Category Archives: Democrat Lies

Mr. Obama’s Chump Change

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.

H. L. Mencken
By now it should be painfully apparent to all but the most befuddled, celebrity worshipping O-Bots and their asinine counterparts in the malodorous and fraudulent Tea Party movement that there is really very little actual difference between the regimes of President Barack Obama and those of his predecessors. While I admit that the Bush-Cheney regime and the neocon ghouls that filled it has a special place in historical infamy and while there is little substantive policy difference Obama is an improvement over that confederacy of dunces, he has slid very easily into the suit of the American Emperor. Some of my more cynical friends on the far left called it as it was and I regret alienating them during the primary process. If I could take back my words on Hillary Rodham Clinton as being the “Joan of Arc of the dry pussy demographic” and other nasty comments I would do so today. Not that Mrs. Rodham-Clinton isn’t a corporatist warmonger of the highest order but at least there is some semblence of being qualified while Mr. Obama is clearly not up to the task. Fortuately for him the real power in the US of A rests with the financial oligarchy, the big energy cartels and the uber rich and of course the state of Israel and it’s hordes of fifth-columnists in the Pentagon, Christian churches and most importantly the U.S. mainstream media.
During the first year and a half of the Obama administration, the Pope of Hope has presided over the largest and most obscene taxpayer funded bailout of Wall Street criminals, hedge fund hyenas and the degenerate gamblers who have detroyed the global economy with their derivatives. There is nothing that Obama could have possibly done, short of beheading small children on the front lawn of the White House that could even remotely top the gross criminality of the Wall Street swindler bailout. Granted that it began in the final months of the Bush administration under Henry Paulson, another of the Goldman Sachs financial predators who are allowed to regularly slither into the halls of government power no matter who the president or party in control is but it was Obama’s ongoing failure to hold any of the thieves accountable. Not that accountability is very big with any U.S. leader, were this a sane and moral country Richard B. Cheney would currently be rotting in a prison cell, Clinton would have never allowed the Iran-Contra traitors to get off of the hook to save the ass of Poppy Bush and Ford would have never pardoned Nixon. But this is not any sane (not even remotely so) or decent society rooted in any sort of a moral value system. That being said, prepare for the screws to continue to be put to the average American schmuck by the likes of Wall Street moles like Timothy Geithner and Helicopter Ben Bernanke.

Obama has made it very clear that he understands who he represents and despite the lip service that he and others in his position pay to the little guy the average American is shit out of luck when it comes to expecting any sort of a level playing field when it comes to the mockery that is democracy. The corporations long ago bought and paid for this place and to borrow from the late, great George Carlin “it’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Face it people, the game is rigged! Any resistance has been co-opted, for example the media suckling of the ridiculous teabaggers who are nothing more than a bunch of pissed-off white people completely assimilated by the criminal Republican party to in a true historical context take to the streets in protest to support the British Monarchy. Obama’s second term is practically guaranteed unless he gets some kind of wild hair up his ass about actually going FDR and goes off of the reservation but that ain’t gonna happen. While his popularity rating will soon be plunging there is zero real alternative and a bunch of fish-belly white, pig-headed, racist idiots dancing around with their Gadsden flags isn’t any sort of a real political movement, tens of thousands of angry white males may want to cum on Sarah Palin’s tits but the oligarchy has no use for an idiot like that. Obama will be our Herbert Hoover, his bailout of the banking criminals has the economy on the precipiece of a double-dipper as the phony stock bubble pimped by Vikram ‘the Bandit’ Pandit, Helicopter Ben and armies of payroll pundits like the jackass Jim ‘Mad Money’ Cramer will eventually pop and after so much electronically created funny money has been pumped into the already rotting corpse of American capitalism that there will be nothing left save hyperinflationary measures and crushing austerity to save the blessed Wall Street banksters. We here in Der Heimat will need the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a loaf of fucking bread. The global economy is unsustainable, Europe’s financial system is continuing to come unwound and already there is social unrest unlike anything that is seen here on the world’s biggest lemming farm.

Obama’s reign will be just one more downgrade in the once great prestige of America, the brand name has been so thoroughly dipped in shit even the ultimate product as president can’t save it. Hello third world status! The imperialist, budget busting wars of choice not only continue but have been escalated by Obama who has neither the balls nor the experience to stand up to the war freaks in the Pentagon. I have already spoken of the Wall Street strip-mining, there is a mega-enviornmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico thanks to the dicking around by the Obama administration in bringing B.P. to heel and it’s only going to get worse as the precious black gold spreads thoughout the Gulf and out into the Atlantic. It’s ironic in a very funny sort of way that the Republican party convention has picked Tampa for the site of their 2012 convention, the “Drill, Baby, Drill!” chickens are coming home to roost in the soon to be oil-coated diseased penis of America that is the state of Florida. Still there is zero chance of a legitimate contender rising from that pack of swine, rats and roaches to challenge Obama. He has about six and a half more years now to finish the job that Bush and Reagan started, Clinton abetted and has been blessed by bankers, polluters and war criminals everywhere.

And when all is said and done, the economy is in depression, the police state is in place, half the planet is occupied by U.S. troops and mercenaries and the ability of the biosphere to support human life has been damaged beyond repair Americans can be left to do that one thing that they have always been able to do so well: blame it on the nigger.

Next up: Jeb Bush in 2016 – to be coronated in front of an army of Tea Party brownshirts

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ Joe


IOC Says BOHICA* to Obama

The BRIC’s Don’t Want No Pricks

The International Olympic Committee in a stunning display on the increasing prominence of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) delivered a massive smackdown of the now obvious (to all but Murkans) illusionary American economic might of the Ponzi Wall Street machine when Chicago was eliminated from hosting the Olympics. This despite the Pope of Hope’s pilgrimage to Copenhagen, one of those damned Eurpoeen (sic) Socialist countries to pander for the awarding of the 2016 games to the Windy City where the inconvenience would totally fuck thousands of people trying to get to work for weeks like in Atlanta in 94….not that it matters, by then at the rate we are going thanks to the three headed monster of Geithner-Summers-Bernanke nobody will have fucking jobs anyway as the monthly unemployment figures (cooked as they are) only go up and Americans are on the road to serfdom and poverty.

Rio is as natural a choice as Bejing was, these are the emerging economic powers of the new century as American Capitalism and trickle down economics will in the next decade or so be as mocked and scorned as those who believed in the Earth being flat. It’s the denial of a greed crazed system, strangling on it’s own shit and the wide scale impoverishment that it tries to hide behind the 24/7 onslaught of bread and circuses that is piped into the living rooms of the stupidest fuckers on the planet and taken as gospel. The rest of the world is moving on while the U.S. ‘leadership’ continues to only be moved to save the fraudulent scum of the oligarchy and to ensure that the vampires on Wall Street will be allowed to continue to feed on us cattle. While more civilized countries see the writing on the wall and are passing regulations against market transactions that are as on the level as internet gaming the land of sloth, obesity and stupidity and our new idiot king are only manning the airpumps (and printing presses) to inflate the next bubble that will predictably burst with disastrous consequences.

And of course it’s business as usual with the Dittoheads, the Beckers and the rest of the rotten, mean-spirited, water carrying pigfuckers of the RepubliKKKan Nazi party with three cheers being given to the lastest black eye for America and that dirty commie Muslim nigger who had the audacity to usurp centuries of white supremacist power in Der Heimat. Paul Krugman writes about these assholes in today’s damned librul New York Times column:

“Cheers erupted” at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly Standard, according to a blog post by a member of the magazine’s staff, with the headline “Obama loses! Obama loses!” Rush Limbaugh declared himself “gleeful.” “World Rejects Obama,” gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.

So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.

But more important, the episode illustrated an essential truth about the state of American politics: at this point, the guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they’re against it — whether or not it’s good for America.

To be sure, while celebrating America’s rebuff by the Olympic Committee was puerile, it didn’t do any real harm. But the same principle of spite has determined Republican positions on more serious matters, with potentially serious consequences — in particular, in the debate over health care reform.

But Krugman sugarcoats it too much, the RepubliKKKans are anti-American to their very core, degenerate, cynical, fascist filth who have hijacked and destroyed this country for decades, the cherry on the top of their cake of shit was the Shock Doctrine writ large during the ruinous years of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil. Now, behind the lunatic fringe CNP onslaught and hero to millions of deadenders Glenn Beck they are whipping up the cretins and knuckledragging just plain mean rubbish of Peckerwood Nation about all sort of evil machinations of the enemy of the humanity Obama. Things like death camps, kill granny fear campaigns, imminent communism, alien DNA in H1N1 vaccinations, the AntiChrist crap yada yada yada…it’s all bullshit and these freaks buy into it hook, line and sinker while Beck’s bank account grows exponentially.

Now this may seem sick but I have this twisted little fantasy, I wish that Obama did have a huge nefarious conspiracy to rid America once and for all of Raptureheads, Teabaggers, Deathers, fascists and dumbasses. I would love it if he had the balls to just give the order to round up and relocate these vicious swine to some sort of reeducation camps, if they could be saved great, do the necessary lobotomies and send them back into society to pick beans and clean toilets, the jobs that after all ‘Americans just won’t do’ according to the talking points. And if not just march them into an industrial sized Soylent Green style meatgrinder and puree their asses up into a fine pulp (omitting the children from their dead ender loser parents of course whose removal from their lives would free them from a lifetime of willful ignorance and bible study) mix it with soy sauce and water chestnuts and sell it to the Chinese as egg roll stuffing or something. Then Baby Trig and his football shaped head could be auctioned off on EBay to some degenarate high rolling Asian cocksuckers like the ones in Faces of Death who revel in eating fresh monkey brains directly out of the poor creature’s skull. Sadly, given the pathological nature of American corporations to trade shit and shinola back and forth it would all likely end up as 2.99 per pound sausage on a stick at your local big blue smiley Wal-Mart superstore. Christ only knows what sort of raw agricultural waste and human sewage ends up being made into coleslaw at their delis. Just don’t gas them in the camps, it may spoil the flavor of their diseased flesh that could otherwise be passed off to the Meskin’ hating Lou Dobbs/Becker bottom feeders as chorizo sausage in their frozen breakfast burritos.

Anyway fuck the Olympics. I hate the goddamned Olympics, I always found them boring as watching paint dry or old people fuck but could actually tolerate them until the USA rolled out the Dream Team of NBA pros with huge contracts (endorsements that is) to kick the living fuck out of the poor bastards who would have to face down the likes of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson in their prime. Crap, that is what the Olympics are to me, at least the winter games have hockey which is a redemptive quality.Who the fuck needs the Olympics anyway? Anymore it’s nothing more than a corporate showcase for their sweatshop manufactured shit, they might as well replace the rings in the logo with multi-colored Nike swooshes. And of course any sort of event of that scale in the USA would only be another justification for even more police state crackdowns, an LRAD in every city and more Darth Vader suited militarized ‘law enforcement’ personnel to beat down antiglobalization protesters.

So while not as particularly gleeful as the right wing scum and the Dittohead dopes I actually find it encouraging that the Pope of Hope was smacked down in Copenhagen, his magic spell that he is some sort of transformational figure doesn’t play quite as well outside of TV Nation. And let the ongoing job losses be a shot across Obama’s bow, his CHANGE is just more of the same bullshit lies that politicians are infamous for in American history. The politically savvy among us suspected that we had been had when Raht Emanueal, the most corrupt motherfucker in the Democratic party was his first announcement as the Chief of Staff aka Gatekeeper of Graft.

The Democrats are the new enemy now…..look at the Max Bacchaus bill to mandate the poor to pay insurance parasite at the threat of imprisonment, mix it in with the ongoing Wall Street love fest, Hell the CEO worship cult is back again, Newsweek is licking Jamie Dimon’s balls in their latest hagiography and of course the wars that never end. Obama is just LBJ without the social programs and in tying up this rant I must share this line from writer James Ellroy on Lyndon Baines Johnson that could describe the Pope of Hope as well….History will judge him as a tall man with big ears who needed wretched people to love him.
Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe
* – BOHICA acronym for Bend Over Here It Comes Again

Fozzie Bear Fascism

“The most difficult choice a politician must ever make is whether to be a hypocrite or a liar.”


Despite some wonderful rhetoric in a major speech given in the a police state in total lockdown last week when he visited Cairo newly crowned President Barack Obama is by the nature of his position of figure head of the American Empire a major disappointment to this point. The Cairo speech was astonishing in that an American President actually went into the heart of the Muslim world, admitted U.S. culpability in the 1953 CIA coup to overthrow democratically elected Iranian leader Mohammad Mosaddeq. Now of course, in the age of the internet (prior to the coming Chinese style censoring of it) the Iranian coup and the installation of the blood drinking puppet the Shah of Iran and his savage torture regime there is really no sense in denying this anymore, it was a hell of a gesture and he deserves credit for it, especially since it puts a gigantic bug up the asses of the dark forces and their nearly half-century reign of malevolence on behalf of big U.S. corporations and the financial oligarchs.

Obama also dared to speak harshly of our very ’special friend’ Israel which is refreshing given the long history of their involvement in propagandizing America, shaping foreign policy through their vicious, take no prisoners intimidation tactics of a vast lobby here in The Homeland. The agents of Israel have long been engaging in spying on Americans, buying and blackmailing the Congress to ensure that they retain the upper hand and that the Palestinians are treated as sub-humans and terrorists in the U.S. media. The tough talk with Israel (let’s see some action instead of words now) is welcome and very ballsy and Obama is now going to face the withering attack of the fascist Republican neocons, the dead-ender brownshirts of their knuckle-dragging Rapture death cult base and the knives of the bought and paid for Democrats in a Congress that arch-conservative pundit Pat Buchanan referred to as “Israeli occupied territory”. With enemies like these diseased pigs I would certainly hope that Mr. Obama has some pretty damned good (and loyal) security. With the Newt Gingrich-Rush Limbaugh angry army being whipped into a foaming at the mouth frenzy the assassination plots will grow exponentially as the extremists grapple for the right conditions for their return to power in 2010 or 2012.

The speeches aside, as of this day it is beginning to look increasingly apparent that once again Americans have been suckered, duped, swindled and bent over at the ballot box. The grand campaign trail rhetoric of CHANGE is just another empty slogan as Mr. Obama continues to not only flip-flop like an oxygen starved carp on the shore of the sewage collection facility known as Washington D.C. but to slyly reinforce some of the worst transgressions of the more openly fascist Bush-Cheney Axis of Evil. Despite the promises of CHANGE we still live in a high-tech police state that has not been reigned in an inch, the Obama administration is still down with illegal domestic spying and is even going to the extreme in pushing for the ability to shut down the internet, the framework for an authoritarian system of oppression beyond anything ever dreamed of in America is not only being kept but it is being augmented with twisted Stalinist legal mechanisms like preventative detention. He reneged on the release of the torture photos (they reputedly include graphic images of the rape of children) under pressure from fascist elements in a contradiction (LIE) that his government would be open. The wars of course go on, only the venues change, drones are blasting civilians on a near daily basis and with the ruthless assassination specialist General Stanley McChrystal taking command in Afghanistan it looks like the Phoenix Program has been resurrected and of course the big lie of Al Qaeda as global villians invoked to justify the ongoing imperialism. The restarting of military tribunals is also a stab in the back.

Of course Obama screwed us all by saving the Wall Street looters, the presence of some of the most notorious fixers on the planet Tim Geithner and Larry Summers among others should never have been confirmed due to their conflicts of interest to the financial oligarchs. The price that you are now paying at the pump is a direct result of Obama’s refusal to close the casino window and instead of nationalizing the crooked banks, cleaning them up and then returning them to private hands they were allowed to survive. The ballyhooed stress tests were a fraud and the recent Lazarus style rise of the markets is more attributable to a ‘The Surge is Working’ style of propaganda campaign as well as the chaning of the mark to market accounting rules that allowed derivatives with the worth of used toilet paper to be booked at whatever value that the Wall Street jackals happened to pull out of their asses to show phantom profitability. Now the oil speculators are back in business and 4 bucks a gallon is on the way. With a great fix like that for the economy (the real collapse is still coming) one has scant hopes that any sort of a legitimate first world style national healthcare system is coming, it is a certainty that the insurance industry leeches will still be attached to our backs.

Obama has also slagged the so-called radical left (actually they are anything but in fascist USA) elements of his base by failing to implement liberal/progressive policies. The feckless shoot down of ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ being the latest. Being a veteran myself and having served with gays (who were closeted out of necessity) I must say that they served with honor and that I would share a foxhole with a gay soldier any day rather than with a dickless, cringing Republican chickenhawk. The corporatist Democrats treat the base the same way that the fascist Republicans do the Jesus juicing ‘Christian’ base, they fire them up and then once elected throw them under the bus. I voted for Obama, it was the threat of Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency that made that choice for me, I kept seeing pictures of Hitler and Hindenberg in my mind. Now I wish that I had only done the right thing and voted for Nader or Cynthia McKinney, at least my dignity would be intact.

Anyway, if I were to spend much time on putting together a laundry list of Obama’s lies, half truths and prevarications it would take me just too long and it’s off to the salt mine time. I will however post this delicious piece from Ted Rall in it’s entirety:

Desperate and Afraid, People Trust Leader

WASHINGTON, NORTH AMERICAN PROTECTORATE, GREATER GERMAN REICH–From Honolulu to Portland, Maine, North American citizens of the Greater German Reich gathered on June 6th to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the victory of Axis forces at D-Day, the battle that decided World War II. Fallen heroes of the Wehrmacht and SS were commemorated at solemn ceremonies and Party rallies throughout the Reich, but the day held special meaning in Washington, which until 1945 was the capital of the former United States.

Speaking at the Supreme Kommandatur, which was built at the site of the former American presidential palace, Chancellor Adolf Hitler III said the war against the Western Allies paved the way for the years of peace and prosperity that followed. “It was unknowable then, but so much of the progress that would define the 20th century, on both sides of the Atlantic, came down to the battle for a slice of beach only six miles long and two miles wide,” he said.

Recollections of the National Socialist triumph at Normandy were clouded by several developments–a severe recession, a war with no apparent end in sight, and continuing concerns over human rights abuses.

Hitler III swept into power last November with a slogan–“change you can believe in”–that charmed members of the Reichstag across the political spectrum from far right to extreme right. Since that time, however, changes have proven either incremental or non-existent. For example, Hitler III promised during the campaign to help national comrades in danger of losing their homes–but instead spent trillions of marks to bail out feckless banks. He promised to withdraw from the Eastern Front, but has extended the pullout timeline by a year, is leaving tens of thousands of troops in place, and even plans to open a new front in South Asia.

Finally, he declared his intent to close Auschwitz (“Germany does not ‘do’ genocide,” he said) only to move the remaining inmates to other camps, which are being expanded.

Despite the lack of action, most people continue to support the charismatic new Leader. “He has a lot on his plate,” says Kristof Mathewsohn, the cable TV commentator. “Give the guy time.”

Indeed, five months into his chancellorship, the Leader remains the most trusted figure in North American politics. A new poll of homeless, recently dispossessed workers found that 72 percent trust Hitler III “to do the right thing.”

“In watching and listening to Hitler III’s press conferences, it’s easy to appreciate why people trust him,” said a man who preferred to remain anonymous because, as a Jew, he could be arrested and murdered by the state. “Sure, I wish he’d shut down the gas chambers and the ovens, but he has a lot of other problems to fix first. I’m sure he’ll get around to investigating the guys in the previous administration for their role in the Holocaust–nothing drastic, maybe a truth and reconciliation commission or something.”

Members of the media remain in thrall to the Leader’s suave persona, which is magnified by the glamour his statuesque wife and adorable daughters have brought to Germania (formerly Berlin). “Finally–parties we can believe in!” quipped a reporter as he slipped into a sold-out Wagner performance where Hitler III and his family appeared for a long-promised “date night.”

Few have forgotten that Hitler III offered the best alternative. “We live in a one-party system,” pointed out Rachel Maddoff, host of “The Rachel Maddoff Show.” “Can you imagine how much worse it would have been had Hitler III lost?”

We will be left with nothing but our mouths to laugh with due to the failures of this latest political administration of charlatans. Not that it wasn’t predictable given the vast amounts of Clinton era toxic waste that has been pumped back into Washington. The laughing may soon stop though as the Obama administration policies continue to totally alienate progressives and liberals by the thousands with each and every betrayal – hell, they seem to come every fucking day don’t they? The fascist Republican hydra is now in full regeneration mode, the blast furnaces of the hatred of the fucked, failed and doomed provide the fuel for the engine of this doomsday machine. Wanna think of something even worse than Obama’s Fozzie Bear Fascism? Imagine a return to power of a full blown fanatic party, boiled down to the purest and most potent form, like black tar heroin returning to power starting next November when progressives and liberals decide that they are finished having the big red, white and blue dick rammed up their poop chutes with a nice jellied red hot habanero pepper sauce for lube.

And the torture state apparatus is only being strengthened and institutionalized every day that Lord Obama and the Vichy Democrats allow it to exist.

The Antiwar Movement Needs A New Playbook

If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.

-Sun Tzu

To fuck your enemies you’ve first have got seduce your allies

-Saul Alinsky

Tired of having your faces rubbed in shit? The antiwar movement is spinning its wheels while being outflanked by the bipartisan, international war machine – a juggernaut with limitless financial resources, millions of shock troops, a corporate controlled pocket media and generations of successful propaganda already deeply imbedded within the national psyche. Despite repeated poll numbers showing the American public turning against Bush’s wars and the increasing pressure being applied to lawmakers up for reelection the current antiwar surge is doomed to failure because let’s face it, what has really changed? Much lip service is paid but the body count in Iraq mounts, our moral standing continues to deteriorate with the ever more frequently emerging accounts of the brutality of an occupying army, the nation heads towards bankruptcy and the neocons continue their instigation in order to escalate the conflagration by attacking Iran (or Pakistan for that matter if you listen to neocon ideologue and top media shill William Kristol) while the Armageddon choir shrieks in adulation and anticipation of their next mainline hit off of the Rapture crack pipe.

It is time for a reality check and a realization that in order to have any chance at fighting the authoritarianism of the militarist war machine the left-right paradigm and the my team vs. your team politics needs to be discarded for a movement that unites rather than divides, and one that is able to identify the true enemy which is the cancerous system itself – a system that has come to poison our national mind with the big lie that war itself is as American as apple pie. I don’t have the time to go into a rant on the longterm effects of the incessant barage of violent, pro war, nationalist propaganda that Americans are bombarded with from their earliest days of cognition through television, movies, video games and in a less technologically advanced time toy guns and miniature plastic soldiers but it is a good topic that I will address in the future, this post is about the ability of the antiwar movement to adapt to an increasingly hostile battlefield environment.

I recently read former Marine officer, UN weapons inspector and principled conservative Scott Ritter’s new book: Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement and I would strongly recommend that every American who is truly serious about saving this country take a look at what he has to say. I realize that many who read this post will not be down with it as Ritter recommends using military style tactics and the teachings of Sun Tzu and Clausewitz to in effect wage war against the war machine. This may fly in the face of certain aspects of modern liberalism but with the crisis rapidly worsening, our democracy sold to the highest bidder and the constitution in tatters it is now crunch time and dearly held principles need to be chucked in the name of the greater need which is that of survival and the only way that survival is possible is to take the battle right at the motherfuckers but more on the book in a little while.

With the complete betrayal of the Judas Democrats on bringing about an end to Bush’s war or to otherwise throw up adequate roadblocks towards an escalation into Iran that culminated in antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan’s arrest in the office of John Conyers ( a sad betrayal by a longtime fighter, a former lion turned lamb who is now in his old age kept on a short leash by party ‘leadership’) it is well past time for the antiwar movement to look for other alternatives to ending this madness before the entire world is aflame and Der Homeland is turned into a repressive police state due to Richard B. Cheney and his ultra slick legal eagle David Addington’s barrage of Executive Orders, the latest one arming the unitary executive/dictator/fuehrer with the power to seize property and to confiscate the assets of war protestors who dare to question the king’s divine providence to pillage, rape and plunder for the sake of expanding the empire. The complicity of the Democrats in the actions of the Bushreich to dismantle constitutional democracy are louder than bombs and exemplified by their silence and in their failure to halt the junta have ensured that their own fingerprints are on the dagger that has been planted in our backs.

In recently denouncing the Democrats as the collection of war addicts, abject failures, duplicitous backstabbers, bald-faced liars and pathological cheats that they truly are Sheehan has dealt a staggering blow to the DLC wing of the war party’s cloak of legitimacy and it is triggering an exposure and closing of ranks for the establishment with denunciations by fake left poseurs like the bastard snake Zuniga of the internet disinformation clearing house and vacuum cleaner operation Daily Kos (Sheehan was banned from posting there but hey, so were hundreds if not thousands of others who weren’t party hacks including myself twice) and a made into a mockery among the so-called anti-war progressives but it will soon reverberate, spread and with any luck at all go viral so that a chain reaction will be set off where a new awareness of the Democratic party complicity in this fucking bullshit war, the destruction of the middle class and the corruption of the system will deal a hopefully mortal blow to the entire rotten establishment. There is already a growing Hillary resistance movement on the ‘left’ along with a conservative backlash against the neocon invasion of the party snatchers that see the stars aligning for that rarest of things – common ground among Americans who have been pitted against each other over absolute bullshit wedge issues for far too long now and who are only now beginning to realize that they have been played for fools.

When it became obvious that the Democratic party as it exists today is more concerned with aligning itself with a foreign interest (AIPAC) operating within our borders than in doing what is right for America the deal was sealed. When you come right down to it the six-year reign of terror in Bush’s war on America wouldn’t have been possible. First they rolled over on the war by giving the emperor a blank check and they have been rolling over ever since. Nothing more exemplifies the unwillingness of the Judas Democrats than their shameless ability to pander to the lowest common denominators and ensure that they will never have to address any real issues than their appearances in fucking ridiculous farces like the recent faith forum and the upcoming gay rights forum which serve only to further cement and reinforce the right wing frames that have been so damaging to this country since the seizure of power by the Bushreich.

Note that the Pelosi-Reid-Hoyer triad has done absolutely fucking nothing to roll back the USA PATRIOT act, restore habeas corpus, ban torture, close the gulags, stop the illegal spying on American citizens or take a stand against the creeping fascism and are now using the trumped up “war on terror” for their own means. The establishment Dems are thoroughly corrupt, rotten to the core and have already accepted their thirty pieces of silver to shank the American people in the back in the name of perpetual war for perpetual peace. The failure of the Democrats should be a wake up call to any and all who had some faith, however naïve that the existing system can work as intended to maintain a system of checks and balances as envisioned by the founding fathers because it is all just too far gone. The pitter patter of the little cat feet that fascism creeps in on is getting more audible and the transformation of America into the Homeland becomes more obvious by the day. As Milton Meyer famously wrote in his study of Nazi Germany They Thought They Were Free:

What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.

“This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it – please try to believe me – unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, “regretted,” that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these “little measures” that no “patriotic German” could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.

The Democrats have even less interest in bringing about a halt to the wars of empire than they do in impeaching the criminals in the White House and the Pentagon who have done so much damage to America over the past six terrible years. AIPAC tool and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer was the latest to unequivocally state that impeachment was “off the table” during a recent appearance on the syndicated Ed Schultz Show meaning that the jackass party are now co-equals with their more thuggish and overtly fascist counterparts in ensuring that the war machine keeps running at all costs and to hell with Sheehan or the law because they sense that they will inherit the keys to the kingdom along with the dictatorial powers that the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil have imbued the executive branch with very, very soon. Never mind that impeachment and removal is an absolute necessity to allow such a transfer of power to occur despite the false façade of legitimacy in the national dog and pony shows that our elections have become. In their short-sightedness and their lust for power the Democratic establishment perilously and repeatedly fails to understand exactly what they are dealing with.

What if the current junta has no intention of leaving and is only buying the necessary time until the next 9/11 takes place and the full provisions of NSPD-51 are implemented? Bush’s martial law master plan is so secretive, so onerous and so terrifying that Oregon Congressman and Homeland Security Committee member Peter DeFazio was denied the chance to examine it in a secure “bubbleroom” leaving him to say “Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right”. In their raw lust for power, their insatiable greed and their pathological desire to control the money spigots of the spoils system the DLC Democrats are making a grave strategic blunder that could be the final dagger in the back of the American people, the demise of the republic itself and the last nail in the coffin holding the constitution. They are allowing the neocon hydra to fully regenerate and to bring down the entire fucking house to ensure that their crazed global agenda is fulfilled. Israel has the Samson Option and the Bushreich has NSPD-51, the bastard love child of the authoritarian fascist military industrial complex and the next generation of Colonel Oliver North’s REX 84.

Conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts who has become one of the most outspoken critics of the fascist strain of Republicanism nails it dead on in his most recent column entitled My Wake-up Call: Watch For Another 9/11-WMD Experience where which he predicts such an event:

The Bush administration is preparing us for more terrorist attacks. The latest intelligence report says that Al Qaeda has regrouped, rebuilt, and has the ability to come after us again. “Al Qaeda will intensify its efforts to put operatives here,” says the report.

Security operatives, such as Michael Chertoff, and various instruments of administration propaganda have warned that we will be attacked before next year’s election. Chertoff is not a person who wants to be known as Chicken Little for telling us that the sky is falling.

Bush has the Republican Party in such a mess that it cannot survive without another 9/11. Whether authentic or orchestrated, an attack will activate Bush’s new executive orders, which create a dictatorial police state in event of “national emergency.” [See here. ]

And most chillingly –

The Democrats’ strategy of doing nothing except making sure Bush gets his way will produce the landslide that they expect.

However, this assumes that Cheney, Rove, and their neoconservative allies have lost their cunning and their manipulative skills. It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous assumption for Democrats and the American people to make.

Once the US experiences new attacks, Bush will be vindicated. His voice will be confident as he speaks to the nation:

“My administration knew that there would be more attacks from these terrorists who hate us and our way of life and are determined to destroy every one of us. If only more of you had believed me and supported my war on terror these new attacks would not have happened. Our security efforts were impaired by the Democrats’ determined attempts to surrender to the terrorists by forcing our withdrawal from Iraq and by civil libertarian assaults on our necessary security measures. If only more Americans had trusted their government, this would not have happened.”

There is no such thing as politics as usual in post 9/11 Amerika and time is running out. The longer that the Democrats continue to fuck around and the antiwar movement is stuck in neutral the more emboldened that the cornered animals that are the neocon coup plotters will become and our worst fears will become reality as the final pieces of the fascist master plan lock into place with another attack. With a lawless administration and several influential Republicans now on record as eagerly awaiting the next ‘terrorist’ attack and Israeli mole Joe Lieberman uniting with the equally maniacal Reverend John Hagee to openly lead the cheers at the recent Christians United For Israel freak show for hitting Iran and therefore trigger Bush’s martial law enabling acts it is imperative that Americans begin to unite behind a rallying cause against the empire and it’s wars. This is where Scott Ritter’s little playbook for fighting back comes in and in the author’s own words:

This book is not for everyone. There will be those among the antiwar movement who will, out of misguided sense of principle, be repulsed by the notion of their movement embracing something as noxious as the Art of War.

In short, the antiwar movement has come face-to-face with the reality that in the ongoing war of ideologies that is being waged in America today, their cause is not just losing, but in fact ins on the verge of complete collapse.

It is high time for the antiwar movement to take a collective look in the mirror, and be honest about what they see: a poorly organized, chaotic, and indeed often anarchic conglomeration of egos, pet projects, and idealism that barely constitutes a “movement,” let alone a winning cause. I have yet to observe an antiwar demonstration that has a focus on antiwar. It often seemed that every left-wing cause took advantage of the event to promote it’s own particular agenda, so that “No War In Iraq” shared the stage with the environment, ecology, animal rights, pro-choice and numerous other causes that not only diluted the antiwar message that was supposed to be sent, but also guaranteed that the demonstration itself would be seen as something hijacked by the left, inclusive of only progressive ideologues, and exclusive of the vast majority of moderate (and even conservative) Americans who might have wanted to share the stage with their fellow Americans from the left when it comes to opposing war with Iraq (or even Iran), but do not want to be associated with any other theme.

The antiwar movement, first and foremost, needs to develop a laser-like focus on being nothing more or less than antiwar.

On a common cause – upholding the constitution.

It is now time to begin to look at things from a different perspective, to reach out to those who at one time were on the other side but who now have common cause in defeating a shared enemy. The fact that the one great rallying cause that should unite Americans is purely one of class and economic fairness has been essentially nullified by the concerted effort by the establishment that stretched from what Harry Truman referred to as the “slave labor” bill in the Taft-Hartley Act to the organized pogroms of McCarthyism to the Powell Memorandum to Reagan’s war against the middle class is other than the Israeli issue the one place that Congress will absolutely not go so as to not jeopardize the rigged game is at this point not feasible any efforts to attack the system as it is will have to be on those that utilize the anti-war, reinstate the constitution ideals as those that will be the most effective in halting the looting spree and ending the lopsided class war.

While not explicitly stating it Ritter references elements that the mainstream of America may have problems with when accepting a progressive agenda. He uses what he calls “the firefighter standard” and as he states “if you are trying to market something to mainstream America, if you can sell it to firefighters, whose profession is ranked number one in terms of jobs that garner the respect of the general public, then you can sell it to the majority of Americans as well”. In correctly identifying the major problem that plagues the current antiwar movement “While never shy when it comes to criticizing politicians who fail to do their jobs, firefighters bristle when the criticism crosses the line into what they feel to be an attack on their own values, which tend to revolve around love of country and community.” Ritter also assails the bullshit that is the impenetrable force field of the extreme right “Guns, God, and Gays” and while acknowledging its effectiveness as a rallying cry for the worst and most intolerant elements of society he offers up what is potentially the silver bullet to use against this ungodly monstrosity – the Constitution (which is included in a appendix along with the United Nations Charter) because what could possibly be more patriotic and American than honoring it.

Rtter is absolutely right on this point and my moment of clarity occurred when a local antiwar activism group who I frequently interact with called to recruit me to hold up signs at a gay rights parade where our local version of the reverend Fred Phelps had organized a flock of the usual sort of phony ‘Christian’ haters to harass and harangue the participants. While I personally find the scapegoating of gays to be reprehensible and on a par with the same sort of hate mongering that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power, the inconvenient truth is that much of the American mainstream is still at best wary of gay issues and often revolted by such parades. The local news media outlets always pick the most over the top characters to feature on television and in the morning papers in an effort to deliberately offend as many people as possible and one of our Tampa Bay area nespapers, the St. Petersburg Times took the dark art of yellow journalism to a new low with their dispicably biased coverage of transexual Largo City Commissioner Steve Stanton and the ensuing witch hunt that culminated with his firing (the local rag also inflamed readers with their Mother’s Day front page story on Susan Stanton – his new identity. The other problem with such parades is that as they face increasing persecution from the theocratic dead-enders and hateful lemmings is that the participants who are the most exhibitionist justifiably choose to dress to the nines and really put on a show to rub the faces of the haters in it all but this ultimately results in providing fuel for the fire the fascist right, it is like the saying cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. There are still reverberations that Susan Stanton was the Grand Marshall of our local parade and the hateful lemmings are keening at the top of their lungs while ignoring more important issues like the poor local bastards coming back from Iraq with their limbs blown off or in body bags. Such is life in a rotting empire.

The lamentable fact that the antiwar movement has so often chosen to take their focus off of what should be their sole defining reason for existence – halting the forces that have created the empire and will be increasingly upping the repressive tactics necessary to ensure that it continues to exist and to bring death to brown people while turning ‘the homeland’ into a police state confirms Ritter’s ideas on organizing against them and why the progressives have failed. I realize that this is anathema to those liberals who have come to represent the left now that the real left, organized labor has been eradicated but it is what it is and a new game plan is badly needed. And there must be a movement that arises without the insurmountable burdens of the twin millstones: abortion and gay rights and is able to counter the mantra of “Guns, God and Gays”.

And the new left (since labor was shanked in the back and tossed away by the DLC) is too pacifist, let’s face it the majority of the people involved abhor conflict, do not own guns and are so idealistic about ensuring that their own preferences are included in the anti-war movement that they have absolutely no chance whatsoever in fighting the entrenched culture of war, greed and death that have brought this country to the brink of destruction from within. I couldn’t possibly put it more succinctly than Mr. Ritter does:

Bear in mind that in conflict you are in almost all occasions confronting an opponent who is determined to win as you should be. This opponent is looking for any sign of weakness on your part, and will be certain to exploit this weakness with as much decisiveness and ferocity that can be brought to bear. If you are not prepared to confront such an opponent, then don’t enter the field of battle. Conflict is not for the faint of heart. In conflict you must be prepared to knock your opponent down, and then, instead of offering a helping hand, hold your opponent down with the heel of your foot while you plunge a bayonet into his or her heart. You can be assured that your opponent would do the same to you.

This golden advice is absolutely when it comes to first slowing and then with any luck and a lot of hard work, eradicating the warmongering neocon cabal along with anti-American special interest groups that support it and the most extreme elements of the Christian right and without using economic inequality as a base with organized labor as footsoldiers then other methods need to be taken into consideration in forming that broad based coalition against the blood barters, looters, fascists, neocons, theocrats and imperialists. Again I refer to Ritter:

The American progressive movement has not always been this devoid of leadership and structure. One only need to study the life and achievements of Saul Alinsky, a Chicago-based former criminologist who revolutionized the grassroots movements of the 1950s and 1960s into genuine political movements possessing real political power.


Simply put, if the antiwar/peace and justice movement can attract more people to its cause than their opponents can to theirs, then the antiwar/peace and justice movement will emerge victorious. Therefore, a governing principle when waging peace is to creadt an ideological foundation that is capable of appealing to the broadest possible segment of a given democratic society.

If his advice is taken then what will emerge will be a diverse coalition of interests who now finally understand that the system as it exists is run by global criminals who have no loyalty to America and actively have attacked everything that was great about her while usurping our democracy and undermining our freedoms and economic prowess. Wall Street looters and industrialists have always hated America because there was a system of governance here that afforded rights to all people and not only those with money. It has been a long time coming and the time to act is yesterday.

Essentially I am fucking sick of all of the fake left all-inclusive bullshit, not that these people don’t have valid reasons but they are an impediment to the mass movement that is so sorely needed to drive these rapacious, fascist motherfuckers from power. I challenge anybody who disagrees with this to put aside their ego, swallow their pride – as Bob Dylan once sang “it’s not poison” and grab a ride on the riverboat because it’s time for some fucking unity and these bullshit wedge issues and pet projects have got to go because let’s face it – America has been under assault for far too long and the old girl is ready to buckle without a renewed focus on a unified attack on the bastards who have put us in this position.

Hey, I’m not asking you to love those who you have differences with but this is a far bigger threat and it demands unity – we can bicker about all of the other bullshit after we can unite against the common enemy that is the globalist corporate hostile takeover and the neocon militarist push for world domination. They work hand in hand, a bastard fuck of an unholy alliance and make no mistake, IF we are smart enough to unite it is going to take every goddamned bit of our efforts to beat it back – or at least slow it enough so that saner elements can use the political process to marginalize it until it can be eradicated once and for all. Our very survival depends upon it.

Dems Play Croquet While Iraq Burns

“Off With Their Heads!”
-The Red Queen

Vacation’s over and I’m back with a vengeance! While it is certainly nice that Iran has not yet been attacked the shoddily constructed house of cards that is Wall Street and the global economy is in trouble, the stock market is having a panic attack, gas prices have gone up by nearly forty fucking cents a gallon in the last goddamned week here in South Central Florida and the horrifying ongoing fascination over that disgusting pig Anna Nicole Smith’s sordid and trashy existence is coming to an end leaving the mass media maggots to find another carcass to feast upon now that her body has been planted.

While bombs the haven’t been dropped on Tehran the big stink bomb that is the new and as some would like you to believe improved version of the Democratic party is ticking ready to detonate and spray a deluge of the same foul shit mist that it has basked in ever since the DLC corporatists latched onto the coattails of Saint Ronnie Reagan for a ride on the gravy train of Gordon Gekko style monoply capitalism.

The feckless bunch from the jackass party just can’t seem to get a grip. The pathetic excuse for an opposition party is so terrified of the stigma of the right-wing manufactured cartoon stereotypes of their past (hippies, Vietnam era peaceniks and college protestors, civil rights marches and most importantly of all principle) that they have gone to the extent of cutting off their noses to spite their faces by junking the legacy of their true greats like Roosevelt and Kennedy. Hell, they have even let that conniving little shit George W. Bush steal Harry Truman from them!

Now after having won both houses of Congress by riding a wave of anti-war sentiment the fumbling, stumbling, bumbling Democrats have chosen to punt, dithering away precious time with ridiculous non-binding resolutions and dog and pony shows like the 100 hour agenda. At this rate it won’t be long until minority status beckons again – really though, what’s the difference? The Dems are still played like a Stradivarius by Karl Rove and generally bullied by Republicans who are such masters of hypocrisy that they can get away with filibustering with aplomb only months after threatening to torpedo the procedure. . What is the difference between now and when DeLay and Frist were running the Capitol Hill con game??

Spineless, morally vacant ass clown Democrats refuse to exercise their constitutional obligations and control of ‘the purse’ by cutting off war funding to end the debacle that they were complicit in creating through their complete roll over before giving the war party a blank check in the first place. Either they are afraid of being called on the carpet by such brave patriots who have so well served their country like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity or the fear of upsetting the AIPAC apple cart and disrupting the ample flow of easy campaign cash from The New York money people” as Wesley Clark called the high rolling Zionists who are down with the regional brutality espoused by Bibi Netanyahu, Likudnik hard liners, their winged monkeys on the Christian right and the ideologue neocon moles within the U.S. policy making apparatus. Carl Levin is even calling for action against Syria for God’s sake, when will this long national nightmare end? The Democratic party establishment has only served to use the recent elections to further reinforce the Praetorian guard around the emperor and in order for any real change as well as a return to sanity they too must be taken out come November 2008 and replaced by progressive or third party candidates who are not slaves and lackeys to the cartels of powerful anti-American, anti-labor, pro-war special interest groups. The dog and pony shows and half measures in the face of the destruction of America from within would be laughable if the stakes weren’t so high and we all deserve better than DLC frauds dicking around to protect their stake in the rigged game while the streets in Baghdad run red with blood and the streets of America are increasingly filled with those who have been chewed up and spat out by the compassionate conservatives.

So thoroughly gutless are the Democrats, so timorous and so browbeaten into being called out for their lack of ‘patriotism’ for something like the millionth time that the majority party won’t even block funding for a looming attack on Iran. Once the missiles and bombs start to fly we will be Germany invading Poland, the bad guys, the aggressors, the new Nazis. History will not be kind to us nor should it be. But with our national reputation already long since flushed down the toilet by a neo-fascist junta that is assisted in destroying this country from within by the sad shell of what was once a party of the people that fears stealing the limelight from their thin-skinned queen in waiting more than the historical infamy of being accessories to the ruination of America and the slaughter and pestilence of the coming World War.

But with our reputation already long since flushed down the toilet by a feckless opposition party that fears stealing the limelight from their thin-skinned queen in waiting more than the historical infamy of being accessories to the ruination of America what’s a few trillion more dollars and hundreds of thousands of more bodies. Hell, by the time that this Vichy bunch gets done they can stack the dead all the way up to fucking Jesus.

The sad reality is that a one-time acquaintance of mine who happened to be a rabid Marxist is right, both parties are just corrupt factions of a rotting capitalist system, one is only more outright fascist than the other which is only better at pretending not to be killers. The efforts made by the corporatist wing of the Democrat party to go out of their way to withhold support from anti-war, progressive candidates in the run up to the November elections prevented an enormous landslide and kept out reformers intent on taking on the rigged game of a system itself.

The Republican slime machine is churning again while the defenseless Dems are stuck in neutral as a result of their deferential treatment to Hillary, AIPAC, Wall Street, corporate America and the defense/surveillance industrial complex. Uber-cunt Ann Coulter has emerged from her spider hole of shame after last year’s embarrassing plagiarism incident to call John Edwards a “faggot” at the grand fascist fiesta that is formally known as the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) where the movers and shakers of the reactionary filth that is the neoconservative movement rub elbows and plot the further destruction of all that is decent and moral.

Such despicable comments by one of more prominent members of the stable of neo-Nazi mouthpieces of course gets no traction in the pocket media that has long held double standards when it comes to neo-fascist hate speech. I am always amused at Man Coulter’s playing of the homosexual card (previously invoked by the bitch goddess to slime the Clintons and Al Gore) because if person’s sexuality could be called into question it would be that of a horse-faced, forty something woman whose bread and butter is to portray herself as macho and whose whiplike tongue could dance on a G-Spot like an angel on the head of a pin. The Republicans always love to cast the first stone despite being a haven for pathological perverts, pedophiles, garden veriety queers and incorrigible sodomites whose numbers are legion and I don’t have the two days to devote to this post to list them all here. As with Hitler’s brownshirts there is some sort of alluring pull to the GOP that makes it a magnet for degenerate cocksuckers (and closet dykes for that matter), while I am not a psychologist there certainly seems to be a similarity between the deep seated needs by extreme right-wingers to dominate and humiliate, much like the uncontrollable urges of the vilest of pederasts.

Then there was Friday’s great story of the hidden college thesis of the Queen of Hearts herself that broke on MSNBC just as Ms. Rodham was getting her panties unknotted over the spot on comments of David Geffen. So utterly silly is the Hillary thesis story that it is of the utmost in fucking hilarity, only the complete imbeciles in the Bushist flock could possibly believe that Mrs. Rodham-Clinton is some raving leftist radical rather than an overly ambitious former Wal-Mart board member drunk on raw hubris and the opportunity to seize the brass ring where she can preside over the ongoing strip mining of the lives of the have-nots with the misfortune to have ended up on the bad end of globalization. Unfortunately this means any of those who do not belong to the rapacious cult of vampires of the global elite who the Clintons and the Bushes are servants of.

The ONLY reason why I absolutely know that the Saul Alinsky connection isn’t a plant by the Clintonistas seeking to burnish her so called liberal roots with the more left-wing elements of the party base is the shameless insertion of a standard smearing of Hillary along some lines from the dearly departed reich-winger Barbara Olson that would allow the Rovian propagandists to once again slyly milk the 9/11 fear factor. The fact that the reactionary bitch perished in a blaze of glory on the plane that hit the Pentagon on 9/11/01 (therefore making the piece immune from criticism lest the memory of Babs be tarnished by any rebuttal) is a poison pill that even Herr Goebbels himself would be proud of but nothing ever changes with the Republican noise machine and there are always plenty of ignoramuses who hungrily lap up their bullshit. I do find the death of Olson to be one of lifes bitter ironies in that she was ultimately a victim of the anger, the futility and the relentless hatred of America that the impoverishment and subjugation of entire populations by the fascist right-wing Social Darwinist, greedheaded agenda that she so championed as a GOP shill were so very instrumental in creating. Just my two cents but it would be a very good thing for world peace and social justice if many thousands of the Barbara Olsons of this world including Ann Coulter would meet with a similar demise…..poetic justice I guess or karma or just a good ole helping of what fucking comes around fucking goes around!

Ahhh….it’s good to be back, so much to do so little time.