Category Archives: Iran War

The Bigger The Lie

“The Bigger the Lie, the More the People will Believe it”

– Adolf Hitler.

Just a few days after the latest fake Osama bin Laden tape release, scantly a month after the ridiculously trumped up false flag underwear bomber ‘attack’ on Jesus’s fake birthday and on the heels of a relentless propaganda campaign of fear obviously designed to roll away the stone and resurrect the big lie of 9/11 there is this: Report: Al-Qaeda aims to hit U.S. with WMDs. Bravo to the neocons, they are right back in the game, not that they ever left, you just can’t completely get rid all of the cockroaches after an infestation no matter how good the Orkin men happen to be. The Mighty Wurlitzer’s story on the report in question leads with this nightmare blurb which smacks of the apocalyptic conjecture of smoking guns in the form of mushroom clouds that years before had been used to sell the wars that are still bankrupting America:

When al-Qaeda’s No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, called off a planned chemical attack on New York’s subway system in 2003, he offered a chilling explanation: The plot to unleash poison gas on New Yorkers was being dropped for “something better,” Zawahiri said in a message intercepted by U.S. eavesdroppers.

The meaning of Zawahiri’s cryptic threat remains unclear more than six years later, but a new report warns that al-Qaeda has not abandoned its goal of attacking the United States with a chemical, biological or even nuclear weapon.

The report, by a former senior CIA official who led the agency’s hunt for weapons of mass destruction, portrays al-Qaeda’s leaders as determined and patient, willing to wait for years to acquire the kind of weapons that could inflict widespread casualties.

Of course I immediately begin to be skeptical whenever a study invokes “experts”, consider that the Bush-Cheney junta once hired neocon crackpot consipracy theorist Laurie Mylroie as an “expert” on al-Qaeda and that insipid little bearded troll Michael Scheuer has been making a nice living for years now spreading his gossip on television, radio and in newspapers as the former head of the CIA’s Alex Station bin Laden unit to gullible dupes. Be mindful that this is just the latest piece of an ongoing multi-faceted public relations campaign to shore up support here in Der Heimat for an Israeli strike on Iran, something that I discussed in a previous post. Again this jibes very nicely with a few stories that smack of another joint Pentagon –CIA- Mossad campaign to sow the seeds of destabilization, political unrest and animosity that lead to regime change, specifically in 2012. Some of the other tidbits of terror floating around out there are: Sarkozy Warns Israel May Strike Iran, Petraeus: Missile-Shooting Ships on Station in the Gulf, Israel Hopes NIE Will Pressure Iran and Israeli Information Minister Slams All Reports on Gaza War as Anti-Semitic. Same as it ever was, get ready to strap it on because WWIII is coming and nothing that the Pope of Hope can do will stop it this time.

Oh and Chemical Ali was strung up for gassing all of them Kurds back in 88, lost on the average American moron was that he used the chemical weapons that were procured by Saddam during the Reagan administration back when he was still our kind of dictator before Maggie Thatcher challenged Poppy Bush’s manhood and Gulf War One was launched on a passel of lies like that horseshit about Saddam’s soldiers ripping Kuwaiti babies out of incubators and the rest of that crap that had us all glued to CNN watching Baghdad get the shit bombed out of it the first time before Shock and Awe.

Fear is it in America where the junk food eating surrender monkeys will ALWAYS give away their freedoms for the illusion of security, has been since 9/11 and arguably since the very concept of America was just a dream in the heads of the founding fathers. As if there is nothing to fear from an oligarchy and financial elite run amok and now getting ready for some serious fucking after last week’s landmark Supreme Court decision by the Roberts Court (thanks Harry Reid!) to allow corporations to openly influence elections. I can hear the commercials already from arms manufacturers, the blood barters, dealers of destruction and the icy cold technocrats of death who profiteer off of the state of constant war that Oceania exists in today. But Americans, brains jellified by years of too much television, cowed by a corporatist culture and rendered useless by the rapacious ghouls of high finance who have packed their jobs off to third world shitholes or authoritarian high tech police states like China, foreclosed on their overpriced McMansions and cardboard walled crackerboxes and conditioned to be subservient little squeaking mice while being subjected to Soviet style checkpoints and goons in the nation’s airports. Hell, they are afraid of EVERYTHING but what is fucking real! And now with the Obama gang of thieves reeling after their dream of corporate cash for life has gone up like a flaming bag of dogshit (way to go Rahm!) the fear in the air will soon be suffocating, choking just like in the aftermath of the American Reichstag Fire.

Why are Americans so afraid of dying? It is inevitable yet this colony of cowards, this mass of asses, this confederacy of dunces fears all of the wrong things. They are more likely to die in a car accident on any given day than in a ‘terrorist’ attack, they are more statistically likely to die from a fall in the bathtub than in a ‘terrorist’ attack, you get the picture. Shit, the only thing in America that they are LESS likely to do than be killed in a ‘terrorist’ attack is get rich yet the schmucks are duped into buying into that little fantasy from the day that they are shat out of the birth canal. You see nothing much has really changed since primitive times, religion, get rich quick schemes and the constant fear of the other have been used since the earliest of civilizations, by kings, pharaohs, popes, presidents and dictators to exercise social control. America though has at least until now surpassed them all in manipulating the inhabitants without too much overt torture, mass executions or pogroms to send the message that the ruling class intents to continue to rule no matter how many children that have to be raped, limbs hacked off or skulls crushed. This is largely the result of the most successful mind control device in the history of planet Earth – television. The incessant brainwashing that one can be rich someday is what keeps the capitalist corpse still upright in these days of economic doom when by all rights it should be buried on the shitpile of history right next to its failed counterpart that is communism.

During the NFL playoffs over the weekend the advertisements kept rolling out to prop up the false dream that underwrites the entire fucking failed system. There are still, believe it or not commercials for those shitty E-trading scams, for the parasitical frauds that are the financial services ghouls and high gloss depictions of consumerism that few can afford (excluding Burger King of course but there have to be a few crumbs scattered for those elbowed away from the table) and the usual silliness. The dream of one day being rich just like The Donald is still bought into by millions even while they are living in tent cities and homeless shelters and foraging through dumpsters for scraps to eat.

Be AFRAID suckers… very AFRAID because you ain’t seen nothin” yet!

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe


Putting Lipstick on the Israeli Pig

“Goldstone is a codeword for an attempt to delegitimize Israel’s right to self-defense,”

-Bibi Netanyahu

The only thing that has seen a greater uptick in recent months than trumped up phony terrorist scares (the latest is the ludicrous story that Osama bin Laden himself has returned from the dead to claim responsbility for the undie bomber plot) is positive spin regarding our very special friends in Israel. Due to an onslaught of human rights abuses, outright war atrocities and the subsequent bullying and interference in U.S. media and politics that has finally resulted in some serious pushback as well as a loss of power of the now pathetic “anti-Semite” talisman used against critics the State of Israel and it’s accomplices in Der Heimat have undertaken a high stakes, high dollar mission to polish the turd of Israel’s reputation back to a fine sheen. Now I realize that I am going to catch holy hell for writing this, I always do when I utter the ultimate American blasphemy of trashing Jesus’s birthplace but that’s just the way it works with some people. The miserable little trolls, Megaphone monitors and knee jerk Zionist hard liners will of course dump a load in their knickers, squeal like kosher piggies and slap me with the dreaded “Jew Hater” pejorative but mercifully there will be no blogswarming – at least I don’t believe that there will be. So let’s get it on ok?

Beginning the second year of the Obama administration we still have not attacked Iran, this is a rare case where the Pope of Hope has actually done something right because it would most certainly ignite World War III. His loathsome administration has presided over the mother of all fuck ups that is the ridiculous farce of the healthcare ‘reform’ effort, a rare point of mutual hate towards that fucking giveaway to the insurance industry bloodsuckers by both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ albeit for very different reasons. There is also the Wall Street bailout which ultimately played a large part in the ground shaking Massachusetts massacre of earlier this week when good ole Mr. Chappaquiddick’s supposedly secure Senate seat fell to the enemy. You can spin dimbulb Martha Coakley’s loss to Scott Brown in many ways (and it is dizzying to behold this right now) but a seething anger has gripped this land and what it comes down to, at least with liberals and progressives with any principles is Obama’s betrayals on multiple levels, the bank bailouts, the lies about fixing the trade pacts that have destroyed the American manufacturing base, not taking on the offshoring corporations that have decimated the workforce, the colossal health ‘reform’ disaster, the escalation of war in Afghanistan, the continuation of Bush’s police state policies, a failure to close Gitmo, the overreaction to the underwear bomber yada, yada, yada…there are too many knives in the back to count anymore.

What Obama HAS done right and this is a biggie is to not appease the monsters in Israel and their fifth column in Murka by giving the green light to more mass murder of women and children in the crusade for lebensraum. The fact that Obama has been less than totally deferential to the lunatic Bibi Netanyahu and his fellow blood drinking genocidal freaks is a very small rose growing out of an administration that is nothing more than a giant, fly covered dunghill. Not that Obama is actually doing anything to take any sort of a real principled stance towards that rogue state which would include economic sanctions as well as a total cutoff of ALL aid, a long needed public denouncement that would turn Israel into a pariah until there is a regime change where sane people are put in charge of their government and military, unleashing RICO against Israel’s U.S. propagandists, money launderers and their American accomplices who are acting as agents of a hostile foreign state and everything short of a preemptive strike on Tel Aviv….which at least in my own personal opinion would go one hell of a long ways towards a lasting peace in the Middle East.

One could argue that in addition to the filling of his administration with Wall Street crooks and former Clinton scum including the ruthless little pig-fucker Rahm Emanuel (his first hire and his Israeli minder) and his failure to cut out the cancer that is the Cheney stay behind network of embedded neocons that his stance towards Israel has been a contributor to his failures. From even before Obama took office there was a sleazy psyops campaign underway to demonize him as a secret Muslim (American translation: TERRORIST) and a potential Manchurian Candidate who was not even born in America. I am sure that pretty much everyone reading this can recall those filthy little Obsession DVDs that were sent out in millions of newspapers just prior to the election that were paid for by a mysterious Jewish charity group (a front group for domestic propaganda operations). The anti-Obama virulence that first emerged during Sarah Palin’s lynch mob rallies reeks of the same sort of black ops to goad one of the angry imbeciles into action ala the assassination of Yitzak Rabin has spilled over into today’s idiotic tea parties where racists, stone religious zealots and assorted other miscreants have found cover to wage their dirty secret war, given cover by Republican operatives herding gullible sheep. The Birthers, those crackpots who claimed that Obama was not born in America (John McCain really wasn’t for that matter but so go the double standards) were largely instigated by one Orly Taitz who has been exposed as another Israeli propagandist spreading dangerous lies to the same dolts who thanks to fellow travellers John Hagee and Tim LaHaye have been conned into blindly cheering Zionist criminals out of the insane belief that Jesus is coming back, not that the fuckers wouldn’t crufify him anew if he did but that’s beside the point.

But back to Obama, while the Pope of Hope has been exposed as just another rank opportunist his recalcitrance toward’s God’s chosen has put him at ground zero of a campaign of smears, lies, delegitimization and Christ only knows what sort of REAL assassination plots that are likely being set up in the bowels of the Mossad and the Pentagon at this very moment. While wanton greed, corruption, blackmail and elitism have played a huge part in Obama’s health care reform debacle one must also consider the ulterior motives of a certain Joseph McCarthy Lieberman who has been instrumental in the sabotage of any real reform. After all, it’s pretty well known that the slimy little prick’s loyalty lies elsewhere than the U.S. and his relationship with the insurance industry gargantuan Aetna provides him with perfect cover for the real work of taking down Obama so that the bloodthirsty Zionist war machine can get back to what it really does best – slaughtering babies. I would bet that right now that Lieberman is feeling like a veritable fucking Übermensch after his torpedoing of the already seriously fucked Obamacare and reeking of vengeance after watching the revisionist history fantasy flick Inglourious Basterds, which he reportedly had described as “cathartic’’, wants to hang some scalps on this wall. The escalating phony war on terror rhetoric culminating in today’s claim that the latest Osama bin Laden tape is out is designed to goad the berserkers who are already screaming for Muslims to be swept off of American streets and interned or deported to crank up the heat. Look for Obama to be quickly impeached when the Republicans riding on a tsunami of corporate cash and Zionist funnelled donations retake Congress from the pathetic, Vichy Democrats in November and for the official policy of the U.S. towards Israeli violence to return to something similar to what Dick Cheney and the neocons had back in the day when George W. Bush was still riding tall in the saddle and fear strangled the land.

Phase Two:

With the fear factor being kick started with the aforementioned Christmas Day false flag plot, the covert destabilization campaign now in year two the second prong is to engage in some high dollar damage control. Israel’s reputation which has taken quite a beating as of late due to the Gaza carnage, the Goldstone Report as well as other sordid revelations like:

Israel Admits Harvesting Organs in 90s Without Consent , Israeli Drive to Prevent Jewish Girls Dating Arabs , Knesset OKs Jail for Disloyal Speech, IDF to Monitor Soldier’s Entries on Facebook, and many other items of embarassment for a shining beacon of democracy in the Middle East that was not that long ago beyond reproach. I could go on and on but you know the truth already or you wouldn’t have been reading this far. With the short-attention spanned American sheeple now receiving a new fix of 9/11, Osama, phony Muslim terror like the Ft. Hood shooting to remind them of the swarthy enemy that hates for our freedom (HA HA) we now must be reminded that we have a partner in peace through extermination in the Holy Land.
The propaganda has been shameless, cynical and so obviously distilled by public relations firms and professional flacks that even an idiot can see through it – of course this excluded 99.993 % of Americans. The height of cynical opinion manipulation has to be the corpse fucking that is now going on in earthquake decimated Haiti where it has been practically screamed from the top of Mount Zion that Israeli doctors are working wonders in the rescue efforts. Another story in the multi-layered image makeover is that Israel has paid the hated U.N. for damage to it’s facilities during the Gaza killing spree. There is the jewel that Israel is More Tolerant of Islam than the Swiss that is floating around – a masterpiece of deception that Goebbels and Streicher would be proud of and perhaps the greatest con job of all is courtesy of establishment hack David Brooks of the damned librul New York Times. Brooks is always on call whenever the need arises to spin the dark intentions of the designated scammers, with his piece The Tel Aviv Cluster being his career effort he should just hang it up and head to the country club for the rest of his life, it is hard to believe that anything will ever top this one (the more audacious sections are bolded):

The Tel Aviv Cluster

By David Brooks

Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.

Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction.

In his book, “The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement,” Steven L. Pease lists some of the explanations people have given for this record of achievement. The Jewish faith encourages a belief in progress and personal accountability. It is learning-based, not rite-based.

Most Jews gave up or were forced to give up farming in the Middle Ages; their descendants have been living off of their wits ever since. They have often migrated, with a migrant’s ambition and drive. They have congregated around global crossroads and have benefited from the creative tension endemic in such places.

No single explanation can account for the record of Jewish achievement. The odd thing is that Israel has not traditionally been strongest where the Jews in the Diaspora were strongest. Instead of research and commerce, Israelis were forced to devote their energies to fighting and politics.

Milton Friedman used to joke that Israel disproved every Jewish stereotype. People used to think Jews were good cooks, good economic managers and bad soldiers; Israel proved them wrong.

But that has changed. Benjamin Netanyahu’s economic reforms, the arrival of a million Russian immigrants and the stagnation of the peace process have produced a historic shift. The most resourceful Israelis are going into technology and commerce, not politics. This has had a desultory effect on the nation’s public life, but an invigorating one on its economy.

Tel Aviv has become one of the world’s foremost entrepreneurial hot spots. Israel has more high-tech start-ups per capita than any other nation on earth, by far. It leads the world in civilian research-and-development spending per capita. It ranks second behind the U.S. in the number of companies listed on the Nasdaq. Israel, with seven million people, attracts as much venture capital as France and Germany combined.

As Dan Senor and Saul Singer write in “Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle,” Israel now has a classic innovation cluster, a place where tech obsessives work in close proximity and feed off each other’s ideas.

Because of the strength of the economy, Israel has weathered the global recession reasonably well. The government did not have to bail out its banks or set off an explosion in short-term spending. Instead, it used the crisis to solidify the economy’s long-term future by investing in research and development and infrastructure, raising some consumption taxes, promising to cut other taxes in the medium to long term. Analysts at Barclays write that Israel is “the strongest recovery story” in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Israel’s technological success is the fruition of the Zionist dream. The country was not founded so stray settlers could sit among thousands of angry Palestinians in Hebron. It was founded so Jews would have a safe place to come together and create things for the world.

This shift in the Israeli identity has long-term implications. Netanyahu preaches the optimistic view: that Israel will become the Hong Kong of the Middle East, with economic benefits spilling over into the Arab world. And, in fact, there are strands of evidence to support that view in places like the West Bank and Jordan.

But it’s more likely that Israel’s economic leap forward will widen the gap between it and its neighbors. All the countries in the region talk about encouraging innovation. Some oil-rich states spend billions trying to build science centers. But places like Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv are created by a confluence of cultural forces, not money. The surrounding nations do not have the tradition of free intellectual exchange and technical creativity.

For example, between 1980 and 2000, Egyptians registered 77 patents in the U.S. Saudis registered 171. Israelis registered 7,652.

The tech boom also creates a new vulnerability. As Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic has argued, these innovators are the most mobile people on earth. To destroy Israel’s economy, Iran doesn’t actually have to lob a nuclear weapon into the country. It just has to foment enough instability so the entrepreneurs decide they had better move to Palo Alto, where many of them already have contacts and homes. American Jews used to keep a foothold in Israel in case things got bad here. Now Israelis keep a foothold in the U.S.

During a decade of grim foreboding, Israel has become an astonishing success story, but also a highly mobile one.

Note the reference to a certain Dan Senor, not exactly a household name but one of the top flacks in the nation if not the world, it was Senor who was sent to Baghdad by Bush to handle damage control in the aftermath of the disastrous Abu Ghraib photos. Senor is also involved in the latest neocon snakepit of recycled treasonous scum like William Kristol, the Foreign Policy Iniative where they pimp the wars of Zionist supremacy and reap the rewards from the Military Industrial Complex, this latest successor to PNAC is going to have it’s scaly fingers in a lot of pies as they reconfigure the push for a U.S. attack on Iran, you can bet the farm on that one.

The thing that gets me about Brook’s little piece though is the blatant insinuations of Jewish supremacy, Brooks wasn’t kidding when he wrote that “Instead of research and commerce, Israelis were forced to devote their energies to fighting and politics” – whose politics do such claims of superiority belong to? Considering that arch neocon, Iran-Contra vet and extremely influential Israeli fifth columnist Elliot Abrams wrote in his book Faith or Fear that Jews should not enter into mixed marriages the politics would seem to have, dare I say, an Aryan influence.

But Israel has learned so much from the Nazis when it comes to racism, seige warfare, spying, torture, black propaganda and genocide that such views of racial purity and genetic superiority are no surprise at all. The only real surprise is that it is becoming so open which bodes of very dangerous times ahead.