Category Archives: Times Square Bomber

Another Fine Day in the Land of Fear

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.

-Roy Batty

Another day in the kingdom of fear, the land of the lemmings and the trap continues to close, largely unnoticed by the too busy to care inhabitants. The average American attention span these days is something short of that of a gnat and there is always more celebrity to suckle, tainted sports heroes to cheer upon and reality television shows through which one can live vicariously. If ignorance, as has been said is truly bliss then the population of Der Heimat are the most blissful bitches and bastards on the planet – just like the cattle milling about at the entrance to the steel chute. In playing their true role as guardians against democracy, the pocket media mockingbirds are in full-throated roar as they in unison electronically bludgeon the American sheeple into a quivering pulp over the latest and greatest terror attack that wasn’t.

The thing that both horrifies and amazes me is just how easily that the Obama administration has co-opted the rhetoric of the Bushreich in ratcheting up the dread and feeding the panic monster. Faisal Shahzad, the latest addition to the 21st century pantheon of non-Christian bogeymen is being portrayed as a sinister deep cover saboteur, another tentacle of the global Islamic hydra that hates us for our way of life (as if being mean, obese, willfully ignorant debt slaves electronically lobotomized by our beloved televisions is anything to fight to preserve) and sweet Jesus we were lucky that the amateurish car bomb in Times Square didn’t detonate. Of course this is just more of the same bullshit that has been mainlined into our national carcass like the sweet spike of a heroin fix of fear since the day that the American Reichstag fire, that holiest of holy days that was September 11, 2001 punched our national ticket towards our rendezvous with destiny and the stamp of infamy that will only be fully appreciated with history.

This guy was a boob, a bumbler, a piker and a loser. He was just another underwear or shoe bomber, a phony threat of what could have been were there actual terrorists that serves as grist for the propaganda mills that ensure that the two minute hate remains a truly American institution. Hell, just the construction of the bomb should tell any halfway astute inhabitant of this childlike alternate universe that this is another manufactured incident. Any serious terrorist posessing a semblance of skill and integrety would have packed that fucking vehicle with semtex or some other military grade explosive, hundreds of pounds of poison-dipped nails, nuts and screws for shrapnel and a maximum casualty count and used a real detonator instead of some cheap shit made in China alarm clock bought off the shelf at the local Wal-Mart. But that of course is lost on the schmucks, too much television, too many episodes of ass-kickin’ Jack Bauer or whatever other paranoid, paramilitary propaganda piece designed to ensure that the suspension of disbelief kicks in whenever one of these incidents crop up. Remember the idiots who were allegedly going to storm Fort Dix and kill all of our precious green army men? The ones who were going to gain access masquerading as pizza deliverymen and then take on hundreds of heavily armed trained soldiers on their own turf? Or there were the Miami morons who were allegedly planning to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, of course the pertinent fact that they were borderline retards whose gross incompetence was only surpassed by the Bush propagandists need to convince the rubes that there were al CIAda sleeper cells everywhere and by god they could be next door to you! Look at Shahzad, his neighbors reported that he didn’t like sunlight…whooooooo, now that is spooky or what? If that is what it takes to be tabbed as an international terrorist in Murka then we are all more fucked than even the most paranoid fraidy cat could ever imagine.

The aftermath of the failed Times Square bombing is predictable, the Palinazis will have yet another one of them damned dirty Muslims to trot out as evidence of the great war of civilizations, more reason to force them all to convert to Christianity or kill them as one of Palin’s dim-witted demagogic predecessors once put it. There will be an increased drive to further implement fascist police state laws and sell more of those wonderful naked body scanners to the government and in keeping with tradition in the land of the cowardly, stick taxpayers with the bill for building their own systems of oppression and slavery which they will inevitably be controlled by. There is already the cacophony of ginned up righteous indignation by Republicans in braying for a military tribunal for Shahzad as well as greasing the rails for the McCain-Lieberman Hitlerian masterpiece that is the Enemy Belligerent Act. Oh, and Bibi is clicking his heels today because the attack on Iran, the wettest of wet dreams of the Zionist genocide machine is a bit more likely…just give the William Kristol propaganda shops ample time to find a link to the devil Ahmadinejad that can be propelled into the national consciousness via the FOX echo chamber by Glenn Beck’s golden tonsils. The xenophobic idiots already richly intoxicated by Arizona’s new diktat to put down those dirty Meskins will be shrieking anew for Barack Obama’s birth certificate, if nothing else the moron minority is very predictable. During my recent hiatus I have studied my local version of the tea party group and have found a very interesting fragility mixed in with the woeful ignorance and garden variety racism but that will have to be a story for another time. Let’s just say that the people that I found were more fragile than formidable.

Now of course in getting back to the media spin cycle there is always the jabbering jackass that is the beloved sound byte spewing weapon of mass deception that is John McCain. Fresh off of his spirited defense of allowing neo-fascist goons like Sheriff Joe Arpaio to harass and bully brown skinned American citizens of Hispanic heritage the man is in rare form – Again. Maverick McCain was blowing geysers of mud into his grampers when he denounced the standard American legal requirement of the reading of the Miranda rights to Shahzad. The old bastard was practically hyperventilating in an exhibition of animation rarely seen from a walking corpse, it was his most exciting pronouncement since he sang songs for Charlie for a room upgrade at the Hanoi Hilton or more recently practically performing cunnilingus on Sarah Palin during an unnofficial public Klan rally. All of the Republican Nazis are jumping onboard this beast and it’s only gonna get worse as the oppo researchers are able to unearth fallacious leads tying the Times Square dufus to the great Islamofascist conspiracy.

And of course in these sorry assed days of imperial decline there is the always reliable asshat on call that is Newton Leroy “Newt” Gingrich (born Newton Leroy McPherson) who has been an active fifth columnist both in front of the cameras and behind the scenes. Gingrich, his snakelike skin as shiny as a freshly stuffed link of shit sausage continues to act as chief mouthpiece for the neocons. His ludicrous tirades denouncing Obama as a secular socialist are so ridiculous that only the teabaggers could believe them. Long a tool of the neocons and their PNAC/Clean Break doctrine for global dominance as well as one of the most vile political figures EVER produced by the American system Gingrich is pulling out every dirty trick, lie and preposterous piece of folderol from his lard-assed academic carcass. The plan to destroy Obama by using the teabaggers as shock troops to take down the loathsomely inadequate health care reform in a variation of what he was able to do to the Clintons back in 94 went up like a flaming bag of dogshit in his meaty paws and as for DRILL BABY DRILL…with a looming environmental catastrophe heading right for the U.S. gulf coast well, that hasn’t turned out too well either for the philandering little fascist dwarf. The natives are getting restive here in the diseased penis of America more formally known as the state of Florida as millions of gallons of oil are heading directly towards the beaches and will be the final nail in the state’s economic coffin after the real estate bubble collapse and the nightmare of Jeb Bush’s crony capitalist privatization scams, now the tourism industry is soon going to go bye bye everywhere outside of the land of the mouse in the time share capital of America Orlando or the still to be built holy shrine to Tim Tebow.

Gingrich will surely be chiming in with his declarations of treasonous atheist commies like Obama and his ilk turning the country over to the ‘terrorists’ despite the fact that they are so fucking incompetent that they couldn’t blow their noses much less bombs that go off as advertised. One thing is for certain though, the line at the all you can eat bullshit buffet will be long, white and moving rapidly through the turnstiles towards the Kool Aid vats.

Just my two cents