Category Archives: Right Wing Cranks

ACORN: The Militant Negro Bogeyman Cometh

Republican Replicant Army of Bull Connor Clones on the Attack

That damned anti-Semite Jimmy Carter has taken some time out from his Jew baiting to join the Communist conspiracy by enlisting as a propagandist in the militant nigger forces who will rip babies from their mother’s wombs, gas granny and indoctrinate the nation’s youth into the evil Marxist mind warp….oh and they’ll take yer guns too. Former President Carter, screech the drooling peckerwood Beckers, Birthers, Deathers and Dumbasses is a race traitor, a hemmoroid according to the Grand Poobah of white populist propaganda who should know a thing or two about such things after an pesky anal cyst kept him out of the military. The latest fusillade from the fascist fifth column, a gaggle of pissy crybabies playing the victimhood card for the millionth or so time involves the hated activist organization ACORN that long ago became codespeak in true RepubliKKKan fashion for NIGGERS. The outcry is deafening over the latest manufactured scandal involving ACORN, a suspicious sting operation designed to manufacture outrage over an attempt to convert a house into a brothel. Gotta love the indignant wailing of the GOPiggies, a dangerous anti-American political thug organization that still boasts an influential Senator, one David Vitter of Louisiana whose weird diaper fetish led him to employ prostitutes including the conveniently suicided D.C. Madame. The irony is so thick that you can choke on it, that is if you aren’t choking back the vomit over this latest outburst of reverse racism.

Herr Beck: Pope of the Peckerwoods

While it can be said that those who are not Caucasians generally face an overall more inclusive society than in the days preceding the civil rights movement which became evident with the election of Barack Obama as the first black President there is still a very virulent undercurrent of racism that thrives in this country today. The racially charged atmosphere at the lunatic theatre of the absurd town halls, and last weekend’s ridiculous march on Washington to protect the rights of the looters and insurance company parasites to just keep jamming their 24 inch long vulcanized rubber red, white and blue dildo up our asses is getting dangerously close to a serious outbreak of violence and you know damned well that the haters are just jacking up the rhetoric in the hopes of encouraging one of the armed to the teeth freaks to take a shot at Obama.
The Republicans have institutionalized racism since the days of Richard Nixon’s infamous Southern Strategy. It was a plan that sought to divide and conquer by fomenting racial enmity. It was immensely successful in charting the path to GOP power by capitalizing on the festering resentment in the deep south over their being forced to accept their ‘devils’ as equals instead of relegating them to subhuman status. The epitome of the charlatan as politician that was Ronald Reagan tapped into this when in 1980 he shamelessly pandered to the moron peckerwoods in Philadelphia, MS the site of the 1964 murder of three civil rights workers. The film Mississippi Burning was based on that tragic incident where animosity and raw hate combined in brutal murder that opened the eyes of a nation in torment to the cruelty and repression within. The Gipper used this carefully chosen forum to continue the sly peddling of the demagogy of race baiting that would form the cement for the next quarter century of disastrous conservative rule:

“I believe in states’ rights. I believe we have distorted the balance of our government today by giving powers that were never intended to be given in the Constitution to that federal establishment”
Preached doddering Dutch to the delight of hordes of sweaty, knuckle draggers assembled at the Neshoba County Fair.
The importance of Reagan’s speech was the inclusion of the code word ‘states rights’ being newspeak that fanned the flames of racism. The late Lee Atwater admitted as much in a 1981 interview with historian Alexander P. Lamis that was published in his book Southern Politics in the 1990s:

As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry Dent and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [the new Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan] doesn’t have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he’s campaigned on since 1964… and that’s fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster…


But the fact is, isn’t it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps…?


You start out in 1954 by saying, ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger.’ By 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’ – that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.

And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me – because obviously sitting around saying, ‘We want to cut this,’ is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than ‘Nigger, nigger.’
Atwater incidentally was the man who as a campaign strategist for Poppy Bush was behind the lowball sleaze of the Willie Horton commercials that helped to bring down Michael Dukakis in the 1988 election. One of Atwater’s protégés was an ambitious and amoral man of some renown in recent history, a man named Karl Rove who continued Atwater’s filthy legacy by using an orchestrated clandestine slime campaign based on innuendo that Senator John McCain had fathered a black child to lay waste to his momentum in the 2000 GOP primaries and catapult George W. Bush into a lead that he would never relinquish. I would bet the farm that Rove and Newt’s Nazis are deeply intertwined with Dick Armey’s Freedom Works and other well financed and extremely subversive groups who have been upping the racism level as their S.A. invade public events and disrupt them in a fashion that would give Hitler himself a hard on. It’s only going to get uglier after Obama’s big fuck you to the neocons by scrapping the vaunted Reagan missile defense system yesterday in Eastern Europe. I haven’t had a chance to look at too much today but the assholes over at the American Enterprise Instute and their loathsome ilk must be in a foaming at the mouth, chew their own balls off fury. The full fury of the Cold Warriors and their McCarthyist red baiting diatribes will be rolled out and spliced directly into the secrety Muslim, not born in the USA, racist storyline that is being spoonfed to Beck’s lemming forces.

Now the ACORN outrage over the pimp an ho-house following the crucifixion of Van Jones the and subsequent quisling Democrat cave-ins leading to yesterday’s mockery of the House of Pelosi and Hoyer’s dog and pony show resolution to punish ACORN by cutting funding, as if it gets more than chump change to begin with. Ace blogger Glenn Greenwald was out in front of all of this horseshit yesterday with his piece The Distracting Benefits of ACORN Hysteria:

Earlier this week, I wrote about how the Fox-News/Glenn-Beck/Rush-Limbaugh leadership trains its protesting followers to focus the vast bulk of their resentment and anxieties on largely powerless and downtrodden factions, while ignoring, and even revering, the outright pillaging by virtually omnipotent corporate interests that own and control their Government (and, not coincidentally, Fox News). It’s hard to imagine a more perfectly illustrative example of all of that than the hysterical furor over ACORN.

ACORN has received a grand total of $53 million in federal funds over the last 15 years — an average of $3.5 million per year. Meanwhile, not millions, not billions, but trillions of dollars of public funds have been, in the last year alone, transferred to or otherwise used for the benefit of Wall Street. Billions of dollars in American taxpayer money vanished into thin air, eaten by private contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, led by Halliburton subsidiary KBR. All of those corporate interests employ armies of lobbyists and bottomless donor activities that ensure they dominate our legislative and regulatory processes, and to be extra certain, the revolving door between industry and government is more prolific than ever, with key corporate officials constantly ending up occupying the government positions with the most influence over those industries.

And –

As previously documented, Goldman Sachs itself has a virtual lock on the top Treasury positions no matter which party is in power. The vaunted bipartisan “Baucus plan” was literally written by a Baucus aide who just left her position as Vice President of Wellpoint to write the health care reform plan for the Senate — a revelation which barely caused a ripple. And the Supreme Court is on the verge of striking down the few limits on corporate involvement in our politics, a ruling which may (or may not be) constitutionally defensible but which will flood American politics with so much corporate money that it will give new meaning to the term “oligarchy.”

So with this massive pillaging of America’s economic security and the control of American government by its richest and most powerful factions growing by the day, to whom is America’s intense economic anxiety being directed? To a non-profit group that devotes itself to providing minute benefits to people who live under America’s poverty line, and which is so powerless in Washington that virtually the entire U.S. Senate just voted to cut off its funding at the first sign of real controversy — could anyone imagine that happening to a key player in the banking or defense industry?

Apparently, the problem for middle-class and lower-middle-class Americans is not that their taxpayer dollars are going to prop up billionaires, oligarchs and their corrupt industries. It’s that America’s impoverished — a group that is growing rapidly — is getting too much, has too much power and too little accountability.

In the aforementioned film, Mississippi Burning, FBI Agent Rupert Anderson who was played by Gene Hackman, a good ole boy who had renounced the racism of his upbringing mused aloud:

Where does it come from, all this hatred? You know, when I was a little boy… there was an old Negro farmer liveddown the road from us, name of Monroe. And he was… Well, I guess he was just a little luckier than my daddy was. He bought himself a mule. That was a big deal around that town. My daddy hated that mule. His friends kidded him that they saw Monroe ploughin’ with his new mule… and Monroe was gonna rent another field now that he had a mule. One morning that mule just showed up dead. They poisoned the water.
After that there was never any mention about that mule around my daddy. One time we were drivin’ past Monroe’s place and we saw it was empty. He’d just packed up and left, I guess. Gone up North or somethin’. I looked over at my daddy’s face….and I knew he’d done it. And he saw that I knew. He was ashamed. I guess he was ashamed. He looked at me and he said…”If you ain’t better than a nigger, son, who are you better than?”

That very little snippet of dialogue from a movie better exemplifies what drives the moronic and pathetic shitheads of angry white putridity and the ability of the cynical operatives who serve to protect the intrests of the oligarchy to dupe them into smearing themselves with dung paint and mounting a charge against their own economic self interests like some mangy horde of angry assholes straight out of Braveheart.

Just my two cents over the mornin cup o’ joe



Nice Job Ron Paul Schmucks

The carnival of perversion that was the Becker march on Washington over the weekend only makes it more painfully apparent that the Ron Paul movement which I used to admire as the most energetic and vibrant phenomenom in American politics of late is officially dead. Stick a fork in their asses, they’re done. They have been hijacked (very easily I might add) and used as an exo-skeleton for the drooling, jackbooted, race baiting, anti-intellectual fascism that is eating the country from within as termites and exemplified by the hero of millions FOX’s Glenn Beck.

The recent Astroturf town hall thuggery, reminiscent of the early day’s of Hitler’s S.A. has set the nation dangerously on a course towards violence in that the Beckers, Birthers, Deathers and assorted other haters and miscreants marshalled into an angry army and sent forth by a sordid collection of high-rolling lobbyists for tax chiselers, multi-national corporations, health care industry parasites and Wall Street looters to rage against their own self interests in ugly public spectacles that would be funny were they not so resplendently gruesome. There are two really amazing contradictions to all of this hoopla and hatred the first being that the Pope of Hope, Barack Obama is a Socialist, not that this can penetrate the thick skulls of the teabaggers or take up residence in their pea brains but Socialists do NOT bail out banks they nationalize them, clean them up, and then fire the bastards (or more preferably prosecute the thieves) and sell the banks back to private interests who will run the damned things honestly. Secondly, and far more importantly it is ludicrous for a deranged demagogue like Beck to gin up the latest version of the McCarthyist Red Scare when his boss, a foreign pig named Rupert Murdoch likely gets one hell of a huge erection when the potential to do business with the Communist Chinese arises. Sad that in America such inconvenient truths are lost in the deluge of rancid filth, lies, racism, fear mongering and fourth grade level namecalling that is the new standard of what passes for what used to be conservatism.

Now to my main point, the fifth-columnists, right-wing extremist sleeper cells, guardians of the legacy of Dick Cheney and the protectors of the oligarchy have been made successful beyond their wildest dreams by infiltrating and essentially taking over the Ron Paul movement. Now I have taken a lot of grief over the years by my liberal friends for throwing in with the Paul folks despite my serious differences on economic philosophy but there was something there that had crossover appeal. It was the principled calls for the accountability from the Federal Reserve, a pack of jackals and banksters if there ever was one and a body that is about as federal as Fedex, thereby making it a rogue organization and totally unaccountable as well as largely responsible for the destruction of the U.S. economy and the transformation of the dollar into so much toilet paper.

The Ron Paul movement also stood for the end of the reckless and murderous imperialist wars that have brought the republic to the brink of bankruptcy as well as a restoration of the civil liberties that were stolen from us all by the Bush-Cheney-Neocon Axis of Evil with the phony ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11 as an excuse. It was a movement that had principle, energy, serious intellectual legitimacy and momentum. Now it has all been pissed away by throwing in with the dregs of American society that are the Beckers. From many accounts of the ongoing protests it is obvious that the fringe elements like Birthers, Deathers, Haters, Sarah Palin worshippers and other assorted goons are perhaps 30 percent of the crowds (and that is not accounting for the Astroturf agent provacateurs) and the rest are justifiably pissed off, fucked over by the system, disenfranchised decent Americans who have been willingly hornswoggled by the snake charmers who could give a rat’s ass about them. They are led by Beck and I am warning the Ron Paul folks right now, I am warning the 9/11 Truthers, I am warning the End the Fed activists who have been hijacked by these parasites that the day of reckoning is coming and coming soon.

With the intense racial hatred directed at Obama being cranked out to economically screwed, TV lobotomized zombies there is going to be blood. Very soon some crazed loon, manipulated by the fascists is going to attempt to assassinate the president, blow up a building or go on some sort of deranged killing spree against a group that is loathed, it could be liberals, it could be gays, blacks or Muslims. That is the climate right now and when that happens the Ron Paul people are going to be associated with that and in all honesty will deserve a part of the blame for throwing in with these miserable freaks instead of expelling them, denouncing them and exposing them for what they are. Your numbers are giving them legitimacy and I can damned well assure you that not one of the Beckers was out when you people were doing the original tea parties, protesting the neocon wars, the Fed and crying out for a restoration of civil liberties. You have laid down with snakes and allowed them to take over the tent as well.

They have no principles, only hatred and are leading you straight to the slaughter mixed in with the sheep, denounce them now before you are in the steel chute at the end of the maze when you will be unable to avoid the hammer dropping on your head.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


All Aboard the Tea Party Express!!

“Hey, Rube” is an old-timey phrase, coined in the merciless culture of the traveling carnival gangs that roamed from town to town in the early 20th century.

Every stop on the circuit was just another chance to fleece another crowd of free-spending Rubes – Suckers, Hicks, Yokels, Johns, Fish, Marks, Bums, Losers, Day Traders in Portland, fools who buy diamonds from gypsies, and anyone over the age of nine in this country who still believes in his heart that all cops are honest and would never lie in a courtroom.

These people are everywhere. They are Legion, soon to be a majority, and 10,000 more are being born every day. It was P.T. Barnum, the Circus man, who explained the real secret of his vast commercial success by repeating his now-famous motto, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” in this country, ahd his job was to keep them amused, with a zeal that has never been equaled in the history of American show business.

Barnum knew what people wanted: Freaks, Clowns, and Wild Animals. The Barnum & Bailey Circus came to town only once a year, and those days were marked as sacred holidays on the John Deere calendars of every Rube in America…. Those dates were special; many schools closed when the Circus came to town, and not every student returned when the public frenzy was over. “Running away with the Circus” was the dream of every schoolboy and the nightmare of every mother with a bored and beautifyl daughter.

– Hunter S. Thompson

The Beckers: A Dick Armey of Darkness

“The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumours circulated, photographs faked..”.

– George Orwell

The angry, shrieking hordes came forth this weekend in the nation’s capitol, waving their racist placards, their bagged birth certificates, their Gadsden flags and their Nancy Pelosi Nazi signs. The were legion and they got media coverage, unlike the massive antiwar demonstrations during the darkest days of the Bushreich when these phony patriots, aggrieved citizens and authority worshipping swine were content the ‘Bomb Em All and Let God Sort Em Out’ foreign policy of their Jesus kissed emperor. It was a gathering of blistering hatred, many smaller ‘tea parties’ were being staged across the fruited plain on that marvelous day, the day after the hallowed 8th anniversary festivities that marked the coming of the glory of the lord on that historic Tuesday morning when the American Reichstag Fire dragged us kicking, screaming and swaddled in the almighty stars-n-stripes into the New American Century.

Hey, Rube” is an old-timey phrase, coined in the merciless culture of the traveling carnival gangs that roamed from town to town in the early 20th century.

Every stop on the circuit was just another chance to fleece another crowd of free-spending Rubes – Suckers, Hicks, Yokels, Johns, Fish, Marks, Bums, Losers, Day Traders in Portland, fools who buy diamonds from gypsies, and anyone over the age of nine in this country who still believes in his heart that all cops are honest and would never lie in a courtroom.

These people are everywhere. They are Legion, soon to be a majority, and 10,000 more are being born every day. It was P.T. Barnum, the Circus man, who explained the real secret of his vast commercial success by repeating his now-famous motto, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” in this country, ahd his job was to keep them amused, with a zeal that has never been equaled in the history of American show business.

Barnum knew what people wanted: Freaks, Clowns, and Wild Animals. The Barnum & Bailey Circus came to town only once a year, and those days were marked as sacred holidays on the John Deere calendars of every Rube in America…. Those dates were special; many schools closed when the Circus came to town, and not every student returned when the public frenzy was over. “Running away with the Circus” was the dream of every schoolboy and the nightmare of every mother with a bored and beautiful daughter.

– Hunter S. Thompson

The slow roiling boil on the cauldron of hate that is 2009 America was on full display over the weekend, the crazed, bug-eyed masses engaged in a cacophony spittle filled invective at the nigger socialist who would kill granny, enslave the white race and tax hard working Murkans to pay for abortions and sex changes for queers was like the racket of thousands of braying goats in a briar filled pen. They marched to the orders of the deranged FOX demagogue General Glenn Bethlehem Beck and devious Dick Armey, a veteran lobbyist so crooked that he has to screw his pants on every morning. They all had one thing in common, they wanted revenge, blood revenge against a system that long ago fucked them over and left them for dead, never mind that it was the bankers, the blood barters of the military industrial complex (they NEVER protest the wars), the free traders who long ago booked their passage on a ship of fools sailing down a river of shit with the final destination being the cesspool of Ayn Randian Fuck You, I Got Mine Capitalism. And of course we can’t forget their false prophet preachers, the ones who are on the dole and take graft from Zionist lunatics and American militarists alike to peddle Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey’s apocalyptic drivel that so nicely coincides with American Imperialism and the drive for Israeli Lebensraum. Suckers all and sheep being led to the slaughter.

The problem is that these particular sheep are heavily armed, have a king hell sized axe to grind and have been indoctrinated for decades, perhaps for their entire miserable existence on this rapidly combusting orb that is Planet Shit. They have a fascist propaganda system that has made the term liberal into what Juden was in Weimar Germany and the well paid demagogues who are there to ensure that when the shit does hit the fan that the scapegoats will be the usual victims rather than the evil oligarchy that only exists because the rubes, peckerwoods and dopes can so easily be fed lies and divided against each other. Note the power of the media, a vile and pernicious institution that exists solely to protect the status quo, an unruly idiot named Joe Wilson from South Carolina was rewarded for bad behavior (a speciality in this rotting society) when he shouted “YOU LIE” during the Pope of Hope’s Wednesday address before Congress. He has become a new figurehead, a hero and thanks to the idiots in the Pelosi-Hoyer House who will be censured and his ticket punched as a hero to the angry hordes of Birthers, Deathers, Birchers and Beckers.

Of course much of this fifth column uprising is nothing more that another version of Nixon’s Southern Strategy or in layman’s terms Blame it on the Niggers, a huge portion of the recent animosity is being driven by a large number of racists and veteran haters who just cannot come to terms with a black President. There would be no gun totin’ neoConfederates out in force had the President been white, you can be sure of that. Note that in the crowd shots of these fools that there are no black faces, no Hispanics or anything other than angry white people and their handlers. What is most troubling though is that a large amount of people at these Astroturfed uprisings are not just racists but are legitimately angry at a system that sees them as no more than debt slaves, corporate chattel and useless eaters. They are just well meaning but confused people who still believe the sewage that flows forth from their television sets, still believe that the mainstream corporate media is their biggest enemy and are confused. The problem is that due to a complete lack of organization they are easy pickings for carnival barkers like Beck who in any sane society would be hawking tickets outside the geek tent for the feces eating contest somewhere in the deep south.

My good friend Diane who is the proprietor of the blog The Wild Wild Left actually attended one of the local gatherings the other week, she writes about it here and in talking to her last week she confirmed that the lunatic fringe was not the majority at these orchestrated flea circuses, a good many of the people could be reached if there were any sort of organizing force on the left that still existed in this country long ago sold out for chump change at the company store. There is something in the American conscience that is all too willing to blame their growing misfortune, especially when it comes to economic terms on THE OTHERS and the great independent blogger Glenn Greenwald, a man who puts the MSM to shame ans is hated gets at it in his recent piece: Who are the undeserving “others” benefiting from expanded government actions? from which I excerpt the following:

That’s what accounts for the gaping paradox of these protests movements: genuine anger (over the core corruption of Washington and the eroding economic security for virtually everyone other than a tiny minority) is being bizarrely directed at those who never benefit (the poorest and most downtrodden), while those who are most responsible (the wealthiest and largest corporations) are depicted as the victims who need defending (they want to seize Wall St. bonuses and soak the rich!!). Several months ago, Matt Taibbi perfectly described the bizarre contradiction driving these protests:

After all, the reason the winger crowd can’t find a way to be coherently angry right now is because this country has no healthy avenues for genuine populist outrage. It never has. The setup always goes the other way: when the excesses of business interests and their political proteges in Washington leave the regular guy broke and screwed, the response is always for the lower and middle classes to split down the middle and find reasons to get pissed off not at their greedy bosses but at each other. That’s why even people like [Glenn] Beck’s audience, who I’d wager are mostly lower-income people, can’t imagine themselves protesting against the Wall Street barons who in actuality are the ones who fucked them over. . . .

Actual rich people can’t ever be the target. It’s a classic peasant mentality: going into fits of groveling and bowing whenever the master’s carriage rides by, then fuming against the Turks in Crimea or the Jews in the Pale or whoever after spending fifteen hard hours in the fields. You know you’re a peasant when you worship the very people who are right now, this minute, conning you and taking your shit. Whatever the master does, you’re on board. When you get frisky, he sticks a big cross in the middle of your village, and you spend the rest of your life praying to it with big googly eyes. Or he puts out newspapers full of innuendo about this or that faraway group and you immediately salute and rush off to join the hate squad. A good peasant is loyal, simpleminded, and full of misdirected anger. And that’s what we’ve got now, a lot of misdirected anger searching around for a non-target to mis-punish . . . can’t be mad at AIG, can’t be mad at Citi or Goldman Sachs. The real villains have to be the anti-AIG protesters! After all, those people earned those bonuses! If ever there was a textbook case of peasant thinking, it’s struggling middle-class Americans burned up in defense of taxpayer-funded bonuses to millionaires. It’s really weird stuff.

This is largely why the system is ultimately so successful in playing us off against each other and in race baiting (my theory is that it is just the latest adaptation of the Nazi 101 playbook) but in the Becker movement there has been the added variable that they have very easily hijacked and assimilated the Ron Paul movement, it was already there as an exo-skeleton and the demented Beck with his populist shtick has been able to appeal to the basest and most vile instincts of the fucked over masses and insert his worm-filled brain into the control center of the exo-skeleton. The movement was already there, I have in the past mentioned my being impressed with it as a counter force to fascist imperialism and the rapacious Federal Reserve but was mocked and shunned by many liberals. Now with the danger of this headless movement being hijacked I can see how it was so dangerous. I blogged about this yesterday in Nice Job Ron Paul Schmucks so check it out.

Of course the day of the maggot invasion of D.C. (the non-indigenous maggots that is) was planned to take advantage of that holiest of holies 9/11 and the filthy exploitative 9/12 Project of Beck (when in the fuck is someone going to start a 9/10 Project aimed at restoring civil liberties, ending illegal wars and denouncing torture and domestic spying?, the fine Murkans marching in the Beck Apartheid Army don’t seem to mind that sort of thing. The fear filled pants shitters in The Homeland got a big scare on fraidy Friday when reports of a Coast Guard exercise on the Potomac had white knuckle America on the brink of DEFCON 4. The damned liberal New York Times covered the Becker Bund yet could give a rat’s ass when it comes to antiwar marches of legitimacy instead of garish sideshows like the teabagger freaks. It was nice to see the obvious debunking of the crowd estimates shame the right wingers but they don’t give up.

Just for the hell of it over the weekend I weekend I dropped by Alex Jones’ Infowars blogs to denounce the alliance of Ron Paul, 9/11 Truth and others with the Becker fascist uprising. I want to say that I like Jones’s work but he offsets the excellent 25 percent of it with nationalist tripe, fear mongering, Bircher paranoia and other bizzare shtuff. I went on for awhile but eventually my posts began being censored whenever I posted that if anyone is a Commie it is that foreign wombat fucker Rupert Murdoch for his tangos with the authoritarian Communist Chinese regime. A sleazy, country destroying parasite like Murdoch has just about sucked the U.S. dry and is moving on to more lucrative markets. For some reason this was deserving of being smacked down by the so-called info-warriors whose ill advised fornication with the Beckers is only going to result in them being blamed when Batshit Beck succeeds in goading one of his minions into an assassination attempt on Obama or a Timothy McVeigh style domestic terrorist attack.

Don’t say that I didn’t try to warn them. But alas, I am out of time for now so I will resume this at a later time.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup of joe


Birthers: A Strong Argument For Retroactive Abortion

Show me a desperate white male in the economic and cultural diaspora of Murka and I will show you a person who is susceptible of being one of those yahoos that have been popping up like shrooms in cowshit after a fresh rain who claim that Barack Obama is not qualified to be U.S. President because he was born in Kenya.

Birthers as they have been tagged in the same snarky manner as the useful idiots who flocked to the GOP sleeper cell co-opted tea party events who were mocked as ‘tea-baggers’ after a certain sexual act in which a scrotum is inserted inside a partner’s mouth. Not that that child-fucking, drug addled pig Limbaugh doesn’t enjoy such things during his little Viagra fueled soirees in notorious fleshpots and Meccas for child prostitution like the Dominican Republic of course but that is beside the point. The Birthers are the remnants of the bitterest of those folks who The Pope of Hope dared to suggest during his campaign for the DemocRAT nomination clung bitterly to their guns and religious superstition against a world that they care nothing of even trying to expend their lizard brains in trying to understand. As someone who occasionally wallows in the sleazier corners of the blogosphere where I rub elbows with the real black helicopter types just because I like to walk on the wild side this was something that was being pimped hard in the runup to the 2008 elections by Jeff Rense and others. That it has resurfaced now with the GOP having been thoroughly devoured by the theocratic racist parasites and the Rahm Emanueal, Max Baucus, Harry Reid cash and carry Dems all too happy to cater to the whims of the country clubbers and Wall Street scum leaving the Republicans with the dregs of American society is no surprise at all. Rense, actually a talented radio show host (gotta do something bout that hairdo though) regularly provided a forum for the peddlers of the non-citizen myth sandwiched in with the insanity spewed by Larry Sinclair, a wretched little degenerate loser who claimed to have smoked the rock (as well as Obama’s cock) with the soon to be crowned reality TV prez as the horror of actually seeing a black man in the White House set the pointy heads on the far right spinning and spewing peasoup green vomit – most of them already speak in tongues.

Even Alex Jones of Infowars who has largely stayed out of the Birther garbage has now caught the scent and diverted from his global warming denial/gun grabber/Mexican bashing diatribes to engage – that was on Monday’s show. Now as I have mentioned above, I am one who actually visits a lot of the right’s websites and listens to the shows, once you sort out the corporate subsidized drivel from the chosen pit bulls of the establishment like Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Beck and their ilk there is some damned good information to be gleaned if you can stand the neighborhood. I admit that I have been and Alex Jones fan for quiet some time now, the guy can bring it and it’s entertaining radio that blows the shit out of most of the lame crap out there. The guests are occasionally great (although mixed in with the more extreme of the cretins and buffoons who are associated with the so-called Patriot Movement) and there is valuable intel to be had. There is also no greater monitor of the rise of the domestic police state than Jones but the foray into Birther territory is a bridge too far. I have been a bit suspicious of Jones as of late, primarily for an interview awhile back with Peter Dale Scott where the Council For National Policy (CNP) was brought up as a domestic counter to the internationalist Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) and Jones, a well-researched man who is obsessive with documentation claimed ignorance. So it’s the Yankee and Cowboy War all over again right? Dueling factions of the elite with the sunbelt oil magnates and military industrialists throwing down hard.

But I digress…

While the Birther movement has been kept alive largely through the efforts of many hard core activists and the wealthy interests that feed them like the attack dogs that they are it has largely been on the fringes where it belongs until lately when it has burst into the national discourse in what mysteriously coincides with Obama’s push for a public option and health care reform (as well as his rude insistence that the genocidal Israelis stop building those settlements) and a mega billion dollar effort by the medical industrial complex to derail anything resembling true change which would seriously fuck up their longterm plans for a new feudal police state. So the Birther bullshit has surfaced on more ‘respectable’ (and I use that term very loosely) outlets such as CNN (which incidentally is the longtime employer of a certain Mossad asset named Wolf Blitzer) where the painfully spent Lou Dobbs has incorporated it into his nightly anti-immigrant diatribes. Dobbs used to be a respectable personality back in the early days of cable news but with his ongoing descent into the most sleazy and malodorous swamp of shit inhabited by the demented right-wing nativist loons and now his fandango with the Birthers is likely his swan song, or his death knell.

Hey, the man is going to live large for the rest of his life by doing this and what do you really expect from corporate whore CNeNemy? Of course they are letting Dobbs go out in a blaze of embarassment, look at the other even more pathetic Pat Buchanan on MSNBC who literally was butt fucked by a strap-on fitted Rachel Maddow last week and exposed as the rambling and pathetic old white supremacist that the former Nixon henchman always has been although he did have some points occasionally before he was fitted with the drool bucket. The mastodons are braying like banshees in heat now that they are thrashing around in their tar pits, I even heard the poor old neo Nazi G.Gordon Liddy the other day and he is ready to have his jackboots taken from him and fitted with Grampers. These guys no matter whether you agree with them or not at least had some cred once..Now they are corpses being trotted out on scurvy broken down mules to tilt at those phantom librul conspiracists and their windmills. The idiots who buy into this bullshit are an embarassment in general, a sad and mangy bunch of dupes fucked over by the system and being mustered as a last line of defense by the protection racket that serves the oligarchy….were they not so instumental in dragging the rest of us down they wouldn’t even deserve a mention (even passing) in mockery.

Now that Sarah Palin, the Joan of Arc of the aggrieved white bible thumpers has slithered out of the Alaskan Governor’s mansion leaving a slime trail look for the Birthers to have a new leader, a bomb thrower who puts Bill Ayers to shame and who has no qualms about sly innuendos that will drive some bitterman looking for a scapegoat into taking a shot at Obama. This is just one more prong of the multi-faceted assault that would paint him as a secret Muslim, a terrorist or even the Antichrist. Miserable economic times breed the sort of discontent that can be tapped into by an ambitious populist without neither shame nor morals, note the rise of a scorned and fucked up loser named Adolf Hitler. Palin could be OUR Hitler and the Birthers will be a very useful corps from which to draw brownshirts from.

As for my personal message to the Birthers and others who are whipped into a ball-chewing rage by guys like Dobbs:

All that I can say is that old Lou will be collecting his millions laying on a beach while the suckers that he and his ilk have so successfully duped into scapegoating of the dreaded brown menace are standing in bread lines. Thanks idiots… have totally destroyed America, go and wrap that in your flags while you dance around like fools at the tea parties sponsored by the representatives of your own oppressors.

In a true historical context you are out there chucking tea into the dumpster to preserve the rule of the British Monarchy..

But you are all idiots and you wouldn’t know irony if it bit you in the ass.

That’s just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe.


UPDATE: For the record I was too quick to go off on Alex Jones for the failure to recognize the CNP and other whacko religious fronts for the empire. Since I podcast the Jones show there was no way of knowing when I posted this that he had Jeff Sharlet author of the book The Family on as a guest – see link here for download. It was an outstanding interview and Sharlet was on for about an hour, they discussed the Nazi links to this insidious organization that represents a very peculiar interpretation of the gospel of Jesus Christ run through the filter of global domination and the American empire. The admiration of leader Doug Coe of Hitler, Mao and Stalin as well as the power within the American political system of this cancerous group will make the hair on your neck stand up. Other than Sharlet however Jones was back to giving the ‘Birthers’ some credence as well as the standard Mexican bashing. This is what I find so maddening about Alex Jones, there is such brilliant information there at times but it makes me feel dirty wading into the muck to extract it. Just do yourself a favor, fast forward to the Sharlet interview and then stop listening afterwards. I have long suspected that the religious right through organizations like the CNP and The Family are fronts for the CIA and fascism and will be doing extensive research and writing on it in the future.