Category Archives: Israel and Congress

A Filibuster For Genocide

Right when Casper Milquetoast Harry Reid finally grows a set and includes a piss warm public option in the Senate version of the insipid, industry friendly health care ‘reform’ bill with opt outs set up for the states in Peckerwood Nation that want to keep their people fat, dumb, sick and stupid it’s good ole Joe Lieberman who is now upsetting the applecart with his intention to join the Republican filibuster (well not really a filibuster because those just aren’t done anymore) to protect the insurance parasites. Not that getting dicked by the wandering Jew is any surprise, the little shithead whose warbling speech sounds like he has a small turd lodged in his esophagus, his reputation for being a rat proceeds him. He not only publicly nuzzled with the hated George W. Bush, campaigned for admitted war criminal John McCain (the man who the media still can’t stop blowing) and in all likelihood was the neocon mole inside the Gore campaign back in 2000 but he has consistently proven to the a filthy fascist rat whose loyalty to America is at best suspect and at worse he is an outright traitor? Come on Joe, what’s the REAL reason for you recalcitrance? Tehran’s not a smoking crater yet? The new version of Vietnam that is Afghanistan needs a quarter of a million troops and Barry Boy isn’t moving fast enough for General Petraeus? Say it Joe – taking down the health care option benefits Israeli warmongers as they struggle to get their genocide machine back on track.

The two greatest mistakes of the latter half of the Twentieth Century have come full circle to bite America in the ass in 2009. First, Reaganomics has destroyed the economy, produced a generation of shit weaned on sucking their thumbs in front of the cable television explosion of the 1980s and 1990s and indoctrinated that the old con artist had single handedly saved the world by defeating the hated commie Soviets and his filthy administration was an incubator for the neocons who cut their teeth on Iran-Contra and the illegal Latin American dirty wars funded by Ollie North’s drug running who then moved up to the big leagues with PNAC, 9/11 and the Cheney world domination tour. The second greatest mistake of modern times was proffering legitimacy on the gangster colony that is the state of Israel and the continued usage of this wart on the world’s ass as an integral cutout for imperial black operations, the destabilization of legitimate regimes both in the region and without and the watchdog for the Anglo-American Empire smack dab in the middle of the oil rich Middle East. Israel is nothing more than a dark, paranoid, racist (now trying to enforce ban against Jewish girls dating Arabs), fascist, relentless war machine who have in effect become that which they once despised – Nazis. If Gaza isn’t a modern version of the Warsaw Ghetto then what the hell is it?

That Israel has any sort of entitlement to be recognized as a legitimate Jewish state is a farce, a mockery and a fraud of unimaginable proportions. That Israel is any sort of a real ally to America is a lie of Hitlerian magnitude because the unwavering support that is still given to this human rights abusing global leper colony does nothing but undermine the best interests of America. Unconditionally supporting Israel allows America to be easily tagged as the Great Satan (no offense to Goldman Sachs) and ensures that as long as cowardly American politicians and bureaucrats continue to ignore legitimate grievances against Israel’s criminal actions that Oceania will always be at war. The fraud of all frauds that God gave them the fucking land is an atrocious concept in any modern sense of reality, not only can it not be proven that God even fucking exists but try dragging his/her/it’s ass into court to prove the claim. But religion has always been the easy answer for both tyrants and suckers and it provides the necessary ideological cover for the forward operating base of the bloody war of civilizations (aka killing Muslims in a larger version of the U.S. Indian ‘wars to purify the world for global corporatism) and if not the religious justification then there is always the ever present Israeli fifth column that has long operated here on domestic soil to blackmail, threaten and bribe public officials and is enforced by the easily duped lost souls in the Religious Right that serve as shocktroops. Our very special friends from ‘God’s chosen’ land have played us for chumps for years, burrowing into our institutions like parasites sucking from the host with disastrous results, attacking and nearly sinking the USS Liberty, engaging in spying within America, engaging in blackmail operations, infiltrating and funding the most militant religious fanatics like CUFI and we still don’t have any real idea of exactly what they knew about 9/11 – the most hallowed day in modern history when the reset button was hit and the new police state was unleashed. Note the curious story of the Israeli art students among others.

Joseph Lieberman is one of these fifth columnists, always has been one and always will be one. He has allies too, the rabid nationalist right-wingers who serve the interests of the Military Industrial Complex, the Cheneys (Joe and Lynne once teamed up to Nazify American college campuses), McCain, Lindsay Graham and the other vile servants of the war machine who have their own axe to grind with Obama. You see, it is essential to take down Obama a peg or three in order for Israel to be able to resume their bloodlust and to send the bombers to Iran, of course the benefit for the war pigs and the oil Nazis is that for the first time since the murderous Shah was ousted by the Ayatollahs a puppet dictator along with his torture programs to keep the rabble in line could be installed. But the Pope of Hope isn’t moving quickly enough for the fascist Netanyahu – Lieberman regime and therefore must be taken down. Now assassinations (not that they are beyond the shadow government operatives) are just too messy and truth be known, thanks to the internet people are onto that game now, remember the New York Times’ reigning pimp of globaloney Thomas Friedman’s recent column that compared the atmosphere in the U.S. courtesy of the Birthers, Deathers and the domestic terrorist propaganda network FOX News to that that existed before Prime Minister Rabin was taken out by the usual deranged lone gunman? Nah, it’s just too obvious to continue to fire up the lunatic fringe white supremacists to take a shot at him, the blowback would be so intense that it could result in not only total societal breakdown but a real shootin’ civil war as well.

It’s always best to do things the CIA way which is through deception, dirty tricks, embedded operatives, propaganda and payola to destabilize a government – after all, we have seen this movie before. Not only is stopping any sort of meaningful health care reform, financial reform and any stimulus by the government that is actually directed towards creating jobs and not propping up corrupt zombie banks imperative for the survival of the cancer that is American capitalism but if domestic priorities and rebuilding the social safety net catches on then the money for the expansion of the Empire and therefore the Zionazi bloodlust to kill, conquer and dominate will be lacking the top accomplice in the American military that is necessary to keep the rest of the world from reigning in the mad watchdog.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe