Category Archives: Solyndra Obama

Tea Party Swine Squeal Over Occupy Wall Street Protests

Eric Ivan Cantor is Especially Concerned about Occupy Wall Street “Mobs”

The Occupy Wall Street protests have been an enormous success despite the media, especially the cadre of right-wing swine who made hay with their phony Tea Party insurgency are squealing now. With the movement gaining momentum and spreading across the country (we even had a gathering here in Tampa on Thursday) it is imperative for the plutocrats, the oligarchy and the neocon war machine to nip it in the bud before moribund and broken Americans get the seeds of an idea that they can take to the streets to force change. I am very pleasantly surprised by the success to this point of the nascent movement, I had become resigned to the thought that Americans would only rebel if Dancing With the Stars was suddenly cancelled, it is not that we don’t have more than our share of economically fucked folks whose futures have been stolen by the pigs on Wall Street but there isn’t the fire, or the character of peoples in other lands who are engaging in serious civil unrest. Even the corrupt corporate media was forced to cover the protests, the hypocrisy of CNN and FOX descending like buzzards to feature a dozen or so teabaggers gathered at a Waffle House with a few “Where’s My Birth Certificate?” signs on a near daily basis and then ignore thousands gathering at the nexus of greed and immorality that is ‘the street’ would have been just a bit too obvious of whose interest those guardians of free speech and a free press truly represent.

The Occupy Wall Street movement really hit it big on Friday when two of the most prominent national political charlatans, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the insipidly slimy Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R) – Tel Aviv took to the air to denounce the protests. Bloomberg, a reliable lackey for the banksters audaciously claimed that those who were basing their operation out of Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park were “destroying jobs”.  This is pretty fucking funny considering that the malefactors of great wealth who use their false legitimacy as “wealth creators” to peddle toilet bogus paper sold as “securities”, receive an endless supply of free money from the U.S. government that they then lend out at usurious interest rates to the same taxpayers who are being shaken down to finance their gambling schemes and target Main Street with their financial weapons of mass destruction. What is Bloomberg to say? He is fully owned by the banking cartels, he would never have become Mayor of the Big Apple otherwise. The financial terrorists have been for too long been looked upon as anything other than the predatory jackals that they are and the day is coming when things are going to be set right. The longer that the protests continue, the more nervous that the smug and arrogant pricks are going to become that the jig is up. As the economy continues to deteriorate and with the imminent default of Greece in the not too distant future blowing another hole in the global matrix of greed and fraudulent wealth we may soon be making something other than bogus investment paper and bombs in America again – guillotines.

The real indicator of just how serious that Occupy Wall Street and the associated protests springing up across the fruited plain would be that Eric Cantor, Netanyahu’s man in Congress has come out now and denounced the protesters as “mobs”. This is as hysterical as it is hypocritical, I didn’t see Cantor anywhere when his lynch mob of white racists, the Tea Party, a phony construct that is nothing more than a re-branding of the hard core haters of the Republican base post-Bush were gathered around the Capitol hectoring and spitting on black legislators who were voting on Obama’s heinous health care ‘reform’ backdoor bailout of the insurance parasites. Cantor is an interesting piece of work as I have previously noted, he is a key man in the upcoming GOP drive to make support for the monsters who are currently running the show in Israel as the central tenet in the 2012 elections. The phony Tea Party with it’s overwhelming percentage of Christian Zionists will be in full storm the beaches mode to ensure that the secret Muslim, the Antichrist and the Commie Barack Hussein Obama has his black ass ousted from the WHITE House come next November. Netanyahu and his cabal of blood drinking freaks are determined to attack Iran and need U.S. support to pull it off. Obama, for all of his failings has been an impediment to launching the strike that would be the opening act of World War III and Christ knows that the Rapture can’t come until the Middle East is engulfed by an apocalypse.

The Tea Party, already packed to the brim with useful idiots who would be overjoyed to pray with Rick Perry at a BBQ/Hank Williams Jr. concert down at “Niggerhead” for Obama’s sudden death (which would be an achievement because God didn’t give a rat’s ass about Perry’s prayers for rain) is a de facto arm of the Israeli right-wing government working to destabilize the United States from within. Anyone who is familiar with the power and tactics of the Israel Lobby understands that in Congress, fealty to God’s Chosen land is essential to hold office, fuck America, our corrupt representatives know who butters their bread – the banks, big money corporations and most importantly the fascist human rights abusing racist Apartheid state Israel. Tea Party king Glenn Beck has been laying low in the weeds while prepping for the rollout of the all in for Israel onslaught of the coming year, visiting Jerusalem and chumming around with CUFI’s Pastor John Hagee. No coincidence that these diseased rats have been increasingly gathering in Texas where Governor Rick Perry is being groomed as their Fuhrer figure.

Cantor has a wild hair up his ass because Occupy Wall Street is a real grass roots movement, it shatters the fraudulent Tea Party as an insurgency and the perception of the sheeple is critical, especially as the Obama v. Israel storyline is cemented into place by the right-wing media. Today the media has out of sheer desperation been saturated with the bullshit manufactured Solyndra scandal, the Republicans, in true style are launching an inquisition that will predictably end in calls for Obama’s impeachment. Solyndra also serves to drive the news cycle away from Occupy Wall Street and to get Americans focused back on what matters – being fleeced by the gangsters in government and on Wall Street and watching football. It is the hope of the power elite that by next week Occupy Wall Street have been flushed down the memory hole and when the media is away, the New York city cops will play, the skull-cracking will commence. Now the entire Solyndra thing is ludicrous for a number of reasons, the Republicans sure as hell never investigated war criminals Bush, Cheney and Rummy for their lies that led the U.S. into two never-ending wars costing trillions of dollars and resulting in thousands of American casualties, hundreds of thousands of dead non-Christian brown people and a military style dictatorship being built on American soil. Such things don’t matter to these pigs, Clinton wasn’t ever hauled in front of their silly tribunals for his ruinous trade pacts that contributed to today’s economic plight nor for dirty dealings with China. It was all bullshit about a Whitewater real estate deal gone sour and for lying about getting his dick sucked by a chubby little trollop. Obama keeps his snake in it’s cage so there is no sex scandal that would truly resonate with the masses of asses so they are now smacking him with the ridiculous Solyndra chicanery. It is also notable that Obama isn’t being investigated for the money that he received from Goldman Sachs and the preferential treatment that his administration has bestowed upon the giant vampire squid when it came to the bailouts. Of course the corruption on Wall Street doesn’t matter to the teabaggers, they only care about taking down Obama over dirty deals that their own Republican leadership don’t have a piece of.

Not only is it total bullshit that the Republican pigfuckers are pissing away more money on this witch hunt but they will not doing a damned thing to investigate Tea Party backers the Koch Brothers for breaking laws and dealing with none other than Iran. In a Bloomberg investigative piece that broke on Monday, the Kochs were outed for circumventing the law and bartering in chemicals with the evil country that according to the talking points wants to “wipe Israel off the face of the map”. This should be the huge scandal, especially since it involves the primary U.S. funders of the phony Tea Party who will be hammering the Obama won’t nuke Iran because he is a Muslim narrative on the campaign trail. Cantor can’t be thrilled with this revelation either, since he has been using his office to shill for the ultra vile Clarion Fund anti-Muslim activist outfit by screening propaganda films like Iranium, a sequel to the mass DVD distribution of Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. The venal and consolidated media won’t print anything else about the Koch  Brother’s Iran dealings, you can take that one to the bank, big money buys a lot of favorable coverage and the Koch’s are flush with it. The Koch brothers also have a huge interest in quashing the Occupy Wall Street protests, they are among the .00001 percent having inherited their fortunes from their Bircher daddy Fred’s dealings with Russian dictator Joseph Stalin.  Of course the teabaggers don’t care about any of this, they were also down with Bush’s grandfather who traded with Hitler.

And so it goes…. right now everything is dependent on the Wall Street protests continuing, this may be the best and last chance to slow down the fascist machine, it is imperative that all of us back these people who are in the streets to the best of our ability because the full fury of the corrupt system is about to be loosed upon them.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe