Category Archives: Fascist America

The Tea Party: America’s Khmer Rouge

While I remain unconvinced that the ongoing Punch and Judy show over the raising of the national debt ceiling is nothing more but a gambit to destroy Social Security and Medicare, leading to their theft and redirection to the depraved gamblers on Wall Street there is one thing that is certain – the Republican party is a terrorist organization. I have long maintained this very simple truth about this deranged pack of anti-American fascist jackals and their relentless army of neo-confederates, Rapture zombies, teabagger freaks whose blistering hatred for traditional American values is every bit as advanced and savage as their 1930’s German historical counterparts once was. They are looking for the conditions where the system can be damaged to the point where the berserkers can be loosed, goaded on to engage in pogroms and the smorgasbord of scapegoats that are regularly served up by the likes of Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, Glenn Beck and thousands of even more vile although lesser paid instigators until the streets run red with blood. Providing that the debt ceiling “debate” isn’t anything more than another deceptively promoted by a corrupt media shearing of the sheep to keep the Wall Street predators ensconced in their mansions in the Hamptons and partying on their yachts and private jets this may be the time that the shit really does hit the fan.

The phony grass roots Tea Party, a post -Bush re-branding of the most rotten, ignorant and vicious elements of the Republican base conjure up comparisons with the Cambodian Khmer Rouge. So intent are these white skinned crybabies at “getting their country back” from the black man in the WHITE House that they clamor for the destruction of the entire country, as the infamous Vietnam saying goes “we had to destroy the village in order to save it”. While the actual effects of not raising the debt ceiling are unknown other than it would blow a hole in the ongoing Wall Street pillaging it would vastly affect the average American schmuck on a far greater level. Assuredly interest rates would rise which the finance industry shills say would hurt lending, as if these scumbags were in the money lending business anyway with banks and corporations hoarding cash but the trickle down effect would likely be devastating. In our uniquely American brand of fascist country trickle down economics aka cutting taxes for the rich has zero benefit for the working class. But as Bush in his waning months and then OBushma in his first two and a half years such schemes are wonderful little hooks to sell the rubes so that the gambling losses of the big Wall Street banks are socialized through government confiscation of taxpayer dollars is just one more knife in the backs of Boobus Americanus. I am amazed at how, on a weekly basis that prices at the local grocery stores continue to rise, gas prices are on the way back to 4 bucks a gallon again and the GOP pledges to focus on job creation have devolved into the standard treasonous pledges to not raise taxes on wealthy chiselers, keep the gays from getting married and out of the military, Muslim bashing and here in the diseased penis of America otherwise known as Florida – anti-bestiality laws. Not that the latter would be a necessarily bad thing were it to encourage the scumbaggers to not reproduce.

But I digress ….

The fascist Republican party as it exists today in the advanced stages of it’s mutation would be nothing more than an object of mockery were it not for the dregs of society that comprise the party base, the serious haters and jacked up on religion crusaders who are hellbent at destroying America from within. They have very serious ideas about the type of society that they desire and would use every bit of law enforcement power of the very government that they so proclaim to despise in order to ensure that their hated enemies, gays, libruls [sic], feminists, Muslims and assorted other non-white, non-Christians. The blacks can be put back in their place because Christ knows that Obama cannot be allowed to reassemble his ACORN forces to mount an assault to enslave the white race and that would happen save the useful boot licking uncle Toms like Allen West, the savage anti-Muslim bigot Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas. The teabaggers and their religious right brothers in arms though have a particular hatred for intellectualism that borders on sheer fanaticism. As I stated earlier, this sort of hard core focused rage and the need to crush all who do not conform under their jack-boots is as vigorous and as unyielding as that of the Khmer Rouge along with their Year Zero social reform policy.

A came across a very horrifying bit from a 1974 Chicago Tribune account on the Khmer Rouge:

“I was very frightened when I saw the Khmer Rouge [Tea Party] saw off the neck of a civilian [gay, Muslim, liberal etc] with the sharp edge of sugar palm leaves,” said Preap, standing amid a cluster of refugees beside a row of flimsy huts.
“They spent three days cutting his head off,” said Preap. “They sawed a little one morning, and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and night.
“They made the victim stand up while there were cutting in front of hundreds of people living in the Khmer Rouge area. Then they held him up when he could stand no longer.”
The episode was not just an isolated case but one of many I heard during visits to refugee camps. Khmer Rouge soldiers also have used the knife-like edges of sugar palm leaves to lop off the heads of Cambodian officers captured while overrunning nearby towns and military installations.
“They want the victims to suffer more and to serve as examples for people,” said one informant. “They denounce them as traitors before the crowd.”

“I had to join the Khmer Rouge army or they would have killed me,” said Preap. “Those who refuse to serve they send to their deaths. They walk thru villages telling the people to follow them, and the people must obey.”

When the shit does inevitably hit the fan, exactly what the fascist Republican party wants, these will be the enforcers to hunt down dissenters to the privatization of all that remains, the roads already paid for by the taxpayer will be sold to corporations and plutocrats and the tolls will be crippling to those who travel upon them. Public water systems will be hijacked by profiteers and as in Bolivia, the collection of rainwater will become against the law, the populace has already been largely converted into a nation of rats and snitches courtesy of the fear mongering after 9/11 and if you are found in violation you will be subject to having a pack of foaming at the mouth lunatics wearing tri-corner hats, Captain America costumes and waving Gadsden flags show up at your door to cart you off to the public head-sawing. This makes for one hell of a hedge for the oligarchy and their Republican stooges. And this is exactly why I have recommended that progressives start very seriously rethinking their non-violent tendencies, the street thugs will be the first to be unleashed when the whole thing implodes for the regular folks and a failure to be ready to organize and to respond appropriately will only result in your own heads becoming trophies upon the pyramids of human skulls that they will so enjoy building as a tribute to their fascist leaders.

Dancing With The Corpses

“If you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose”

-Charles Bukowski

Kirstie Alley glided across the dance floor, shaking her stuff, her gracefulness belied her girth and made her the early favorite to become the new avatar of all that is right in America, Dancing With the Stars is finally back. ABC, learning a lesson after last season’s near fiasco when waves of Teabagger activists stormed the online polls and nearly voted Bristol Palin America’s as favorite dancing queen, potentially alienating millions of non-Sarah Palin worshippers. The redultant big ratings turd that would have been floated in the punchbowl had the less talented teenage birther of bastards been allowed to steal the title. Opting for a lineup of less politically divisive ‘stars’ this time around DWTS gave Americans just the sort of sweet, sweet spike of mental morphine delivered digitally through the electronic crackpipe. The two-minute hate directed at whore-mongering cokehead Charlie Sheen has abetted for at least the time being, Obama’s new war and the nuclear travesty in Japan stealing most of the airplay. Americans love this stuff, it’s one hell of a distraction, I am waiting for some savvy entrepreneur to contract out to the oligarchy and start manufacturing giant balloons of Sheen’s head to fill with helium and fly in front of gas station price signs. Such is life on the big star spangled lemming farm , where the inhabitants graze away placidly in front of their big screen living room gods while awaiting the big culling of the herd. 

Ordinary Americans you see can’t be bothered with the reality of the corporate wars waged under the big lie of spreading democracy and taking the fight to those who hate us for our freedoms and way of life. Truth is that we really aren’t as free as advertised (just take a good look around someday) nor is U.S. democracy any other thing than what H.L. Mencken once remarked as that “every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods”. Democracy in Der Heimat today is voting on American Idol and Dancing With the Stars, the real elections are nothing other than a Hobson’s choice between two compromised, corrupted and amoral charlatans who were chosen precisely because of these traits by the oligarchy. Elections in American you see are a win-win situation for the pigs that run the system, given a false sense of legitimacy by a naive, childlike belief that change can still be realized at the ballot box/electronic voting machine when the entire democratic process is an illusion in itself. Sure there are the standard cultural populist issues that pollute the ballot and ensure that the most enormously stupid and hateful among us show up in sufficient numbers so as to make it a good show but when it all comes down to it there is no substantial difference between America’s two rotten and irredeemably debased and venal political parties. There is really no substantive differences in the policies of the state itself no matter which party ‘wins’ control over the spoils system, the corporate giveaways only accelerate, impoverishing millions in the process, the police state continues to metastasize as the cancer on a once much more free society that it is and most importantly of all …the wars continue. Not that Americans want to hear about them rather than the standard idiotic jingoist hogwash smothered in patriotic bullshit, there are dancing and talent contests to watch, ballgames to enjoy and the daily Vulcan style mind meld with their beloved telescreens to continue uninterrupted by any sort of reality lest their exoskeleton of denial be punctured. 

Death Came From The Skies: In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Slaughterhouse Five the author uses the books of a fictional science fiction writer named Kilgore Trout to insert social commentary into his overall story. One of ‘Trout’s’ tales addressed the strange contradictions of a society that will accept with open arms one who kills civilians with state sanction during wartime while ostracizing one for silly, superficial reasons:

This, too, was the title of a book by Trout, The Gutless Wonder. It was about a robot who had bad breath, who became popular after his halitosis was cured. But what made the story remarkable, since it was written in 1932, was that it predicted the widespread use of burning jellied gasoline on human beings. It was dropped on them from airplanes. Robots did the dropping. They had no conscience, and no circuits which would allow them to imagine what was happening to the people on the ground.

Trout’s leading robot looked like a human being, and could talk and dance and so on, and go out with girls. And nobody held it against him that he dropped jellied gasoline on people. But they found his halitosis unforgivable. And then he cleared that up, and he was welcomed to the human race.

Vonnegut was actually present at Dresden on the night that allied bombers laid waste to the ‘Florence of the Elbe’, a historic city as well as a non-military target with little or no air defense system that was packed with refugees and prisoners and was targeted by bombers that incinerated over one hundred thousand civilians. Vonnegut spoke of seeing the boiled bodies of schoolgirls floating in a water tower through his character Billy Pilgrim and also of being forced to dig through the wreckage in the aftermath to find “corpse mines” and described the odor of the bodies:

“They didn’t smell bad at first…but then the bodies rotted and liquefied, and the stink was like roses and mustard gas”

He also spoke of a character, another soldier who died of the dry heaves from having to go down into a corpse mine and being overcome by the stench:

“He tore himself to pieces, throwing up and throwing up”

Dresden doesn’t get much mention when it comes to the history of the ‘good war’, neither does the decimation of the Japanese homeland by the fire-bombing of civilian areas. Before Fat Man and Little Boy were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima the land of the rising sun had been brought to it’s knees by a long-running series of B-29 incendiary bombings led by General Curtis LeMay a ruthless efficiency obsessed madman with the nickname of “Bombs Away LeMay”. LeMay led a withering series of bombings on 64 Japanese cities with the worst being the flaming hell from the skies unleashed on Tokyo on March 9-10, 1945 when nearly one hundred thousand human beings were incinerated. So intense was that bombing that according to one writer, Nicholas Von Hoffman, that the heat “boiled the water in lakes and ponds, cooking those who fled to safety there like human lobsters”. LeMay once said that “killing Japanese didn’t bother me very much at that time… I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal”. The murderous actions of the U.S. government against the non-caucasian enemy du jour in any of our great imperialist wars and conflicts including Barack Obama’s humanitarian bombardment of Libya as well as the financial windfall that the destruction of lives and infrastructure reap for the moneychangers and blood barters rarely if ever intrude on the consciousness of the masses of asses who couldn’t be bothered with the slaughter that is carried out on their taxpayer dime. Kilgore Trout’s’ The Gutless Wonder is a perfect metaphor for the apathetic and dumbed-down  philistines who allow for the murder of innocents to take place in their name as long as the reality doesn’t intrude upon their futile pursuit of happiness. I know people who regularly flock to local air shows when they take place every year to marvel at the military planes, drool over the displays of armaments, eat, drink and be merry with that one big disconnect from reality ensuring their pleasure. Aerial bombardment and cruise missiles are not only extraordinarily expensive but also representative of the sanitized killing and innate gutlessness of modern drone warfare where airstrikes can be launched from a distance in the comfort of air conditioned command centers by men with video screens and joysticks. Roger Waters accurately described it as the Bravery of Being out of Range:

In something more contemporary than World War II atrocities one needs only to read Chris Hedges’ latest gut-wrenching essay The Body Baggers of Iraq. In the piece, Hedges who is the preeminent moral voice in this feculent cadaver of a republic pulls back the red, white and blue bunting on the blessed glory of war that is revered by armchair patriots. He details the story of Jess Goodell, a worker in the Marine Corps Mortuary Affairs unit whose job was to “collect and catalog” the corpses and possessions of those poor, fucked-over “heroes” who paid the ultimate price so that Americans could remain free to be decadent, slothful, timorous, self-obsessed nitwits whose only Earthly purpose is to be ready to bare their jugulars whenever the monsters that are the corporate vampire class are ready to feed. The piece is not for anyone possessing either a weak stomach nor an animal instinct to remain in denial about the glamorous and noble nature of war that they have been sold through movies and television. War is a vile, stinking morass of human misery, blood, vomit, dead babies, shattered lives and those who have gotten obscenely wealthy and powerful in turning the filth, fury and soul-sucking degradation into just more revenue flows that they use to gamble in the markets on more defense stocks that feed the demon that can never be full enough of the gore and gold upon which it feeds. To once again quote the late, great Hunter S. Thompson..”All political power comes from the barrel of either guns, pussy, or opium pipes, and people seem to like it that way.” It has worked wonders for the psychotics who run this place now and while that precious nugget of real truth is an even bigger bout of skull-fuckery that is best left to the hard core truth-seekers and cynics…

But I digress….

The Body Baggers of Iraq is just awesome in it’s sustained intensity and you will never see anything even remotely resembling something like this in even the most ‘liberal’ bastions of the corporate propaganda system that serves as the media here in Fortress USA. I excerpt the following from that piece:

The unit processed about half a dozen suicides. The suicide notes, she said, almost always cited hazing. Women, she said, were constantly harassed, especially sexually, but it often did not match the systematic punishment and humiliation meted out to men who were deemed to be inadequate Marines. She said that Marines who were overweight or unable to do the physical training were subjected to withering verbal and physical abuse. They were called “fat nasties” and “shit bags.” The harassed Marines would be assigned to other individual Marines and become their slaves. They would be sent on punishing runs in which many of them vomited. They would be forced to bear-crawl—walk on all fours—the length of a football field and back. This would be followed by sets of monkey fuckers—bending down, grabbing the ankles, crouching down like a baseball catcher and then standing up again—followed by a series of other exercises that went on until the Marines collapsed.

“They make these Marines do what they call ‘bitch’ work,” Goodell said. “They are assigned to be someone else’s ‘bitch’ for the day. We had a guy in our platoon, not in Iraq but in California, and he was overweight. He was on remedial PT, which meant he went to extra physical training. When he came to work he was rotated. One day he was with this corporal or this sergeant. One day he was sent to me. I had him for an hour. I remember sending him outside and making him carry things. It was very common for them to dig a hole and fill it back up with sand or carry sand bags up to the top of a hill and then carry them down again.”

The unit was sent to collect the bodies of the Marines who killed themselves, usually by putting rifles under their chins and pulling the trigger.

“We had a Marine who was in a port-a-john when he blew his face off,” she said. “We had another Marine who shot himself through the neck. Often they would do it in the corner of a bunker or an abandoned building. We had a couple that did it in port-a-johns. We had to go in and peel and pull off chunks of flesh and brain tissue that had sprayed the walls. Those were the most frustrating bodies to get. On those bodies we were also on cleanup crew. It was gross. We sent the suicide notes home with the bodies.”

“One of the first convoys we went to was one where the Army had been traveling over a bridge and an IED had exploded,” she said. “It had literally shot a seven-ton truck over the side and down into a ravine. Marines were already going down into the ravine. We were just getting out of our vehicles. We were putting on our gloves and putting coverings over our boots. I was with a Marine named Pineda. I was coming around the Humvee and there was a spot on the ground that was a circle. I looked at it and thought something must have exploded here or near here. I went over to look at it. I looked in and saw a boot. Then I noticed the boot had a foot in it. I almost lost my lunch.”

“In the seven-ton truck the [body of the] assistant driver, who was in the passenger seat, was trapped in the vehicle,” she said. “All of his body was in the vehicle. We had to crawl in there to get it out. It was charred. Pineda and I pulled the burnt upper torso from the truck. Then we removed a leg. Some of the remains had to be scooped up by putting out hands together as though we were cupping water. That was very common. A lot of the deaths were from IEDs or explosions. You might have an upper torso but you need to scoop the rest of the remains into a body bag. It was very common to have body bags that when you picked them up they would sink in the middle because they were filled with flesh. The contents did not resemble a human body.”

The members of the mortuary unit were shunned by the other Marines. The stench of dead flesh clung to their uniforms, hair, skin and fingers. Two members of the mortuary unit began to disintegrate psychologically. One began to take a box of Nyquil tablets every day and drink large quantities of cold medicine. He was eventually medevaced out of Iraq.

“Our cammies would be stained with blood or with brains,” she said. “When you scoop up the meat it often would get on the cuffs of our shirts. You could smell it, even after you took off your gloves. We weren’t washing our cammies everyday. Your cuff comes to your face when you eat. Physically we were stained with remains. We had a constant smell like rotten meat, which I guess is what it was since often the bodies had been in the sun and the heat for a long time. The flesh had gone bad. The skin on a body in the hot sun slides off. The skin detaches itself from the layer beneath and slides around on itself.”

Her unit once had to recover two Marines who had drowned in a lake. It appeared one had leapt in to save the other. The bodies, which were recovered after a couple of days by Navy divers, were grotesquely swollen. One of the Marines was so bloated and misshapened that the body was difficult to carry on a litter.

“His neck was as wide as his bloated head, and his stomach jutted out like a barrel,” she writes in the book. “His testicles were the size of cantaloupes. His face was white and puffy and thick. Not fat, but thick. It was unreal. He looked like a movie prop, with thick, gray, waxy skin and the thick purple lips. We couldn’t stop looking at these bodies because they were so out of proportion and so disfigured and because, still, they looked like us.”

It was hardest to look into the faces of the dead. She and the other members of the mortuary unit swiftly covered the faces when they worked on the bodies. They avoided looking at the eyes of the corpses.

Once, the unit had to process seven Marines killed in an explosion. Seven or eight body bags were delivered to the bunker.

“We had clean body bags set up so we could sort the flesh,” she said. “Sometimes things come in with nametags. Or sometimes one is Hispanic and you could tell who was Hispanic and who was the white guy. We tried separating flesh. It was ridiculous. We would open a body bag and there was nothing but vaporized flesh. There were not four hands or a whole leg in a bag. We tried to distribute the mush evenly throughout the bags. We were trying to do the best we could sorting it out. We had the last body bag come in. We opened up the body bag and it was filled with the heads. I looked at four before looking away. Not only did we have to look at them, we had to pick them up and figure out who it belonged to. The eyes were looking back at us. We got used to a lot of it. But the heads worked the other way. They affected us more strongly as time passed. We saw on the heads the expressions of fright and horror. It made us wonder what we were doing here.”

She processed one Marine whose face was twisted at the moment of death by rage. The face of this Marine began to haunt her.

“I had this feeling that something awful had occurred,” she said. “The way he had come in and stiffened he had this look to his face that made my stomach curl. It looked angry. Often expressions on bodies would look fearful and hurt. The faces looked as though they had received death. But this face looked like he had given death.”

She and the other members of the unit became convinced they could feel and hear the souls of the dead Marines they had processed and housed in their reefers.

The pernicious nature of war not only destroys flesh and buildings, it destroys lives of those who survive and then must cope with the horrific and immoral acts that their government has ordered them to participate in. Those with a conscience like Goodell are haunted by the experience and are able to channel it into some sort of action that is redemptive, such as speaking out with the truth. Others, take for example Army Specialist Jeremy Morelock of Wasila, Alaska (how ironic) and the “Kill Team” who was just sentenced to 24 years in prison for his murdering for fun of Afghan civilians. While Morelock becomes the example and the sacrificial lamb for the ongoing carnage in America’s wars. How many other Jeremy Morelocks are not going to be brought up on charges and will return home one day, trained killers with sociopathic personality disorders and who will be absorbed into the police state apparatus as law enforcement personnel? Food for thought isn’t it?

Outback’s Shameless Corporate War Profiteering

To borrow from the Marine Corps vernacular referenced in the Hedges’ piece one could accurately peg the majority of Americans as “shit bags”, “fat nasties”, “money fuckers” and “slaves” so worthless and pathetic they have been during the rise of the fascist state. More of the lemmings here in God’s chosen land of plenty pour our their emotions in acts of lunacy like mourning the death of multi-millionaire movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor, a woman who lived the good life and through her the inhabitants of idiot nation lived vicariously, just as they do when it comes to all of the false idols that they sanctimoniously deify while the wallow in the shame, cowardice and willful ignorance that passes for their pitiful little lives. I remember back in the days after the prior vainglorious Emperor George W. Bush unleashed the full fury of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex on Saddam Hussein’s Iraq back in 2003, at that time gas was still cheap, the grand fraud of the Wall Street housing bubble was years from reaching critical mass and piggish and still traumatized by the ‘terrorist’ attacks on 9/11 were braying for blood. The roads were filled with mega-sizes SUV’s and goddammit if there wasn’t one of those idiotic fucking yellow ribbon magnets on the ass end of each one. It was futile trying to convince the average American dumbass that their over-consumption of the precious black gold was what our heroic military ‘heroes’ were being sent into the meat-grinder to kill, be maimed for life or die for. Back in that day those who dared to question were shouted down as “traitors”, “terrorist-appeasers”, “enemies of the state” and the worst of all pejoratives…”unpatriotic” back when it was scary to dissent against Bush’s maniac crusades for neocon doctrine. Those were disturbing times for those of us who were only starting to come to the realization (as with me) that it was all bullshit, before the early internet insurgents….after years of relative ‘peace’ it was a total war of civilizations. Eventually though the truth became to seep out, the internet gave many of us a place to organize and educate ourselves and the always greed-crazed corporate carnivores latched onto the wars as another marketing tool. 

The wars have not only not been televised to Americans but are now shamelessly used by corporations who equate patriotic fervor with profits. The participation of national restaurant chains like Outback Steakhouse in Operation Homefront are cynically used to sell steaks and blooming onions to blooming idiots (I wonder how that meat would taste if Chris Hedges’ piece were slipped into the menus), Wal-Marts are festooned in the red-white and blue despite an inventory of poorly constructed garbage made in China and “support the troops” has become a guaranteed money maker to lure consumers. The worst offenders of course is FOX and nothing is more indicative of their cheerleading for murder than the NFL coverage, take for example the use of Veterans Day weekend in 2009 to promote the ‘patriotism’ of the foreign pig Rupert Murdoch. FOX’s pregame show was held on a set in Afghanistan (see Militarist Masturbation) where ex jocks and grinning shit salesmen like Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw immersed the FOX brand in the sort of glorification of the war machine that would do Leni Riefenstahl proud. There is no important football game that doesn’t feature a tax dollar wasting flyover and this year’s Super Bowl in Jerry Jone’s gauche Texas temple of avarice was vomit inducing so soaked in red-meat flag waving and war worshipping hyperbole was it. It goes over real well with those who in the true modern American way love to park their fat asses on their couches in front of their big screen televisions and cheer for others to die just as long as they don’t have to do the fighting.

I will close with this excerpt from the classic antiwar book by Dalton Trumbo, Johnny Got His Gun:

You can always hear the people who are willing to sacrifice somebody else’s life. They’re plenty loud and they talk all the time. You can find them in churches and schools and newspapers and legislatures and congress. That’s their business. They sound wonderful. Death before dishonor. This ground sanctified by blood. These men who died so gloriously. They shall not have died in vain. Our noble dead.


But what do the dead say?

Did anybody ever come back from the dead any single one of the millions who got killed did any one of them ever come back and say by god I’m glad I’m dead because death is always better than dishonor? Did they say I’m glad I died to make the world safe for democracy? Did they say that I like death better than losing liberty? Did any of them ever say it’s good to think I got my guts blown out for the honor of my country? Did any of them ever say look at me I’m dead but I died for decency and that’s better than being alive? Did any of them ever say here I am I’ve been rotting for two years in a foreign grave but it’s wonderful to die for your native land? Did any of them say hurray I died for womanhood and I’m happy see how I sing even though my mouth is choked with worms?

Nobody but the dead know whether all these things people talk about are worth dying for or not. And the dead can’t talk. So the words about noble deaths and sacred blood and honor and such are all put into dead lips by grave robbers and fakes who have no right to speak for the dead. If a man says death before dishonor he is either a fool or a liar because he doesn’t know what death is. He isn’t able to judge. He only knows about living. He doesn’t know anything about dying. If he is a fool and believes in death before dishonor let him go ahead and die.

So it goes…

Geithner And Government Protect Wall Street And Dump Main Street For India

Geithner And Government Protect Wall Street And Dump Main Street For India

By William Cormier (featured with our good friend Bill’s permission – Just Another Coverup)

In a speech that will not surprise anyone, Timothy Geithner, while on a two-day visit to India, pledged that our government would “not (to) harm India’s IT outsourcing sector as it battles to create jobs at home in the worst labour market since the Great Depression of the 1930s.” He went on to state that “protectionist measures to prevent jobs from migrating outside the country would do more harm to the US than good.” As he rambled on, placing international relations and Wall Street profits ahead of millions of unemployed American workers, Geithner dug in his heels and stated:

“protectionist measures to prevent jobs from migrating outside the country would not seek to curb the investments of US companies overseas as “our fortunes are tied with the world”.”

“We are not going to go down that path,” promised Mr Geithner. “We know that it would make us weaker, not stronger.” LINK

To make matters worse, Timothy Geithner stated that the Obama Administration:

“would not seek to curb the investments of US companies overseas as “our fortunes are tied with the world”.

Who exactly is Timothy Geithner speaking for when he states that “We know that it would make us weaker, not stronger?” We need to press the White House and Mr. “Globalist Geithner” to explain exactly who he is referring to when speaking about “us.” We also need to know how and why it would make the United States weaker if we quit outsourcing American jobs and pay our citizens decent wages rather than supporting the economies of other nations throughout the world.

It is obvious the us Mr. Geithner is speaking of is Corporate America and Wall Street investors, not millions of highly qualified American workers that have had their livelihoods stripped from them by greedy corporations who have placed profit above the health and welfare of the American people. The Obama Administration’s acquiescence to corporate profits and power is nauseating and directly conflicts with his campaign promises. This is the most outrageous and misleading statement that Geithner has made to date, IMO, and we must challenge this need of President Obama to support Corporate America while stating that his administration is doing their best to prop-up our jobs market. You can’t do both Mr. President; our work force is competent and to pull us out of this “jobless recovery,” we have to create more high-tech jobs and quit outsourcing our economy and future to other countries.

How much has corporate greed aided other nations while helping to destroy our own economy? Just in India, the article referred to herein states:

IT outsourcing, which is heavily dependent on business from the US, is one of India’s flagship economic sectors. Companies such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and Genpact helped propel the economy to growth rates of 9 per cent before the global financial crisis and was responsible for creating 45 per cent of new jobs over the past 10 years.

I haven’t seen these statements circulated in our Mainstream News Media, and as usual, they are reporting upon anything and everything other than what concerns the welfare of our own country. We need to spread the word that President Obama is selling out American workers and pledging to support other economies rather than our own, and this is absolutely unacceptable!

William Cormier

Original Source Link

Editor’s Note – The story referenced from the Financial Times requires registration, for those who cannot afford to subscribe to this most important economic news in this time of national crisis I am posting the article below:

Geithner vows to block protectionism
By James Lamont in New Delhi

Published: April 7 2010 10:39 Last updated: April 7 2010 17:31

The US government has vowed not to harm India’s IT outsourcing sector as it battles to create jobs at home in the worst labour market since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, said during a two-day visit to India that protectionist measures to prevent jobs from migrating outside the country would do more harm to the US than good.

“We are not going to go down that path,” promised Mr Geithner. “We know that it would make us weaker, not stronger.”

He also said that the administration of Barack Obama, president, would not seek to curb the investments of US companies overseas as “our fortunes are tied with the world”. There have been proposals to trim the tax privileges of US companies that operate internationally.
“American companies are long in the world,” Mr Geithner told Indian business leaders at a discussion hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry.

“They are good at what much of the world needs. A huge part of the basic economic challenge we face is to give stronger in- centive for private investment, help support innovation and try to make sure there is more investment and stronger exports globally.”

Mr Geithner said Mr Obama was “deeply committed” to trying to build a consensus among Americans for more open trade to support the recovery.

“We have got the worst labour market since the Great Depression,” the Treasury secretary said. “Most Americans are still going through an incredibly difficult economic series of challenges and yet we’ve been very successful in working to keep our markets open under all that pressure.”
IT outsourcing, which is heavily dependent on business from the US, is one of India’s flagship economic sectors. Companies such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and Genpact helped propel the economy to growth rates of 9 per cent before the global financial crisis and was responsible for creating 45 per cent of new jobs over the past 10 years.

Last year the global IT outsourcing market was estimated to be worth as much as $250bn (€187bn, £164bn).

“Some of the sounds coming out of the US have caused concerns here,” said Tarun Das, the president of the Aspen Institute in India. Local businesses were wondering whether “the authors of globalisation are turning to protectionism”.

Senior policymakers say that the Indian economy is fast becoming more export-oriented and more vulnerable to protectionist action by other large economies.

“If we want to get to 9-10 per cent growth it’s in our interest that the US should get back to growing as soon as possible,” said Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of India’s powerful planning commission.

“It’s also [important] that [the] market remain open.”

Tea and Prostrage: A Requiem for the Tea Party

“Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge”

-Horace Mann

Prostrage: Involuntary emptying of bowel after anal sex or insertions of large objects into the anal passage.

-The Urban Dictionary

So this is it for the Tea Party, it is a spent force and will soon (although not soon enough) pass into our national history. It will go kicking and screaming epithets as yet another of those horrific, herpetic blights that always seem to plague many of those who should know better and the rest of the perpetually angry, broke-dick, knuckle-dragging fuckups who quite simply don’t give a rat’s ass. I predict that within the next year it will no longer exist, not because the passage of the tepid jar of vomit health ‘reform’ bill that was Christmas Day for the insurance parasites that shook the fascist Republicans to their roots and according to none other than Mr. Axis of Evil himself, David Frum was the party’s Waterloo. The career lickspittle Frum’s denunciation of the embarassment brought upon the Republican house of shame from throwing in with the likes of the Beckers, Dittoheads and Palinazis earned him scorn and the loss of his nice gig over at that roiling spring of neocon fascist filth The American Enterprise Institute.

The abomination of the health care ‘reform’ bill is just another serving of more woe for the rest of us peasants in being a bailout for an industry that should be dismantled and outlawed but when history is written it will also be seen as the grand rallying cause to return the criminal GOP to power. The thug caste, the lumpen Republicans and the Jesus juiced racist freaks that comprise much of the tea party movement were mustered using the help of corporate Astroturf public relations fronts like Freedomworks (another of those brilliant Orwellian monikers that these ratholes annoit themselves with) and despite organized semi-pogroms designed to bully and intimidate still lost out. Despite being as advertised in a corrupt media as legitimate resistance to a government run amok and hellbent on implementing full blown Communism right here in Der Heimat it doesn’t take a social scientist to look at the overall demographics and their signs and standards and conclude that much of the rabble couldn’t give a tinker’s damn about government health care at all but the head nigga in charge residing in the White House. Despite the failure of the anti-health care reform jihadists and the idea that they actually were representative in raising hell to bring about the desperately needed national enema that our smoking crater of a political system requires they will soon splinter like so many cancer cells. The new Frank Luntz contrived “repeal and replace” rallying cry is just not going to do it as the Republicans search for a new holy grail, a Roe v. Wade 2.0 that they can exploit the schmucks for on multi-generational levels.

As for the teapartiers, the large percentage who have been sucked in absent any sort of protest movement on the pathetic left but who haven’t undergone electronic lobotomies courtesy of Glenn Beck will simply drop out, slink away and get on with their lives. The serious dead enders however will be increasingly juiced up by the coming RepubliKKKan defense of the ramparts of the Alamo, at least that is what it will be painted as by the FOXed up media and the Dick Armey of Darkness when round two comes and the opponents aren’t the socialist Democrats and the Weasel Queen Pelosi but the damned dirty Meskins, La Raza and the brown menace invading American from the south. Tom Tancredo is probably already masturbating his palms raw over the very though of scrambling his misfit army of Beckers, Birthers, Palinazis and assorted other vermin for an all out war for the god-kissed and traded on Wall Street American way of life. With the Republicans now in balls out survival mode there is nothing to lose in continuing to exploit racism and jack up the rhetoric until some freak blows up a federal building with a nursery full of kids in it. After today’s news about the Christian freak militia plotting to blow up a bunch of cops it could be coming much sooner than one could imagine.

So much of the Republican scheme to return to power laid in duping the teabaggers into actually believeing that THEY would be better custodians of the national interest instead of the greed crazed, pathologically perverted, drunk on power and ready to wage global thermonuclear war as if they were playing Avalon Hill board games or Risk. There has of course been the racist undercurrent, it has worked ever since Nixon’s infamous southern strategy and the hallowed Gipper’s sneering at Cadillac driving welfare queens and having a bunch of pissed off southern fried motherfuckers with a lot of time on their hands and ready to rumble it was a stroke of genius to turn them into a Dick Armey of Darkness to wage their war against America’s first black president. It was the utmost of cynical tricks (as well as a dead giveaway) to bring in their token black man to lead the attack against Obama.

Michael Steele has very obviously made it his personal mission in life to redefine the old term “house nigger”, hell, Steele has taken it to the next level. His shameful yearlong fornication with the scumbaggers hit a new low with his defense of John Boehner’s cynical jerking off of the Raptureheads in calling the new health care bill an “apocalypse” and then defended the virulent racism of the co-opted army of white supremacist GOP shock troops on display outside the Capitol on Sunday. Now I use the term “hitting a new low” very scrupulously because after all, we are talking about the head of the RNC.Whit the way that the anti-Obama tries to be so hip would it really be a surprise were Steele to break out in a rap version of the Horst Wessel song at some point in the near future? And this was largely written before the revelations that Steele or his minions were blowing RNC money on lesbian bondage shows…the values people, or so we are told. So the anti-Obama attack will continue, and the violence and threats against elected officials will continue, the broken windows will lead to beatings and even worse as the hate junkies get their fixes. The already sanctioned vandalism and goon tactics will soon escalate, kind of like jerking off over porn, at first it’s just the ordinary stuff that makes the nut but then it takes kinkier and raunchier stuff to get off and before you know it there is full blown sexual deviation. This is a fitting analogy for the right-wingers (other than a large amount of the angry white Dittoheads and Beckers who ARE compulsive masturbators) because their mentality is that of a pathology, like pederasts, they just can’t help themselves.

So naturally there are going to be elements of the teabaggers who will soon cease to want to be affiliated with the S.A. types. Hey, I know some of these folks, they really aren’t bad people but they are frustrated and easily led astray by a highly sophisticated, very expensive and long running psyops campaign to create an American version of Operation Gladio. They like the same things as most people do only their priorities are skewed, their information streams poisoned by Fox propagandists and their justifiable anger at being fucked over by a system gone to seed has no legitimate outlet on the left so they turn to Beck, Bachmann and Palin as though their words are treating lepers at Lourdes, giving them scapegoats….especially BLACK scapegoats like Mr. Obama and ACORN. Sure they are hypocrites, some of the ones that I know rail against the demon socialism but have government jobs or on social security and the women have had the abortions that their movement seeks to deny other women the rights to but they are not the fascist, racist red state droogs that the GOP relies on for shocktroops. The idiots are being played, culled and will soon be on the same pickup lists that others are…the now marginalized dummies are going to be culled, the most vicious will end up on the FBI and NSA watchlists and the FOX addicted morons will not even recognize the switch out when they are assimilated into the GOP Borg.

So in recognizing that not ALL teabaggers want to continue to be used as human penis extensions for Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey I would like to implore the saner elements to defect and let the berserkers go on without them towards their inevitable moment of glory when the full fury of the state will be used against them.

Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously
He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously

-Bob Dylan

Going forward: An appeal to the sane tea partiers (not an oxymoron) – I will be posting this at many places where such folks hang out so the responses could be interesting.

1: DO NOT LISTEN TO GLENN BECK: Despite his appeal that is more a result of sly mass-marketing by wealthy interests and his Fox News soapbox (be aware that Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch has no qualms about dealing with the Communist Chinese and is only interested in the accrual of money and power) Beck is a Judas goat. Follow him and you are going to be led to the slaughter. Joining a cult of personality is not the answer, follow nobody and be your own leader. There are principled conservatives who believe in limited government and base their values on an actual belief system rather than bizarre rants like the dry drunk Beck whose ravings are more akin to those of a batshit crazy speed freak. I would recommend H.L. Mencken, Murray Rothbard, Justin Raimondo, Paul Craig Roberts or even old Pat Buchanan who despite having overdosed at the Republican Kool-Aid vat actually is a learned man who respects our nations institutions. You should also consider that Glenn Beck is a multi-millionaire who will be insulated in his gated mansion if and when all hell breaks loose, your purchasing of his books and merchandise fuel his opulent lifestyle while you are losing day by day as the system itself collapses. Think about it.

2: DO NOT USE VIOLENCE: It doesn’t work, is self-defeating and will be crushed by the state once it gets out of hand. Also it will give the government justification to use their police state powers to crack down on dissent – ALL dissent. Once violence is used you lose, have no illusions that you have a chance against the state no matter how many guns that you may have because their guns are bigger, their forces more trained and they have tanks, helicopters and bombs in addition to sophisticated crowd control devices such as LRAD. To any of your militia types who actually believe that an armed insurrection against the sitting government is possible just keep it in the back of your mind that a platoon of heavily armed marines would very quickly turn hundreds of you into something resembling low-grade hamburger meat. The state has already had dry runs at implementing martial law in cities, note the G20 meetings in Pittsburgh last year where the entire city was in lockdown. A much more effective method to fight tyranny is civil disobedience, just imagine what millions of you could do if instead of protesting you just stayed home one day on a weekday, it would bring the system to a halt. An additional word of advice is to not mimic the rabble who showed up in Washington for the GOP pogrom against Congress on the day the health care bill passed – threatening (including menacing and harassing) elected officials is a federal crime for which you are at risk of being arrested and prosecuted for. I realize that Herr Beck is calling out the shocktroops to raise Cain for repeal and the pigs like John Boehner and Newt Gingrich are egging it on but consider very seriously if you want to be around if something ugly goes down.

3: REALIZE THAT OBAMA IS NOT A SOCIALIST: that is Obama is not a socialist in the true sense of the word in that the people are getting anything but the shaft. The only socialism in this rotting country is socialism for the rich (mammoth, deficit killing tax cuts), for bankers whose illicit gambling schemes have destroyed the economy and then received a taxpayer bailout from their cronies in both the Bush and Obama administrations and for catastrophic business failures, for example General Motors. The game is rigged folks and until you are able to break free of the phony left vs. right paradigm it will stay rigged. As robber baron industrialist Jay Gould once famously remarked “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”- he was absolutely correct, just look at yourselves. The health care ‘reform’ bill is about the farthest thing from socialized medicine possible as it forces already busted out citizens to purchase protection from the insurance racketeers, if you want to see socialized medicine that actually works look at the Veteran’s Administration. If anything Obama is a fascist simply because he is the chief executive of a fascist country, labeling him as a socialist is absurd but not surprising considering the perversion of language in the U.S.A.

4: REALIZE THAT YOU ARE BEING USED BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: so that they can return to power. It is of the utmost importance that you recognize that the Republicans and the Democrats are both criminal organizations and do not care about you. Sarah Palin urges you to join the Republican party, Dick Armey of Freedom Works is a longtime Washington insider who is exploiting you and your movement, originally a more libertarian one along the lines of Ron Paul’s policy views has been hijacked by cynical big government Republican neocons. You turn to ‘saviors’ like Florida’s Marco Rubio but fail to realize that he is an opportunist and Jeb Bush’s protégé. You need to reject outright the Republican party – a legitimate independent movement is the ONLY hope for change. The neocon influence on the tea partiers is very great and rather than get into the nuances of how toppling or discrediting Obama serves their foreign policy goals just realize that the leading thinkers of these fifth columnists is rooted in their adulation of Communist Leon Trotsky. As for big government be mindful that George W. Bush presided over the biggest increase in the federal government since Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society programs only that Bush’s expansionism was in implementing a massive police state infrastructure that could be used against you at any minute…that is if it isn’t being used against you already. The Republicans are not the answer despite what the celebrity Palin says when urging you to support that criminal organization, they are every bit as vile as the DemocRATs. To quote a man named Professor Carroll Quigley who some of you are probably familiar with:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy”
5: OBAMA IS NOT THE PROBLEM- THE SYSTEM ITSELF IS THE PROBLEM: Shift your focus and energies from a monstrously bad health care ‘reform’ bill because it is a done deal no matter how the Republican operatives running the tea party try to spin it. This bill was the product of a corporate system that is rotten to the core. The enemy is the system itself no matter how Glenn Beck and other shills for the oligarchy try to spin it and pin the blame on Obama. It is the system that evolved over years under BOTH Republican and Democrat administrations and Congresses that has been responsible for shipping well paying American jobs out of America, building a police state and waging expensive wars that are destroying the future of America by burying in debt to China and allowing the Federal Reserve and the corrupt gangsters on Wall Street to print money non-stop and use it to engage in reckless gambling that creates nothing but debt. The current system must be replaced entirely, simply returning Republicans to power is not the answer.

6: UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE BEING MARGINALIZED: Like the antiwar hippie left you are slowly being turned into cartoons. The corporate media will always find the most extreme and embarrassing element in your crowd to feature in news stories. Despite the wide resistance to the Vietnam war that included mainstream Americans it was always some peace sign festooned, acid-juiced hippie freak that would be singled out by the media. The same thing is happening now with every racist freak and mentally unbalanced dead ender who runs amok in an isolated incident being used to produce a guilt by association effect. Also, elitist pig columnist David Brooks over at the damned librul [sic] New York Times has already snarkily pegged you as Wal-Mart Hippies. Look to become a mockery just like the peaceniks and dopehead Che Guevera and Chariman Mao worshipping types who were burning their draftcards way back in the day…it’s already happening and only you are to blame for it though you tolerance for white supremacist crazies and religious zealots.

7: CRYING BLOODY MURDER ABOUT DEFICTS IS HYPOCRISY: Other than the Ron Paul folks I didn’t see anyone out at tea parties until CNBC’s Wall Street pimp Rick Santelli’s little snit that activated sleeper cells. First and foremost where was your revolt when Bush and the Republicans were maxing out the national credit cards? Also, what is missing from any outrage over the massive Chinese financed debt is that there is ZERO acknowledgement that U.S. military spending is by far the biggest, most wasteful and most expensive contributor to the impoverishment of future generations. There is zero credibility in denouncing jobs programs, extensions of unemployment benefits and any program that actually gives something to the peasants when totally ignoring the effects of the Military Industrial Complex. I would stongly recommend all to view Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings of the ruinous effects of massive military spending. The phony war on terror is now being used as justification for this unsustainable abomination but something had to replace the Soviet Union as the evil enemy. I would also suggest that you start to protest the billions of dollars in both military and foreign aid that is sent outside out borders rather than used to shore up our crumbling infrastructure, to promote re-industrialization that would put Americans back to work and pay down the deficit. You will never hear this taboo truth from Glenn Beck, Barack Obama, the DemocRATs or the Republicans but it is the chief reason that we are slouching towards bankruptcy as a nation, both financially and morally.

8: REACH OUT TO OTHERS: Realize that there are many on the left who agree with you on many issues and while you will not hear it on Fox there are liberals and progressives who hate the massive giveaway to the insurance industry as much as you do. It is also unacceptable to be forced to buy expensive insurance from the same parasites who have destroyed the system. The mandate to buy private insurance was originally a Republican idea that has been picked up by their criminal counterparts the Democrats and sold to Americans by Obama as legitimate reform rather than state sponsored redistribution of wealth to politically connected cronies and the corporations that finance their campaigns.

Just a question, how many of you were out there protesting Bush and Cheney and the neocons when they were destroying the constitution and blurring the definition of what it means to be a ‘terrorist’? I bet not too many participated in the demonstrations against the illegal wars or for that matter against torture, illegal surveillance and the secret prison gulags. Nope, it took Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and a black man in the White House who is called everything from a Communist to the AntiChrist.

This is your wake up call now, principled civil libertarians have been outraged at how our civil liberties have been destroyed for years and none of you seemed to care when Bush was setting up the police state, or ‘free speech’ zones, or spying on Americans. Now you are getting what you deserve having thrown in with the violent browshirt scum of the fascist Republican base instead of following Ron Paul and the principled non-violent message.

The next knock at your door may be Homeland Security.

Those are my words of advise to those of you who are able to save yourselves from the eventual plunge into the abyss that you are being dragged into by your worst elements and the cynical, crazed Republicans who are using you all in their desperation to return themselves to control of the spoils system. This thing is not going to end well for most of those people, it is inevitable that there is going to be an incident (y’all are notorious for blowing up government buildings filled with women and children) that will trigger the USA PATRIOT Act (that none of you opposed) to be used against you as domestic terrorists. Heed my words of warning and you can save yourselves from the conflagration of violence that will arrive when the berserkers that you have affiliated yourselves with cross that line. Last week it was bricks and broken windows, cursing and spitting on black people and mob intimidation that to no surprise already has your movement on the FBI and Homeland Security’s radar. And as for the Republicans who are stoking the rage and using your numbers and anger to their advantage just what do you think is going to happen if they are successful in using angry and violent mobs to return to power? Given your ignorance of history considering that your tea parties are actually in a true historical context supporting the rule of the British monarchy I would doubt that many of you have heard of the Night of the Long Knives.

Just my two cents


"Hang The Robes" and Other Ruminations

As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends.

-Jeremy Bentham

An ominous trend is beginning to creep into the so-called progressive blogosphere, it is the now common censorship of more radical expression that at one time was acceptable in many areas yet has become taboo in the era of Obama. The recent swarm attack against Dennis Kucinich by phony liberal organizations like for his holdout on the insurance industry windfall that is your new national healthcare ‘reform’ bill was evidence of the purge of heretics from the Rahm Emanuel corporate co-opted ‘left’. I am certain that everyone reading anything that I do has been subjected to some form of censorship, banning, troll-rating or comment hiding at what are cynically foisted off as free speech oriented liberal/progressive or for that matter inclusive independent blogs for being critical of our God chosen very special friends in Israel, that goes with the territory. It is pretty commonly understood that the genocidal Zionists have for years recruited operatives to blogswarm, bully and tar as anti-Semitic those who dare to shine the light on human rights abuses, war crimes and atrocities that should have the Israeli leaders in the dock at the Hague, that is just something that has to be dealt with when blogging. As my old southern buddy Mikey used to say “if you’re going to play in NASCAR you should expect to get more than a few dings” but the siege has often resulted in the even more chilling self-censorship in the fear that ANY conversation regarding Israel and the Palestinians is verboten. Take for example a place called Docudharma where I have occasionally posted, to venture into calling out Zionist aggression in any way, shape or form will nearly instantaneously have one ostracized. I single DD out because I have witnessed it there, it was a spinoff from Markos Moulitsas-Zuniga’s (who is as left wing as Stalin) Daily Kos which is notorious for the policing of cynics, skeptics, doubters and above all else – critics of Israel.

But I digress…

The creeping menace of liberal/progressive blog censorship has hit me again this week, I only bring this up because it was over at OpEd News, a forum that I have been a regular at for years, have contributed articles to and have commented on many. It was always an open forum albeit since it gets a good deal of exposure there needed to be a bit of discretion used in using certain terms which is an understandable tradeoff for the exposure that an article could get due to the crossover appeal of OEN – my series on Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government as well as some things that I did on 9/11 received attention elsewhere due to OEN.

This week though, I ran afoul of the censors for a comment that I had posted on a Rob Kall article entitled: Will Supreme Court Kill the Obama Health Care Reform Plan? which addressed the possibility that the fascist John Roberts and his Federalist Society and Opus Dei cronies would in activist fashion overturn Obamacare in much the way that they inistalled George W. Bush in the White House by oveturning a Gore victory in 2000. I posted a sardonic reply suggesting a bumper sticker slogan of “Hang The Robes” which turned into an extended flame war with a traveler who in his third reply or so admitted to being a Birther. The thing was ultimately flagged and deleted by one of OEN’s Daily Kos styled ‘editiors’ in charge of selecting what to flush down the memory hole. I certainly wasn’t advocating the murder of federal judges, just their impeachment but a scumbagger got his star-spangled panties in a bunch and enough of them cried when confronted with someone who didn’t roll over for their brownshirt bullying. I would have posted the entire thread but it’s been disappeared so I have to settle with the my final response:

So What Will You Scumbaggers Do Now?

After all of your embarrassing and disgusting rabble rousing you still went down in defeat to a bill that is horrible across the board and a giveaway to the parasitical insurance industry. Thanks to you schmucks we are ALL screwed but the big money boys are laughing all the way to the bank on your easily exploited gullibility AGAIN!

That is what you get for allowing yourselves to be used as human penis extensions for hard core Republican swine like Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey.

My advice to you is to forget about the Birther fantasies and get a life along with the rest of your moonbat buddies.

Now the whole thing was pretty mild, certainly not the high octane Encho rants that have been launched elswhere but the fascist bullies and the jelly-spined OEN editors succeeded in getting the comment and all subsequent comments removed. Again, this is but one example of what is going on right now and it’s alarming because it is occurring in forums where free speech had at one time been sanctified….and this isn’t the only time of late that I have been stomped on by administrators who decided that towing the line, not offending those who lack the intestinal fortitude to realize that we are at war, a cold civil war that could turn hot at any moment given the Republican Gladio droogs of the teabagger movement – which is becoming violent in a similar way that the Sturmabteilung did all those years ago. Maybe this is just a personal bug up my ass, it sure bothers me though because now is the time when we must become more vocal, more angry, more passionate in denouncing the fascist takeover of America.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


P.S.: I would like to post this from principled conservative Paul Craig Roberts, himself a regular contributor at OEN and a longtime critic who from this G.B.C.W. article looks to be hanging it up, it’s a shame when truthtellers like this become so revulsed that they simply withdraw and let us hope that he will reconsider.

Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It


There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. That was a time when people believed in truth and regarded truth as an independent power and not as an auxiliary for government, class, race, ideological, personal, or financial interest.

Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.

Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.”

Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government.

Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt.

Truth is inconvenient for ideologues.

Today many whose goal once was the discovery of truth are now paid handsomely to hide it. “Free market economists” are paid to sell offshoring to the American people. High-productivity, high value-added American jobs are denigrated as dirty, old industrial jobs. Relicts from long ago, we are best shed of them. Their place has been taken by “the New Economy,” a mythical economy that allegedly consists of high-tech white collar jobs in which Americans innovate and finance activities that occur offshore. All Americans need in order to participate in this “new economy” are finance degrees from Ivy League universities, and then they will work on Wall Street at million dollar jobs.

Economists who were once respectable took money to contribute to this myth of “the New Economy.”

And not only economists sell their souls for filthy lucre. Recently we have had reports of medical doctors who, for money, have published in peer-reviewed journals concocted “studies” that hype this or that new medicine produced by pharmaceutical companies that paid for the “studies.”

The Council of Europe is investigating the drug companies’ role in hyping a false swine flu pandemic in order to gain billions of dollars in sales of the vaccine.

The media helped the US military hype its recent Marja offensive in Afghanistan, describing Marja as a city of 80,000 under Taliban control. It turns out that Marja is not urban but a collection of village farms.

And there is the global warming scandal, in which NGOs. the UN, and the nuclear industry colluded in concocting a doomsday scenario in order to create profit in pollution.

Wherever one looks, truth has fallen to money.

Wherever money is insufficient to bury the truth, ignorance, propaganda, and short memories finish the job.

I remember when, following CIA director William Colby’s testimony before the Church Committee in the mid-1970s, presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan issued executive orders preventing the CIA and U.S. black-op groups from assassinating foreign leaders. In 2010 the US Congress was told by Dennis Blair, head of national intelligence, that the US now assassinates its own citizens in addition to foreign leaders.

When Blair told the House Intelligence Committee that US citizens no longer needed to be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted of a capital crime, just murdered on suspicion alone of being a “threat,” he wasn’t impeached. No investigation pursued. Nothing happened. There was no Church Committee. In the mid-1970s the CIA got into trouble for plots to kill Castro. Today it is American citizens who are on the hit list. Whatever objections there might be don’t carry any weight. No one in government is in any trouble over the assassination of U.S. citizens by the U.S. government.

As an economist, I am astonished that the American economics profession has no awareness whatsoever that the U.S. economy has been destroyed by the offshoring of U.S. GDP to overseas countries. U.S. corporations, in pursuit of absolute advantage or lowest labor costs and maximum CEO “performance bonuses,” have moved the production of goods and services marketed to Americans to China, India, and elsewhere abroad. When I read economists describe offshoring as free trade based on comparative advantage, I realize that there is no intelligence or integrity in the American economics profession.

Intelligence and integrity have been purchased by money. The transnational or global U.S. corporations pay multi-million dollar compensation packages to top managers, who achieve these “performance awards” by replacing U.S. labor with foreign labor. While Washington worries about “the Muslim threat,” Wall Street, U.S. corporations and “free market” shills destroy the U.S. economy and the prospects of tens of millions of Americans.

Americans, or most of them, have proved to be putty in the hands of the police state.

Americans have bought into the government’s claim that security requires the suspension of civil liberties and accountable government. Astonishingly, Americans, or most of them, believe that civil liberties, such as habeas corpus and due process, protect “terrorists,” and not themselves. Many also believe that the Constitution is a tired old document that prevents government from exercising the kind of police state powers necessary to keep Americans safe and free.

Most Americans are unlikely to hear from anyone who would tell them any different.

I was associate editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal. I was Business Week’s first outside columnist, a position I held for 15 years. I was columnist for a decade for Scripps Howard News Service, carried in 300 newspapers. I was a columnist for the Washington Times and for newspapers in France and Italy and for a magazine in Germany. I was a contributor to the New York Times and a regular feature in the Los Angeles Times. Today I cannot publish in, or appear on, the American “mainstream media.”

For the last six years I have been banned from the “mainstream media.” My last column in the New York Times appeared in January, 2004, coauthored with Democratic U.S. Senator Charles Schumer representing New York. We addressed the offshoring of U.S. jobs. Our op-ed article produced a conference at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. and live coverage by C-Span. A debate was launched. No such thing could happen today.

For years I was a mainstay at the Washington Times, producing credibility for the Moony newspaper as a Business Week columnist, former Wall Street Journal editor, and former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury. But when I began criticizing Bush’s wars of aggression, the order came down to Mary Lou Forbes to cancel my column.

The American corporate media does not serve the truth. It serves the government and the interest groups that empower the government.

America’s fate was sealed when the public and the anti-war movement bought the government’s 9/11 conspiracy theory. The government’s account of 9/11 is contradicted by much evidence. Nevertheless, this defining event of our time, which has launched the US on interminable wars of aggression and a domestic police state, is a taboo topic for investigation in the media. It is pointless to complain of war and a police state when one accepts the premise upon which they are based.

These trillion dollar wars have created financing problems for Washington’s deficits and threaten the U.S. dollar’s role as world reserve currency. The wars and the pressure that the budget deficits put on the dollar’s value have put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block. Former Goldman Sachs chairman and U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson is after these protections for the elderly. Fed chairman Bernanke is also after them. The Republicans are after them as well. These protections are called “entitlements” as if they are some sort of welfare that people have not paid for in payroll taxes all their working lives.

With over 21 per cent unemployment as measured by the methodology of 1980, with American jobs, GDP, and technology having been given to China and India, with war being Washington’s greatest commitment, with the dollar over-burdened with debt, with civil liberty sacrificed to the “war on terror,” the liberty and prosperity of the American people have been thrown into the trash bin of history.

The militarism of the U.S. and Israeli states, and Wall Street and corporate greed, will now run their course. As the pen is censored and its might extinguished, I am signing off.

The Pigman and the Pigskin

Hitler was good in the beginning, but he went too far.

-Marge Schott
In a bit of breaking sports news this week it has been announced that Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is considering a purchase of the woeful St. Louis Rams of the NFL. This must be just wonderful news to all of the fat, beer-swilling slobs who march in the angry army of Dittohead dopes in full team regalia, their populist everyman who has soooo much in common with their downtrodden and busted out asses has the coin to pony up to buy an NFL franchise. The utter sardonic humor in this is that the ignorant fucks do not begrudge the gas giant the mega millions that he has parlayed their decades of mass stupidity into because under the grand sham of capitalism they too may one day be the ones who are successful enough to be rich enough to buy a football team.
If this goes down, and there are serious questions whether an image conscious global marketing colossus such as the NFL would want such an openly racist fiend as an owner, if for no other reason than the league is drooling at the prospect of going global in the fairly near future. He would certainly be a good fit with the fraternity of assholes who are the league owners, good ole boys like Jerry Jones, Daniel Snyder and Al Davis among others, high-rolling pricks who if they do happen to be racists at least don’t wear it on their sleeves. Limbaugh would actually be the most amusing sports owner since Nazi apologist Marge Schott ran the Cincinnati Reds and once referred to star players Eric Davis and Dave Parker as her “million dollar niggers”. This would be a natural for the pigman, having lost prestige with the clueless dumbasses to the savage meld of Jimmy Swaggert/Lonesome Rhodes that is Glenn Beck it may finally be time for the big fat drug addled swine to move on to luxury suites and golf courses with his fellow multi-millionaires. The modern Republican party that he helped to built has taken a turn towards outright Weimar era Nazism with the embracing of Palin pinhead populism and the merger with the Birthers and Deathers and their future blood purges of the wealthy may just include a certain lard assed phony with purported talent on loan form God but who is unable to get an erection without the help of Big Pharma products. They may just storm his Palm Beach castle like the Columbian hit squad at the end of Brian DePalma’s Scarface and mount his ass-lookalike head on a pole like in the Lord of the Flies.
The Rams are a mess these days, having been rolled over the weekend by the juggernaut San Francisco 49ers 35-0 in which they surrendered three defensive touchdowns. Other than the hapless Tampa Bay Buccaneers and their penny pinching owners with their bargain basement coach Raheem Morris who could easily be replaced by some half smart wino found sleeping off a drunk under an I-275 overpass, the Rams just may be the worst team in football right now. The two don’t meet this season so there is a realistic chance that the 2008 Detroit Lions 0-16 may be matched by both teams this year. It’s been a long time since the greatest show on turf in St. Louis when Jesus Warner and his fleet of quicksilver fast wide receivers became media darlings with their potent and prolific offense and to many the potential ownership of the Grand Poobah himself would assuredly sell lots of tickets even in these rotten economic times.
In addition to being an iconoclast here in the blogosphere I must admit that my one serious jones in life other than politics and the study of the decay of the American empire is pro football. Being from Denver it’s in the blood, rumor has it that my first words were “fuck the Raiders” and in the future I may slip in some Enchoized sports writing just for the hell of it. I must admit that I am impressed in the 4-0 start by the Broncos and the much maligned Baby Belichick who was practically run out of town before his first game for trading the overrated piss baby quarterback Jay Cutler to the Chicago Bears. Denver never got over that whole John Elway thing and has been on a Captain Ahab like quest to find his successor ever since at the expense of the rest of the team. Brian Griese, Jake Plummer and now Kyle Orton have followed up ole horseface and have probably one playoff win combined. Rest assured that Orton is not going to add to that total, especially with a Bataan death march of a schedule the rest of the way that features road games against the Ravens, Colts and Eagles as well as two contests with the Chargers, and one each with the Patriots, Giants, Steelers. That 4-0 is likely to be 7-9 or 8-8 with the only real locks being two games with the Chiefs, the Raiders at home and the pathetic Redskins in the District of Criminals. Still though, it’s right up there with many of the late Shanahan years and the rid themselves of the next Jeff George in the process.
Ahhh but I digress…
We will see what comes of the pigman’s Rams bid, there will likely be revisits of the ill fated ESPN experiment when Lord Limbaugh was undone by his racist comments against Donovan McNabb – to this day I still can’t understand why former Bronco great Tom Jackson didn’t just take down the swine with one of the savage, bone-crunching tackles that he made while wearing the orange – shock perhaps? But the outcry will be limited in post 9/11 Murka, Limbaugh is of course a celebrity and therefore untouchable in the corporate media, he was featured on the new Jay Leno show the other night and was the darling of the audience, in dumbass America you can sell anything, look at that oily little greaseball Tom DeLay on Dancing With the Stars…
Perhaps Limbaugh can one day succeed ala Jerrah Jones down in Dallas in building a mammoth television screen in the future taxpayer financed Dittohead Dome where he can have a captive audience for the two minute hate.
Just my two cents over the mornin cup o’ joe

They Hanged Julius Streicher Didn’t They?

Editor’s Note – I would like to take an opportunity to recommend a piece from a friend of mine, William Cormier who has written today on the complicity of the mouthpieces in the fascist propaganda machine in the crimes that they so eagerly encourage. Such an essay is especially important to bring awareness to with the $40 million a year ‘populist’ spokesman for the anti-American virulent Republican party form of dead-ender fascism that is the last bastion of scoundrels trying to save their think tank paymasters, the malefactors of great wealth who have subsidized their careers and purchased the media from which they belch their hate and bile. Now with the paymasters of the extremist right in The Homeland doing their damn level best to incite violence, revolution and a crusade against the hated libruls, brown-skinned devils, commies, gays and every other scapegoat that could be invoked at the snakepit of sin and stupidity that was this week’s CPAC bund conference it is imperative that we ask the forbidden question.

How complicit are the establishment hatemongers in the crimes that they have done so much to endorse and in many cases encourage? In my personal opinion, and I have brought this up recently in my own writings – the propagandists and the whores in the media should no longer be able to cower behind the defense of free-speech as a shield as they and the oligarchy that employs their sordid services use the First Amendment as a shield from behind which they can use their money as ‘free speech’ while seeking to destroy the rights of everybody else.

So without further adieu, I present the following with the request that it be taken into account just how complicit that the purveyors of hatred are in the crimes of those that they encourage to commit.

Denial is no excuse, not any longer, not when the stakes are this high. The smell from those smokestacks downwind from Auschwitz wasn’t from freshly baked apple pie.

Nuremberg Trials Provide Legal Precedent For Prosecuting Purveyors Of Hate

By William Cormier

During the Nuremberg Trials after World War II when Julius Streicher was convicted and subsequently hung for “Jew Baiting” we were provided with the legal precedent for prosecuting those that incite others to violence. I have been contemplating this essay for quite some time, but today I read a revealing article on Op-Ed News that provides direct proof that purveyors of hate can and are directly responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans! Those who agitate and constantly spew their hate and prejudice in print and on America’s airwaves constantly hide behind “Freedom of Speech.” However, it is already an established rule of law that if you yell “fire” in a crowded theater, Free Speech can and will not protect those who abuse this right which results in the harm of innocent civilians. Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia which details the trial of Julius Streicher, and please remember the circumstances of his conviction as you read the remainder of this essay:

Trial and execution

Julius Streicher was not a member of the military and did not take part in planning the Holocaust, or the invasion of other nations. Yet his pivotal role in inciting the extermination of Jews was significant enough, in the prosecutors’ judgment, to include him in the indictment of Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal – which sat, ironically, in Nuremberg, where Streicher had once been an unchallenged authority.

During the trial, Gustave Gilbert, an American Army psychologist, was allowed to examine the Nazi leaders who were tried at Nuremberg for war crimes. Among other tests, a German version of the Wechsler-Bellevue IQ test was administered. Julius Streicher scored 106, the lowest among the Nazi leaders tested.

During his trial, Streicher displayed for the last time the flair for courtroom theatrics that had made him famous in the 1920s. He answered questions from his own defense attorney with diatribes against Jews, the Allies, and the court itself, and was frequently silenced by the court officers. Streicher was largely shunned by all of the other Nuremberg defendants, who thought him a vulgar, despicable man (Göering’s hostility toward him was well-established). He also peppered his testimony with references to passages of Jewish texts he had so often carefully selected and inserted (invariably out of context) into the pages of Der Stürmer.

Streicher was found guilty of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial and sentenced to death on October 1, 1946.[13] The judgment against him read, in part:

“…For his 25 years of speaking, writing, and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as ‘Jew-Baiter Number One.’ In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution… Streicher’s incitement to murder and extermination at the time when Jews in the East were being killed under the most horrible conditions clearly constitutes persecution on political and racial grounds in connection with war crimes, as defined by the Charter, and constitutes a crime against humanity.”

Streicher was hanged in the early hours of October 16, 1946, along with the nine other condemned defendants from the first Nuremberg trial (Göering, Streicher’s nemesis, committed suicide only hours earlier). Streicher’s was the most melodramatic of the hangings carried out that night. At the bottom of the scaffold he cried out “Heil Hitler!” When he mounted the platform, he delivered his last sneering reference to Jewish scripture, snapping “Purim-Fest 1946!” The Jewish holiday Purim celebrates the escape by the Jews from extermination at the hands of Haman, an ancient Persian government official. At the end of the Purim story, Haman is hanged.[14] [15] Streicher’s final declaration before the hood went over his head was, “The Bolsheviks will hang you one day!” MORE

Below is an excerpt from an excellent article authored by Rady Ananda. Please note the similarities, and in this instance, we can directly correlate the murder of innocent Americans based on the publication authored by Bernie Goldberg:

O’Reilly’s Hate Factor: ‘Venom Boys’ Blamed for Shooting Spree

The right wing hate machine fails to recognize its own hypocrisy. Even worse, its hate speech has been directly linked to a mass shooting.

Bernie Goldberg’s list of fans includes Jim David Adkisson, the nutjob who last year shot up a liberal church during a children’s musical. The killing was “symbolic” because he really wants to kill everyone mentioned in Goldberg’s Screwing up America book. I can’t imagine writing something that would inspire murder, but the right wing hatemongers do it all the time. Knoxville News Sentinel published the full manifesto, excerpted below:

“Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals…. This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book.”

Sara Robinson provided this analysis, noting that “police searched Adkisson’s apartment and found it filled with books and newsletters penned by Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and other right-wing hate talkers.”

She goes on to say: “Nicely done, Messrs. Hannity, Goldberg, Limbaugh, Savage and O’Reilly — and all your lesser brethren who keep the hate speech spewing 24/7/365 across every field and into every shop in the country. There is no more debate to be had, no more doubt about it: What you did in the name of ‘entertainment,’ and for the sake of the almighty ratings, raised and animated a monster like Jim Adkisson, gave him a list of targets … and was directly responsible for the deaths of two brave and decent people. Adkisson was clearly angry and crazy — but his ‘manifesto’ draws the clearest, brightest line possible between the media he consumed and his actions that terrible Sunday morning.” MUCH MORE

Furthermore, we must not forget the case of Matthew Shepard and other gays that have been beaten and murdered, often incited by America’s chief “hate purveyors, and sadly, that includes some of our most radical Evangelicals:”
10 Years After His Death, Matthew Shepard’s Mother Fights On

Ten years ago this month, University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard was severely beaten, tied to a fence and left to die near Laramie, Wyoming. He died only a few days later from his injuries on October 12, 1998. His attackers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney are now serving consecutive life sentences. But although Judy Shepard, Matthew’s mother, says justice was served against her son’s killers, she still continues to fight on to protect the gay sons and daughters of other parents across the nation.

Matthew Shepard, son of Judy Shepard and Dennis Shepard, was a political science major at the University of Wyoming in October of 1998. On the night of October 6, Shepard accepted a ride from Russell Arthur Henderson and Aardon James McKinney, whom he had met in a local bar. McKinney and Henderson drove Shepard to a remote area, where he was beaten, tortured, robbed and finally tied to a fence and left to die. A passing cyclist discovered Shepard still tied to the fence 18 hours later. On October 12, Shepard was pronounced dead, never having awakened from a coma.

During the trial against McKinney and Henderson, both defendants attempted to claim a “gay panic” defense, claiming they had acted under “temporary insanity” in killing Shepard. They alleged that Shepard had made sexual advances toward them and they had reacted by killing him. However, their stories were inconsistent and the men’s girlfriends testified under oath that Henderson and McKinney had previously plotted to rob a ‘gay man.’ The prosecutor in the case claimed that McKinney and Henderson had pretended to be gay in order to lure Shepard into their car to be robbed. MORE

How many gays have been murdered or severely beaten because of the constant hate being espoused by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and rabid right-wing Evangelicals? We have laws against “hate crimes” and I am asserting that those who constantly “gay-bait” their respective audiences are complicit in the subsequent crimes that occur directly because of their public venting of their hatred and loathing of the Gay Community. I wrote an Op-Ed which was extremely popular titled: “Evidence Supports Reverend Wright’s Claim That AIDS Was Created By The Government.” I wrote this article for informational purposes, and then received comments that Justanothercoverup was a “Gay Site” and that I was also gay. I’m heterosexual, but to be honest, I really don’t care what people think – and if I were gay, I’d say so.

One thing is certain; I’m an American and believe in equal protection under the law, and that includes everyone, Black, Brown, Gay, Lesbian, you name it! People have a right to choose their own lifestyles, and regardless of whatever the purveyors of hate may say – if you support the rule of Law and our Constitution, then all people, no matter what their lifestyle is, as long as it’s legal, have the right to worship as they choose, and someone’s sex life is no one’s business except for that individual. In the same breath, we don’t have to approve of another individual’s lifestyle; however, when that disapproval becomes public and incites violence against any segment of our population, I believe that it’s an actionable crime against humanity.

One of the most shocking instances of fear-mongering and inciting people to violence was a segment on Fox News by Glenn Beck. Read it yourself and you be the judge; do we need this type of propaganda that incites people to violence? We do not need a civil war or a “revolution” to bring forth change – and in my opinion, Fox News is advocating revolution in America which will supply the Neo-conservatives with the violent actions they seem to advocate that will usher in martial law in the United States:

FOX News Suggests America is Doomed, Civil War May Be Justified

by News Hound Ellen Brodsky

Those “we like America” folks at FOX News sure have a funny way of showing their esteem sometimes. Take, for example, Glenn Beck’s February 20, 2009 show in which he did his darnedest to scare viewers into thinking that the country is on the road to Apocalypse. In a paranoid fantasy spun out over several segments, Beck and a series of guests set forth a number of dire “worst-case scenarios” for the United States in 2014. During each segment, Beck gave viewers the disclaimer that the apocalyptic visions he and his guests presented were not predictions of what would happen but merely what could happen. And yet Beck and his guests spoke as though the doomsday scenarios, including civil war, were a likelihood, if not a fait accompli.

In “Worst-Case Scenario” No. 1, Beck and his experts imagined the impact of a complete financial meltdown. In this scenario, as Beck described it, all the banks were nationalized, the Dow was at 2800, unemployment at 12%, the commericial real estate market collapsed, the USA’s credit rating was downgraded and government and unions control most businesses.

Again, the guests bumped up “maybe” to “likely.” Former CIA officer Bob Baer described the “probability” scenarios as “prolonged depression,” and warned of trouble with Iran. According to Baer, the Gulf countries would suffer and Iran therefore would “move into the Gulf and take it. We have a hostile regime in control of our resources. That is not that far away (my emphasis).” A MUST READ ARTICLE!

Fox News is the propaganda arm of the GOP, and now that we know Republicans that have crossed the line to vote in favor of President Obama’s stimulus package are being punished by their own party, it is obvious that the Republicans in Congress are attempting to sabotage the Obama administration and are acting like a gang of criminals rather than responsible members of Congress. It is vital for the American public to remember that it was the Republican Congress that allowed the Bush administration to rob America blind – and now that their “Criminal in Chief” is out of office, they are stating that the stimulus was irresponsible; at best they are hypocrites – at worst, they are co-conspirators in helping to destroy the economy of the United States and allowed their corporate banking cronies to indulge themselves in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the United States:

GOP punishing members who cross party lines

by Rachel Oswald

Determined to enforce the party line, the GOP has taken new steps to punish those members who have crossed the aisle in recent weeks to vote in support of the federal stimulus package and to send the message to any party moderates – turncoats will not be tolerated.

In a Monday interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele said he was open to primary challenges to the three Republican senators who voted in favor of the federal stimulus package –Arlen Spector of Pennsylvania and the two senators from Maine, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe. Spector is up for re-election in 2010.

“My retribution is the retribution of the voters in their state. They’re going to have to go through a primary in their state,” Steele said, adding that the RNC would follow the lead of the state parties in choosing which Republicans to back with campaign money. “When the state party says we’re going to endorse a candidate, the RNC is behind them. When the state party says we have a problem with them, so does the RNC.” MUCH MORE

There is a difference between free speech and inciting people to violence. Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Bill O’Riley are prime examples of those who constantly agitate and promote hate in print and on our national airwaves. There are also several rabid “Evangelicals” who also promote hate and actually promote war in the Middle-East to bring forth the second coming of Christ so they can be “raptured” while the rest of us are “Left Behind.” Their religious beliefs are OK with me; however, some of these Evangelicals promote the violent takeover of the United States if they cannot achieve it through politics – and in my book, that’s treason! LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent; if you promote violence and hate and attempt to incite violence in these United States, in my opinion, you’re committing an actionable crime, and hiding under “Free Speech” should not be allowed! I vividly remember several statements made by Ann Coulter, and the article below lays-out another legal strategy and cites laws that are already on our books to prosecute those who promote violence; I am only posting a brief part of the article, however, it is excellent, and demonstrates why we need to stop the hate purveyors in our country before they can incite more violence and as Fox News seems to advocate, a civil war:

The True THREAT Of Ann Coulter And Her Ilk

by thepen

Judging intent in a criminal case often turns on a pattern of behavior. And here the record is not friendly to Ms. Coulter’s stance. She has a HISTORY of such statements, having previously cracked these other “jokes”, targeted at those she disagrees with politically:

“We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee.”

“My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.”

“We need to execute people like (John Walker Lindh) in order to physically intimidate liberals.”

The last quote is especially significant in the climate of fear which has deliberately been inflamed by the Cheney administration and the vast right wing echo chamber that the corporate media has become. We are constantly bullied with name-calling of the most offensive sort, for the sin of having a differing political opinions. And people like Coulter well know that their physical threats are a form of intimidation. ANOTHER MUST READ ARTICLE

I don’t want to sound like a broken-record. However, I cannot emphasize enough that violence is counter-productive to America in general, and falling into that trap is a guarantee of the Obama administration being forced to declare Martial Law. That act alone will guarantee that Americans will never again enjoy their personal freedom or liberties as guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

-William Cormier

I am nothing more than a patriotic American that is doing whatever I can to further the cause of democracy, the rule of law, and am absolutely outraged on how the Bush administration is defying our Congress, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights! (more…)

Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government (Pt.3)


With the long overdue departure of the Bush administration from the White House it is the hope many that the myriad of transgressions against the Constitution and the people of America will begin to seep out into the public domain. It took a remarkably short time. The day after the helicopter hauled ole George away like so much rubbish a major story broke. In an astonishing shot across the bow directed at the shadow government the first significant whistleblower has already come out with a story (once again ignored by the corporate media) and delivered a devastating blow to the premise that the massive illegal domestic spying programs of the Bush administration were undertaken in order to protect America from terrorism in the aftermath of September 11th, 2001.

Former NSA analyst Russell Tice during two recent interviews on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann (pt1,pt2)confirmed that the Bush-Cheney-Rove phony war on terror was as people like myself have always strongly suspected in actuality a war on America itself. According to the patriotic Mr. Tice the targets of the domestic spying included news organizations and journalists and that the surveillance for specific targets was not limited to professional matters alone, they were spied on 24/7.

“The National Security Agency had access to all Americans’ communications,” he said. “Faxes, phone calls and their computer communications. … They monitored all communications.”

Tice said the NSA analyzed metadata to determine which communication would be collected. Offering a hypothetical example, he said if the agency determined that terrorists communicate in brief, two-minute phone calls, the NSA might program its systems to record all such calls, invading the privacy of anyone prone to telephonic succinctness.

Tice was involved in only a small part of the project, that involved trying to “harpoon fish from an airplane.”

He said he was told to monitor certain groups in order to eliminate them as suspects for more intense targeting. Those groups, he said, were U.S. journalists and news agencies. But rather than excluding the news organizations from monitoring, he discovered that the NSA was collecting the organizations’ communications 24 hours a day year round.

“It made no sense,” he said.

Tice did not identify the reporters or organizations allegedly targeted.

Olbermann asked if this means there’s a file somewhere containing every e-mail and phone conversation these reporters ever had with sources, editors and family members.

“If it was involved in this specific avenue of collection, it would be everything, yes.” Tice answered.

(Exerpted from Wired’s Kim Zetter’s blog)

The Tice interviews followed another former insider speaking out on the gross illegality of the Bush administration programs, a former DOJ employee named Thomas Tamm was featured in a Newsweek magazine cover story by Michael Isikoff entitled The Fed Who Blew the Whistle from which I excerpt the following:

In the spring of 2004, Tamm had just finished a yearlong stint at a Justice Department unit handling wiretaps of suspected terrorists and spies—a unit so sensitive that employees are required to put their hands through a biometric scanner to check their fingerprints upon entering. While there, Tamm stumbled upon the existence of a highly classified National Security Agency program that seemed to be eavesdropping on U.S. citizens. The unit had special rules that appeared to be hiding the NSA activities from a panel of federal judges who are required to approve such surveillance. When Tamm started asking questions, his supervisors told him to drop the subject. He says one volunteered that “the program” (as it was commonly called within the office) was “probably illegal.”

The name of the program was Stellar Wind and please pay particular attention to this next excerpted piece from Isikoff’s story:

The NSA, with the secret cooperation of U.S. telecommunications companies, had begun collecting vast amounts of information about the phone and e-mail records of American citizens. Separately, the NSA was also able to access, for the first time, massive volumes of personal financial records—such as credit-card transactions, wire transfers and bank withdrawals—that were being reported to the Treasury Department by financial institutions. These included millions of “suspicious-activity reports,” or SARS, according to two former Treasury officials who declined to be identified talking about sensitive programs. (It was one such report that tipped FBI agents to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer’s use of prostitutes.) These records were fed into NSA supercomputers for the purpose of “data mining”—looking for links or patterns that might (or might not) suggest terrorist activity.

This latest glimpse beneath the facade at the massive, secretive and highly illegal surveillance campaign against the American people is an outrage. Given the proclivity of those who run the system in this country to exert raw power to advance their own agendas it is no leap in logic that journalists alone were the only group targeted. There remains the question of whether blackmail, especially sexual blackmail is routinely used as a tool to keep government and media officials from not straying too far from the dirty business of imperialism and financial chicanery of the sort that has brought the economy to its knees. I personally found the media spectacle of the fortuitously timed prostitution bust of former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer who incidentally had just announced his intention to declare war on the banksters and their accomplices in the Bush White House in a February 14, 2008 Washington Post piece entitled Predatory Lenders Partner in Crime to be extremely suspicious. The rogue Bush regime and the NSA have been using their big lie of the war on terror as an excuse to scrutinize credit card use and Spitzer would have been an obvious target as is indicated by the above excerpt from the Newsweek story. It also makes skeptics such as myself wonder whether the witch hunt to impeach former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich may at least in part be attibuted to his threat to suspend state business with Bank of America, ‘Blago’ was arrested the day afterwards.

In light of the Tice revelations as well as an already long and extremely sordid history of U.S. government surveillance into the activities of dissidents and reporters that predated the Bush regime, we also need to ask some very serious questions of a much more troubling and nefarious nature. For example, how does such spying tie into not only the manipulation of the news but the now standard lack of spine from the Democratic congress when it comes to prosecuting the Bush administration criminals? Notorious fixer Karl Rove has already announced his intent to defy yet another subpoena for his testimony that was to have been delivered on Monday in front of the House Judiciary Committee. As of this writing, John Conyers has once again caved and the date has now been pushed into February and likely will soon disappear down the same memory hole where similar attempts to enforce the law have been flushed.

Intense political pressure, threats of unemployment in a time of economic crisis and potentially embarassing sexual acts subject to blackmail are all entirely made possible by the rampant unaccountability of the domestic spying programs, but are there measures that go far beyond just the spiking of stories, the discrediting or the ruining of careers alone? Think back to the vicious institutionalized slander directed former San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb for example for his Dark Alliance series. The savagery with which Webb was taken down by the establishment was stunning and it ultimately resulted in his suicide, a broken and haunted man who only dared to try to tell the truth.

There is a long trail of untimely demises of investigative journalists and other insiders whose knowledge represents a threat to very existence of the shadow government and those who it as a matter of routine does business with in order to avoid legitimate channels. Perhaps the most terrifying of all question is exactly what actions do end up being taken in order to prevent the exposure of widespread criminal activity, systemic grand scale fraud and extra-constitutional black operations that have been conducted for decades.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen wrote of an NSA database that was at one time named FIRSTFRUITS that was maintained to engage in surveillance against journalists and that was renamed after its discovery. Some of the names in this database allegedly included Christiane Amanpour, Seymour Hersh, James Bamford, James Risen and Madsen himself. According to chatter in the blogosphere that were it not consistent with the historical trail of dead bodies could easily be dismissed as paranoia and disinformation. One story floating around the internet mentioned an unnamed NSA security officer allegedly mused about ‘just killing’ troublesome bloggers. This may be a product of paranoia (one would think paranoia would be a natural state in a land of fear and loathing such as that which the United States has become post 9/11) but there is great progress currently being made by internet researchers and such reputed threats should not simply be waved off as the rantings of tin foil hatters or the favorite of all pejoratives directed at those who dare to ask inconvenient questions, conspiracy theorists. The fact that the alternative media and many bloggers are slowly starting to put the pieces together one can only reasonably suspect that such behavior scares the living hell out of the establishment, and after all, there is a history of that sort of thing. While this is not a comprehensive list the Committee to Protect Journalists keeps a database to track the prematurely deceased in a most dangerous profession.

The bizarre absence of any reporting of this very serious violation of civil liberties has received absolutely no coverage in the corporatized, mainstream pocket media. This is unconscionable that there is apparently no interest in exposing these crimes, especially considering that those targeted could actually save their own hides (and perhaps instill some dignity) by outing this program. It’s a sad testament to the state of today’s ‘journalism’ that is shameful by comparison to that of days of yore when reporters were intrepid souls determined to speak the truth to power.

Writer Eric Alterman puts it spot on in his recent Center for American Progress piece entitled Think Again: Spying on Journalists? Why the Silence? when he notes the lack of intestinal fortitude in the mainstream media:

Clearly something deeply disturbing lurks beneath these revelations, and with Bush gone from office, it’s hard to understand just what is preventing journalists from seeking the truth about this program more energetically. The only thing they have to fear is fear itself.

This sad state of affairs brings to mind the following:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

– Pastor Martin Niemöller

And the silence by those tasked by the First Amendment’s now quaint and antiquated imbuing upon them a responsibility for a free press as an essential check on authoritarianism is deafening in its absence. Quislings, cowards and public relations flacks seem to be the one thing that our journalism schools never failed to produce over the past several decades, feckless and spineless careerists with neither a sense of honor nor of their place as defenders of precious liberty. There shall be no refuge for the weasels nor the rats in the end therefore their mass abrogation of their chosen profession along with their acute absence of courage is even more damnable for when the time comes they will perhaps live to lament that they did not speak out when they had the chance.


“Death Solves All Problems, No Man, No Problem”

-Joseph Stalin

The National Security State has a history of silencing those who would speak out and especially reporters deemed to have become a nuisance. This is done either through intense pressure brought down on media corporations through organized harassment of sponsors, brutal coordinated smear campaigns much like the one that took down the aforementioned Gary Webb or when all else fails, the reporters often just happen to turn up mysteriously dead. The list of ‘suicides’ and accidents is a long one and in the view of the ruthless psychopaths who both run and profit from a high-tech snooping network seems to be that any means are to be undertaken to keep their games going even if it ultimately results in termination with extreme prejudice. I believe that I will have to put together a list myself but when I just started writing down names off the top of my head of strange deaths I came up with over thirty right off the bat.
The ugly truth is that none of these police state powers are being used to protect the United States from foreign enemies, terrorism or any other excuse that is being made in order to get Americans to submit their rights. It is all in the name of power, money and to protect the interests of the oligarchy and the power elite who run the establishment and it needs to be stopped because it is out of control.

Take the strange case of Danny Casolaro for example…

Perhaps the closest to get at the truth about PROMIS and how it was an integral piece of the shadow government was investigative journalist Danny Casolaro. Casolaro had been working on research for a book on a shadowy transnational power group that seemed to run through the postwar era and had connections to many of the major scandals including Iran-Contra, BCCI, the Nugan Hand Bank, international drug cartels, weapons dealers and intelligence operatives in not only the U.S. government but internationally as well. Casolaro dubbed this group, one that largely rose out of a ‘dirty old boy network’ of the OSS/CIA out of the ashes of World War II as The Octopus. Casolaro began to become aware of the more sinister aspects of what Professor Peter Dale Scott refers to as the deep state but is more commonly known as either the shadow government, the parallel government and even arguably the permanent government while investigating the theft of the PROMIS software from the Inslaw corporation.

On Saturday, August 10, 1991 a maid at a Martinsburg, West Virginia Sheraton Inn was horrified to find the nude body of Joseph Daniel Casolaro in the bathtub, the victim of an apparent ‘suicide’. It was by accounts a particularly grisly scene and a strangely violent ‘suicide’ with both of his wrists slashed deeply multiple times with a razor blade. There was a very short and impersonal note, blood splattered on the tile walls and a pair of bloody towels under the sink away from the bathtub.

Strange circumstances followed in the aftermath of the discovery of Danny Casolaro’s corpse in a blood filled bathtub. His body was hastily taken away and embalmed (making any subsequent autopsy much more difficult) before family members were officially notified (a violation of state law by accounts) and room 517 had been professionally cleaned thereby removing critical evidence prior to any sort of thorough forensic investigation could be performed. Compounding doubts about the official ‘suicide’ story are contradictory statements made by friends and family that Casolaro was NOT suicidal at all but was actually quite exited over the prospect of publishing his book on the findings of his investigative work, even to the extent that he had scheduled a party to celebrate. He was in the final stages of nailing down the story of the century and had gone to West Virginia in search of the evidence that would prove his theory, make the connection to PROMIS and ‘bring back the head of the octopus’. The sudden ending (yet another hotel room ‘suicide’) was especially suspicious because when the body was discovered, his files were missing.

In addition to the shadowy players in the global arms and narcotics trades the Octopus also appeared to have had as tentacles rogue elements of U.S. intelligence Casolaro found connections to not only Iran-Contra but also BCCI, the Nugan Hand bank, the October Surprise, money launderers and organized crime as well as a continuous thread of involvement in dirty dealings both domestically and abroad. The roots of this milieu of malevolence stretched back to the post World War II era when a collection of spooks, corrupt bureaucrats and extremist right wing ideologues began to operate as a faction within the intelligence apparatus, a state upon themselves to profit financially while engaging in the darks forms of clandestine activities and black operations.

Author Joel Bainerman in his 1992 book entitled The Crimes of a President wrote the following (some of this ostensibly quoting William Hamilton of Inslaw as well as a 1991 story from the St. Louis Dispatch) that has a very good description on Casolaro’s theory:

“Casolaro had discovered a common denominator to the theft of Inslaw’s software and other recent scandals” says Hamilton who worked very closely with Casolaro right up to his death in helping him to uncover the dirty dealing behind the theft of Inslaw’s software. A group of individuals trained in covert intelligence operations and aligned with the U.S. political leadership who were allegedly profiting from each of these scandals. These veterans of U.S. covert intelligence operations had also allegedly been selling pirated copies of Inslaw’s software to foreign intelligence and law enforcement agencies and funneling the funds through BCCI. Casolaro believed that some of the profits from these illegal sales made their way into a slush fund used for political payoffs and covert intelligence operations not authorized by congress.

Danny Casolaro is far from the only one to whom mysterious death had befallen after their investigative work got them too close to the real power structure or presented an obstacle to its need for the cloak of secrecy. Too many rising politicians, uncooperative politicians and judges, hostile witnesses, whistle blowers and reporters have met with no small number of strange and untimely deaths often attributed to accidents (small plane crashes in particular), ‘suicides’( a good deal of them in hotel rooms), sudden heart attacks or seizures (many in people with no history of such problems) and random acts of extreme violence that go unsolved by authorities.

In addition to Casolaro, other suspicious deaths of investigators of this particular nexus of evil include Financial Times reporter Anson Ng, reportedly a friend of Casolaro who was found dead from a gunshot wound in his Guatemala City apartment where he was reportedly working on a story related to BCCI as well as Jonathan Moyle whose body was found hanging in a closet in a Santiago hotel room.

Joel Bainerman also noted in his book that the Cabazon Indian Reservation where the PROMIS software was allegedly modified for espionage purposes by a very interesting character, a technical genius named Michael Riconosciuto to include the ‘back door’ feature (to allow for secret access) was in fact a “CIA cutout”. The government contracting firm Wackenhut, a Florida based security corporation was involved at the time in a joint venture with the Cabazon tribe to use the sovereign land status of the reservation to work on a variety of endeavors including the development and testing of arms including a fuel air explosive, biochemical warfare agents and other armaments that could be provided to third world regimes, primarily to right wing governments in Latin America. The Cabazon Indian Reservation was allegedly transformed into veritable spook nest as well as a staging ground for covert military industrial complex purposes. Wackenhut incidentally is back in the news (or at least the alternative media) with Ellen Brown’s recent story about the mysterious prison buses spotted in Arizona so they are still a player and a big one at that. I would venture to speculate that the truth about Wackenhut Corporation and its longtime involvement in the prison industrial complex that has become so very, very lucrative to this fascist society is something that deserves one hell of a good deal of scrutiny.


Interestingly enough there was a local news investigation in the Palm Springs area in 2008 that had focused on the 2005 multiple murder-suicide of Riverside County District Attorney Investigator David McGowan and five members of his family. As the series continued questions began to arise on whether McGowan had been digging a bit too deeply into a cold case file regarding a 1981 triple murder on the Cabazon Reservation that had ties to the covert activities that Danny Casolaro was investigating. Subsequent installments in the KESQ series by news reporter Nathan Baca began to ask questions about PROMIS as well as the other mysterious activities at the reservation and began to delve into the 1981 murders of tribal leader Fred Alvarez who resisted those behind the Cabazon-Wackenhut joint venture as well as two friends. An interview was conducted with the daughter of one of the victims who is to this day seeking justice for the murder of her father Ralph Boger. Rachel Begley (her website is called desertfae) very accurately described what has been going on at Cabazon as follows:

“I’m more shocked than anything. I had no idea these things were going on. Most of America doesn’t know these things are going on,” said Begley. “It’s still going on to this day. It’s a big web of corruption.”

The series ended abruptly in October after an installment that began to delve into whether other local Indian tribes may have been involved in dealings with Wackenhut and mentioned “an experimental electromagnetic weapon called a “railgun” as being one of the projects. That the KESQ story has not continued is disappointing but certainly not surprising given the history of what has happened to those digging too deeply into affairs involving the PROMIS software. I would strongly suspect that fear is a motivating factor in the termination of this series, especially after the detective who had been investigating the case stated that he: “doesn’t want to continue on the case based on the number of people who have met an untimely demise while doing so”. Because I feel that it is particularly relevant I am posting an email from said detective to a third party who has knowledge of the bigger picture and specifically for the comments of said detective that I have highlighted that should send a chill up the spine of all:

—– Original Message —–
From: X
To: X
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:44 PM
Subject: Alvarez Triple Homicide

Hello X

My name is X and I’m with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. I’m a homicide detective assigned to the cold case division. The Alvarez triple homicide was assigned to me a couple of months ago.

For the past two months I have reviewed nearly a thousand documents of police reports, and spent many hours browsing the Internet for additional sources of information. As I am sure you can imagine, I feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland after falling down the rabbit hole. I no longer have a complete grasp on the real world.

You should know first off, that I am an experienced investigator with 18 years on the Sheriff’s Dept. and I consider myself pretty intuitive when it comes to filtering out the BS. After my first review of the police reports in this case, I wasn’t sure why it remained unsolved for over 26 years. All of the players were identified and the Modus Operandi seemed to be well established. I couldn’t understand why every few years the case was suddenly dropped and put back on the shelf.

That’s when Rachel Begley introduced me to the rabbit hole. After the countless hours I have now spent on her website and the numerous other conspiracy theorists websites, I’m having a very difficult time sifting through the BS.

I have also spent much time on your website and I have found your investigations impressive and your opinions refreshing. That is why I am writing to you now. I do not make it a habit of talking to journalists about open homicide investigations, however, it appears you are much more educated about this particular case than I am.

I know you are very busy and I understand the Alvarez triple homicide is a very small part of the Octopus, but I would be very interested in spending any time with you that you have available, in order to get some perspective on what I’ve read.

Just so you understand where I am in this case. I am currently preparing a review and summary for my Sergeant. My conclusion will be that I do not wish to continue investigating this case, based on the number of people who have met an untimely demise while doing so.

My actions in this matter go against everything I believe in, and this case is very difficult for me to walk away from, especially with the allegations that involve the deaths of Investigator Dave McGowan and his family. But I am conceding to a higher power (my wife) and trying to give her some peace of mind. I cannot look her in the eyes and tell her that I am willing to risk the life of my family by pursuing this.

I am interested in your opinion. Am I just another lamb to the slaughter? Is the Puppet Master pulling my strings via Rachel Begley? Is this just a simple case of murder by Jimmy Hughes at the direction of John P. Nichols, or is it really much more than that?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you,

Detective X
RSO – Central Homicide
(951) X desk
(951) X cell

IV: Conclusion:

It is with the hope of this humble blogger that this series as well as other damning information such as that put forth by Mr. Tice, Mr. Tamm and other patriotic Americans who have risked all (and at times paid with their careers and lives) all in order to get the truth out will encourage others to do the same. It is long past time to bring attention to the history of grossly immoral and criminal acts that have been perpetrated against the people of the United States by the very institutions that are supposed to be protecting us. It is imperative that others begin to work independently (and together whenever possible) to mount their own investigations into how the government has been weaponized by a pack of fascist thugs so that they may reap the benefits at the expense of those who are not connected to an elitist ruling class that is hell bent on maintaining the status quo.

Danny Casolaro did not have the most powerful tool against injustice and corruption available while he was alive, the internet was only in its nascent stages and had he the ability that we enjoy due to advances in technology he may very well still be alive and the criminal usurpers of our democracy and violators of our constitution could be where they belong – in prison. It is my hope that one with more influence, internal knowledge and resources than I have at my disposal begin to not only do very serious investigative work but to also petition the new administration of President Barack Obama for the following:

1: An immediate cessation of all illegal, unconstitutional surveillance and data-mining that has been ongoing against law abiding American citizens.

2: The creation of an independent investigative body along the lines of the Church Committee imbued with sweeping powers to investigate abuses of intelligence both within the government as well as with private contractors who have collaborated in crimes against the republic and its citizens.

3: A case by case federal investigation into ALL suspicious deaths of reporters and other individuals either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation of what has been done with the PROMIS software, NSA spying and Continuity of Government programs. Especially now that it has been revealed that the NSA has been actively spying on journalists and news organizations.

4: A restoration of the rule of law as a bulwark against tyranny as was intended by our founding fathers who having full knowledge of how unaccountable despots behave risked all to lay the foundation of a free society where the highest ideals of liberty can be enjoyed by all.

5: In iron tight regulatory system to ensure that such flagrant abuses of power never be allowed to occur again in the future. The cloak of secrecy needs to be removed and all government must be open to the scrutiny of those who it is supposed to serve.

6: The prosecution to the full extent of the law of those who are currently or who have in the past been involved in any criminal activity in relation to the aforementioned.

Truly, nothing else will suffice if we are to have any credibility as a nation based on laws.

To Be Continued….

Next: Part Four – The Octopus

Link to Part One
Link to Part Two

Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: 1

“Over the last two weeks I have encountered just such an apocalyptic situation, where I and the Department of Justice have been asked to be part of something that is fundamentally wrong.”

(Excerpt from Deputy Attorney General James Comey’s draft letter of resignation to President Bush, dated March 16, 2004, which Comey did not in the end send.)

“Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull”

(George Orwell: 1984)

I: Main Core and PROMIS

Suppose that the United States Government, or more likely an unaccountable privatized intelligence colossus empowered by the reaction to the 9/11 attacks and fueled by the rampant cronyism of a system long ago gone rotten had a surveillance tool capable of peering into the most private aspects of American lives on a whim. Now suppose that the new growth industry of a previously unthinkable futuristic police state was already in place, fully operational and has been online and has actively been being utilized for domestic spying for years before those two airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center. The ‘terrorist’ attacks were used as the justification for every unconstitutional reigning in of civil liberties ever since that heinous September morning seven years ago when the reset button was hit on two and a quarter centuries of American history and we all stepped forth into the brave new world of perpetual war, fear, suspicion and vengeance into a parallel reality in a place that would come to be known as The Homeland. What if this surveillance industrial complex was in possession of a database that was so large and so powerful that not only could it instantly process and retrieve the most minute or intimate aspects of a citizen’s lives but was also able to utilize extremely sophisticated artificial intelligence capabilities to actually predict likely patterns of future behavior.

Such a huge database would be able to use cutting edge technology funded with taxpayer dollars and awarded to unaccountable private corporations largely through ‘business as usual’ no bid contracts to create the most invasive tool of oppression this country has ever seen. This database would rely on software that was capable of performing social network analysis based on block modeling technology to monitor all forms of electronic communications, all internet searches, all debit and credit card transactions, all travel arrangements, all library records, all bank activity and all telephone records. It would then be able to use the data to not only find links between persons who already know and interact with each other but to categorize each individual into a particular group that possess similar behavioral and purchasing habits. These groups could then be further divided into subgroups and further analyzed in order to determine under some loosely defined and largely unknown guidelines whether they could potentially represent a threat. While all of this may sound like some sort of futuristic dystopian nightmare straight out of Philip K. Dick’s Minority Report and “Precrime” it is very real and it goes by the name of Main Core. For example, if you are selling a bicycle and run an advertisement in your local newspaper and you happen to receive a call from a Muhammad who is interested in your bicycle and Muhammad happens to have certain friends who have relationships with an organization that is determined by some unknown criteria to be a potential terrorist organization then the call that you received from Muhammad would then in all likelihood place you in the database and subject to an increased level of scrutiny at best and at worst in jeopardy of being picked up and held indefinitely without any sort of judical review.

This techoology is being used today absent any form of legitimate oversight, with a Constitution that has been eviscerated by the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil, a vast gulag network of top secret prisons and ‘detention facilities’ and the decidedly anti-American new phenomenon of state sanctioned torture. Throw in an overworked, systematically dumbed-down populace that has been propagandized by the corrupt institution that is the corporate media machine with it’s clever use of fear and loathing and scientific development of advanced mind control techniques who despite the infinite wisdom of our forefathers would gladly sacrifice their liberty for the any sort of temporary safety (no matter that it is fleeting) and there exists today in ‘The Homeland’ a perfect petri dish for an authoritarian fascist society.

It is though a very sophisticated form of fascism unlike more outwardly obvious regimes that we have known in the past. Author Bertram Gross published a book back in 1980 that was entitled Friendly Fascism, Jim Garrison once said that “fascism would come to America in the name of national security”, and author Kevin Phillips in his 1983 book Post-Conservative America warned of the potential of an “apple pie authoritarianism” and a coming society in which: “the Star Spangled Benner would wave with greater frequency and over many more parades; increased surveillance would crack down on urban outbreaks and extreme political dissidents”. This very accurately describes post 9/11 America where any semblance of reason has been abandoned for cheap flag-waving pimped off as patriotism, criticism of authority has made into potential treason by the highly paid shills for neoconservative doctrine, sloganeering and demagoguery have replaced discourse, critical thinking is becoming extinct and just as George Orwell so accurately predicted Big Brother is now watching over us, protecting us and ensuring that we understand that war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

But I digress…

Main Core has received attention in two recent articles, one a piece by investigative journalist Christopher Ketcham entitled The Last Roundup (which also looks at Continuity of Government programs but more on that in a little while) and Tim Shorrock entitled Exposing Bush’s Historic Abuse of Power. Both articles tie Main Core to the now legendary PROMIS software, an extremely advanced program designed to aid federal prosecutors in case management tracking. PROMIS could pull and put together a wide range of data from disparate sources into a single record. The PROMIS software was created by INSLAW Inc., a company owned by a former NSA intelligence officer named William Hamilton. PROMIS was to have been licensed to the U.S. government in the early 1980’s before the technology boom became widespread but was then stolen by the seamy officials in Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department. The software was modified for espionage purposes to include a ‘back door’ that could be used for spying on those that it was sold to and in a detail that should be especially relevant with the economic crisis that threatens to crash the global financial system, the software could also be used to track in real time (in order to manipulate?) stock market transactions, once can certainly speculate as to how such a tool could have contributed to an economic catastrophe as we are now facing if it were used for such a thing. It is important to keep in mind the period when PROMIS was stolen in the early 1980’s and the fact that the techology boom was still years in the future which should give one an idea to just how far advanced and therefore how important that it was to those who would use it in order to promote a sinister agenda.

Mr. Shorock’s piece goes into the relationship between PROMIS and Main Core in some detail:

According to William Hamilton, a former NSA intelligence officer who left the agency in the 1970s, that description sounded a lot like Main Core, which he first heard about in detail in 1992. Hamilton, who is the president of Inslaw Inc., a computer services firm with many clients in government and the private sector, says there are strong indications that the Bush administration’s domestic surveillance operations use Main Core.

Hamilton’s company Inslaw is widely respected in the law enforcement community for creating a program called the Prosecutors’ Management Information System, or PROMIS. It keeps track of criminal investigations through a powerful search engine that can quickly access all stored data components of a case, from the name of the initial investigators to the telephone numbers of key suspects. PROMIS, also widely used in the insurance industry, can also sort through other databases fast, with results showing up almost instantly. “It operates just like Google,” Hamilton told me in an interview in his Washington office in May.

Since the late 1980s, Inslaw has been involved in a legal dispute over its claim that Justice Department officials in the Reagan administration appropriated the PROMIS software. Hamilton claims that Reagan officials gave PROMIS to the NSA and the CIA, which then adapted the software — and its outstanding ability to search other databases — to manage intelligence operations and track financial transactions. Over the years, Hamilton has employed prominent lawyers to pursue the case, including Elliot Richardson, the former attorney general and secretary of defense who died in 1999, and C. Boyden Gray, the former White House counsel to President George H.W. Bush. The dispute has never been settled. But based on the long-running case, Hamilton says he believes U.S. intelligence uses PROMIS as the primary software for searching the Main Core database.

Hamilton was first told about the connection between PROMIS and Main Core in the spring of 1992 by a U.S. intelligence official, and again in 1995 by a former NSA official. In July 2001, Hamilton says, he discussed his case with retired Adm. Dan Murphy, a former military advisor to Elliot Richardson who later served under President George H.W. Bush as deputy director of the CIA. Murphy, who died shortly after his meeting with Hamilton, did not specifically mention Main Core. But he informed Hamilton that the NSA’s use of PROMIS involved something “so seriously wrong that money alone cannot cure the problem,” Hamilton told me. He added, “I believe in retrospect that Murphy was alluding to Main Core.” Hamilton also provided copies of letters that Richardson and Gray sent to U.S. intelligence officials and the Justice Department on Inslaw’s behalf alleging that the NSA and the CIA had appropriated PROMIS for intelligence use.

Hamilton says James B. Comey’s congressional testimony in May 2007, in which he described a hospitalized John Ashcroft’s dramatic standoff with senior Bush officials Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card, was another illuminating moment. “It was then that we [at Inslaw] started hearing again about the Main Core derivative of PROMIS for spying on Americans,” he told me.

Through a former senior Justice Department official with more than 25 years of government experience, Salon has learned of a high-level former national security official who reportedly has firsthand knowledge of the U.S. government’s use of Main Core. The official worked as a senior intelligence analyst for a large domestic law enforcement agency inside the Bush White House. He would not agree to an interview. But according to the former Justice Department official, the former intelligence analyst told her that while stationed at the White House after the 9/11 attacks, one day he accidentally walked into a restricted room and came across a computer system that was logged on to what he recognized to be the Main Core database. When she mentioned the specific name of the top-secret system during their conversation, she recalled, “he turned white as a sheet.”

An article in Radar magazine in May, citing three unnamed former government officials, reported that “8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect” and, in the event of a national emergency, “could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and even detention.”

The INSLAW/PROMIS story reached deep into the darkest bowels of an increasingly secretive and malevolent National Security State that had manifested itself in the Reagan administration, the arms for hostages ‘October Surprise’ deal that sank Jimmy Carter’s bid for re-election leading to the Reagan-Bush hostile takeover of America, Iran-Contra, BCCI, media manipulation (see Robert Parry’s excellent special report for Consortium News entitled Iran Contra’s ‘lost chapter’), Oliver North’s swashbuckling adventures with C.O.G., drugs for guns and subversion of Congress all were components of Reagan’s government, a government that he hypocritically railed against for its intrusiveness and yet presided over while the shadow government that would rise again with the Supreme Court installation of George W. Bush as president with many of the key operatives of Reagan and George H.W. Bush’s dark shops of oppression being given key positions in this brazenly lawless administration that has brought America to the brink of fascism.

Ketcham’s The Last Roundup is particulary of interest in that he examines the now infamous 2004 visit of Bush administration officials Alberto Gonzalez and Andrew Card to the hospital room of Attorney General John Ashcroft who had been stricken with pancreaitis after acting A.G. James Comey refused to sign off on the reauthorization of what was an illegal surveillance program related to Continuity of Government. The story is fascinating in that it not only illustrated the length to which the Bush-Cheney junta would go to in order to keep their dirty little programs in place but also for the high speed chase through the streets of Washington and the race up the hospital stairs that Comey engaged in to beat Gonzalez and Card to the sedated Ashcroft to take advantage of a sick man, when John Ashcroft actually comes out looking like a heroic figure it becomes very apparent of just how grossly un-American that this flagrantly criminal administration truly is. James Comey went on to give testimony to Congress over the hospital room showdown and more details are available from blogger Glenn Greenwald in his piece entitled What illegal “things” was the government doing in 2001-2004? and in Barton Gellman’s new book Angler and exerpts were recently published in the Washington Post which part one and part two can be read for more information on the back story behind the surveillance reauthorization. Murray Waas also has done a story on whether former Attorney General Gonzalez created a set of falsified notes to provide a cover story for what occurred while trying to bully Comey and Ashcroft into signing off on the obviously illegal surveillance program.
Excerpts from Ketcham’s story are chilling:

According to a senior government official who served with high-level security clearances in five administrations, “There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.” He and other sources tell Radar that the database is sometimes referred to by the code name Main Core. One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.

Of course, federal law is somewhat vague as to what might constitute a “national emergency.” Executive orders issued over the past three decades define it as a “natural disaster, military attack, [or] technological or other emergency,” while Department of Defense documents include eventualities like “riots, acts of violence, insurrections, unlawful obstructions or assemblages, [and] disorder prejudicial to public law and order.” According to one news report, even “national opposition to U.S. military invasion abroad” could be a trigger.

Let’s imagine a harrowing scenario: coordinated bombings in several American cities culminating in a major blast—say, a suitcase nuke—in New York City. Thousands of civilians are dead. Commerce is paralyzed. A state of emergency is declared by the president. Continuity of Governance plans that were developed during the Cold War and aggressively revised since 9/11 go into effect. Surviving government officials are shuttled to protected underground complexes carved into the hills of Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Power shifts to a “parallel government” that consists of scores of secretly preselected officials. (As far back as the 1980s, Donald Rumsfeld, then CEO of a pharmaceutical company, and Dick Cheney, then a congressman from Wyoming, were slated to step into key positions during a declared emergency.) The executive branch is the sole and absolute seat of authority, with Congress and the judiciary relegated to advisory roles at best. The country becomes, within a matter of hours, a police state.
And –
Under law, during a national emergency, FEMA and its parent organization, the Department of Homeland Security, would be empowered to seize private and public property, all forms of transport, and all food supplies. The agency could dispatch military commanders to run state and local governments, and it could order the arrest of citizens without a warrant, holding them without trial for as long as the acting government deems necessary. From the comfortable perspective of peaceful times, such behavior by the government may seem far-fetched. But it was not so very long ago that FDR ordered 120,000 Japanese Americans—everyone from infants to the elderly—be held in detention camps for the duration of World War II. This is widely regarded as a shameful moment in U.S. history, a lesson learned. But a long trail of federal documents indicates that the possibility of large-scale detention has never quite been abandoned by federal authorities. Around the time of the 1968 race riots, for instance, a paper drawn up at the U.S. Army War College detailed plans for rounding up millions of “militants” and “American negroes,” who were to be held at “assembly centers or relocation camps.” In the late 1980s, the Austin American-Statesman and other publications reported the existence of 10 detention camp sites on military facilities nationwide, where hundreds of thousands of people could be held in the event of domestic political upheaval. More such facilities were commissioned in 2006, when Kellogg Brown & Root—then a subsidiary of Halliburton—was handed a $385 million contract to establish “temporary detention and processing capabilities” for the Department of Homeland Security. The contract is short on details, stating only that the facilities would be used for “an emergency influx of immigrants, or to support the rapid development of new programs.” Just what those “new programs” might be is not specified.
In the days after our hypothetical terror attack, events might play out like this: With the population gripped by fear and anger, authorities undertake unprecedented actions in the name of public safety. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security begin actively scrutinizing people who—for a tremendously broad set of reasons—have been flagged in Main Core as potential domestic threats. Some of these individuals might receive a letter or a phone call, others a request to register with local authorities. Still others might hear a knock on the door and find police or armed soldiers outside. In some instances, the authorities might just ask a few questions. Other suspects might be arrested and escorted to federal holding facilities, where they could be detained without counsel until the state of emergency is no longer in effect.

Martial law is a very serious possibility with it having now been established that the executive branch can exercise dictatorial powers during a “catastrophic emergency” (as put forth in the Bush administration’s NSPD-51) which is defined as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions”. With events unfolding as they currently are it is especially troubling to note that the “economy” is one of the criteria that would trigger the declaration of martial law, the current economic crisis along with the lack of will to do what it takes to make corrections rather than bailing out and essentially giving amnesty to the Wall Street looters who are responsible for it only guarantees that the collapse when it does come will be much more devastating. A recent article in The Army Times reveals that as of October troop deployments will include ‘Homeland’ duty under the command of NORTHCOM. Assignments will allow for an increased public visibility (translation: getting Americans used to seeing troops on the streets) and will have a stated purpose as follows: “They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.” If action by the military (and the unaccountable mercenaries from privatized ‘security’ firms like Blackwater) is decided to be merited by the unitary executive and a state of martial law declared then exectly what exactly is going to happen to those “8 million” names that Ketcham writes of as “potentially suspect” who are in the Main Core database?

That Main Core and PROMIS are linked raises some extremely provocative questions in regards to intent on the subversion of the Constitution and the overthrow of the legitimate government by a shadow government using the Continuity of Government infrastructure. Ketcham also references a massive 1993 piece for Wired Magazine entitled The INSLAW Octopus that none other than the infamous rogue operative Lt. Col. Oliver North was using PROMIS for illegal surveillance purposes:

Lt. Col. Oliver North also may have been using the program. According to several intelligence community sources, PROMIS was in use at a 6,100-square-foot command center built on the sixth floor of the Justice Department. According to both a contractor who helped design the center and information disclosed during the Iran-Contra hearings, Oliver North had a similar, but smaller, White House operations room that was connected by computer link to the DOJ’s command center.

Using the computers in his command center, North tracked dissidents and potential troublemakers within the United States as part of a domestic emergency preparedness program, commissioned under Reagan’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), according to sources and published reports. Using PROMIS, sources point out, North could have drawn up lists of anyone ever arrested for a political protest, for example, or anyone who had ever refused to pay their taxes. Compared to PROMIS, Richard Nixon’s enemies list or Sen. Joe McCarthy’s blacklist look downright crude. This operation was so sensitive that when Rep. Jack Brooks asked North about it during the Iran-Contra hearings, the hearing was immediately suspended pending an executive (secret) conference. When the hearings were reconvened, the issue of North’s FEMA dealings was dropped.

North’s involvement with Continuity of Government programs including REX 84 has long been known and while Col. North no longer is active in such programs (at least not to the knowledge of anyone) a larger part of the C.O.G./shadow government infrastructure continued to breed in darkness and secrecy and on that most glorious day for American fascism, 9/11/2001 went live under the guidance of one of its most ardent and longtime architects, Vice President Richard B. Cheney.
The secrets of Main Core, PROMIS and other variations of the monstrous tools of an out of control shadow government are the veritable crown jewels of the police state and every effort has and will continue to be vigorously employed to stifle any investigations through the official channels. Is there really any doubt that these surveillance systems aren’t being used for raw political purposes and for blackmail? How much serious opposition has the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil met in their systematic dismantling of the Constitution over the past eight years? In the ongoing exploitation of the ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11 that have been used to justify each and every incursion on American civil liberties and thugs like Dick Cheney and David Addington acting as the muscle for the shadow government (as is evident in the stories linked to above) the footfalls of those little cat feet grow louder and louder.
Now if PROMIS was being used by Colonel North as a part of Rex 84 back in the 1980’s when the Continuity of Government plans were being tweaked, FEMA being set up for the eventual incorporation into the Department of Homeland Security and financial transactions as well as communications already being monitored what does that say about the current state in which we all find ourselves in? Every new police state measure has been implemented largely after being conceived in secrecy under the premise of ‘national security’ and NSPD-51 has allowed for the executive branch to issue a declaration of martial law under which the roundup of dissidents for detention (or worse) will be conducted. And this has all been non-reviewable by Congress, a supposedly (at least according to the Constitution) a co-equal branch of government. When a Congressman named Peter DeFazio was last year denied access to the NSPD-51/C.O.G. plans by the Bush administration it was yet another example of what has been a disturbing pattern. The Main Core list of potential ‘enemies of the state’, the assignment of troops to NORTHCOM, the ongoing frantic efforts of the neocons to launch a war with Iran, the threat of the Cheney cabal being further exposed, the deteriorating economy and the growing public anger at government along with a loss of faith in public institutions all add up to something very dark that is about to come to fruition after decades of planning.
None of this is about terrorism at all, it never has been. It is all about the implementation of a fascist style dictatorship in America.
(This is the first installment of what will be an ongoing series)

Land of Murka: Part Two

Here is the conclusion of Manuel Valenzuela’s epic essay Land of Murka. This is a work of sheer genius and needs to be read by every thinking individual in this rotting empire.

Land of Murka, Part II: The Fundamentalist Threat
By Manuel Valenzuela

The Fundamentalist Threat
To live in Murka is to see firsthand its degeneration into an emerging Christian theocracy, with its collection of televangelists, cult leaders, mullahs and Taliban, nothing more than corruption-filled, hypocrite-behaving, masterminds of pervasive ignorance, false prophets and preachers drunk off the liquor of fundamentalist thought misguiding tens of millions of lost souls through the chalice of brainwashed and unenlightened thinking.

Commanding the attention of born again, salvation-seeking, messianic and Armageddon-searching souls in need of finding their way past the fires of hell and into the gates of heaven, these wolves dressed in sheep skin embrace principles of extremist belief and fanatical dogma. The flock of sheeple succumbing to the distortions, deceptions and delusions of their dangerously unwise shepherd leaders follow blind, deaf and dumb, disregarding all semblance of rational thought and analytical thinking in their discarding of common sense and proven scientific fact.

Instead, mesmerized by the incantations of those they follow, eager to buy lifetime supplies of snake oil being sold, captivated by the charlatans speaking the tongues of fraud and deception, tens of millions of Christian fundamentalists choose to place blind faith in make-believe stories of fantasy, relying on the primitive myths of ancient and unlearned tribal men and their archaic fables used to explain both the world of yesteryear and their psychological fears and insecurities, of no more significant use to modern humans today than the technology of 8,000 years ago.

In the land of Murka, the most prosperous and wealthy nation on Earth, there exists the constant friction between the secular and the religious, perpetually in battle over the minds of the masses. It is a schism that is dividing a once-united populace, having become over the years a most dangerous manifestation that is an enormous threat in 21st century Murka, helping to shake the pillars of society itself and which, in the end, will contribute to the forces imploding the nation from within. This internal war between secular and religious belief only continues to grow, their diametrically opposed views and goals further distancing themselves, creating, in the next decade, a tug of war of ideology whose winner will decide the future course of Murka. Either Dark Ages will approach or secular progressiveness will continue.

In a land where one would expect abandonment of primitive and archaic dogma as a result of greater socioeconomic integration, enlightened investigation and advancement of both technology and knowledge, one finds the opposite to be true. In order to maintain their subjects hypnotized by the aura of supernatural myth, and by consequence under the control of those who usurp the interpretations of religious dogma, those living off the fruits of the sheeple maintain their subjects in abject ignorance, forcefully demanding the absolute right to teach youngsters in Murka’s educational system fantasy written thousands of years ago, choosing to indoctrinate youth to rudimentary and backwards thought instead of the advanced evolutions of modern thinking.

In addition, they stridently seek the fusing relationship between church and state, constantly seeking to impose their delusional beliefs on secular citizens and on believers of other faiths. To them, Murka is and always has been a Christian nation, failing to understand Murkan history, the philosophies and beliefs of its Founding Fathers and the changing evolution of its society. They fail to comprehend and practice the teachings of the Christ they claim to worship, going against the tenets of his meaning to mankind, conveniently forgetting his messages of peace, love, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness.

Living under the fumes of fantasy, these Taliban seek to impose Christian prayer in schools and other government functions, trying to weave ever-closer the connection between church and state, desperately clinging to the idea of a theocracy. They wish to exhibit the Ten Commandments in public buildings, no matter how many times their kind breaks many of these same tenets and no matter how hypocritical they are in the behaviors they exhibit and the exhortations they proclaim.

Murkan Taliban wish to control a women’s right to her own body, and hence her own decision making, thereby robbing her of freedoms and rights finally granted after millennia of suffrage. They detest same sex partnerships, wishing to banish this human form of love from contributing to a better world, seeing it as an aberration and not a free choice and genetic predisposition. They would rather endanger the lives of teenage youth, contributing to ruined lives, venereal diseases, teenage pregnancy, divorce, the destruction of a nuclear family and a vicious cycle of indigence and ignorance, than abandoning their asinine belief of preaching abstinence as well as the sin of using contraception to the most sexually driven age group known to man, simply to appease fanatical views and extinct dogmatic belief.

Seeking this fraudulent form of teenage control and brainwashing in public education, in an age group saturated with chemical changes, hormonal firework explosions, psychological alterations, bodily transformations and an increased attraction towards sex is so out of tune with reality, with biological truth, with common sense, that it is preposterous it is even being implemented. Self-defeating and dangerous, this push to condition children is about control and retaining power over the mind of blossoming independence.

One can no more succeed in stopping a frog from jumping or a dog from barking any more than you can inhibit a teenager’s sexual libido. Teenage sex is as old as humanity, a manifestation of biological urges and evolutionary behaviors, molded by the hands of nature and our inherent need to procreate, and to try putting a stop to it using primitive dogma, issuing edicts that fail to embrace human truth, instead of using pragmatism and educating children to its reality, teaching protection and wisdom, is to see how out of tune with reality, and with life in the 21st century, extremist fundamentalists truly are.

Indeed, they seem more worried about their own insecurities, fears, stereotypes and in the private lives of people who will never cause them harm than in helping billions of humans worldwide, just as Jesus asks them to do, many of whom subsist on two dollars a day or less, many of whom die of malnourishment, disease and misery. Yet their interests lie in maintaining control, and thus power, over the dwindling supply of sheeple still able to be shepherded in Murka than in pursuing true religious convictions worldwide.

In order to maintain a dumbed down following, as well as to keep free-thinking children in the flock, and under control, the false preachers corrosive to human society demand the teaching in public schools of ancient creationist fantasy along with the scientific realism that is evolution. Fighting a perpetually losing battle with reality, and evolution, and clinging to the hopes inherent in desperation, they continuously repackage, remarket and relabel the fantasy of creationism in hopes of sneaking their religious dogma into the public domain. Never mind that the concept of “intelligent design” is nothing but pseudo-science, completely discredited by the scientific community, a desperate quasi-attempt to evolve a primitive fable into the modernity of 21st century thought, knowing that the reality of evolution continues to feast on and eat away at the carcass of an extinct idea worthy of the cavemen that invented it.

The Falwell’s, Robertson’s and Graham’s of the land of Murka, along with their clones, shills, hacks and lackeys, see more and more members of the population escaping their detrimental grip and the trance-like belief in the fundamental theology they inspire, and feel the very real threat to the continued existence of their power and control. They see the intrusion of secular thought, of logical, analytical and reasoned minds penetrating and obliterating those segments of society once reserved exclusively to the ancient domains of scripture and realize that if not halted, if momentum is not shifted, the logical wisdom and knowledge that comes with time will inevitably make their kind, and the fantasy they believe in, an extinct reality.

They only need to take a peek at Europe to squirm at the thought of their coming demise, and with it their control over vast segments of the population. Yet they fail to realize that the world they inhabit no longer resembles that of 8,000 years ago. It has progressed forward into the 21st century, not back to the Stone Age or into medieval times, no longer in need of the theology of primitive thought and archaic belief, no longer needing the stories of agrarian imaginations to help explain human complexity and the world we inhabit. Of course when living in delusion one cannot but fail to see reality, preferring to dwell in the treasure trove of fantasy rather than confronting the uncomfortable abyss of reality.

It is therefore vitally important to these Murkan Taliban to establish, as much as is presently possible, the parameters of a theocracy in the land of Murka, making ignorant the children of today in order to maintain present numbers tomorrow. Knowledge and wisdom are their enemy; education and enlightenment their Satan, which is why they seek to impose, at the risk of expediting the decline of empire and abandoning the futures of our progeny, religious lunacy upon the children of the country.

In their minds, the continued fusion of church and state must continue, using the appointment of conservative theocrats to the benches of the nation, the religious zealots in Congress and state legislatures, government officials who can affect policy and members of school boards to impose upon the peoples of Murka their Christian Taliban ideas of theocracy. These false preachers are selfish creatures who would rather implement policies that will endanger members of their flock than subscribe to the notion that their coffers will dry up and their power will be eroded. With the legions of political prostitutes masquerading as leaders scattered throughout the hallways of power, many of which have been recruited to join and further the interests of the fundamentalist army of Armageddon-seeking sheeple, there exists the very frightening possibility that they may succeed in augmenting their already growing power.

At present they are emboldened; their power has never been greater, their numbers are strong. Residing in the White House is a born again Christian, conduit to the Almighty itself, doing the arduous work of the Lord, holding the spear of war and shield of crusade. Since his ascension as Emperor to the Christian Right and Dictator of Murka, the war between the secular and the religious has increased. At no other time has the distinction between church and state been so compromised, and never has the struggle to keep both mutually exclusive been harder. Under the bull manure of ‘moral values’ those seeking expanded power onto the Christian Taliban have hijacked the nation, making millions believe that their power is greater than it really is, in the process silencing a great majority of the secular population. Yet they have gained in strength and numbers, and have become a major threat to the Land of Murka.

The weak minded capacity of the dictator who twice stole office aside, the Establishment knows that with religious belief comes greater control of the masses, clearly exemplified in the last three years of perpetual war. With theological belief comes unenlightenment and ignorance, a citizenry less likely to question authority and the decisions of leaders. Emulating the herd mentality, extremist believers in the metaphysical have been conditioned to place blind faith in leadership, whether seen or invisible. They do as they are told, not as they want. They are blind and so are told what to see; they are deaf and so are told what to hear; they are mute and so are told what to say; they are ignorant and so are told what and how to think.

Easier to control and manipulate, this group can be, at the push of a button, at the showing of emotional video or the speech of a demagogue, stirred into the frenzied lunacy of hatred or the violence-seeking, blood-thirsty plague of vengeance. In time, and with enough propaganda and brainwashed stimuli, this segment of the population, millions strong, can be made to focus all attention and all animal emotion at a chosen enemy, the scapegoat created by government and needed for the perpetual wars necessary for the continued hegemony of the Establishment. Through systematic precision, the Establishment can manufacture enemies, new Pearl Harbors and the quick mobilization of large segments of the population made to think and behave in accordance with the wishes of those pulling the strings of a marionette masquerading as a society.

Blindly following, never asking questions, naively believing everything they are told, this group of Murkans is quickly molded into a nationalistic, patriotic, religious and warmongering fervor, wishing death upon innocents and made xenophobic racists conditioned to hate anything alien. In their lunacy they seek the use of nuclear weapons upon foreign lands, without regard to life. They seek the suffering of untold civilians through ceaseless bombing and the sadistic torture of human beings through disappearances and kidnappings. They hate because they are told to hate; they detest because they are conditioned to detest; they seek violence and unconditional death of innocence because they blindly follow the words of hatred; they are filled with anger because they suffer frustrations in their daily lives, repressed in their employment, never being able to think for themselves, instead incorporating the jingoistic and anger-filled tirades of fascist commentators as their own.

Without empathy, without understanding and without humanity these millions stand complicit, through their silent acquiescence and in deriving sadistic pleasure in the misfortune of others, in war crimes and crimes against humanity upon their fellow beings. Advocating religious belief, proclaiming themselves seeds of Christ, believing themselves good Christians, these lost energies turned hypocrites seek the total annihilation of innocent life for simply being of different color, ethnicity and religious belief. They champion their beliefs on others yet fail to implement teachings into their own lives, breaking sacred tenets in their Crusade of Rabid Hatred against concocted enemies of the state.

These are the Murkan Sheeple, a grave and gathering threat facing the nation, tens of millions strong, looking forward to the total destruction of humankind, the fulfillment of prophesy (had the stories of the Bible been written in Russia, would they care about the Middle East? End Times would be sought in Siberia, not the Fertile Crescent), becoming suicidal seekers of Armageddon, desperately seeking a Rapture their kind have been waiting for every generation for the last 2000 years, only to be disappointed every lifetime that passes as fable never delivers upon its promise. They are told to hate diversity, secularism, heterogeneity, embrace everything Israel (in order to fulfill prophesy; exploited severely by Zionists of all kinds), hate foreigners of dark complexion and different religious belief, accept war against infidels and violence against heathens, label as communist progressive secular thinkers and loathe anything unorthodox not in tune to their – and their false preachers’ – idea of a world that has long since passed them by.

Humanity Lost, the Human Animal Resurrected
The land of Murka is today an incarnation of an Evil Empire, a terrorist state unleashing carnage and barbarity abroad and exploiting, with callous indifference, its own citizens at home. It has bastardized human rights, in essence stomping with its marching boots of “shock and awe” the innocence of humanity, becoming an overgrown hypocrite moralizing virtue but mandating criminality, no longer able to light the torch of human rights or reprimand fellow abusers. It smears with the feces of wickedness universal principles of human rights, in a mere matter of three years unleashing, along with its thousands of tons of bombs and missiles raining down from the skies, a devastating aura of human suffering that has resulted in over 100,000 innocent deaths and countless more injuries, maimings and forms of mental and psychological devastation. A beacon of human rights and humanity has vanished from Earth, becoming that which it most abhorred and fought to make extinct.

With the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11 Murkan humanity also collapsed, disappearing into the massive white cloud of debris, lost in perpetual purgatory, chained to the dark walls of the deepest reaches of the human animal. The disintegration of true moral values quickly gave light to the worst in the human condition, creating in the citizenry an army of crusading hatreds, fears and anger. The armies of the Evil Empire have destroyed an entire nation, with great success devastating infrastructure, culture, government and the foundations of society itself. They have made to suffer, in unquantifiable terms, and in horrendous amounts, millions upon millions of human beings.

A military given free reign to decimate and destroy, without punishment or moral leadership, allowed to unleash death upon the population of Iraq, has in the span of two years perpetrated such massive war crimes as to make the Nazi army proud. It has lost all sense of compassion, understanding and humanism, instead brutalizing and dehumanizing a citizenry of 25 million people. It has resurrected human wickedness, becoming a reincarnation of all human malice that has come before.

As sadistic and as hate-filled as millions of their compatriots in the Land of Murka, those soldiers illegally occupying foreign land have killed without remorse, shooting joyfully at innocents, taking pleasure in targeting women and children, much like the video games they play at home. This army has wrongfully imprisoned thousands of Iraqis, treating them inhumanely, overcrowding their cells, dehumanizing them with the lessons learned from Israeli Defense Forces, barbarically torturing many, sodomizing some, raping others and treating all with the cruelty of occupiers thinking their conquered subjects sub-human creatures unworthy of human sympathy.

Entire cities have been destroyed, with homes and infrastructure turned to rubble; WMDs have been used, including napalm; mosques have been obliterated, Iraqi religion spat on; Iraq’s – and the world’s – cultural patrimony has been destroyed, including the relics of man’s first civilizations and the ruins of Babylon; mass graves have sprouted in clusters where non existed before, full of innocent men, women and children, killed by Murkan soldiers; news reporters have been targeted and assassinated, attempts have been made to shoot and murder those possessing information the Murkan government does not want released; young children throwing stones at tanks have been shot; Iraqi freedom fighters, wounded and unarmed, have been shot point blank by sadistic, trigger happy soldiers; hospitals and doctors have been targeted, bombed and killed because they constitute “enemy propaganda”; thanks to depleted uranium radiation festers throughout the land, penetrating soil, water, air, vegetation and human bodies, with Iraq’s environment now equivalent to 250,000 Nagasaki’s, promising to be infested with the invisible poison for billions of years to come.

The army of Murka has embarked, with the tacit approval, and some would say with the sadistic pleasure, of its Commander in Chief, on a hurricane-like annihilation of Mesopotamia, killing hundreds of thousands through weaponry, condemning scores more through the purposeful disregard of infrastructure and basic services such as electricity, sewage, clean water, healthcare and the providing of food, which will in the end result in the deaths of more Iraqis than all the bullets and bombs used by Murka’s military. Whether dying by bullets or bombs or by the collective punishment of an entire nation, such as in the complete destruction of infrastructure or the disregard of basic services, Iraqis, especially the young, old and frail, will continue to perish by the tens of thousands, dying of disease, malnourishment, lack of medicine or from the sorrow of what George W. Bush has wrought onto their land.

When one combines these present and future casualties with the million and a half, including half a million children, that died at the hands of economic genocide implemented by Murka in the form of sanctions during the 1990’s, along with the silent mass murder of depleted uranium, the ultimate WMD, that has already killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis through illness, cancers, disease and birth deformities, the world will in the future recall what the Land of Murka unleashed upon Iraq as nothing short than a systemic holocaust comparable to the worst crimes of Nazi Germany.

It is not necessary to construct gas chambers, incinerators, gulags or concentration camps to exterminate millions of human beings. We are seeing this reality today in Iraq, in multiple forms, in degenerate warfare, in countless acts of war crimes and crimes against humanity being perpetrated by Murkan forces. In the end, millions have and will die at the hands of the Land of Murka, some quicker than others, some in silent placidness and some in terrible agony, some by bullets and bombs, some by water-borne disease and malnourishment, some by radiation-filled cancers, mutated deformities and destroyed immune systems. The seeds of the Iraq Holocaust have been firmly planted in the now barren lands of the Fertile Crescent.

Yet the Land of Murka, being the sole superpower, unable to be touched by the peoples or nations of the world, dictating and trumping the laws of humanity, never surrendering even in defeat, will erase these truths from the history of the planet. Nobody will be tried in Nuremburg, no one will hang for war crimes, no one will be brought to justice, for in today’s world, those in power create reality, writing and revising history to suit their needs. In the end, and much like the three million southeast Asians who died in their own holocaust a few decades ago, Iraqis and their stories of human wickedness reborn will disappear into the abyss of nothingness, their silent cries going unheard, their truths sequestered and their horrible suffering forgotten.

For Iraqis do not manage and operate Hollywood, the printed media or the televised media, those great bastions of propaganda. They do not have as advocates the gatekeepers of information, those who take it upon themselves to inundate the memories of old Holocausts into the conscious of humanity, monopolizing and exploiting its horrors to garner sympathy or pity, using its evils as excuses to cleanse native peoples, occupy lands, dehumanize populations, ignore resolutions, claim perpetual victimhood, silence protest, intimidate criticism and further vested interests at the expense of the rest of the world.

No, the lessons of history will go unlearned, new generations will never be made privy to the evils of human malice, truth will be whitewashed and glossed over and in the span of a few years or a decade or two the same horror will befall mankind once again, for we never learn, we never understand and we never care, giving birth to yet another holocaust like those in Rwanda, Congo, Vietnam, Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China, Cambodia, Indonesia, World War II Europe, Sudan and Yugoslavia.

The occupation of Iraq has been nothing short of a barbaric and savage assault on humanity itself, resurrecting into the collective conscious of mankind memories of those nations of yesteryear possessed with the demons of human wickedness that launched the world entire straight into the crosshairs of death, destruction, suffering and the devastating onslaught of the human animal. The occupation of Iraq, much like the pervasive occupation of Palestine, exhibits to the world, once again, that the human animal is alive and well, living in maniacal leaders sprouting the seeds of human wickedness among their subjects.

Indeed, what this decade’s war crimes and crimes against humanity show, much like those of every decade throughout the globe, is that war criminals have little problem mobilizing their populations into the arms of fear, anger and hatred, nationalistic lunacy and religious fervor, manifesting in the easily controlled masses – nothing more than violent apes awaiting to be resuscitated from the black holes of depravity – a hunger for violence, a thirst for vengeance and an indifferent disregard for the suffering of innocent human beings that is nothing short of barbaric and primitive. The human animal never changes, ending one millennium with war, violence and destruction and commencing another with worse of the same. Until we confront this truth, primitive we will remain.

Once the right buttons are pushed, once new Pearl Harbors are manufactured, the Establishment has little problem bringing out their mobilized army of hypnotized primates, millions of citizens mutated by fear, hatred and anger, conditioned into them by the same elite that will begin exploiting their emotions, in short order bringing to the surface the ever dangerous, never thinking, blood-thirsty and always self-destructive human animal.

With millions of little Hitler’s rising together in unison, each possessed by the demons of conditioned and manipulated hatred, anger and fear, a mob-like mentality springs forward inside the psyche, thereby allowing warmongers acting as leaders the flexibility to spawn unimpeded and unquestioned policies to enact their malicious war crimes against entire populations. The millions who have granted their leaders such power prefer to be led into blindness and ignorance rather than being confronted with the savagery and suffering taking place behind their silent acquiescence, purposefully imposing on themselves deaf ears and dumb minds to hide from their conscience the guilt of knowing the crimes against humanity being perpetrated in their name.

It is better, it seems, to bask in the comfort and self-delusion of ignorance than face the guilt of reality, preferring to remain living in the façade of innocence than being confronted by all they validate by their actions and words. For a war culture and a blood-thirsty population, this is how granting mandates for mass murder and crimes against humanity gets shielded by human psychology. Just ask Germans of the 1930’s and 40’s.

In the invasions and subsequent occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan – nothing short of chess moves on the geopolitical board game taken for imperial hegemony, energy resource control and geostrategic maneuvering hidden under the fantasy, for consumption of the masses, of now proven lies of WMD, “fighting the terrorists” and bringing freedom and democracy to tyrannical lands – the land of Murka has taken it upon itself to contravene all laws of peaceful nations, waging preemptive and aggressive offensive warfare on sovereign and non-threatening nations in order to begin securing for itself, and the Establishment, the last remaining vestiges of the primitive form of energy called oil. Welcome to the Age of Resource Wars, a most ominous and dark period that will soon befall humankind.

Land of Lies, Illusion and Rabbit Holes
In the daily atrocities and carnage being committed in Iraq the world sees the degeneration of Murka and its society. With half the population rabid in its hatred of Arabs and Muslims, full of xenophobic fears and violence-laden thoughts, easily manipulated and conditioned, serving the interests of power and control, one is witness to how low the Lands of Murka have fallen since 9/11. Human rights no longer have meaning as illegal wars of offensive aggression have been validated through the vote of tens of millions, or the indifferent acquiescence of millions more, who cared too little to help alter the course of the nation and the world. As a result, the murderous rampage of Murkan soldiers, laying waste to both land and man, has gone on without so much as a whimper from the population.

With the re-election of George Bush, many will argue through his second coup d’etat, though one cannot argue with the close to 60 million citizens who voted for him, the war crimes leading to the death of 100,000 innocent Iraqis and 10,000 Afghanis were endorsed, granting the war criminals in office a mandate to continue their reign of terror in the Middle East. Through elections, uncontested appointments and silent submission to crimes against humanity, torture has been given reason to exist, making it, in the minds of millions of Murkans, the preferred way to deal with Iraqi freedom fighters in Iraq and innocent Arabs and Afghanis in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, kidnapped and left to rot in the many Bush gulags.

It has not seemed to bother Murkan society that the Iraq war was based on lies and deceptions that have led to the murder of over one hundred thousands people. Living in a state of perpetual amnesia, embracing all forgetful principles of Alzheimer’s, the Murkan people quickly chose to disregard an amalgam of lies and scandals that would have rocked to pieces any other western nation and would have helped to bring down the vast assortment of scoundrels lingering like flies on fecal matter in the halls of power. Instead, using the remote control, Murkans change the channels showing them the little reality made available, finding instead escapist fiction or sensationalized gossip. Such is the mind of the average Murkan.

Onwards the Murkan people continue, never looking back and seldom looking forward, preferring to never remember and always forget. Conveniently they overlook how their government clandestinely ships their dead loved ones in transfer tubes under cover of darkness, placing a media ban on coffins and funerals so as to better control the psychological mood of the populace. It understands that images of dead soldiers and flag draped coffins are a powerful and sobering reminder of the horror of war, helping to mobilize the anti-war movement in Vietnam, which helped put a stop to that wicked debacle. This the government knows, which is why it lies and manipulates, hiding death, funerals, mourning and anger away from the public.

Preferring to live in ignorance rather than confront the horrific truth, the Murkan people have deluded themselves into believing the official death count of Murkan soldiers, which presently hovers around 1,500 dead and 10,000 wounded. In reality, as happened during Vietnam, the death figures are being manipulated, deceiving the public as to the real casualty numbers. Presently, the Department of War is implementing an Enron-type accounting method that fails to count as dead those dying en route to hospitals outside Iraq. If a soldier does not die inside Iraq, but dies while evacuated abroad or once inside a hospital, say in Germany, he is not counted among the official list. Also, many new immigrants, mostly those from Mexico, have been recruited into the army with the promise of a green card if they fight in Iraq. When these soldiers are killed, since they are not Murkan citizens, their numbers are not counted in the official list. Granted that these immigrant soldiers are routinely sent directly into the front lines, so as to limit the deaths of Murkan citizen soldiers, the implication arises that many of these soldiers have died in combat but are not counted.

Finally, expunged from the lists of official casualties are Murkan contract workers, mercenaries and private security that have been killed while working for the Murkan military. Estimates, then, place the number of dead Murkan soldiers at between 5,000 and 7,000, with more than 20,000 wounded. Add to this the untold thousands of Murkan soldiers that will inevitably die in the next decade due to their exposure to depleted uranium, not to mention the 11,000 that have already died of depleted uranium exposure from the first Gulf War, and one can see the damage done to our loved ones.

Seen in this light, the Murkan quagmire in Iraq takes on an entirely new and horrific dimension, becoming not the rosy delusions of Bush but the fields of carnage they in reality are. For the profit and wealth and empowerment of the Establishment thousands of young and talented soldiers have and will die, for a war based on lies and deceptions. Sent to secure oil fields and geostrategic lands, sent to allow the robbery of the national treasure and the pillage of Iraq’s finances, businesses and resources, Murkan soldiers were thrown into a hornet’s nest of anger, forced to battle resistance fighters waiting for a guerilla war those in power must have clearly seen coming. These soldiers have been sent to die for greed and the Almighty Dollar, representing to the Establishment nothing but cannon fodder in a war of illegality, designed to enrich a few miscreants in the military-industrial complex and further aggrandize the power of the elite over the masses. This is what Murkan soldiers are dying for; this is what they are being maimed over; this is the reason so many are returning home mentally destroyed.

The truth is that the Iraq debacle represents what Murka and half its population have become since 9/11. A war culture conditioned to the drums of war needs enemies to fight, new Pearl Harbors to help mobilize, scapegoats to profit from, and bogeymen to instill fear and insecurity in the minds of the masses. It needs blind patriotism to function, nationalistic tendencies to mobilize and distract, jingoism to unite and vanish from public thought the corruption of the Establishment and evildoers to spawn the hatred and xenophobia inherent in the human condition that makes entire populations conduits of violence and easily controlled and manipulated beings. Finally, new Pearl Harbors are needed to thread the needle necessary to bring all of the above into fruition, creating the veil binding the masses to their continued subjugation.

Without a constant battle of cowboys and Indians, of English and Revolutionaries, of Communists and Murkans, of good versus evil, Arab versus Christian and terrorists versus Bush, the Establishment cannot convince the masses that wars, invasions, occupations and the subsequent pilferage and profiteering of conquered land, resources and Murka’s national treasure are necessary components of a concocted and bogus ‘war on terror’ or its mutated and repackaged ‘war on tyranny.’ Already $200,000,000,000.00 have been wasted in Iraq, with an additional $100,000,000,000.00 already set aside for the continuing debacle that has no end in sight. Additionally, the Defense budget continues to skyrocket, going from $350,000,000,000.00 per year to 2005’s record sum of $420,000,000,000.00. Each year the monies allocated to the military industrial complex rise; each decade that passes results in the voracious gorging of the Department of War to the detriment of all other Murkan expenditures.

Also, billions of dollars have been appropriated for rebuilding Iraq’s infrastructure destroyed by decades of Murkan imposed sanctions and aggressive warfare, further enriching the elite, friends, profiteers and crony capitalists close to the Administration. Nine billion dollars ($9,000,000,000.00) of this sum has simply vanished into thin air, unaccounted for and lost, having become a casualty of war, though probably safe and sound and well hidden in the Swiss bank accounts of Republican lackeys and hacks that worked in Baghdad’s Green Zone and in those accounts owned by Bush-friendly corporate executives and profiteers. With so much money and power at stake, so much treasure to plunder and wealth to accumulate, perpetual wars and perpetual enemies make good business sense to the Establishment, courtesy of our taxes and the blood of loved ones.

Without enemies, real or concocted, the Establishment cannot expand its wealth and power. It cannot warm up the profitable assembly lines of its machines of destruction and violence, spitting out from its conveyor belts those weapons that will kill, maim and destroy. Profiting from human death, suffering and destruction, the military-industrial complex, with an ever-increasing budget allocated to it, needs perpetual war and violence to continue expanding its mammoth hegemony. War, after all, is the ultimate revenue-making business model that is guaranteed to redistribute Murka’s treasure away from the people and towards the elite. By destroying the infrastructure of a nation, the Establishment assures itself of having to rebuild it back up again, using cronyism, corruption, fraud, Enronesque accounting practices and Halliburton-style robbery to further enrich itself at the expense of the masses.

Using up and exhausting its weapons of war, manufacturing new and ever-more supplies, creating evolved technologies, flattening cities and infrastructure, rebuilding once again using the businesses it owns, taking possession of the oil industry and all its resources, having Iraq’s industries, utilities and businesses privatized, buying and carving them up, monopolizing the nation, exploiting Iraqi citizens through lower wages, higher prices and the evisceration of social programs, the elite of Murka assure themselves of the enormous bounty created by war, occupation and the implementation of their neo-liberal policies that continue to decimate scores of underdeveloped nations throughout the world.

Meanwhile, in the Land of Murka the population goes about its daily lives, amnesia guiding its short-term memory, its attention span converged on the celebrity trial of the week, diverting its attention away from disasters at home and abroad. Fed a steady diet of bread and circus, enthralled by the latest Michael Jackson story or celebrity gossip headline, millions continue gorging on the intravenous feeding tube called denial, becoming so out of tune with the rest of the world’s opinion and reality that rabbit holes continue to sprout everywhere, sending the Land of Murka into a wonderland of delusion, manipulation and fantasy.

Today’s lone superpower is dangerously falling down a slippery slope of perilous undertakings, dumbing down its population, creating, with each new generation, an army of worker bees and soldier ants not capable of rational and analytical thought. Millions of unenlightened drones are now the rule rather than the exception. They now allow state-sponsored terrorism in their name. War crimes are ignored, as are gross violations of human rights. Voluntarily and without protest or debate they are giving up their civil rights and freedoms. Democracy has vanished before their unknowing eyes. Murka has become an Evil Empire, hated by the world and detested by billions, yet those residing inside the belly of the beast seem not to care, not bothering, not understanding and not giving a damn. It is this hubris that will in the coming decades cause Murka to implode from within.

Recovering America’s Imprisoned Energy
The Land of Murka is a wonderful spectacle of heterogeneous synergy, a land of impeccable beauty and multi-talented humans. Tens of millions of its citizens are honorable, good and decent people striving for the highest integrity and virtues, seeking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The greatness of humanity exists in abundance in this country, waiting for the world to see. Millions possess the intelligence, wisdom, talent and ability to move the nation forward into stratospheres of greatness.

Yet an entire nation is being led astray, hijacked by greed, unenlightenment and the forces of the Almighty Dollar. We are being sodomized by the cross and buried alive with the red, white and blue, allowing ourselves to be gang raped by miscreants in power. Murka is a nation currently lost in the netherworld of amnesia (remember Enron, Halliburton?), sickened by a plague of Alzheimer’s, possessing the attention span of a gnat, the wisdom and IQ of a shoe, gleefully handing over our civil rights and freedoms, becoming submissive fatalists to corruption, rotting with fascist momentum, infested with the maggots and leaches consuming us from inside. Tens of millions residing inside the belly of the beast have been sucked into the fog of schizophrenia and paranoia, allowing their frightened and stressed out minds to yield to frustrated angers and exploited hatreds. Without a doubt, the Establishment and the corrupt lackeys it owns are ruining a great people and majestic nation.

We deserve better than what we presently have. If the People do not rise the land entire will eventually fall, flattened by powers too strong for a small cluster of dissent to fight alone. Great potential lies within our shores, yet it is crushed and exploited, made submissive and manipulated to the dictates of power, turning many into seekers of war and violence. The many are made subservient to the few who use a vast array of tools to control and divide us. From our hypnotized slumber we must wake before all that has been gained is lost. There is still time for the Land of Murka to once again become America, yet this window of opportunity is passing us by.

Let us, then, recover our great energy that once transcended oceans and borders and cultures and differences, making this land the bastion of goodness and humanism. Let us become the shining example of all this is good with mankind, once more lighting the beacon of greatness that has been extinguished by the veil enveloping our land. Let us once more be Americans, for we are the world just as much as she is us. Let us rejoin the peoples of the world, embracing the fraternity of nations, educating our progeny, enlightening our population and learning how to lead not as an empire, but as one global village, through wisdom, reason and a humbleness that will make our children stand proud to live in the land we once knew to exist. This legacy we must leave our future, not the one we are presently embarking on.

Let us purge alternate worlds and parallel universes from our lands, making extinct the sickness that has plagued us for years. We are the solution, not the problem, and inside each of us is the energy that has been imprisoned inside the dungeons of the human animal. It is time to make it free, allowing it to fly unhindered through the zenith of renaissance, granting it the freedom to change the direction this country has taken, giving it life to fill dark skies with enlightenment. The key to unhinging the locks holding back America lies within us, one and all. Searching deep inside we will find this catalyst for change, and what we decide to do with it then could very well alter history as we know it.