding so woefully fucked are they and by extension fucked are we as it is the rational ones who must suffer for their sins.

Then there is Lieberman, the treacherous little termite who infiltrated the Gore campaign in 2000 and destroyed it from within so that the neocons could pull off their dirty little theft of the election and subsequently the Edward Luttwak style coup d’etat that was piggybacked on the back of the ‘terrorist’ attacks on 9/11 that were not only known about by certain rogue elements of the United States Government but were aided and abetted by several renegade elements of foreign intelligence services most notably Israel (see story about the celebrating Mossad agents disguised as movers right after the WTC towers were taken down). Lieberman, who once had the raw chutzpah to compare the maniacal demagogue Hagee to fucking Moses, was once again prominently on display at the big CUFI bund meeting where he did his level damnedest to pimp for U.S. involvement in Israel’s war against Iran, here are some excerpts from his speech:

All of you here, united as Christians for Israel, have chosen to be part of the “covenant of destiny.” You have chosen a mission for yourselves. By fate you are Americans with an ability to make your voice heard. You then freely chose to use your voice for a cause. By doing so you are turning your fate into destiny.

And that choice has brought you now to Washington D.C. at a truly historic and pivotal time for both America and Israel.

On the one hand there have been some positive developments in the Middle East over the past few years. Most importantly, Saddam Hussein, a man who mass-murdered his own people, attacked his neighbors, and launched missiles at Israel and paid families of suicide bombers, is gone.

And –

On the other hand, the threat that the U.S. and Israel face from the Islamic Republic of Iran is today greater than ever.

The threat from Iran lies not just in their arming, training, and funding terrorists throughout the Middle East and the world, but even more from the nuclear weapons development program they are clearly pursuing.

A nuclear Iran is a mortal danger to all of our allies in the Middle East–both to the Arabs and Israel–and it is a threat to us. A nuclear Iran would transform the balance of power in the region in the worst possible way. As Iran continues to expand the reach of its missiles, it will soon not just be the Middle East that is threatened, but Europe as well.

The President of Iran has made his genocidal intentions toward Israel clear. And he regularly leads his Iranian audiences in chanting “Death to America.”

History warns us what can happen when we don’t take the threats of such tyrants and terrorists seriously. We must not repeat this mistake.

Although 76 senators voted for the amendment Senator Kyl and I offered, a handful opposed it–so take nothing for granted as you speak to members of Congress this week.

People who move the world do not believe that it is inevitable they will sit atop the world. They lead not because they believe in their greatness, but because they believe in a cause that is greater than themselves. They see a mission to accomplish, a destiny to shape.

That is precisely what all of you here do. You see Israel and America under threat–and so you stand up for both.

You stand up for Israel not because it is easy or because it is popular–but because it is right. You stand up for Israel because you recognize that it is a cause that is just and honorable, because it is a cause greater than yourself.

In addition to being a dangerous zealot, the Senator representing Tel Aviv is one hell of Jew, so concerned with perpetuating a campaign of rape and pillage that is the grand Zionist genocide that he willingly throws in with a man who once fondly cooed over Adolf Hitler’s mission as an earthly extension of God’s plan for the creation of the state of Israel. Hagee is an anti-Semite as are every last one of the Raptureheads whose glorious becoming can only occur once the Jews have been incinerated but hypocrisy rules in Der Homeland and long ago conquered reason, the lemmings quite simply prefer magic, myths and fairy tales and Hagee is a pied piper leading a rat army who marches in goose-stepping unity. As for Lieberman, he is by definition a traitor, to his party, to his religion and ultimately to his country and were the rule of law as set forth by the founders respected in anything remotely resembling their true intents Lieberman would find his ass placed on trial, convicted and then hung – not only as justice dictates but as an example to every other duplicitous bitch and bastard who sells out America on behalf of a foreign interest.

Were this an organization run by Muslims then there would have to be another wing built at Gitmo so outrageous would be the outcry. For the sake of argument let’s say it were a black minister like Reverend Jeremiah Wright calling for racist wars of aggression, terrorism and genocide – you can rest assured that so vicious would be the calls for shunning, the cries of treason and the death threats that there sure as shit wouldn’t be any U.S. Senators making keynote speeches in front of the flock at that church. CUFI is a terrorist organization and the full force of the law should be brought down upon it. Their funding sources need to be investigated, their assets frozen if found to be a product of radical foreign meddlers and their leaders put on trial for sedition, crimes against the republic and outright treason for if they are to be successful then the body count from their next fucking war will make Hitler look like an amateur.

Pissing In The Neocon Holiday Punchbowl

Chalk up a rare score for the real government against the usurpers and traitors in Dick Cheney’s shadow government and their Pentagon and media moles who piggybacked their filthy little coup d’etat onto the ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11 using Edward Luttwak’s model and their parallel COG (Continuity Of Government) infrastructure. Monday’s surprise release of the explosive National Intelligence Estimate bombshell on Iran’s nuclear weapons program continues to reverberate with the usurpers of the levers of American power desperately scrambling to keep the attack plans for a strike on Iran in play. This running drop kick to the groin of the war mongers in their run up to another war also sadly put a damper on the return of the prodigal Wolfowitz as well not exactly the welcome back gift that the comb sucking freak would have expected. Junta leader George W. Bush in trying to polish the turd that is his neocon kill em all and let God sort em out laterforeign policy trotted out for a press conference and in his typical stuttering and inarticulate style like some drunken loser of a salesman who just can’t close the deal badgered reporters and reinterpreted the NIE to continue Cheney’s PNAC agenda:

“And so, you know, kind of Psychology 101 ain’t working. It’s just not working, you know? I am — I understand the issues. I clearly see the problems and I’m going to use the NIE to continue to rally the international community for the sake of peace.”
But the real questions have yet to be seriously asked by the lapdog press corps and the national pocket media – why have the Bush-Cheney-Neocon Axis of Evil continued to mount a massive international propaganda campaign to gin up an attack on Iran if the conclusions of the NIE have been known for months?
The constant barrage of apocalyptic conjecture on the same level with the smoking guns as mushroom clouds that led to the disaster in Iraq has been broadcast by every one of the same corrupt media outlets that were accomplices in allowing the Bushists to lie the country into that war and now the same brazen fabrications and outright fibs are being peddled again. Dan Froomkin did a good piece the other day on Le Enfant Terrible’s press conference in his White House Watch column over at the Washington Post online entitled Neck-Snapping Spin From the President and has been hot on the follow up all week so check it out. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann has also been hot on Bush’s deliberate ramping up of the rhetoric to attack Iran despite knowing the NIE’s conclusions and were Congress to have either a spine or a willingness to stand up to the 800 pound gorillas of the Israel Lobby there would be preparations for impeachment on the table right now as well as a serious investigation into how deep that the rabbit hole really goes when it comes to the infiltration and influence of the American political apparatus. Another wing would need to be added at Gitmo to imprison all of the traitors who have colluded to lure this country into wars against America’s self interests. Right now The Lobby is in overdrive working to keep the game rigged in their favor and given that it is an election year and our corrupt politicians grovel at their feet for the campaign contibutions that are like crack cocaine to any seeking to be competitive my money is on them.
It should be no surprise that some of the loudest bitching outside of the usual snake pits and mole nests like the American Enterprise Institute and the National Review Online naturally comes from that shitty little oasis of corruption, violence and paranoia that has been the bane of our existence over the past seven fucking years of one sided Muslim smashing foreign policy. The right-wing extremists who control the state of Israel are apoplectic as the selling of their war as America’s war is now openly being called out as the bullshit that it always has been. Iran is not an existential threat to America, never has been and never will be no matter how much the neocon propaganda mills churn out fake stories about Iranian Jews being forced to wear yellow badges , that Ahmadinejad was one of the hostage takers at the American embassy back in 1979 (this one resonates especially well with members of the Reagan cult), that Iran had dispatched suicide bomb teams to the U.S. and Europe, that Ahmadinejad threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” which was a mistranslation (likely intentional) that has been used to launch the entire Iran as Nazi Germany product line, that Iran was behind a buildup of Hezbollah in South America to strike the U.S. and in what truly is designed to appeal to the prurient interests of lurid sex obsessed America that Iran was going to start executing porn stars – this one was so embarassing that CNN has since taken it down. After the NIE, the cable ‘news’ network that boasts Glenn Beck as one of their top stars was forced to cancel their planned holiday fear mongering opus “We Were Warned — Iran Goes Nuclear.”These are but a few examples of the hundreds if not thousands of the gigantic propaganda campaign to demonize Iran in preparation for the attack at the behest of that parasitic police state, but I digress….
From Mc Clatchy’s story Israeli officials reject U.S. findings on Iran Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (who Bush leaked the NIE to two days prior to it’s release) whined that:
“Even after this report, the American stance will still focus on preventing Iran from attaining nuclear capability,” Olmert said. “We will expend every effort along with our friends in the U.S. to prevent the Iranians from developing nuclear weapons.”
WE? Now this may cause me to be labelled as the boor at the party by some readers but isn’t it time to ask the obvious question: Just WHO is fucking dictating U.S. policy?
When the tail begins to wag the dog it then it is a cancer and cancer needs to be cut out or cut off – from funding that is. The United States gives away billions of taxpayer dollars per year with no strings attached in military aid to Israel to finance Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and the bombing of civilians and there shouldn’t be another red fucking cent given to them until they get their asses to the peace table and get down to some good faith negotiations that could lead to the end of the slaughter. I can’t think of anything that I personally hate seeing my tax dollars (and I hate a lot of they ways that they are used to promote war and violence)spent on more than on than funding a militant foreign regime that represents and ongoing threat to world peace, is hell bent on using genocidal killing sprees to carve out Lebensraum and is armed to the teeth with hundreds of nukes. These weapons of mass destruction if and when push comes to shove could be unleashed in some lunatic plan called “The Samson Option” that is eerily reminiscent of General Jack D. Ripper’s maelstrom of madness in Dr. Strangelove where he locked down an Air Force base and sent the nuclear armed B-52’s on a renegade mission to nuke Russia. Those crazy fucking bastards in the extremist right wing circles of the Israeli government according to their Samson Option would actually unleash a massive final strike against the entire Arab population of the Middle East and as has become evident to anybody who can recognize stark raving mad fanaticism may even include Europe and quite possibly America. Hell, could anyone even put it past them that they could be using actual nuclear blackmail (as well as the long rumored sexual blackmail traps that have been ongoing) against the United States right now? How many of those Israeli nukes are targeted at American cities? It takes someone with one hell of a lot of chutzpah to come right out and publicly override the results of the entire U.S. intelligence community that has now emphatically gone on record as saying that Iran halted their nuclear weapons program in 2003. Just who in the fuck do these arrogant pricks think that they are – God’s chosen people or something?
Time for Israel to go it alone, it is neither cost effective nor in the long term interests of America to continue to play golem for a pack of hostile, illogical and indignant warmongers so let them for once go forth and fight their own battles. May they attack Natanz with the same vicious, no quarter savagery that they unleashed on the USS Liberty four decades ago and then let them deal with the blowback – it’s not our problem. Israel is like that freeloading drunken relative who insists on ‘blessing’ the family with his/her presence during the holidays and then proceeds to destroy everything that was planned by loving but naïve family members with good intentions and an ill placed sense of loyalty and tolerance towards a maladaptive idiot who fucks up everything on an annual basis and turns what should be a joyous time of peaceful enjoyment into a cross between National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
And let them for once reap the whirlwind for their militarism and insanity as America renounces their unconscionable favoritism for Israeli extremists over Palestine and everyone else in the region. Time to reclaim the moral high ground by ousting the moral reprobates and their destructive ideologies and to act as an honest broker for peace. After the grand fucking that the world has been given by the criminal junta that seized power with an iron fist on 9/11 it is imperative that the war pigs be brought to heel once and for all and for the USA to cast off the garish costume of an empire of fear to once again become that shining city on the hill. Maybe like other rogue states Israel can just be threatened to be carpet bombed back to the Stone Age, kind of along the lines of what they tried to do to Beirut last summer – now THAT would level the playing field against their neighbors and their mutual festering centuries old religious hatred, let them all fight it out with sticks and fucking stones just like in the good old days.

The hard liners are still determined to have their goddamned war and suck the U.S. into it so to put it as Winston Wolf so eloquently once said “Well, let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quite yet” because dark forces are scrambling to regain the iniative, the NIE is a brief reprieve that only buys a bit of time to further damage the doomsday machine. The American neocons and their right-wing whacko Israeli cohorts will now redouble their efforts to avenge this embarassing poke in the eye and barring the long overdue total explosion of Dick Cheney’s black heart the full force of the shadow government will be thrown behind a desperation fourth down all out blitz. The pocket media will be brought to heel, the public will be relentlessly bludgeoned into a near catatonic state of fear and the entire fucking playbook will be emptied to regain the initiative for their escalation of the war of civilizations. The Republican presidential candidates for 2008 (with the exception of Ron Paul) will also jack up their already bombastic rhetoric to the next level. Look for the next ‘debate’ to be a testosterone fueled, muscle flexing, Muslim bashing, torture drenched infomercial for Armageddon that will at worst provide the heretofore fractioning knuckle dragging lumpen Republican base with a unifying cause to let slip the dogs of war (not to mention the allure of a crusade against the she devil Rodham-Clinton) and at best will induce mass madness as the lunatic fringe take to the streets with blood curdling shrieks to launch a series of pogroms against liberals, pacifists and the usual scapegoats for their pathetic fucked up lives.

In any sane country the legislature, the courts and those still loyal and sane within the military command structure would be compelled to launch an immediate decapitation strike against an administration that has reached the end of the river and immediately arrest and frog march both George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney out of the White House and leg irons, restore control of the war machine to rational forces and weed out the moles, party hacks and fanatics before we are all in concentration camps sucking in nuclear fallout because that is the endgame to all of this lunacy for anyone not salivating over their seat assignment for the Rapture. This however is post 9/11 America and we only have the Vichy Democrats as a toilet tissue paper thin firewall against fullblown fascism and World War III. As for our elected officials now is the time to stop worrying about who was videotaped with someone’s dick, fist or rubber dildo in their mouth, asshole, vagina (or elsewhere) or whatever other unspeakable acts of debauchery and sodomy may be being held over their heads like the proverbial Sword of Damocles, or even if it is something as trivial of common corruption (hell, we expect that of politicians) it’s time to come clean in the best interests of America and reject the threats of The Lobby, people are catching on and pretty soon there will be far greater worries than appeasement of foreign agents – like trials for treason. As Pat Buchanan once correctly put it Congress is Israeli occupied territory and it’s way past time that a thorough housecleaning is done so those who are sworn to defend the Constitution start putting America first because all of the rest of it is just rot and corruption and runs counter to our own national interests.

I am sure that this post could potentially land me on Jane Harman’s shitlist as well as a place in a database for the day that the treacherous little fucking rat Lieberman consummates the anti-American H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 and commences the traveling carnival of perversion of McCarthyist modern day ‘red baiting’ and blacklisting but just fuck them all nonetheless.
All I want for Christmas is to wake up from this fucking long-running nightmare.

Bong Hits 4 Paris

In yet another triumphal week in the long-running quest to dumb down and fatten up America for the slaughter the pocket media mockingbirds were on the top of their game. The consolidated cartel of money-sucking moguls never fail to offer up irrefutable proof that their collective fingerprints are all over the dagger that has been implanted to the hilt in America’s back and facilitate the rise of domestic fascism. Virtually ignored was the full frontal attack of the fascist bloc of activist justices on an increasingly dangerous Supreme Court, the crown jewel of a politicized judicial system that has slowly metastasized and is rotting from within.

In a massive news week chock full of highly important stories like the Washington Post’s massive Pulitzer Prize worthy four-part series on the nefarious machinations of one treasonous pig named Richard B. Cheney entitled “Angler”, a flurry of subpoenas unleashed against a criminal administration, imploding hedge funds, a full frontal attack on Brown vs. Board of Education that essentially overturns the landmark civil rights ruling and the coming return to the segregation of public schools, a Pakistani humanitarian crisis that has left a million people homeless and potentially viable recruits for a resurgent Taliban, another incident of ‘collateral damage’ in Afghanistan with the killing of innocent civilians by NATO bombs, more of the same reigning in of free speech (the non-corporate type) in the bong hits 4 Jesus case, opening the money spigots on corporate ‘free’ speech, more pro-corporate favoritism in bestowed upon the looters and leeches by the state’s involvement in the economy through the sanctioning of price fixing, another cowardly Vichy Democrat cave-in on the restoration of the Fairness Doctrine and the national release of SiCKO and the predatory vultures in the medical industrial complex’s massive counterattack through their compliant little whores in the press.

These were all stories that affect millions that would be considered newsworthy in a time prior to the creeping tabloidism of Rupert Murdoch, media consolidation and the blatant cheerleading for war and advocacy of the oligarchs that have reduced the Constitution to nothing more than “a goddamned piece of paper” to use the words of Dick Cheney’s sock puppet George W. Bush. The corporate media has again succeeded in acting as a palace guard for executive power run amok and instead of acting in the best interests of a democratic society per their first amendment responsibility the greedy moguls have once more served to wash away important events that truly affect lives in a flood of more of the standard lurid tabloid slime and lowball, dirty yellow journalism.

Any substantive news on the deteriorating situation in Iraq is given little mention these days as well and when it is the gatekeepers ensure that it very quickly disappears down the memory hole because after all, there is always more celebrity, always a demented sex offender or a missing child that is of such utmost importance to Americans that the bummer of the carnage of a costly debacle of a war of choice can be shoved back behind the curtain where it belongs. That is unless of course the war is repackaged in order to be invoked as a crusade, a jihad, a holy war or a clash of civilizations interspersed with coded biblical terms and images of mushroom clouds and predictions of suicide bombers stalking the aisles of your local Walmart when they follow us home were coitus interruptus to occur at the behest of the cut and run traitors that are far left Democrats and godless secular liberals seeking to deny the faithful the prophesied glory of the Rapture. While playing games with the truth in Iraq the neocon propaganda chop shops and their Likudnik war monger allies are ginning up the case for the imminent attack on Iran. Of course this is going to happen and unfortunately for the winged monkeys of the Zionist brownshirt brigade that is the extreme ‘Christian’ right there will be no Rapture although it’s even money that we all will be incinerated together when the nukes start dropping from the skies.

And when it happens the pathetic losers and American lemmings will be prostrated in front of their beloved big screen televisions to cheer on the further exploits of the freed goddess Paris while the split screens festooned with ‘patriotic’ digital images mark the rocket’s red glare as they begin hitting their targets in Tehran. But back to the latest fucking disgrace of the week for the corporatist media. Michael Moore was bumped for Paris Hilton Thursday on that reptilian world champion of divorces and staunch defender of pederast Michael Jackson known as the Larry King Live show. Moore was also banned from that gross temple of iniquity of capitalism gone horribly awry that is the New York Stock Exchange.

Two amateurish ‘terrorist’ plots uncovered in the U.K. jacked up the fear factor and sent the country to the brink of lockdown. With the declaration of a heightened state of crisis along with the dispatching of heimat security to march through America’s airports in their Darth Vader suits you would think that an airliner had smashed into a landmark building instead of two clowns in a burning car running into an airport in Glasgow. Homeland Security poobah, Israeli-American dual-citizen and Boo Radley lookalike Michael Chertoff took to the Sunday morning bloviation circuit to foment fear in step one of the annual two-pronged attack that will culminate in a gross orgy of bone sucking red meat nationalism on Wednesday for the 4th of July.

The hysterical hyping of the latest terrorist plot by those who want to kill us for our freedoms (HA HA!) was especially fortuitous to the secret government operating out of Dick Cheney’s office because it swallowed whatever smidgen of coverage that that serious transgression against the constitution was allotted. And of course in staying with the official narrative the explosive cars are linked to…drumroll please AL QAEDA the great bogeyman that through design has become a menace to the survival of the civilized world unseen since SPECTRE. James Bond saved the world from SPECTRE but who is going to save the world from al CIAda and the neocons who have infiltrated and overthrown the legitimate government of the United States?

It sure as fuck ain’t gonna be Jesus.
And in breaking news George W. Bush has just commuted the sentence of convicted criminal and man of a multitude of rumored dubious shady Israeli connections I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby – former lawyer for the recipient of a controversial pardon by Bill Clinton and global crook Marc Rich. This is just un-fucking believable and I need a bit of time to comment on this latest blatant flouting of the very principles of the rule of law by this gangster administration. This’ll give Corn Fed Fred and the rest of the neocon cronies a good chuckle at the desecrated American system over their Fourth of July barbecues. There will be much huffing and puffing and mock indignation from the Pelosi-Hoyer-Reid Congress but it shall be short lived least those AIPAC donors be offended at any prolonged scorn directed at one of their favorite sons.

Rejoice Rejoice for Paris Hilton is free and now so is Scooter Libby. Jesus Fucking Christ, I think that I am going to be sick!

Our Lemming State

Here is yet another outstanding column by Justin Raimondo of that dares to call it like it truly is. The Neocon/Israeli joint-venture of hi-jacking America to act as a golem for the ultra-violent right-wing brutality of the bloodthirsty Zionist lunatics who continue to support Israeli agression despite it’s disastrous effects on American foreign policy and the bodies of our young who continue to get fed into the meatgrinder while traitors like Lieberman, McCain, Hillary and the rest of the bought and paid for whores of the Israeli Lobby thow out their rotator cuffs turning the crank for.

Best is that he goes after shithead fifth columnist Charles Krauthammer who if there was any justice in this pathetic shell of the land of the free and the home of the brave would have his head on a pike along Pennsylvania Ave along with the rest of the neocon, Bush-Cheney junta traitors.

Here is the link.

To paraphrase Colonel Frank Slade on the festering nest of dual loyalist, neocon fascsist snakes that is the American Enterprise Institute – Somebody should take a flamethrowner to that place.

AEI: A Roiling Spring Of Fascist Filth

That fetid nest of fifth columnist neo-fascists otherwise known as The American Enterprise Institute is at it again. The extremist reich-wing think tank has opened another front in their total war on America in the aftermath of a damning report by an international group of scientists that global warming is indeed a catastrophic reality. According to a piece posted at over at Common Dreams the AEI is throwing around wads of cash and casting a net for amoral shills willing to debunk the scientists. Not surprising since it also was reported this week that the Bush administration has engaged in a concerted campaign to censor the research of government agencies and environmental scientists that would interfere with the extreme pro-corporate, anti-science worldview of the rapacious looters of Wall Street and the winged monkey Rapture death cult. And it was of course all subsidized by American taxpayers.

Scientists and economists have been offered $10,000 each by a lobby group funded by one of the world’s largest oil companies to undermine a major climate change report due to be published today.

Letters sent by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), an ExxonMobil-funded thinktank with close links to the Bush administration, offered the payments for articles that emphasise the shortcomings of a report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Travel expenses and additional payments were also offered.

The UN report was written by international experts and is widely regarded as the most comprehensive review yet of climate change science. It will underpin international negotiations on new emissions targets to succeed the Kyoto agreement, the first phase of which expires in 2012. World governments were given a draft last year and invited to comment.

The AEI has received more than $1.6m from ExxonMobil and more than 20 of its staff have worked as consultants to the Bush administration. Lee Raymond, a former head of ExxonMobil, is the vice-chairman of AEI’s board of trustees.

The letters, sent to scientists in Britain, the US and elsewhere, attack the UN’s panel as “resistant to reasonable criticism and dissent and prone to summary conclusions that are poorly supported by the analytical work” and ask for essays that “thoughtfully explore the limitations of climate model outputs”.

The multi-faceted AEI attack machine has proven that it is far more versatile than only engaging in a single minded, relentlessly deranged neocon-Likudnik joint venture for raining down fire from the skies over Tehran in going after the IPCC as well. As a deadly multi-headed hydra with massive clout within the innermost power centers of the Bushreich one needs only to take a look at some of the names associated with this incubator of global fascism and world domination to get an idea on what a menace to democracy that it is. The AEI sports one hell of a roster of extremist right-wing freaks here are a few of the more well known who are listed as Scholars and Fellows:

Newt Gingrich: The egotistical, oversexed, philandering fascist dwarf with designs on the presidency has slimed out of this spider hole in recent months to denounce the First Amendment, engage in fear mongering and fomenting fascist sentiment. There are even some reich wingers out there with a Draft Newt movement – that’s the best damned idea that I have ever heard, give him a gun and ship his fat ass off to Iraq because after all, it is their war.

Lynne Cheney: Mrs. Dick is a key player for the AEI and has devoted much time to the cause between writing steamy lesbian pulp fiction novels and mounting McCarthyist campaigns along with that conniving little dual loyalist rat Joe Lieberman to purge ‘unpatriotic’ professors from the nation’s college campuses along the lines of similar efforts by the insidious neo-Nazi troll David Horowitz. It’s conventional wisdom that ‘shooter’ is a dangerous extremist but when looking a bit more closely at his ‘better half’ it’s becoming obvious who really wears the pants in the House of Cheney.

David Frum: Former Bush speechwriter and propagandist responsible for that “Axis Of Evil” statement that has proven so troublesome. Collaborated with fellow neocon Richard Perle on the anti-Muslim manifesto An End To Evil that laid out the case for perpetual war in the Middle East with the ulterior motive to carve out more lebensraum for Israel.

Richard Perle: Nicknamed The Prince of Darkness, Perle is a major player as well as a prominently featured talking head with intimate ties to Israeli hardliners. Perle’s resume and connections speak for themselves as to his importance to the neocon revolutionaries. He once remarked that investigative reporter Seymour Hersh was “the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist.” Perle was also a key contributor to the notorious report advocating Israeli aggression: A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm that was adopted by then P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu and that largely mirrors the doctrine of the Bush-Cheney junta.

Frederick W. Kagan: The driving force behind ‘the surge’ strategy and a longtime uber hawk who moved in quickly to present the neocon alternative that would allow junior to tell Poppy and Jim Baker exactly where they could stick their Iraq Study Group report.
Irving Kristol: The ideological ‘father of neoconservatism’ and genetic father of the highly influential William Kristol of The Weekly Standard, FOX and now the right-leaning Time Magazine (hey, they put the horsefaced Ann Coulter on the cover awhile back too) and who was a co-founder along with Robert Kagan (Fred’s brother) of the Project for the New American Century.

Michael Ledeen: Arch neocon who very disturbingly was described as “Rove’s Brain” by Wayne Slater and James Moore in their book The Architect. Ledeen is a prolific writer of right-wing polemics and veteran spook once glowingly described by Ted Koppel: “Michael Ledeen is a “Renaissance man in the tradition of Machiavelli” and a driving force for a war with Iran. Leedeen is incidentally referred to by many as an admirer of the finer aspects of Italian fascism.

Joshua Muravchik: Neocon third stringer who recently wrote an op-ed piece that was actually published by a reputable mainstream newspaper (The Los Angeles Times) very subtly entitled Bomb Iran.

The American Enterprise Institute and its resident zealots, fanatics, haters and ideologues represent one of the greatest threats to world peace, democracy and the future survival of humanity on the planet. Yet it is allowed to operate with a façade of legitimacy with no scrutiny by the mainstream media, the political system and absolutely no accountability.
It serves as a Mecca for every warmongering politico with an axe to grind against traditional American values and constitutional democracy. Manchurian John McCain and that duplicitous little fiend Joe Lieberman laid out their case for escalation in a joint appearance in early January and the regulars are a veritable who’s who of American neocon thugs with an eye on taking down the republic.

It is purveyor of hatred, a destroyer of economies, an important component of the military industrial complex and an ally to foreign governments that pursue an agenda that is a threat to our own national security.

It is in darkness that cockroaches thrive and it is long past time to shine a light into this foul nest of festering anti-Americanism before we are all ultimately victims of all that is evil that is concocted within it’s walls.